Jessika Saphir

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Ishgard.jpg Jessika Saphir
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Duskwight
Citizenship Ishgard
Age 25
Height/Weight *death glare*
Profession Archer
Patron Deity Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Server Balmung

Jessika Saphir (born Jessielle Vignesang, 28th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon (27 Sep)) is a Duskwight Elezen from the borderland area between Thanalan and the Black Shroud. Raised from a young age in an Ala Mhigan refugee village, Jessika learned archery and how to survive in the virtually untamed forest. She has since set out from her home, wielding her bow and arrows for any who are unable to protect themselves.

Basic Info




Those who abuse their strength


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Vice(s): Has been known to use illicit substances, on occasion
Favorite Food: Boiled Crawfish and Landtrap Salad
Favorite Drink: Mulled Tea with Lemon
Favorite Color: Red

Appearance & Personality

Tall and lithe, Jessika is an average Duskwight Elezen. Her skin is charcoal grey with just a hint of a blue tint; her hair, naturally dark grey, is streaked with bright blue highlights, matching the bright blue freckles on her cheeks and the striking blue of her eyes. She wears loose armor of leather and heavy cloth while adventuring, and simpler, less conspicuous threads at other times.
Jessika is weary of immediately trusting most people, instead making sure the potential acquaintance (or friend) is trustworthy and definitely not Ishgardian. She is often very quiet, rarely making the effort to begin a conversation. She is open about where she grew up and her life, but will immediately shut down any effort to learn about her actual homeland.
Jessika is an able musician, singing songs she learned from her Ala Mhigan neighbors growing up. She also knows a few traditional battlefield songs meant to encourage her companions when engaged in battle. Though she hasn't composed any music of her own, she can sometimes be caught humming to herself a dark, foreboding tune. When asked about it, she'll comment that she had learned the tune growing up, but doesn't know what the song is.



Jessika Saphir was born in Ishgard, the daughter of loyal servants to one of the noble houses. When she was four years old, rumors began that the house her father served were heretics in league with the Dravanians. As servants and soldiers began to be accused of heresy and executed, Jessika and her family fled into exile, traveling through the Black Shroud until they came upon an Ala Mhigan encampment in the borderlands between the Shroud and Thanalan. Being accepted as fellow exiles, Jessika and her family settled there, helping build the camp into a small - but much more permanent - settlement.

When Jessika was 13, she took up a bow and arrow to begin hunting, as buying meat was becoming too expensive for the limited wealth her family had fled Ishgard with. Jessika integrated with the Ala Mhigan society, learning many of their customs and traditions, songs, and worship - much to her parents' chagrin, Jessika even began to hold Rhalgr as her patron deity, rather than Halone.


Jessika was 19 when Dalamud began its descent, and the remote village found itself plagued by ever increasingly hostile wildlife. The spirits of the Shroud, until then content to ignore the plight of the Ala Mhigans, began assaulting the village as well. Many of the people Jessika had grown up with joined the Grand Companies of Limsa Lominsa and Ul'dah, hoping to prove themselves in battle against the invading Garleans at Carteneau. Jessika, meanwhile, remained behind with her childhood friend and secret lover, Brigid.


Hoping to join the village defenders, the two left the safety of the catacombs under the village and followed the defenders as they fought off a monstrous beast that had been spotted near the town, the coeurl Maahes. The girls were surprised by the beast, finding it before the defenders could, and fought to escape. Jessika was knocked to the ground stunned in the ambush. Before Maahes could attack her, however, Brigid pounced on the beast's back, driving her sword into its neck. Maahes turned its attention on Brigid, bucking her off and knocking her down. Before Brigid could get off the ground, Maahes turned and petrified the young woman mid-scream, presumably killing her.

The defenders finally caught up with the beast and drove it away. Jessika clung to the frozen corpse of Brigid, sobbing as darkness enveloped her; she blacked out, and isn't sure what happened after. The next thing she could remember, she was being awoken by one of the village defenders. Beneath her, Brigid was unconscious - she was alive. The defenders spoke later of a dark cloud that had been circling the pair, and when it dissipated the two were lying on the ground. Most had seen Brigid petrified; none had any explanation for the bizarre display. Some believed Jessika and her parents were really Dravanian heretics, and the strange power Jessika displayed was draconic magic. Others believed Jessika had made a deal with voidsent, and was nothing more than a puppet now. Others blamed the odd occurance on Dalamud's descent, which had been affecting everything in the land. Regardless, Jessika and her parents were viewed with distrust and, on occasion, fear. Even Brigid, after she discovered what had happened, left Jessika.

Dalamud fell. Bahamut was unleashed. Jessika watched in despair as the dragon destroyed much of the land around her home. The townsfolk took refuge again in the catacombs, and returned to the surface to find a few of their homes burned to the ground, and their fields razed. Some of the families had perished in Bahamut's destruction, but otherwise the village was intact. Those who feared Jessika and her family now looked at them with loathing, as the former power that had saved Brigid just a moon earlier was nowhere to be found.

Coming to Gridania

Jessika remained in the village after the Calamity, helping to rebuild the town and return life to some semblance of normal. The spirits of the Shroud continued to antagonize the Ala Mhigans, and no help came from Gridania, Ul'dah, or the other refugee settlements. Jessika was plagued by nightmares of the Calamity and, coupled with the depression of losing Brigid, turned to the drug somnus to sleep. On one particularly scary trip, Jessika fell into a deep sleep for days. After that harrowing experience, she only ever uses enough to be drowsy or to calm her nerves in particularly uncomfortable situations.

Jessika learned at this time that her parents had fled Ishgard amidst unfounded rumors of heresy. The accusations, her father told her, stemmed from an Inquisitor notorious for decimating many of the old houses of Ishgard. She decided then that she would leave the town, hoping to find the man responsible for her family's plight.

Jessika arrived in Gridania on the doorstep of the Archers' guild, a year to the day after saving Brigid. She would train at the guild for four years, honing and perfecting her skills. Free time was spent researching as much as she could about her reclusive homeland, and she decided that the unrestricted life of an adventurer would allow her to enter the Holy See unhindered. She registered with the Adventurers' guild, and began her journey.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Surprised she turned out. She usually doesn't do well in crowds."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Did'ja see th' way th' grey was lookin' at me, mate?" "No, but I saw th' way she was eyein' the barmaid behind yer sorry arse."
"Not exactly a…traditional name, is it? Fer an Elezen, I mean."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Poor thing jumped nearly a yalm when someone mentioned being from Ishgard." "Maybe she's one of those heretics?" "Who knows?"
"Saw it with my own eyes, I did! One moment, she was just a statue, and then everything got dark. The next thing we knew, they were both just layin' there, and she was as alive as she had been before the beast! The Dusk' has Voidsent in her veins, I'd swear it!"
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"Even though we've talked a fair bit, I still feel like I don't know anything about her. Takes some figuring out, that's for sure." - Ludivine Goultard
"She's a very nice person, and I hope sometime I can make amends for..." - Vasque Desmarais

((Add your own if you know Jessika!))


Romantic Interest     Friends      Good Standing     Wary
Sasani Sani - "Sani is…so incredible. She waited patiently, and she didn't even know how I'd react. She was very brave…and I'm so happy she did kiss me."
Vasque Desmarais
Jussi Du'bwa - "JD is an incredibly gifted archer. And a good thing, too, or I fear Silvairre would not respect her as he does. She's been a wonderful student, and she's become a wonderful companion and confidante."
Ludivine Goultard
Sasari Sari
Aireiel Shipkeeper
Garryson Shipkeeper
X'raena Tsuhne
Marques Couronneau
Fheyla Haken
Ska Haken
Cassandra Lachance




Profile pic courtesy of Ska Haken! Thank you so much, I love it!!

This template was created by Bancroft Gairn, stolen from Ludivine Goultard. Thanks y'all!