Koh'si Jakkya

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Koh'si Jakkya
Koh'si Jakkya.png
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 19
Marital Status ???
Occupation Pugilist
Height/Weight 5 fulm 3 ilm / 125 ponz

Koh'si Jakkya (17th Sun, 1st Umbral Moon) is a pugilist training in Ul'dah. Born in the southern Shroud among the Coeurlclaws, he was relocated to Ul'dah at a young age and knows the city like the back of his hand.

Basic Info


Clear Night Skies
Any Type of Poultry


Getting Wet
Harsh Light
Mismatched Clothes


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Vice(s): Easily Frustrated
Favorite Food: Grilled Dodo
Favorite Drink: Apple Juice
Favorite Color: Red

Appearance & Personality

Koh'si has pale blue eyes, unkempt auburn hair, and the pale, sensitive skin that is characteristic of a Keeper of the Moon. The right side of his face is marked with tattoos he got after first leaving Ul'dah, and he is almost always wearing face paint across his eyes to help deflect the glare of the harsh Thanalan sunlight. He is quite a bit smaller than average height for a Miqo'te, but makes up for it with his agility. His body is built of lean muscle, toned from practicing for hours on end in the Pugilist guild. His tail is slightly longer than normal in proportion to his height and extremely fluffy.

Koh'si does not trust easily. Although he is aloof (and rather rude) around strangers, he is quite the opposite with his friends. He enjoys teasing and pestering them, and considers them a second family. He puts the good of those he cares about above his own safety and is strikingly loyal once he has been won over. That said, he can easily become jealous and rather spiteful if he is slighted or feels that someone is threatening his ties to his friends. He enjoys compliments and praise from those he trusts, but becomes extremely uncomfortable when the center of attention around strangers. He will likely stick to his friends like glue if one is nearby.

Koh'si has high expectations for himself. Failure to meet his own standards frustrates him to no end, and has often been the driving force behind his training. He cares little for the standards of people whose opinion he does not value.



Koh'si was born the third son of his mother, and never quite outgrew her disappointment that he was not the daughter she'd been hoping for. His time among the Coeurlclaws was brief. During his 6th summer, he strayed a bit too far and found himself lost in the rush of panicked Quarrymill inhabitants fleeing from a Coeurlclaw raid. He was swept along with the refugees and ended up lost, confused, and very much alone in the city-state of Gridania.

Fortunately, he was not lost for long. A Keeper of the Moon residing within the city named Okha found him (or more likely heard him wailing) by the Rosewood Stalls and took him under her wing. She shepherded him with her to Ul'dah, where she hoped to become a dancer, and raised Koh'si on the Steps of Nald with the other dancers. To this day, he is still fiercely protective of the women who raised him.

Early Adolescence

As Koh grew older, his need to explore grew with him. He often wandered the streets of Ul'dah at night, hiding himself away in a corner of the Quicksand and listening to the stories adventurers brought back with them, feeding his imagination and bolstering his rather fragile self-esteem. While adventuring was a pleasant daydream, Koh'si found that it was not a realistic option for him at the time. He was often worried for his adoptive mother and the advances of her patrons, and was reluctant to stray too far from her when she worked.

Fortunately for the young Miqo'te, he was not the only one watching out for his mother. Koh'si met Kekemori Lelemori when he was in his 10th summer after the Lalafell's current employer attempted to court Okha. He was largely unsuccessful thanks to the impromptu teamwork between the two secondary parties. Since then, Keke has been Koh's most trusted friend.

In fact, it was Keke that encouraged Koh'si to join the Pugilist's guild within the city. The boy had attempted to practice with other weapons and found he was no good with anything but his hands. He had quickly become fascinated by the quick jabs and kicks he saw thrown on the practice mat, often practicing with Keke and showing off moves he painstakingly copied from watching the guild members' matches. With a little encouragement from his friend, and the approval of his adoptive mother, he entered the guild at the age of 15 and has been practicing with a diligence he reserves for only the most important of tasks.


Currently, Koh'si has been training hard, and wandering his way through Eorzea as an adventurer. While he does make frequent stops in Ul'dah to visit his adoptive mother, he has found that he quite enjoys La Noscea and can often be found traveling on the island. He still greatly enjoys spending time with Keke, following the Lalafell on his exploits, and (somewhat reluctantly) meeting Keke's many acquaintances.

At Kekemori's insistence, he joined a group of mercenaries hired by the Maelstrom. He spent nearly half a year working with them, and will not talk about it unless prodded. After leaving, Koh'si quickly realized that he'd become used to having a bed to sleep in every night, and began searching for another place that could provide one. He found flyers advertising the Harbingers of Dawn, and began sneaking in for meetings (and the free food after).


■ Koh'si holds Miqo'te dancers in high respect and will not hesitate to defend them by whatever means necessary.
■ He has some trouble with his vision (especially in daylight) and is prone to headaches.
■ He regrets piercing his ears.
■ Koh'si's name does not fit the usual pattern for Keepers for the Moon because of a misspelling he made as a child. Instead of properly writing out Koh'li to signify that he was the 3rd son in his family, he mistakenly wrote Koh'si because his hands were shaking from nerves.
■ Because Koh'si was raised in Ul'dah, he acts more like the Lalafell he grew up with than a proper Keeper of the Moon.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"That guy? I heard he's a prick."
"I've seen him eat an entire dodo in one sitting. It was terrifying."
"That one's violent. I've heard him picking fights and breaking things around the estate."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Isn't he always hanging around with that Lalafell? The one dressed like a tin can?"
"I saw him try to take on a whole group of coves harassing a dancer. He's lucky a real fighter showed up to help."
"One time, he punched a lady before he even learned her name."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"Heheheh, yer better off makin' friends with a coeurl, jus' sayin'. Of course, you ever seen a tamed coeurl?" --Kekemori Lelemori
"Koh'si can be a handful sometimes, but he's got your back in a fight, definitely. Be a friend to him and he'll return the favour; I highly suggest not letting conversation veer towards topics of underdrawers, though. Really." --Cessna Forsythe
"He's smart and incredibly nice too, even though he doesn't seem like it at first! I like him a lot! Just don't tell him I said that..." --Faolan Donne
"Ah, Idiot Number Three! We are friends. Yes. Oh, those words he said? They were not mean, no. That is how he jokes to others. Naturally. It is all fun. Very much so. Though, I believe my jokes to be better, hehe..." --Clover Covey


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
Faolan Donne: His boyfriend? Both parties are still unsure about how this type of relationship works, but Koh'si is trying his best to understand his feelings for Faolan.
Kekemori Lelemori: His best friend. There are few Koh'si trusts as much as Keke, and fewer whose company he enjoys. While he can get irritated with the Lala and his teasing, it never lasts long enough to harm their relationship.
Cessna Forsythe: A friend introduced to him by Kekemori, Koh'si is cautiously optimistic about Cessna. Her demeanor reminds him of his adoptive mother and as such, he is very quick to defend her.
L'Yuta Tia: A friend of Cessna's, who has since become tolerable. Koh'si is still learning to properly trust the other Miqo'te, and enjoys poking fun at him at every opportunity.
Deus Trucido: A friend Koh'si made soon after joining the Harbingers. Deus can be somewhat of an annoyance at times, but Koh'si is sure his heart is in the right place.
Clover Covey: An acquaintance within the Harbingers. Though Koh'si has begun to attempt a more civil approach, he would like nothing more than to punch her in the face.


