Ignera Arbell

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Ishgard.jpg Ignera Arbell
Placeholder person.gif
Of White Sword's
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ishgardian
Age 27
Status Noblewoman
Patron Deity Halone, The Fury



Even from afar you can easily tell she's not any kind of Southerner. Ignera is typically found in a bit more heavier clothing, coming prepared for the cold even if it's blazing hot outside. Has a round, soft face decorated with light freckles, something she is embarrassed enough about to cover a majority of them with make-up. She is also a bit self-conscious about her small, light blue eyes, so she also uses make-up to make them appear a bit larger than they are. Though she seems to constantly fuss about her face, she doesn't make much of a fuss of her hair. Long, and dark brown in color, she mostly just puts it up in either a bun or a pony tail and forgets about it. She'll let her hair down when she's stressed, as brushing strands of hair through her fingers lets her relax a bit more.


(this is still a pretty big WIP, so bear with me ;;;)

  The Arbells

The Arbell family was one of the oldest Houses residing in their continent, known and respected for it's wealth and knowledge in the medical field. Unlike other noble Houses of its kind, the Arbell House head is always a woman. The trial to become the heir was not of purest blood, but of love of their country. Most heads were proved of their worth by becoming veterans of war, women of the cloth that would risk their lives to save soldiers wounded on the battlefield. They were not only seen as a noble House, but people of noble heart. Unfortunately, the Arbell name was stripped of it's noble status when one of the heirs was found not only aiding wounded Ishgardians, but Dravanians as well. Almost all of the members of the House were jailed, exiled, or executed. Those left of the Arbell name were stripped of their wealth and forced to live in poverty for decades.


Ignera remembers her childhood in the slums of the grand citystate of Ishgard, living the streets with people of the same pitiful status. Being your generic kid of poverty, she stole to eat and performed petty jobs to drink. Her mother had resorted to prostitution as a living, but forbid Ignera from ever doing the same, no matter how hard times had hit them. Her father had died in the war, along with surely thousands of others. At the beginning of her adolescence, her mother gave birth to another daughter after having an accident with one of her clients. Even under the circumstances, Ignera loved this new addition to their pathetic family, even though times grew harsher with the new mouth to feed.

  Rags to Somewhat Less Rags

Ignera's life ultimately changed for the better due to a noble lady's jealousy. Though beaten and battered from her poor lifestyle, Ignera did still manage swoon over generous women and convince them to offer her some food or coin from time to time. A high Lady who had remembered Ignera from her trips to the market offered Ignera a job tending the House's garden and performing small tasks in the kitchen.

Only soon after Ignera had begun her work in the lady's home, she was ordered to spy on the high woman's husband, and tell her of the relationship between him and a very certain maid. Ignera, being the thrill-seeking teenager she was at the time, decided it'd be fun not only to spy on the husband and tell the wife his awful secrets, but going as a double agent and offered to spy on the wife as well for the husband would just make it all the more exciting. This surprisingly went well for a good few months, her family eating well thanks to the extra coin coming in from Ignera's spying habits. However, when the couple finally confronted one another and realized they had both been feeding the rat the entire time, Ignera was reported at the speed of light for “stealing” and “erratic behavior”.

When Ignera told the peacemakers her defense (as well as using the kid card) they found her tale and her situation utterly hilarious and even gave her a good pat on the back. But even as they found her charming, they couldn't send her back without some sort of punishment. They sent young Ignera off to work for the local spymaster, someone who Ignera would come to respect dearly, and began to work for her crimes by spying on both nobles and common folk alike and report useful information she came across. Even once her crimes had been paid off, Ignera had decided to stay and continue “working for her country”.

  Finding Nobility

Now off the streets and beginning to settle into a stable lifestyle, Ignera slowly followed the stepping stones to bringing her family name back to at least an ounce of importance as it once did. Though honest work, becoming the left hand of one of Ishgard's spy networks did have rewarding advantages. Through investments and gentle pushes of shady noblemen, Ignera created establishments under the family name. Through inns, pubs, shelters, orphanages, brothels, and other businesses inspired by her humble beginnings, Ignera not only managed to become a well-liked figure by her community by offering jobs and services, but created network of information to make her even more effective at her job.

Thanks to this new found abundance of influence and wealth, applying her name back into the list of nobles was a rather easy task. It had been almost a century since the name had last been there, and only a few now spoke the word with a sour taste. She retires from her position of the spymaster's left hand, but her services are still for her old friends to use and search with. Settling down, her younger sister begins to learn and study, her mother finding peace in old age, and herself finding a sweetheart to continue the legacy with.

  Calamity and Co.

Like any good Ishgardian, Ignera has had her fair share of death and pain dealt from a dragon's claws. Two years after the Calamity shook the entirety of Eorzea, Ignera's fiance and sister were in the outskirts of The Holy See visiting a village that was looking for investments for a library. Before they could agree to terms and conditions, a good bit of dragons visited the village for themselves during the night and burnt the homes of villagers while they still slept within them. Fortunately, her younger sister managed to get outside before the inn collapsed. Unfortunately, Ignera's beloved was not as lucky and burned inside. After this incident, Ignera refused to come outside the protective barrier of Ishgard for years.


Ignera is known among her friends as a generally friendly and outgoing person, though can be outstandingly clueless in unfamiliar situations. Curious as she is kind, Ignera takes almost too much joy in asking strangers and interesting characters questions about themselves and others. Because of this, she is often seen as a noisy type and can annoy those who'd prefer to keep to themselves. As a Ishgardian native, however, she more often than not sees foreign races as odd and will go out of her way to treat them differently because of this.


  • Nicknames: Igna, Iggy, "Sussie"
  • Age: 27
    • Nameday: 6th of First Astral Moon
  • Gender: Female
    • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Alignment: The Holy See
  • Height: 5'5
  • Weight: 130 pounds
  • Body: Small Framed
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Light Blue
  • Skin: Pale
  • Clothing: Heavy, Long Clothing



Areas of Expertise

  • Martial:


  • Crafting:




Other Notes




