P'etri Ksobwa

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 P'etri Ksobwa
P'etri Ksobwa.png
Gender Female
Race Mi'qote
Clan Seekers of the Sun
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa (formerly Ala Mhigo)
Age Indecipherable
Guardian Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Occupation Adventurer, Monk of Rhalgr
Alignment Neutral Good



Full name:  P'etri Ksobwa - (PEH-tri ks-OH-bwa) - The ' is silent.


Pet: Xivrez'to Ithaka's take on P'etri's name.

Current residence: Small house located in the mists.

Relationship Status: Taken by Helia Haloren.

Sexuality: Pansexual


P'etri ready.png

Body: Tall for one of her kind and muscle weighted, P'etri owes it to the gods for her gifted body which allows her pursuit of the ideal of Rhalgr himself. More clumsy than most of her kind but still doning her Miqo'te agility, her legs are her strong point.

Face: Taking little care of her hair than she does for her body has taken it's toll, leaving it a dry, bleached blonde where there could've been more to it. What was usually cut short, has found a newer, more stylish approach, P'etri now favouring sporting dreadlocks, befitting of her tomboy-ish face. Above her eyes she bears a pair of bushy eyebrows. She has shining blue eyes, often looking able to shine right along with her smile when both are shown. P'etri sports old, old battle scars along her face, the only ones that remained after a dangerous encounter during her childhood, one along her small nose and another on her right cheek. Beside the scars, P'etri's cheeks are sprinkled with freckles. P'etri's lips, being part of her worshiped body, are cared for enough to bear lip balm at all occasions, moist and hidrated, but mostly shiny.

Attire: The notorious remarks for P'etri's clothing are the monk garb or equipment that looks as practical as it is useful, while bearing gaps to show her prideful body.


Speech: P'etri tries her best to sound respectful in speech, from years accomodating to Eorzea. Often when roused, her Ala Mhigan accent will show.

Outward Attitude: When dealing with new people, P'etri has cast her Ala Mhigan resentfulness aside, from her experiences in adventuring (and due to it causing hardships). She is outspoken and blunt, and if she isn't being direct, it means she does not fully comprehend the matter at hand. Her ears wiggle and perk respectively of the topic and mood, eye contact is a thing she keeps, unless she is admiring someone for their body. It is not uncommon for P'etri to smile at the unknown, as she's found sometimes, looking dumb can get you ways (She is one to know more than she shows).

Inner Life: P'etri is far more open and less constricted when speaking to those closest to her, taking joy in sparring with her friends, as she's learned it makes for tight ties to form. She tries to match her opponent's strenght as best she can during those, so as to never reveal her true potential. Aside from fisticuff business, she is caring and sometimes even a bit maternal, but she will always believe in her friend's capabilities and their drive and boost it with her own motivating words whenever she feels they're due.

Education and Intelligence: Raised in the womb of the order of the Fists of Rhalgr, P'etri was taught from little to furnish her mind with ideas, ideals and knowledge, but she won't often show how much she knows or has learned from this.

Religion: A vivid follower of Rhalgr, praise given to all those whom follow his offspring for their known dedication, P'etri is zealous to the core. She worships Rhalgr with her body and soul, and it shows.


P'etri and Thya.png

When the going gets tough, this Miqo'te gets tougher. P'etri thrives against adversity and well prepared with a high amount of stamina, she takes the fight head on until she can tilt the scales to her side, starting slow and finishing big. She builds up her strenght the longer the fight goes on, not for reasons of underestimating, but for personal prefference. She isn't one to show off, as much as she likes to amuse herself during the bout.

Fist Weapons

P'etri prefers blunt weapons to bladed weapons, known for using an antique forged copy of the famous Sphairai to their fullest capacity, having grown them as an extension of her body, and mostly to balance out her real strenght, for the sake of balance.


Do not fight an unarmed monk, ever. P'etri refuses to do so and would not seek unnarmed combat with another, for reasons concerning Chakra capacity and conduct.


  • Fighting.
  • Cheering.
  • Her people.
  • The sun and bright areas.
  • Believing she can do anything if she sets her mind to it.
  • Working out.
  • Oiled up muscled men and women.
  • Large bodies of water
  • Having her spars broken into personally.
  • Ul'dhans.
  • Gloating, prancing, lazy rich people.
  • Breaking things that are generally hard to break, with the use of her bare fists.
  • Being able to ingest potentially harmful things and go off with just a bad tummy.
  • Hunting and cooking her meals (badly. See above.).
  • Food: Orange
  • Drink: Orange Juice
  • Location: Abania Gyr
  • Colour: Yellow
  • Monster: Coeurl


P'etri and Helia.png
Romantic Love     Platonic Love     Trusted     Liked     Indifferent     Disliked     Hated


P'dhenna Sol - P'etri's mother. A very caring and loveable mother who fell in love with whom she should not have, which had her and her man banished from her tribe, with the only mercy that their child could return without them one day, to take up their place, out of love for this woman and with a broken heart. P'etri's mother was a skilled Leatherworker and huntress in her tribe, more so one than the latter, and during the couple's refuge and life in Abania Gyr she quickly made herself a new life among those of the temple, supplying the monks with garbs befitting their order, P'etri's being one of them, and greatly cherished. Dead at the hands of the Ala Mhigan forces after the King's betrayal.

P'ksobwa Tia - P'etri's father. Once a lively romantic man, able to sweep any woman off their feet with jovial charm and amazing cooking skills, this earned him and her beloved their woeful ban from the tribe. Mostly not present during P'etri's youth, the man spent too long in his kitchen, dreading what could life had been if he had made other choices, to the point of destroying the relationship with P'etri's mother. Once P'etri learned of her father's deeds it took a great number of her Monk brethren to pry her off her father's beaten body, and after that lesson the two's relationship became one of mere aquaintances, rather than family, but even so P'etri honors the life she was given and by whom it came to be, resentfully or not. Dead at the hands of the Ala Mhigan forces after the King's betrayal.

Close Friends

Helia Haloren - During P'etri's missing months she came to meet this Keeper, who accompanied her and the group of other monks she trained for a long while until they parted ways. P'etri only came to know of the Keeper's true feelings weeks after the same found a Garlean transport which carried escapees from a Garlean prison deep inside Ala Mhigan territory, P'etri being one of them. No one besides P'etri knows the lenghts she has gone to win her heart afterwards, but it'd be safe to assume it was very effective.

Nylesa Tou - Considered a sister by P'etri, Nylesa ascended P'etri's trust for showing herself a kindred spirit, their values and views near side-to-side, making Nylesa one of P'etri's most valued allies and the first person she would seek to protect should potential harm go her way that P'etri has come to know. P'etri's and Nylesa's hearts burn bright with the same youthful spirit that seeks to light up the way to the liberation of their homeland.

Garrison Krios - A Warrior P'etri met whom she shared a free company with, and strong ties, both competitively and emotionally. P'etri saw herself attached to this man out of deep respect for his skills, his life and his views, even through his brute-ish behaviour, she could see through into someone with a flare in his heart and a life to live tough. Often boasts about this man's accomplishments for looking up to him.

Thya Kahzuun - The prodigal disciple of Garrison Krios. Thya earned a place in P'etri's circle due to her ability to chase her goals and her caring facette that she hides deep within her. Despite so, P'etri knows more to Thya than she should, and out of worry, she cannot bring herself to level with the Keeper, being far too maternal towards her. Thya's often bizarro behaviour makes her one of P'etri's most chaotic friends, and the reason she has trouble fully trusting the keeper, as much as she'd like to.

Company Companions

J'inarah Marad - Inarah quickly earned P'etri's trust, as P'etri sees herself in this young Seeker in mysterious ways. Can she see through her guise? If so, then the fact she trusts her should be reason enough to explain itself.

J'kilid Tia - P'etri looks at Kilid seeing in him someone with mind to jump into a cliff and reach the other side of it, no matter how far. The conviction he shows, his fighting spirit and his daredevilness in face of adversity make it in the list of P'etri's favourite things about him. To P'etri, Kilid is a kindred spirit, and a very close contender to share in Nylesa's position.

Xivrez'to Ithaka - At first, P'etri met a thinker, someone who was creative in both speech and admired his output, but then she came to know Xiv, only to grow in likeness towards him. On finding him a follower of the monk traditions, P'etri seeks to transmit whatever possible to help Xiv in his ascension to Monkhood.

Tatayon Jijiyon - The adorable Lalafell that P'etri loves to hug and cares to protect. She might be being a bit too maternal towards him but hopefully that will change.

Myra Tyra - P'etri disliked Myra at first for what she shows of herself, but despite so, feels there is a reason behind it, and trusting of her heart she wishes not to step on this headstrong Lalafell, instead seeking to gain her admiration, despite how far it is to ever happen.

Stone Wall - The fighting spirit of this Roegadyn inspires P'etri to great deeds. She sees an adventurer who's set for great riches and fame, and with all the capabilities to achieve them.

Yoral Porral - Yoral can pretend to be a very convincing pebble in her shoe, but P'etri would only find his behaviour odd at best, even a bit endearing. His offering of slime is still engraved in P'etri's back of the mind, still not sure what to make of the gesture.


Aeron Volkova - Nice and polite, P'etri liked the way the Hyur introduced himself, despite her being busy, she took note of him as being nicknamed Air, by Xiv, and a friend of Xiv's is a friend of P'etri's.

Mustafa Steel - The embodiment of a perfect body many seek to aspire to, and P'etri had herself caught by the miracle this man brought to her life, to be able to gaze upon his magnificence is to know what to aspire to, praise Mustafa.

Aanzo Dinzo - There was something about this Lalafell that caught P'etri's attention. Maybe she will have to meet him...


Please don't use the following information in roleplay unless you've learnt of it ICly.

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Common Rumors

  • "Th' woman is always up at dum'o'clock in th' mornin' makin' up a ruckus in her yard!!" - Neighbour

Moderate Rumors

  • "I've seen her wear some sorta garb once... It wasn't like anythin' I've seen in these parts that's for sure." - Ul'dahn Overlook
  • "I think I've seen her on an' off Little Ala Mhigo plenty a' times but she doesn't look like she fits there. She's a weird one." - Flame Soldier

Rare Rumors

  • "If ya' wanna hear 'bout P'etri Ksobwa ya've come to the wrong place to be askin' those things!" - Ala Mhigan Refugee
  • "You don't ask an Ala Mhigan 'bout other Ala Mhigans, we don't sell eachother out! Now back 'fore I get up an' wreck you!" - Wounded Ala Mhigan Refugee
  • "Ya' actually don't fight half bad... Alright I'll tell ya' 'bout her..." - Beaten Ala Mhigan Refugee

PC Rumors

  • "P'etri's a sweet'eart. Always there fer me in a pinch an' jus' a ray'a sunshine t'be round. One'a th'few folk ah'd trust, ah gotta say." - J'inarah Marad


Theme Songs

Sorairo Days(Fandubbed) for convinience

TV Tropes