Elaine Ellesmere

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Wes1u3P.jpg An unsealed envelope rests upon her desk, its contents strewn about in disarray. One deliberately crumpled missive reads as follows:

Iliana Rem Athelmear, former commander of the XIIth legion's ninth cohort; whereabouts unknown. Though native to a territory subjugated by the Empire, Commander Athelmaer was the undisputed and highly regarded leader of the ninth division cohort. After a widely successful career as a senior military officer, Iliana was heinously betrayed by the Empire, refusing to pay for her brother's treatment for a terminal illness, claiming it to be too inconsequential for them to pay heed. When the young man died, the Commander fell into a downward spiral. She dismissed all 100 of the troops in her unit, and soon found herself plagued by ptsd induced alcoholism and insomnia, until the day she simply vanished. Investigations are ongoing, though it is speculated that she may have died in a squirmish in a disputed territory. Recently however, a report obtained from a foreign emissary has described a woman befitting the Commander's description freelancing as a guard in Uldah under the moniker, "Elaina of Ellesmere". Further scrutiny will be given the matter forthwith. The act of betraying the Empire gives only one reward: death.

The name signed to the letter appears to have been furiously scribbled out.

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Eyes the color of a stormy ocean, Elaina's stares are intense and soul-stripping. Often straight-faced, tight lipped frowns and furrowed brows on occasion cloud her fair complexion while the corners of her mouth turn down in dissatisfaction and questioning. Well-built if not dainty in stature, she prefers practicality over frivolous pieces of clothing, giving her an unapproachable look. Passing her in the small confines of taverns, she is unlikely to acknowledge other people. 

Height: 5 fm 4 im
Weight: 120 pz
Hair Color: Silvery white
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Fair
Scale Color: (Etc)


An unsealed envelope rests upon her desk, its contents strewn about in disarray. One deliberately crumpled missive reads as follows:

Iliana Rem Athelmear, former commander of the XIIth legion's ninth cohort; whereabouts unknown. Though native to a territory subjugated by the Empire, Commander Athelmaer was the undisputed and highly regarded leader of the ninth division cohort. After a widely successful career as a senior military officer, Iliana was heinously betrayed by the Empire, refusing to pay for her brother's treatment for a terminal illness, claiming it to be too inconsequential for them to pay heed. When the young man died, the Commander fell into a downward spiral. She dismissed all 100 of the troops in her unit, and soon found herself plagued by ptsd induced alcoholism and insomnia, until the day she simply vanished. Investigations are ongoing, though it is speculated that she may have died in a squirmish in a disputed territory. Recently however, a report obtained from a foreign emissary has described a woman befitting the Commander's description freelancing as a guard in Uldah under the moniker, "Elaine of Ellesmere". Further scrutiny will be given the matter forthwith. The act of betraying the Empire gives only one reward: death.

The name signed to the letter appears to have been furiously scribbled out.


- Stoic: A veritable fortress of callous repose, few have had the pleasure of seeing her smile--or expressing any reaction other than dutiful compliance.

- Contemplative: She chooses her words carefully and after some thought. When she isn't speaking, she's taking in her surroundings.

- Nurturing: Elaina does not care for company, be they man or beast. However, those that have found themselves under her care find her to be doting to a fault and unduly protective of her charges.

- Confidential: Elaina's business is her own business. Don't ask, she won't tell. Ask, and she still won't tell. But if you give up your business, it stays with her.

- Mellow: Only under dire circumstances will she raise her voice.

- Empathetic: Deeply does she feel the pain of those who are suffering. When it is within her power, she readily offers her aide.

- Unfiltered: Rarely and with those that have gained her trust, she will speak impulsively, uttering the first thought that crosses her mind.

- Naive/Awkward: Despite her outwardly rigid nature, she is unskilled at dealing with the delicate emotions of others. Not only is she unable to accurately discern between a joke and a serious statement, she readily grows flustered when it becomes evident she has been fooled.

- Disturbed: As a result of her time spent in the Imperial army, she very rarely suffers from severe paranoic episodes triggered by her PTSD. It is possible however, that if she focuses on her breathing, she can ignore the hallucinations and the voices of innocents, reaching from beyond their graves to drag her to the depths of hell. All she has to do is breathe. Just breathe.


Key: -Romantic Interest -Family -Friend -Neutral -Enemy -Disliked
§-NPC -Deceased

Marcus Athelmaer:

The younger brother of Ilia--Elaine Ellesmere. He was a bright young man, and as her only living relative, she doted on him endlessly. He yearned to be an adventurer and was quite skilled as a conjurer; it was his hope to restore all that the Empire crushed and he was not hesitant about airing his grievances to his sister that she serviced such monsters. After his death, Elaine vowed to never pick up a sword again and devoted her life as a conjurer so that he might live vicariously through her even beyond the grave.

Persons Name: (Copy the icon code here)

(Place relationship description here)


Easily Heard
(Caption Text)

Hard to Hear
(Caption Text)

PC Rumors

  • "Mum as a wisp, that one is. They say she couldn't speak if she wanted to. Lost her tongue in a scuffle with a Coblyn, or s'mething."
  • "She spends so much time in the tavern with her head in a flask, it's a wonder she gets anything done!"
  • "Saw her showing some of them refugee kids how to hold a quill the other day. Don't know why she wastes her time with those rats, not like they can even read, the lot of them."
  • "Aye, you remember Bodvarr's boy? With the lisp? Well I heard she snapped his arm clean in two just fer lookin' at her wrong."
  • "I'm telling you, I seen it! She was holding a mangy little stray by the scruff, giving it that cold look of hers like she wanted nothing more than to toss it the lowest level of the Seven Hells. Just when I was wondering if I should save the poor feller, she brings him to her chest softer than you'd ever believe and smiled. My heart near burst from my chest, never seen a thing like it before! H-hey...think she's spoken for? Maybe I should toss my hat in..."
  • "Seen her sneaking around the outer walls a few nights back, near them refugee shacks. Had a right heavy sack with her too. I don't know what was init but they sure looked mighty glad to be getting it."
  • "A pair of real shady characters came snooping around The Quicksand awhile back, looking for somebody and itching to start a fight. One was a real gruff guy, kept calling her by some strange name--wouldn't listen to anything otherwise. Anyway, Momoli kicked em out right quick for them shenanigans and I swear I seen her follow them out back. Haven't seen them since, but I tell you--them eyes she had when she came back? Put a right chill in my bones. Ain't never seen anyone look so--dead."
  • "All that gil she makes? I hear she's saving it up to get out of here--fancies herself the adventuring type but won't even pick up a sword."
  • ((There are no rumors here yet. Feel free to add one!))


(Add Story text here)


You may have heard of her/know her if you:

  • Were once a soldier in the Garlean Army
    • Though she goes through great lengths to conceal her former identity, it's not unheard of that someone she may have crossed paths with in the past might recognize her.
  • Live/Lived in Ul'dah and are familiar with the Chocobo Caravans
    • Elaine frequently freelances as a private guard, providing security for the many chocobo caravans that travel through Ul'dah in order to earn gil.
  • Frequent the shantytown outside Ul'dah's walls
    • She offers her aide to the desolate souls that live there--free of charge. It's something she believes her brother would have done were he still alive. They've taken to calling her "Saint Elaine", but every time they say it she is reminded of all the lives she's taken and it is like a knife being twisted in her gut.
  • Visits the Quicksand often
    • Nearly every evening, like clockwork she can be found staring deeply into a mug in a corner of the place. Sometimes she doesn't even drink. Just sits there all night until the sun is setting to rise, pays her gil, and leaves. The only exception seems to be when she has a job that keeps her out of the city for longer than usual.
Interested in roleplaying with me, or have some questions?
Contact me on [Link 1 here] | or the [Link 2 here]

((Copied almost entirely from another page, but I agree with the message:

While very new to the roleplaying community, I consider myself to be a medium roleplayer, though I am not always IC when seen around in game. If I’m not already roleplaying, please make sure you send me a tell before initiating roleplay with me. If I am already roleplaying, please feel free to come up and join in. If I don’t respond to you in some way, then send me a tell because I might have missed your post. I don’t ignore people unless they’re trolls. As for my roleplay style, I am comfortable with any mature roleplay short of ERO and smut. I don’t have ‘triggers’ and I won’t turn IC problems into OOC ones, though I reserve the right to choose not to roleplay with someone if our characters simply don’t get along, in the same way that my character would not go out of her way to talk to someone she didn’t like. As far as Lore, I am okay with lore ‘bending’ but not lore breaking. If the lore team has not explicitly come out and said “You can’t do this” and you have a valid reason for doing it, and it’s not super Mary Sue, I have no problem with it. I feel like everyone is entitled to one or two ‘super powers’ or ‘snowflake-isms.’ If you have enough to the point where your character is unbelievable, or if you choose to disregard lore entirely, I may decide not to roleplay with you, as your character breaks my character’s immersion.))

  • Link 1
  • Link 2


Ul'dah-transparent.png Elaina Ellesmere
“Strength of body. Strength of mind. strength of personality. All this things lie within a person. They define us. They determine our limits.”
Former Commander of the XIIth legion's ninth cohort
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Uldah
Server Diabolos
Alignment Lawful Good
Age 32
Sexuality Heterosexual
Relationship Status Single
Nicknames Saint Elaine the Iron Guard