Yumera Ryuelin

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Yumera Ryuelin
Woeful Maiden
Born of Spilt Blood
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s): Black Mage
Main Tradeskill: N/A
Preferred Role: Damage Dealer
Server: Balmung
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Reputation: Currently Unknown
Occupation: N/A
Education: N/A
Marital Status: Widowed
Sexuality: Straight (Not Gunna Happen)
Guardian: Zodiark, Bringer of Chaos
Free Company
Wark Souls (OOC)
Items Carried
(In Development)
Race: Au Ra
Clan: Raen
Age: 153 (Approximately 29 in Human Years)
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 117 lbs.
Eyes: Icy Azure
Hair: Amethyst w/White
Complexion: Ghastly Pale
Physical Build: Slender yet Toned
Notable Features: Unknown
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Yumera "Ryuelin" (pronounced/"yuu-me-rah roe-lynne"), known by many through the title of “the Woeful Maiden” as her surname entails, is a Raen descendant of the Au Ra. Presumably birthed in the Dravanian Forelands, the youngling was given the name Yumera by her brood-mother which is thought to mean “flame’s existence”. Though she led a much secluded life, after having endured unfathomable lose this being has become what many know as a “Harbinger of Darkness”. Those that may catch glimpse of her are to be warned: she is all too willing to coat the earth with bodies –no matter if they be guilty or innocent souls.


Appearance & Attitude

Relevant Information

For the most part, it is highly unlikely that you will come across this character. Due to the nature of her backstory, spotting her in a city is near impossible unless it is OOC. Though I am still open to RPing with her, as indicated by the creation of this page, for the most part there would be little interactions that do not concern the obliteration of any and all life. That is just how this character is, it just means that you should not expect nice "Oh hi there!" conversations or sitting around a cozy campfire. I also want to clarify that just because my character may be a harsh or rude does not mean that I am personally acting that way. There is a fine line between how my characters act and how I act. Please know this and do not take what is said IC personally.


Sweets of any kind


Human kind, Elezen kind, etc.
Spicy or Bitter foods
Dry or Humid Weather
Heavy Perfume/Cologne


Motto: “This world is not worth saving, so I shall be the one to destroy it.”
Vice(s): Insatiable Bloodlust
Favorite Food: Sweet Rice Cake
Favorite Drink: Mulled Tea
Favorite Color: Umber

Known Associates





* Yumera is rarely seen wandering the cities or any densely populated area. If seen there always seems to be a shroud of darkness around her eyes, acting as a mask (though it does very little good if she does not choose to hide her horns and scales).


◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
* “It’s rare to see her ‘round these parts, but when we do she seems rather neutral. Maybe it just be our Goblin charm!” – Goblin Merchant
* "Best be wary of that one, there is a corruption that lingers all around her. It is as if her very soul is shrouded by darkness." - Gridanian Conjurer
* "I heard that one muttering among shadows, conspiring the downfall of the ages." - Crazed Elder
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
* "They say that she has killed many, left naught but ash in her wake. I cannot fathom what would push such a being to such destruction." - Street Preacher
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
* "I'm beginning to believe that the wretch is in connection to the Ascians, beings who would call her Yzellian as if she were one of them." - Crystal Brave
* "There was a legend passed around here... there was one of the Raen living here in the mountains. One of the high brood-mothers had taken care of the youngling. They say that she slew her mother in cold-blood, even going as far as to consume her eyes after before finishing her off. After that she rampaged through the Gnath territories, attacking anythin' that moved. Not sure what to make of it really." - Dravanian Hunter
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)

Please feel free to add your own rumors!

Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing

Currently awaiting interactions



* Till the Au Ra aging has been revealed, I find it best to just assume that they age almost identically to dragons though they may not survive as long. I found this site to hold the best knowledge of the separate types. http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:True_Dragon
* Theme Song(s): Avenir –ALYS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXj6il9uoH4
* General Background Theme: Event (Tense) – FFIXV: Heavensward OST

Templates by Bancroft Gairn and L'aenoh Tia