Sarantsatsr Qalli

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 Sarantsatsr Qalli
Sarantsatsr Qalli 06 24 2015 03 14 51.png
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 26
Name Day 30th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Guardian Menphina
Occupation Warrior/song teacher
Free Company The Gullwings <YRP>
Sexuality Asexual


Name: Sarantsatsr Qalli (pronounced: Sah-RAHN-sat-ser Kah-lee)

Age: 26

Home: Hasn't settled

Current Residence: None

Occupation: Warrior in her tribe, but when not warring, she teaches the children song and how to find their voice.

Income: None.

Talents/Skills: She is an excellent huntress, and unwavering combatant.

Romantic Relationships: None as of yet.

Theme song:

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'

Weight: 146 pounds

Race: Au Ra - Xaela

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Long, one braid in the back, the rest loose.

Skin color: A dark blue.

Distinguishing features: She has quite a number of facial scales, and has visible scars on various places on her body. She also carries quite the bit of muscle tone.

How she dresses: She loves wearing feminine clothing, like dresses and the like! She prefers clothing that isn't tight on her skin, however when in combat she chooses thicker leathers.

Mannerisms: Humming, whistling, cracking her joints (mostly her knuckles), twirls jewelry (mostly rings), plays with her glasses.

Hobbies: While she does sing when speaking anyway, she enjoys coming up with songs and music to play along with it. She tells stories through song, and spreads stories to others in this way. Mostly, of combat or hunts, and with the occasional myth or folktale with it. Another hobby of hers is tinkering in machinery, though this is a recent thing since coming to Eorzea.

Speech patterns: She sings as she speaks, vocalizing her words and conveying her emotion through her tone and energy! She often speaks like a lullaby, though when excited her wording is much faster, and she has quite the range!

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: She has no educational background and does not know how to read or write. She learned everything from her tribe, and teaches what she learned to the younger generations.

Intelligence Level: Average

How does she see herself?: She sees herself as a quiet, powerful being. She loves, she expresses, and she fights. She is unwavering and she knows it, and will not back down from a challenge, even if it's not in her favour. She'd rather lose but try, than lose because she did not try.

How self-confident is the character?: She is very confident, and comfortable in her confidence.

Personality Traits:

Positive traits:

  • Dependable
  • Witty
  • Hard working
  • Emotional
  • Kind
  • Patient
  • Reasonable/respectful


  • Boastful
  • Sharp witted
  • Soft hearted


  • Quick tempered
  • Stubborn
  • Hoarder
  • Restless

Emotional Characteristics

Introvert or Extrovert?: Somewhere between

How does the character deal with strong emotion?: She throws things, screams, and otherwise gets her energy out physically, but never with the living.

What does the character want out of life?: Safety, and to see the world.

What frightens this character?:

What makes this character happy?: Hearing others sing and be happy

Is the character judgmental of others?: Sometimes, she's very quick to judge others intentions. She's equally right or wrong about her hunches.

Is the character generally polite or rude?: She's generally very polite and easy to get along with.

The Character

Saransatsr grew up and lived the tribe life since she was born, and only recently has grown tired of the conflict it brings and the movement. She has grown restless in traveling, and wants to find somewhere solid to part ways with the old and settle down with the new. She learned that travel to Eorzea was open, and boarded the first ship over!

She's both excited and nervous to be in this new land, but is looking to meet others, find peace and a home.


Saransatsr is very physically strong and muscled, she fights typically through physical combat such as wrestling and otherwise subduing opponents. She uses her low center of gravity to plow larger opponents down and get them on the ground, where he can be quite brutal. She sometimes uses knives and other weaponry, but does better with her hands. It is not very often a fight presents itself, but within her tribe she typically play wrestles with others, spars with them, or generally goes out and makes use of the environment to bulk up. They walk and travel enough, but she likes to pick up and carry things along the way to strengthen her arms, legs and back!







  • None

Tiny facts

  • She can eat a whole meal in less than 10 minutes.
  • She is very physically strong, and has lifted and carried men in her tribe quite a bit both to tease him and show off.

Relationships and Sexuality




Common Rumours:

  • "Why is she carrying that tree?"
  • "She's patient, but does not wait if she doesn't need to."

Moderate Rumours:

Rare Rumours:

PC Rumours (Feel free to add!):