Category:Player Character
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Warning! Do not edit this page. It's not your character template. It's a Category page that lists them!
A Player Character (or PC), are independent characters created and controlled by individual, or multiple players. These characters exist within the realms of Final Fantasy XIV. Below are the pages of each player character containing detailed information about them, their pasts and current endeavors. Please take note unless otherwise stated, all information is Out Of Character (OOC) knowledge and cannot be used without express permission.
NOTE: If your pages aren't showing up here, it means you need to manually add the following to your page!
[[category: Player Character]]
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[[Category: Server]] [[Category: Race]] [[Category: Clan]]
Pages in category "Player Character"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 6,692 total.
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- Akito Takigawa
- User:Akshunrooster
- Akuma Asami
- Akyhi Tyme
- Al'vion Nunh
- Alacia Phantasmagoria
- Alaena Miura
- Alagos Montava
- Alaire Saelvith
- Alaire Szynskii
- Alaisia Bloodsong
- Alaister Vaillant
- Alakhai Borlaaq
- Alalia Sorell
- Alan Qestir
- Alana Black
- Alana Dawnstar
- Alanii Iriq
- Alanna Corbeau
- Alaqa Olkund
- Alaraien Eldryn
- Alaric Carstairs
- Alasarnil Harrison
- User:Alastair Helyous
- Alastor izunia
- Alastor Orpheus
- User:Alaunius
- Albanaux Arkwright
- Albant Verrilaux
- Albaunt Ruivoy
- Alberic Grimmeau
- Alciel Indranil
- Alcor Baen
- Alderique Valeriant
- Alderoth Falkiri
- Aldeus Lightsong
- Aldheim Blacke
- Aldis Moki
- Aldous Bishop
- Aldric Strong
- Aldrisi Shirantas
- Aldyet Lannis
- Alec Harknezz
- Aleka Donaka
- Alekse Sevantai
- Aleria Frostheart
- Alessamilia pyr Catrinum
- Alessia Mourningsong
- Alex Castell
- Alex Gardner
- Alex Hawthorn
- Alex Kiroi
- Alex Lyons
- Alex Price
- Alex Windfist
- Alexander Beaudonet
- Alexander Dragneel
- Alexander Garamsythe
- Alexander Gomez
- Alexander Stormwind
- Alexandre Larille
- Alexaria Whiteraven
- Alexeon Drachenseele
- Alexia Woodley
- Alexis Amariyo
- Alexis Shadowgale
- Alexois Fierlaine
- Alfeaux Jeulerand
- Algus Marquis
- Aliannera Thornblade
- Alice Belladonna
- Alice Corwell
- Alice Hystorenia
- Alice Mildryth
- Alice the Red
- Alicia Bennett
- Alicia Stone
- Alicia Thornwyn
- Aliciena Leach
- Alina Caelum
- Alina Cerberusira
- Alinh Tachi
- Alir Dekuld
- Alisa Sims
- Alisst'a Gulfor
- Alistair Greywolf
- Alistair Phoenix
- Alistar Stormfist
- Alivia nan Nerva
- Alix Rythe
- Alka Goro
- Allene Rose
- Allene Young
- Alleria Surlaint
- Allister Dedrick
- Allistyr Warren
- Allont Laupeois
- Alma Snowe
- Template:Alnee-char-template
- Alothia Starkwood
- Alphysian Krause
- User:Alta
- Alta Ugund
- Altadai Tumet
- Altai Iriq
- Altair Moonsong
- Altamont Renaroux
- Altan Kogan
- Altan Uyagir
- Altanai Mierqid
- Altani Borlaaq
- Altani Dataq'Kahkol
- Altani Mol
- Altani Olkund
- Altanii Iriq
- Altann Tumet
- Altansarnai Malaguld
- User:Altasia Dotharl
- Alteisen Nacht
- Alter Bee
- Althalos Valoran
- Althani Kha
- Althena Locke
- Altonio Salaphonte
- Altyria Leclair
- Alueaux Dunant
- Alulu Lulia
- Alun calar
- Alunshar Domitius
- Alurra Farren
- Alveo Soulseeker
- Alvide Lachance
- Alwyn Asakura
- Aly Fashonti
- Alyanissa Devereux
- User:Alye Reyold
- Alyeis Daimeiris
- Alys Arkwright
- Alys Rylos
- Alysia Fairwind
- Alyss Rose
- Alyssen Haloreach
- Alyx Quintessence
- Ama'drien Amaro
- Amadeus Greene
- Amalia the Loveless
- User:Amalie
- Amalric Farstrike
- User:Amanaid
- Amano Ano
- Amara Elisse
- Amasar Qalli
- User:Amasar Qalli
- Amasar Qestir
- Amaterasu Okami
- Amaya Natsu
- Ambaghai Iriq
- Ambellina Lusin
- Amber Willow
- Ambie Lapin
- Ambiguous Inferno
- Ambroisaux Labellaunt
- Amedee Delacroix
- Amelain Tomberouge
- Amelia Almandine
- Amelia Ashford
- Amelia Ermenred
- Amelia Janchen
- Amelia Nelan
- Amelia Rosamond
- Amelia Sualocin
- Ameline Valtin
- Amenie Chamberliaux
- Americ Giladine
- Amerida Baker
- Amethyst Dracht
- Amethyst Harte
- Amethysts Template
- Amh Molkot
- Amh Nelhah
- Amiabelle For-Now
- Amianne Carnoix
- Amida Lunn
- Amitiel Custos
- User:Amity
- Amity Mathos
- Amjra Lilac
- Amon D'syrcus
- User:AMoodyMoogle
- Amorette Brisbois
- Amtat'tomsnii Malqir
- An'naisha Trauerweide
- Anafenza Ejinn
- Anaguma Kenesa
- Anaki Nobori
- Analeil Iethil
- Anasa Shallowtill
- Anastasia Meadowmoor
- User:AnataOdindottir
- Ancel Forestier