A'xun Enocan

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Ul'dah-transparent.png A'xun Enocan
alt text
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 36
Marital Status Married
Occupation Bartender, Dancer, and Masseuse at the Flickering Flame
Height/Weight 6', 185 lbs
Orientation Gay, Polyamorous

(Undergoing massive rewrite/facelift. Please be patient.)


Men (though he does not seem "into" Roe or Lalafeel. This does include feminine males and cross dressers.)
Making new friends
The word "fabulous." He uses it. A lot.


Being alone
Showing his real emotions to the general public


Alignment: Neutral Evil
Vice(s): Whiskey, Somnus, virgins, pretty boys
Favorite Food: Red meat
Favorite Drink: Whiskey of the aether heavy variety
Favorite Color: Pink (on others, not himself), gold, medium to dark blues, medium to dark purples, red, black

Appearance & Personality

About six feet in height, with a rich dark dusky-blue skin. Though he is a mage, he sports an athletic and toned body, nicely muscled, without being overly done or too buff. Slightly androgynous in the face, with long lashes and full lips, often seen sporting eyeshadow and lip paint in subtle hues that compliment his tones. His hair, primarily that of a deep raven black, is often highlighed in various colors, though colors which overall seem to compliment him are used, hangs well to his waist. He cares a lot about how it looks and is often fussing with it. His nails are a bit longer and sharper than perhaps some other miqo'te, almost like talons. One might think he paints them, but they are naturally ebon in color. There is a large scar upon the left side of his face, from about forehead to chin, appears to have been made with a knife; a smaller scar, on the right side above his jaw, also apparently made with a small knife; left eye a deep rich crimson, right eye a brilliant and vibrant red-orange Personality

A'xun tends to be outgoing most of the time. He also tends to be highly flirtatious on occasion, and rarely holds back from speaking his mind, which has gotten him in trouble a time or two. He has been described as silver-tongued, and can be quite charming when he is of a mind to be so. He doesn't seem to care much one way or the other about what others think of him, with the exception perhaps of a small handful of those he calls friend. He has a bit of a temper to, and is known to be fiercely protective of his friends and mates, sometimes to a fault. Also known to be at times cocky, arrogant and a bit of a peacock, he also has a gentler, caring more nurturing side, though again, only a few have been privy to this as well.

A'xun is a non-traditional Keeper, preferring the company of males over females, and has long since been removed from tribal traditions. He is one of those who is either liked or disliked, with very few ever going in between. Depending on who you ask, he is either an a**hole or a great individual to know. Honing his craft as a Black Mage, he has a definite affinity for fire magics. He tends to be fairly easy going, but also gets riled at times. Rumors abound about him, with very few seeming to have any actual basis on any minor facts. These he easily dismisses, figuring he can't stop someone from believing a rumor, and has been lucky enough to meet a few who got to know him, perhaps because of some of the rumors, and has developed a small circle of friends, preferring quality over quantity. There are also those "acquaintances" individuals he knows in passing, maybe enough to talk to, but who haven't quite earned the trust to be called friend. He is one of those types who can be really likeable one day, and then does something the next to raise questions in one's mind the next. However, despite his flaws, the fact remains he is loyal to those who have earned his trust, and can be a good individual to have on your side.








Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"He's a complete sl*t."
"I know for a 'fact' that he has a harem."
"He's good with his hands. Gives a great massage."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Pretty sure he's an alcoholic. Seems to be drinking almost nonstop. I've even seen him order whiskey in his morning coffee!"
"I'm pretty sure he doesn't own a shirt."
"He has a very sadistic streak. But some people are into that, I guess?"
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"He is a misunderstood individual, that would give his life for you if he cares about you."
"I heard he eats people. As in... like a cannibal."
"Not many know this, but he doesn't like being alone, and that is why he tends to have multiple lovers."
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"Xun...is very kind. He's warm... I really like him..." - Devin Grey
"He makes my butterflies tickle.." - Thala'to Relehna


💘 Crush Romantic Interest 💑 In a relationship Previous Romantic Interest Platonic Love Flirting with 💗 Sexual Desire Good Standing Poor Standing

Disclaimer: A'xun's opinions about people are purely IC and are not to be mistaken for opinions of the player.

Status Name Header text
U'quih Tia A'xun's husband. He met the charming Seeker at the Quicksand, and while they did everything backwards (lovers before friends before getting married), it has worked out for them well. Quih has been there for the Keeper through a lot of drama, fallings out, and losses. He has been one of the consistencies in A'xun's hectic life.
D'aryn Wolfwood A'xun's lover, Wolfwood was hard-won and hard-kept. He keeps the Keeper on his toes, and serves as one who forces A'xun to think much of the time about decisions the impulsive man is prone to making. Wolfwood is also usually quick to try and keep those who deems potentially dangerous to Xun away.
Devin Grey A'xun's third and youngest mate. Their relationship blossomed slowly, with Xun first taking the role of protector and mentor as Devin learned Thaumaturgy, over time, friendship and guardianship became something more. Xun helped bring the once timid Keeper out of his shell.
💗 Rick Fairchild A midlander that Xun honestly can't remember when or where he met him. HOwever, the pair were of similar personality, and a rather quick, if slightly flirtatious friendship was born.
💗 Rubh'a Lerheva A rarely seen, but fondly viewed Keeper Xun had the pleasure of meeting while bar tending at the former Speakeasy, Ruby and Xun have an interesting, heavily charged and flirtatious dynamic. The pair are entertaining to watch together, though not many see the playful interactions.
💗 Lyn'to Amariyo Lyn'to is a Keeper Xun met while travelling. The two seemed to get along well, a friendship forming quickly, and over time, learning of each other, they became close, finding they had a lot in common with one another, including having Seekers for husbands.
💗 Thala'to Relehna A former mate of A'xun's, the once-close pair maintain a cautious friendship, though they rarely speak since the break up. Circumstances on Xun's life unfortunately cause Thal to feel he did not belong in it anymore. Xun still views Thal quite fondly.
G'leo Nunh A Seeker Xun met one time in the Quicksand and quite boldly gave a back massage to in said place. He doesn't see Leo often, but still remembers their first meeting quite fondly.
Iska'ra Epocan A rather cute A'xun met once while on one of his many prowls. A recent conversation left A'xun both confused, and a little angry, when, after so much obvious flirting and mutual attraction, Iska'ra abruptly called an end to it, apparently deciding he wanted no part of the way A'xun lived.
💗 Sebra'li Jinjahl Xun happened across this gorgeous pale Keeper at the bar. You can imagine Xun's surprise to be called by the name of his father, whom he looks like just about perfectly. Through talks, he assured Seb that he is not Ra'vahn, but they did, in fact, learn they shared said father.
💗 Rhuya'tan Maivha A very unusual youngish Keeper who came to A'xun's company in need of protection. Not one to turn away one in need, A'xun took him in. A'xun enjoys making him blush.
M'ikal Tia A quiet and shy little Seeker Xun has only met a few times. He knows Quih seems to like him though, and has given the young male help in times when he needed it most. He is not threatened by their friendship at all, and encourages it.
Kazuhiro Williams The -only- Roe to date A'xun actually likes and calls friend.
💗 Rah'na Lihzeh A very sweet young Keeper A'xun met through another friend. Rhan'a seemed quite taken with the older Keeper and is frequently found at the Flickering Flame, being spoiled in some form. A'xun is quite protective of "the little blueberry" as he calls him.
💗 A'dria Tia A bold and sassy Seeker Xun grew to like quite quickly. Met while relaxing at the Quicksand, A'dria grew on the Keeper. He is now usually seen at the Flickering Flame.
💗 Mazhara Tia A Seeker met during one of his many trips to the Gold Saucer, Mazh struck him as a little on the sweet side. As their friendship grew, as well as Mazh's friendship with Quih, eventually the Seeker decided to join them in their company.
Leon Rooker An immense mountain of a Highlander, Xun and Leon get on quite well together. Eventually Xun offered him the position of head of security in the company.
Tris'tan Aonar A quiet and shy Keeper who was once a friend of Devin's. Tris'tan is still slightly afraid of A'xun and the older Keeper has no idea why.
💗 J'sano Tia A flirtatious acquaintance.
Jafar Enocan A'xun's first born son.
U'rhavan Enocan A'xun's second born son.
Chris Steele A highlander who wandered into the Flickering Flame one day, in need of food and rest. He was impressive, and eventually Xun decided to hire him as security.
💗 Leli'sae Mersalah A small and sassy pirate Keeper Xun is actually immensely fond of. It's not often he meets someone who can nearly match him drink for drink after all!
💗 Soho Tia Soho was met during A'xun's time at the Speakeasy. The pair often flirt quite heavily together, as well as sharing mutual vices.
💗 Charon Rook Rook was a very shy and quiet little Miqo'te Xun had the pleasure of meeting during one of his many trips to the Golden Saucer. Rook is now Xun's cherished pet and companion, and he is very protective of him.


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