Pascht Chime

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.:The Shadow That Kills:.
Pascht Chime
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Hybrid
Citizenship Unknown - from beyond the Sagoli
Age 25
Sexuality Heterosexual/misanthropic
Height 5fulms & 9Yalms (5'9")
Mate None
Currently under construction. Content due to change as Character and her story progress. Recently this character has gone through a major overhaul.

Last update: 02/09/15



Pascht has two lapis-blue eyes; sometimes when the light hits them right; they have slivers of gold like her hair. If the light hits them in a dimmer setting; like any cat they shine with a yellowish/lime green chatoyancy. Unnerving when she's in darker places.
Oddly; despite appearing to be a Seeker of the sun, Pascht is actually a hybrid. Her father was a Keeper and her mother a Seeker Appearance wise; she looks like a Seeker. Save for her elongated and filed teeth.*1 Like a keeper; she's often times alone and prefers her solitude. Despite the urge to want to be left alone; she often times is found in Thanalan. Sometimes in Ul'Dah, watching the people of the city.

She's somewhat lanky looking female Seeker who-weirdly, for a seeker- is off on her own a good portion of the time she's seen. ((There's reason for this))

When actually with company, she's somewhat abrasive to be around. She's quick witted, and often will tease the people she's with; not uncommon to say something mean, or taking her teasing too far and hurting other's feelings. Social interaction is not her stronger suit.
  • *1-- Pasch has the elongated canines like a Keeper of the Moon; hoever to add to it. She's actually filed her teeth to further points; literally giving herself 12 fangs; top and bottom, and on both sides of her mouth- along with smaller slightly sharpened teeth.
Body Type
Lapis blue, sometimes able to glimpse gold in them.
strawberry blond/Golden brown.

At a glance

Ever watchful, and cunning. This small Miqo'te female looks lanky, and even a little disproportionate. Her torso, legs, and arms are long. Usually alone, she can sometimes be seen with a shady looking group.
Oddly has the habit of blending into crowds and vanishing; or literally hiding in plain sight.

Behavior and Personality

Everything about Pascht depends on her moods.Often times, she's cold, and distant from others. Mentally and Physically. But sometimes she does get her moments where she's involved with other people and talking with them; Her personality is scathing, abrasive, and sometimes hard to be around. She teases people relentlessly, can be very rude and nasty to others if they get on her nerves, she flat out dislikes the general "Stupidity" of other Miqo'tes. (Especially Keepers) She doesn't like the arrogance of Elezen, despises the loudness of the Roegadyn and Hyurs, and has to resist the urge to kick Lalafels.
In General; this is not a very friendly Miqo'te...
Sadly, Being a blend of both Keeper and Seeker; she has a hard time figuring out what she truly wants. She has the urge to be on her own and left alone,like a Keeper. Yet she still has the want and desire to be near others and near a tribe, like a Seeker. She doesn't doesn't understand why she's so indecisive and often times; makes her irritable.

Other traits

Pascht is a hybrid, thus she has pros and cons of both Seekers and Keepers. She enjoys the night and can see much better at night and dusk; despite her slitted eyes. Overcast days work well for her as well. However; during the day she has a hard time seeing since it's too bright. If it truly is too bright, she's prone to headaches, nausea, dizziness, and her temper turns very sour.

Sense of Humor
Dark, morbid, dry, and cynical, even Jaded.
Emotional Disposition
Quiet, sometimes outgoing, but usually reserved
Moderate-high (Making her mad isn't a good idea)
Sexual Orientation
Slows when inactive, Becomes intensely high when active.
Realistic/Pessemistic (Tries to keep a level head)
Sexual Expressiveness
Very Modest on the outside, behind closed doors can become a monster.
Very low.
Sexual Expressive Style
Outgoing once she's revved up.
Openness to sexual experience
depends on the situation/Her mood.Can go from Low to High instantly.
Weary of others;Sometimes (But rarely) outgoing.
Expression of Beliefs
depends on her mood. Quiet, but sometimes can be "In your face."
Chaotic Neutral
Topics of Conversation
Traveling, Fighting, Food, Drink, Murder
Quirks, Habits, & Oddities
Often found alone, Has a habit of "switching" her personality from quiet and cold, to hellfire. She has a very low tolerence for ignorance and stupidty. She's not above eating other people, she'll hunt people for food...
Hobbies & Enjoyments
Traveling, Other than that, not much else is known about her.
Dimly lit/Dark places.
U'ldah (despite it being bright)
Warm evenings/Warm nights.
The Desert (despite the bright sun).
Hard to reach places to hide (Mainly high up).
Exploring new places.
The Night
The Moon
Dark places

Cold Rain/Dreary days
Bad Meat
Mor Dhona
The Sun
Other Miqo'te when they have the tribe/traditional mentality
Loud/Obnoxious people
Failed Hunts
Large groups
Loud noises
Intense bright light
Stupidity and Ignorance in general.


Favorite Food/Drink: Meat,Sweets, and Ales/Meads
Favorite Creatures: Jackals
Least Favorite Food: Tree Toad Legs
Least Favorite Creature: Puddings

This Miqo'te looks lanky and thin, but she's fast. Don't let the idea of her size being a form of weakness. She's quick, and light on her feet. Being small; she can reach places others cannot. Her forte is close combat, usually using knives and daggers to make marks and inflict damage. If she has to; sometimes she'll use a Bow and Arrow- and she rarely misses her marks.
She thinks fast on her feet; so she'll deliberately find an opponent's weakness and use it against them to try and bring them down. she has a love for inflicting pain once she's provoked, so it's not uncommon for her to make her opponents suffer.
She's not above fighting dirty. If she can find an opportunity to take it; she will. She specializes in working fast and efficiently

Occupation, Skills, and Pastimes

She was a vagrant, not uncommon to just wander the areas. Right now; she's working as a form of bodyguard and hitman for The daughter of Lyyre. She's good at Sewing,and fishing. She can sing very well; but doesn't in front of others too often, mainly since she's alone. She also enjoys playing instruments when she can get her hands on them. She can usually figure out quick tunes in a matter of minutes when handed a new instrument.


Pasch's history is somewhat vague, and mysterious. She doesn't often speak much of her childhood.
Her father was a Keeper and her mother was a Seeker. Her mother died during birth, and thus she grew up with her mother's tribe, her father being a keeper had already left- as per way of the Keepers.
Her childhood was like most others. She grew up with her tribe, and planned to assist the Nuhn with making the tribe grow and keep the bloodline flowing. At first, she was like most of the other girls in her tribe. Excited and looking forwards to helping their tribe. Over time though, knowledge of her mixed blood caused her to become rejected as an outcast. Never fully kicked out, but never quite let in either...
As she got older, Pascht found solace with being alone. The nonstop chitter chatter and gossip of the young women in her tribe irritated her. Because of her preference for silence and being alone, she was further ostracized as she came into adulthood. Too strange and unnatural to be around.
After awhile; when the Nuhn approached Pascht to try and speak with her about her exclusion from the tribe and her possibility of reproducing to further expand the tribe- Pascht snapped. She resented and despised the tribe by that point. Things got out of hand and in the end; she murdered him. With that slaughter of the Nuhn; she then turned on her tribe. Managing to escape the angry mob; she returned at night.
One by one; she went from home to home in her tribe and slaughtered each and every Miqo'te there. Wiping out her whole clan. In an act of psychotic spite and resourcefulness; she actually took the meat of the Nuhn and devoured some of it like a feral animal, then dried it out and took it with her as jerky to feast upon while she traveled... From there; she changed her name to "Pascht Chime" and then set out on traveling. In her wanderings; she hunts often. Not always for just game either. She's hunted other people for food as well. She's not above eating other Miqo'te, Hyur, Roes, Elezen, or Lalafel. Meat is meat; and at this point if she's hungry, if the opportunity is there; she'll take it.

Player Character Relationships
Romantic Attraction Sexual Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

L'Vi Lyyre: Her Current "employer." Doesn't know her too well. U'zhan Tia: Being of similar kin; The two became close. Even going so far as having a short fling for awhile. One of the only scarce few who Pascht would show any form of sexual interest in. However, knowing the male is busy with other mates; she doesn't display any form of interest any longer and merely regards him as a friend. Aq'uila Tyaka: Currently teaching the little scamp a few tricks she knows on how to survive. Once acted as a protector when people wouldn't leave the bird-like Miqo'te alone.
V'aar Tia: Apparently the guardian/keeper of A'quila Tyaka?? Pascht is unsure; the older man is stern, and strict. Almost like a Nuhn-- For it she doesn't particularly like the man. But is still civil since he's close to L'Vi. L'oki wulfskar: She's not sure what to make of this male Miqo'te. He's blind and usually-she'd find him feeble. But something about him is off...Something makes her on edge and doesn't sit right. Mercanuis Runari: A hyur she met in the Quicksand who tried to pick her up for the night; she expressed disinterest and when he pushed the matter; she threatened to gut him.
---- : ... ---- : ...
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Current Events:

Currently, has been seen hanging around Ul'Dah. Sometimes in the company of L'Vi. Other than that; the hybrid hasn't been seen much.


Common Rumors
"What a weird Miqo'te...Always is there, alone."
"Heard she came from another area; somewhere past the Sagoli desert."
"She's always quiet. Maybe she's a mute?"

Moderate Rumors
"She upset my friend awhile back when they asked for her name. Said something insulting I imagine...Never really heard her speak before though."
"She's scary; creeps me out with the weird vibe she gives off."

Rare Rumors
"Don't know what tribe she came from...I heard she murdered them all though. Best to just keep away from her..."
"I've heard she's a halfbreed...You know, part keeper part seeker? Explains why she's all messed up..."

Player Character Rumors
(Have any? feel free to send me a tell and let me know!)


(Art By PaschtChime) (Art By PaschtChime) (Adult version found here: #REDIRECT [[1]] )

More to come soon

Author's Notes/OOC
Some things I want you to know-
This is an adult-themed character. She touches on topics that are morbid,graphic, and possibly mentally disturbing. Please interact at your own risk.
A Big Thanks To...
Templete taken fromD'lyhhia Lhuil & Deirdre Ta'ea! Thank you very much for allowing me to build off of your designs!