Deitrych Brownlowe

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Deitrych Brownlowe
Placeholder person.gif
The Silent Knight
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 20
Height/Weight 5'8”/180 ponz
Patron Deity Oschon
Server Balmung



To his mind, Deitrych first opened his eyes in the year 1572, to a very peculiar world – one covered in fire, smoke, and ash, filled with the sounds of the dying, and split by a distant roar. He found himself lying in the ruin of a small village, Brownlowe, named after the man who settled the area and dubbed himself its mayor. By the time he could stand and move, he found those that had been dying to have passed on except for one, a woman, who seemed moved to tears that he had survived. She called him by name, expressed her joy, and passed on. He never learned her name.

He would later learn that Bahamut had scorched the land with its flame and claimed the lives of countless innocents in doing so. How he had managed to survive where so many others lost their lives, he could not begin to guess. With only a blank emptiness filling his mind, he did not even know where to go, now that he had lost the last person in the world who could possibly give him some semblance of direction. And so, he did the only thing he could and set off toward the horizon he just happened to be facing, trusting somewhere in the back of his mind that Oschon would show him the way.

He would spend the next five years moving from place to place, rescuing survivors and fighting any who chose to take advantage of the chaos. A silent protector, giving neither his name nor reassurances that everything would be okay, only pointing them in the direction they should go, in the direction that others before them had gone.


Much of his personality is a mystery, as he rarely speaks. Instead, he has a varied array of facial expressions he uses in place of words.

It is clear through his actions that he has a strong sense of justice, having chosen to seek out survivors rather than pursue any knowledge of himself or his history, yet at the same time he never saw fit to lead them toward any degree of safety, only to point the way.


None currently.


  • Age: 20
    • Nameday:
  • Gender: Male
    • Sexuality: Undecided
  • Height: 5'8”
  • Weight: 180 ponz
  • Body: Lithely athletic build, with no visible scars or markings
  • Hair: Wild and unkempt; brown
  • Eyes: Green
  • Skin: Lightly tanned
  • Clothing: Tends to gravitate toward blacks and grays, or earthen tones, with simple and unadorned clothing.


  • Animals
  • High Places
  • Watching Others (from a distance)
  • Fighting for the good of others


  • Speaking
  • Responsibility
  • Fire


  • Combat Specialist: He is extremely proficient with a wide variety of weapons, though lacks any memory of how he came to gain these skills, though he has refined them over the last five years.
  • Talented Cook: Though he did not begin with any particular skills in this area, he grew rather talented in it over the last five years of having to fend for himself. He can only thank Oschon that he did not eat anything too poisonous within that time.
  • Driven: When he decides on a course of action, there is nothing in the world that can dissuade him.
  • Observant: Staying quiet and watching others has awarded him a surprising skill at discovering things that would normally go unnoticed.


  • Fear of Fire: Any large, uncontrolled blaze is enough to send him skittering off into a dark corner, likely as a result of some dark, repressed memory of Bahamut's flames. A cooking fire, or even an Aether-woven fireball, are not usually enough to set him off however.

Other Notes


Deitrych is the name that was given to him by the woman that died in front of him moments after he opened his eyes for the first time in his memory, though he frequently worries that she may have mistaken him for someone else. Brownlowe, the surname he uses, is merely a nod toward the burned ruin of a village he found himself in.


Though he does not actively worship any of the Twelve, he often thanks Oschon for his various good fortunes. As a wanderer for the last five years, he feels that Oschon is the most likely one to be looking out for him.

Known Haunts
