Kiht'to Moui

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 Kiht'to Moui
Kiht'to Moui.jpg
Former Pirate Captain
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship None
Place of Birth South Shroud
Guardian Menphina
Nameday 23rd Sun of Second Umbral Moon (Age: 27 )
Marital Status Single
Occupation Pirate/ Surgeon
Pronunciation (Keet-toh Moo-wee)
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Kiht'to Moui


Height: 5'10"

Weight: 165 lbs

Complexion: Pale grey blue

Hair: Blueish charcoal, ticked with red

Eyes: Left eye- Cerulean. Right eye- Gold

Particular Traits: Cross shaped scar on his left cheek, and small cuts and nicks in his ears.

Voice: Soothing and slightly boyish, sometimes frightfully cold.

Clothing Style: Prefers the idea less is more



  • Training
  • Sabotage
  • 'Slight of Hand' and magic tricks
  • Occasionally he likes to craft odd little inventions, bizarre wind ups, or strange concealed self defense weapons, usually anything with moving parts catches his eye.


  • Swimming
  • Rough Seas
  • Drinking
  • Machines


  • Seeker Boys
  • Eorzean and Garlean Fleet
  • Watered down drinks


  • Color: Red
  • Food: Spiced and jerked meats
  • Drinks: Rum, lots and lots of Rum
  • Scent: Ocean air and smoke, also partial to petrichor
  • Place: the Red Daisy
  • Festival: None


  • Unknown, but he's got something planning.


  • None


Chaotic Neutral



  • Extremely polite amongst his peers, for all intent and purpose seems like a gentlemen.
  • Loves animals, it's his biggest weakness...
  • Has a Wind up Succubus usually hanging on his shoulder, whispering sweet 'LS' nothings into his ear. The toy seeming to act as a personal assistant, relaying messages between himself, clients, and 'other' associates.... He seems rather attached to it.
  • Tends to put on a show meeting new folk, gauging them before allowing his real personality out.


  • Can let his temper get the best of him
  • Has much to learn to properly fit his ego
  • Sometimes reckless and impulsive


Getting bored


  • Navigation
  • Card Tricks
  • 'Red Daisy' Drinking Champion
  • Medicine, specializing in surgery.


Much like his brother his mind is very quick, able to grasp material and experiences for his own survival. His mind is on constant calculation, watching his environment and weighing every possible outcome, he rather enjoys conflict just to exercise a bored mind. Recently his usual playful demeanor has calmed a little, the loss of his eye placing his focus on things other than having fun.

Abilities and Skills


  • Loves magick tricks
  • Skilled with daggers


  • Hides 9 blades on his person at any one point in time.
  • Carries a bow on his back when in the wilderness, or if the occasion seems to call for it.


  • Skilled in healing simply for personal benefit he's focused his efforts on learning more destructive forms.


  • whether it's his coat or flesh he's handy with a needle and thread.

Family and Relationships

Subject to change/be retcon'd.


Only Living relative left was his twin brother, L'oki. However now, he is the very last of his kin.





- Has captained the 'Red Daisy' for half a decade, giving his crew a large trove of their own to divvy. His goals never being for profit, he's been 'allowed' back to Eorzea by the will of his brother. Leaving his crew to fend for themselves for the time being, he alone takes one of his smaller 'borrowed' vessels and sets sail for the spires of Limsa. It has been 17 years since he last set foot on it's shores, not feeling it's sand for since a small child. No friends, allies, or connections except his recently deceased brother.

- Works under his own volition for 'someone' no further details known.


((This is where people can edit their own rumors or quotes about Kiht'to, if you wish))

Fresh to Eorzea, for the moment he's keeps his actions and presence under the radar.


Name and Lifestyle


Enjoying his time at sea, he feels himself called to the open blue. Spending most of his life either on the ocean or in some shady den, he allowed himself whatever distractions and vices his heart desires. Living his youth to the fullest, as much as he celebrates he also trained himself tediously. Pillaging amongst large malicious Roe's and insane Highlanders, he's trained himself to be even more vicious, removing any notions of a 'frail' keeper merely from a smile. His natural disposition makes him even more violent, unlike his brother he has grown colder, though meeting him you wouldn't have the faintest idea. If crossed or merely bored he'd enjoy buying the fellow a drink of his choosing, tell him he had a 10 min head start before he hunt him down and kill him. After a jovial jog help remove the man of the burden of breathing. Owning the reputation amongst his 'peers' as the bloody beast of the northern seas.

Despite all of this however, after scrubbing decks and cooking sludge for the crew of whatever ship he was on, he fell into a natural talent as the ship's mender. Studying long and hard as the assistant of a rather cranky and spiteful old man, someone who wouldn't give a second thought to shooting an annoying enough patient just to shut them up. After a few years of practice he found himself providing his crew with all the medical attention required. Unfortunately they never even saw the sails of another ship through the fog, only a cry in the distance before the modest boat he'd called home was ripped to splinters. Finding himself knocked into the water below, when he awoke aboard the larger vessel, he realized he was the only survivor.

Beginning a new pirate career under the cruel tutelage of a rather nasty pirate captain, he was whipped and beaten as the ship's swab until Kiht'to's talent for medicine caught the captains eye. Becoming her personal doctor, he treated the captain and whoever he was ordered to. Gaining trust amongst the crewman and their leader after years of playing doctor. Eventually the shackles seemed all but gone as Kiht'to fell in line amongst the savage crew, pillaging and burning their way along the Sea of Jade, plaguing the Garlean's port-towns and merchants. Eventually Kiht'to was given command of a 'commandeered' ship lovingly called 'The Red Daisy,' making a name for himself amongst his crew as a vicious bastard. Rumor's still hushed around the bunkers,however, that Captain 'Jackal,' as Kiht'to was so benevolently called, was fearful of Eorzean shores.

Name Etimology

Traditionally named after his mother, the matriarch of the Sanglun tribe, Kiht'to Moui was the second son after his brother Kiht'a or also called L'oki. However, unlike his brother he retained his former name.


  • Bloodied Jackal
  • Was called 'Little Toe' by his brother born only a few minutes before himself... Don't repeat it unless you hate your insides.

Current Residence

The Drowning Wench Inn

Before Dalamud's Fall

Birth and childhood (0-10)

From birth Kihta was not too fond of his older sibling. Unable to accept how 'weak' he felt his brother to be, he saw the sibling's frailty as a reflection of himself. Even after saving his older brother from a rather unpleasant wolf encounter, he found himself loathing his older sibling. The feud grew more intense over the next few years together, Kiht'to wanting to push himself and his brother to their limits. Fighting constantly he hardly even noticed the odd events within the tribe, until his mother grew ill. Having deep affection for her he became enraged when she passed, accusing the tribe of becoming corrupt and falling from their path, losing his mother as a result. Kiht'to was furious at the tribe's sudden abandonment of their ways as they joined with another clan. His rage building more seeing his brother's compliance as a betrayal to their mother. Before he could enact his revenge upon them, Kiht'a intervened out of protection for the tribe. After a long and rather vicious brawl between the two siblings, Kiht'to fell sick suddenly, realizing his brother had drugged his water-skin before their confrontation. Sedated heavily to a point of near death, the older sibling quietly said his farewells, leaving him on a raft to drift south where he eventually drifted out to sea. He was eventually picked out of the water by some unsavory folk, who brought them aboard their ship. Making him their cook, chamber maid, and general 'swabbie'.

Teen Years

Kiht'to saw opportunities and took them, any chance to climb the 'pirate social ladder' he would gladly accept. At first he often had himself beat into a bloody pulp, or drug on a line off the bow of the ship. However his natural talents and early training, courtesy of his 'older' brother, he was put under the guidance and training of the ship's doctor for a few years. Getting beat still but much less often, he became fairly apt at surgery, amputating limbs or removing shrapnel. He rarely used his aetherical talents, preferring herbs and needle and thread to the 'lighter path' of mending flesh with magic. Eventually he was given a chance to actually run with the raiding crew, on a particular evening where they had become surrounded by a hunting party. Kiht'to took to the water, seemingly abandoning ship, but heading straight towards the enemy fleet. Kiht'to bravely tried to disable the man'o'war's rudder chains, but was quickly set upon but large Roegadyns, clad in nothing but a cloth. Falling into the water from a rather horrific blow to his head, he remembers falling into the water, feeling the dark close around him. That was before he awoken and found himself in a new sort of hell, swab to a angry and bloody pirate captain, one whom didn't mind making Kiht'to an example amongst his surviving crewmen. However Kiht'to is quick with his tongue, and managed to slowly begin gaining the trust he needed to continue his climb to the top.

After Dalamud's Fall


Kiht'to gained a reputation among his crewman, one to be trusted but never crossed. Becoming the Captain's personal Doctor and confidant, he was granted his own ship to command as a name-day present, and license to begin plundering under the Captain as Kiht'to saw fit. As a skilled surgeon he gave his services for a nifty profit to whatever black flag waiving scoundrel that required. On his own ship they began raiding the supply docks of the Garlean Empire, skirting the boundaries of Eorzea's shores as a get away. Every once in awhile the crew managed to board a trading vessel or two, despite the Daisy's 'modest' size. Kiht'to's mood seemed to change with the moon, his temper flaring in the new moon, and his mercy known upon a full moon, some vessels even changing or stopping their shipments specifically for this schedule. He seemed to grow more bitter, and less forgiving. Now his smile is warm,inviting even, but his eye's are colder than the deepest depths of the north.

A Realm Reborn (Present, 23)

Kiht'to Moui received an odd letter one evening, the only known contents of being it was from the Captain's brother. Immediately setting sail for Limsa, they headed west until they saw the spires. The odd behavior of the captain continued as he takes a small boat and makes his way into the 'enemy' territory of the Maelstrom's. For weeks he was gone, leaving his crew to begin coming up with their own plans, before he finally returned already in an unpleasant mood, to a bunch of mutinous raving pirates. In the end, the Red Daisy fell to the bottom of the ocean, along with it's crew. Miraculously the captain awakes on shore, losing his crew, his ship, and now his eye, making him laugh for a couple hours under the beating sun as he made his way to Ul'dah. Now he can be seen playing cards, winning drinking games, and generally causing raucous in the 'sand', usually after doing some unknown 'charity' work early in the morning. However, Kiht'to is never one to just laze about, his nature dictates, he's up to something.

Other Notes

Wanted for Interesting Roleplay

  • Pirate crew
  • Romance (Kiht'to is Hetero)
  • General bar buddies