Wyra'li Polaali

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 Wyra'li Polaali
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"A charming bard with a heart of crystal."
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Revenant's Toll
Age 25
Sexuality Homosexual
Occupation Mercenary and Crafter
Height/Weight 5 fulms 6 ilms / 139 ponze
Diety None

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Basic Info

For a miqo'te with a crystal buried deep in his chest, Wyra'li Polaali has managed to remain unfathomably jovial. Despite the fact that he's probably carrying the means of his own demise within his sternum, Wyra'li has somehow managed to keep himself up on his feet and traveling the width and breadth of Eorzea, telling jokes and earning laughs wherever he manages to find work and accommodations. After all, he knew naught else but his family trade, loaning himself out to hard work and fair pay for the sake of survival as he moved from one job to another, moving ever farther and farther away from Revenant's Toll, his home. In an effort to sever ties to his family, who had left him for dead the moment they laid their eyes upon him, speared onto a javelin of crystal, he made every effort to make himself scarce. Not only that, but he found it easier to breathe, nonetheless function, the greater the distance he put between himself and areas of great aetheric activity. Unfortunately, though, his travels from one caravan to another has been justifiably suspended thanks to the inevitable growth of the crystal. Unable to bear the thought of his former trading company pitying him or coddling him as he succumbed to the effects of the crystal, Wyra'li fled to the farthest reaches of the Outer La Noscea, fearing that he would end up like those wandering the bowels of Pharos Sirus. Fortunately though, some of the friends that he had made from his journeys were not only good people but great hunters invested in his wellbeing, and they sought him out despite his every intention to evade them. They eventually discovered Wyra'li and began redoubling their efforts to try and find a way to save him from the crystal's growth before it overtook him. At the moment, he is bedridden at the Hermit's Hovel, awaiting treatment and cures from the solutions being sought by his companions and friends.


Jokes, the good and the bad
Challenges, anything to keep his mind working
Warm flavorful food, particularly meat and curry
Solid food
Laughing, he enjoys it immensely.
Groups, as in having his own place in one.
Having his ears rubbed.


Those lacking humor
Being shirtless
Liquid food


Entertainment, both singing and dancing (when he is healthy and hale)
Crafting, as he is a weaver and leather worker and recently adopted culinarian
Quick thinker and risk taker
Fast on his feet and extremely dexterous
Stubborn, determined, and proud (A holy trinity of extremely compatible yet toxic traits)
Pain tolerance (Look to the holy trinity)
Extremely sensitive to aether
Incredibly lucky or, alternatively, incredibly unlucky

Appearance & Personality

During his zenith, Wyra'li was a strapping young lad with muscle enough to carry cargo and perform a variety of jobs with little struggle. He had thighs that hurt to slap, and a punch that would certainly break some cartilage, but because of his wit to perform with as little energy as possible for more coin, Wyra'li spared himself the bulk that was gathered by his eldest brother, but made just as much as he with half the work. His build, as a result, remained lithe and spry up until his decline in health. Being an efficient worker, Wyra'li learned to love having his hair tied up and out of his face and keeps it up even when he sleeps, leading to funny shapes in the locks of short hair framing his cheeks. His bright turquoise hair is due to his demure father's genes, though richer in hue, and for a long time had a healthy almost luxurious sheen. With the color shared by his eyes, Wyra'li finds his color palette pleasantly balanced. Of his entire family, Wyra'li has the lightest skin tone, an overcast grey versus their stormy clouds, a trait that his mother correctly identified as being a sign of poor health.

Known Biography



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Current Relations

Sexual Desire Romantic Interest Platonic Love
Good Standing Neutral Poor Standing
Eir'a Holmen:
Marlon'to Menai:
Deakkov Penritt:
Moirae'wo :
Altaerith Azrael:



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