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Revision as of 07:55, 29 August 2016

Serenity Maescia

Birth Name: S’Reyne Teh

Gender: Female

Race & Clan: Seeker of the Sun Miqo’te

Age: Twenty Seven

Height 5 Fulms even

Weight: 120 Ponze

Nameday: 17th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon

Guardian deity: Nald’Thal, The Traders


Birth Place: La Noscea

Citizenship: Limsan

FC and residence: Wayfarers of Eorzea // Wayfarer’s Rest

Marital Status: Dating

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, Female Preference

Job: Unemployed

Hobbies: Books, Research, Summoner Relics

Alignment: Neutral Good

Latest activities (RP hooks): Serenity is currently in Ul’Dah recuperating from being sick. She can be found wandering the marketplace or taking it easy within the Quicksand.

Serenity (S’Reyne Teh) is a blonde Miqo’te from the Zu Clan. Born an illegitimate child to the Zu tribe Nunh, S’Teh and a rival tribe female, T’Rehza Surche, the girl was unwanted from the beginning. Unwanted by her tribe, Serenity’s aptitude with magic brought upon her the scorn and disdain of those around her. One day, an elemental appeared before Serenity, calling itself Tryxlia. The two became fast friends, and spent much time and energy honing the young Seeker’s magical skills. Serenity left after years of mistreatment at the hands of her father and the other tribe members, and after wandering for some time and living off of odd jobs and the La Noscean land, Serenity made her way to the Arcanist Guild where she studied Summoner lore with Tryxlia for near on one decade.

Sere Looks.png

Rather small in size even for a Miqo’te, Serenity is nevertheless the pinnacle of why her race is considered some of the most beautiful creatures to walk Eorzea. Her blonde hair can almost always be found up in her trademark ponytail, and her heterochromial eyes practically glow with her latent magical energies. Her line of freckles across her nose further accents her cute appearance, though three rather deep scars mar the otherwise perfect vision of beauty. Aside from that, her pale skin is flawless and though she spends as much time in Costa Del Sol as she can, she never seems to tan. Serenity’s ears are quite telling of her mood, and can either be perked up, lazily swaying around, or flat against her head to show many a form of negative feeling.

Scars & Markings: Serenity has three distinct scars along her face; remnants of her mistreatment at the hands of her old tribe. Each one reminds her of the past, and though she wishes she could rid herself of them, the memories serve to remind her why she’ll never return to the tribal ways of life.

Voice: Serenity’s voice is rather high and smooth, and has been described by some as akin to caressing one’s ears with silk. When excited, she has been known to become rather high-pitched, illiciting squeals of joy and mirth. Her laugh can vary from shy and cute, to outright insanely hilarious. Even when she’s angry, her soprano-type vocals are of no help to her cause.

Clothing: Serenity’s been known to lean towards more feminine styles of clothing, and it is rare to ever catch the Miqo’te in any type of garb that confines her legs. This means her usual attire revolves around skirts, dresses and anything else that flows freely as she walks. While she has an enviable figure, Serenity prefers to keep it rather covered up, opting for only modestly revealing clothes, if revealing at all. The colour range of her attire shifts from bright and colourful to deep and regal.

Intelligent, Soft-spoken, Loyal, Loving

  • Magic
  • Reading
  • Libraries and books
  • Summoner Lore
  • Research Expeditions
  • Shopping
  • Fashion
  • Visiting the beach
  • Sunny, breezy days


  • Her tribe
  • Large Gatherings
  • Boisterous people
  • Reminders of her past
  • Getting lost
  • Most Pubs and Taverns
  • Dhalmels
  • Aether Travel

Distinctive Features

  • Being left alone
  • Frogs
  • Getting in trouble
  • Losing her friends


  • Favorite food: Raisins, Meat Miq’abobs, La Noscean Toast
  • Favorite drink: Aldgoat Milk, Grape Juice
  • Favorite colour: Green
  • Vices: Shopping, Overspending
  • Possible alignment: Neutral Good


Serenity is a very shy girl by nature, and her speech often reflects this with multiple pauses during conversation. As she gets to know people, the pauses do lessen and she can wind up becoming quite the chatterbox… Until the conversation takes an unexpected turn. At that point, it’s right back to step one and she’ll begin stammering and pausing again. That being said, Serenity is trying her best to meet new people and experience more of the world around her.

Friendship means the world to this Miqo’te, and once someone has found their way into her heart, Serenity will do her best to keep them there… Although this sometimes winds up in misunderstandings and misgivings about her motives. As she’s shy, Serenity has issues verbalizing her thoughts and ideas, which has been known to blow up in her face from time to time.

Generally, when annoyed or angry, Serenity will stomp her feet and make quite the scene, but always winds up realizing how embarrassing she looks before skittering away to hide her shame. There have been times, though, where Serenity has stood her ground and really given even the most brutish of men a true and thorough tongue-lashing. It is those times that have made more than a few Limsan natives fear setting off the ‘Blonde Bomb’.

Skills & Abilities & Weaknesses

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Serenity’s small frame and lack of muscles make it difficult for the Seeker to lift much of anything save for the weight of the clothes on her shoulders. Not made at all for fighting, Serenity does her best to avoid the more physically aggressive members of wherever she happens to find herself. Along the same note, Serenity’s body is not meant to withstand any measure of punishment, and would easily buckle if anything ever came to blows. Because of this, Serenity’s mannerisms tend to display overt submissive tendencies and willingness to back down at even the slightest provocation. Serenity is a natural klutz, and as is the adage about most blondes, one can usually find her accidentally running into things, or dropping rather valuable items due to getting distracted. She’s spent generous amounts of time working to remedy this, and though it doesn’t happen nearly as often as it used to, she still has the odd encounter with a wall or signpost.

Where Serenity truly excels is her ability to sense and manipulate aether. Whether it be due to her own talents, or the accompaniment of Tryxlia, the Miqo’te weaves spells and directs energy as if she were one of the headmasters of the Guild. Likewise, her studious nature and affinity for reading and comprehending ancient tomes of lore have aided the Seeker in her endeavours by showing her many shortcuts and truncated methods of doing what most other Arcanists do.

Overall, Serenity is a quite adept, if not self-conscious, student of magic, and would not hesitate to bring her talents to save those she holds dear.


Birth and childhood

Born S'Reyne Teh from an affair between S'Teh Nunh and a rival tribe female T'rehza Surche, Serenity grew up knowing only disdain and abandonment, her father keeping the truth about her birth a secret. Though her tribe kept her and made sure she survived, she was never truly a part of any of the tribal dealings and was always the last to benefit from any fortunes that smiled upon the Zu. This caused the young girl to retreat into her own mind, choosing only to speak when necessary, and forming many frail concepts of imaginary friends, playing with them by herself as others watched and whispered.

As she grew older and learned to read, Serenity took a liking to the tribe's scant collection of literatures. While her kin practiced hunting and martial combat, Serenity pored over every musty tome she could get her claws on, learning many arcane secrets and Spells that her fellow Zu had long since forgotten about. Her father became curious as to what she was doing, and one night stumbled upon her using magic to light a campfire outside the tribe enclosure. This sent him into a fit of rage, leading to him marring her face with several scars and forbidding her to ever practice the heinous act of magic ever again.

This extreme reaction only fuelled Serenity's desire, leading her to become even more withdrawn and anti-social. Her magic now practiced when everyone was out on hunts, Serenity managed to gain the attention of a rather powerful voidsent succubus, who watched her and heard her silent pleas for companionship and power. Using this to its advantage, the void demon presented itself to Serenity as manifestations of her desires. Serenity was told that her powers had been given life, and though only one element was ever visible at a time, it would always be there to protect her and keep her safe. Through the rest of her childhood years, Serenity practiced in secret, strengthening he bond between her and her new friend, "Tryxlia".

Teen Years

Serenity's teen years were spent much the same as her younger years; hiding her studies from her father and strengthening the bond she and Tryxlia shared. There were several times that S'Teh thought there was something wrong, but his attention was always diverted to more pressing matters. It seemed as though things kept going awry for his tribe ever since he'd caught his daughter practicing magic. Tribe members became ill and were overly difficult to heal. Crops began to wilt no matter how much sun and water they received. Strange sightings had the guardsmen and guardswomen nervous and uneasy.

It all came to a head as Serenity approached her sixteenth birthday. He father made an unexpected sweep of the town as Serenity was practicing and managed to catch his daughter and Tryxlia in the middle of what could only be described river as a demonic pact. Furious, S'Teh attacked and locked himself in battle with the voidsent as Serenity could o ly watch with horror as her only friend clashed with her father. After a short while, S'Teh subdued Tryxlia enough to address Serenity about the goings on. Through his anger he could only present more furor and in a final display of dominance demanded Serenity and her accomplice leave the tribe and never return. As she left, S'Teh finally spat at her about how she was a useless half-breed and he would be happy with her gone. His cemented the severance from her tribe and in front of the growing number of Zu people, she cast off her tribal name, vowing to never return.


Spending the better part of two years wandering the planes of Eorzea, Serenity managed her way to Limsa Lominsa, savoring the change of scenery from her nomadic lifestyle. With Tryxlia in tow, the Miqo'te strode along the docks and took in what would become her new home. It wasn't long before she found herself at the doorstep of the Arcanist Guild, and only a short while later she was allowed admittance. Through her trials, Tryxlia was unexpectedly absent, though whenever she was alone, her friend always managed to appear and remind her of how close the two were. This comforted Serenity, as she knew the guildmembers were kindly enough, but they'd never understand her the way Tryx did.

And this is how she spent her time up until the present, poring over magical tomes and making herself ever stronger alongside her companion. Who knows what lies ahead for Serenity and Tryxlia..?

*Icons best seen in Chrome or Firefox*

💑 In a relationship In love with 💘 Crush 💗 Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing

Family & Friends

Serenity met the Hyur female by chance on an errand from the Arcanist's Guild, delivering papers to the Maelstrom brass. What began as a simple request for protection quickly grew as the two were unwillingly tasked with handling a very jealous Tryxlia, along with Haruka having to keep Serenity safe from the thing. Though the two were close lovers for a couple months, their relationship has come to an end, though Serenity never speaks of why. Though it pains her to see her former lover, Serenity hopes her broken heart will mend and she'll be able to approach the woman once again as a companion.
💑  L'Rinhi Kett
Serenity and L'Rinhi have had quite a friendship. They met as Serenity was participating in an event in Costa Del Sol, where L'Rinhi accidentally wound up winning the older Miqo'te for a date. As their day went on, Serenity's health deteriorated due to unknown circumstances, and it fell to the younger Seeker to aid her. This brought the two closer... Much closer than Serenity thought it would. The two are now in the early stages of a relationship, and Serenity couldn't be happier.
  Ruri Valeth
Met during one of her strolls through Ul'Dah, Serenity found Ruri dancing along with a small group of females. Her attention caught by the Seeker's choice of attire, Serenity couldn't help but strike up a conversation about the various attire available within the City-State. The two shared lunch as they talked about various fashions, and then spent some time showing off some of their personal collection.
💗  Ni Na
A new member of the Wayfarers of Eorzea, Serenity bumped into the Lalafell by chance as she was reading a book. After taking the new member on a quick tour, Serenity and Ni bonded over their mutual love of books and dancing. Now the two are the best of friends, and Ni has received a personalized book from Serenity's personal collection to cement their friendship for moons to come.

Serenity's Commissions

OOC Information

Amount of RP: I personally tend towards light-medium as I prefer the back-and-forth between characters and don't quite have the necessary patience for multi Paragraph writings. That being said, I can certainly go that route if so inclined... But I admit it will take me even longer than most to finish that kind of writing.

Family and Romance: Family would be an interesting idea, as Serenity's backstory leaves a chance for many half-siblings and even meeting her mother/father at some point. Message me first and we'll see. As for Romance, Serenity is currently taken.

RP combat and injuries: I've never really done this style of RP before, but I'm not totally against it. I'd request some walking through before anything were to happen, and of course when it comes to permanent damage, I have the final say.

Miscellaneous: Might be out of date.

Server and Timezone

Player Info: NA player, EST.

Server: Balmung

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Wiki Templates: I used the following wiki: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Suen_Shyu All thanks go to the author.