Sune Szihu
Birth Name: Sune Szihu (hyur handle: Suen Shyu, informal: Sen)
Gender: Female
Race & Clan: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon
Age: Twenty
Height 4 fulms 11 ilms
Weight: 95ish ponzes
Nameday: 9th Sun of the Fourth Astral Moon (Byregot ascendancy)
Guardian deity: Oschon, the Wanderer
Birth Place: North Shroud, Lucky Autumn
Citizenship: Gridanian
Free Company: Machina & Magitek
Residence: Her sister's apartment in Gridania, or various inns
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Uncertain
Job: Improvised Tinkerer, Magitek Rigger, Sky Courier
Hobbies: Journeying, Racing, Tinkering, Haphazard archaeology
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral / Autonomous
Suen is a Keeper of the Moon, tomboyish and mousy-looking miqo'te girl born in the North Shroud in a small family of botanists living on the outskirts of Hyrstmill.
Oblivious of everything by nature, Suen is the perfect example of scatterbrain and clumsy, often obsessed with Magitek, engineering and tinkering, spooky lore, cool adventures, as well as her roguish style.
Very self-driven and independent, she is also somewhat sassy, cheeky and crafty, as well as incredibly nosy. Considering herself a traveler, she set herself on a lifetime journey across Eorzea and beyond, with her custom racer at her side.
Rather small in size for a miqo'te, somewhat frail in stature, Suen still developed the necessary stamina to fish in the Shroud and wander the roads everyday, giving her typical chiseled miqo'te muscles. She tends to exhibit a mousy, nerdy and tomboyish appearance. Her long ears and fangs, and her round hazelnut eyes are typical of the Keepers of the Moon. Suen's sleek, delicate features are often hidden behind dust, dirt or soot, and her taupe-coloured hair most of the time disheveled and running wild. The time spent on her journey out of the Twelveswood gave her skin a tanner complexion than she used to show.
Scars & Markings: A few cuts and marks hard to define can be found all around her hands and limbs, which are probably the product of her inability to deal with manual labor without hurting herself in the process. A more recent scar on her shoulder was left by an arrow. She also has a few freckles as well as your typical average female Keeper markings on her cheeks, but those also show a few mild boxcar scars, probably a leftover from her teens.
Voice: Suen speaks with a deep Gridanian accent that can also show hints of Miqo'te Keeper tongue, but somewhat tainted by street talk. Her voice tends to be surprisingly deep and slightly hoarse.
Clothing: Flat chested, Suen is often seen wearing simple, ample, yet sturdy clothes either cut for workshops, or travel and woods which gives her a rather scrawny but rugged, roguish aspect that she arbors with pride.
- Scary and conspiracy tales
- Spooky and obscure lore
- Garlean Magitek
- Allagan technology
- Spriggans
- Traveling
- Touching things
- Fishing
- Looking cool and classy, no fucks given
- Rainy and stormy days
- Seeker and Coeurlclaw societies
- Her past
- Her clumsiness and bad luck
- Thanalan sun
- People showing off
- Mushy things
- Being scolded/scorned
- Looking stupid
- Vexation
- Indecency and public obsenity
- Facing her past mistakes
- Being excluded / marginalized
- Personal attachment
- Mirrors (Cataptrophobia)
- Favorite food: sweets, honeyed bakeries and garlean garlic
- Favorite drink: mead, cider
- Favorite colour: yellow
- Vices: unquenchable curiosity, nosiness, snooping around, not thinking about consequences
- Possible alignment: chaotic neutral
Suen is a spirited girl that enjoys satisfying her curiosity while fleeing her responsibilities. She cares very little for luxuries or mannerisms, can eat for two and be infinitely nosy over anything, which tends to make her behavior rather unpredictable.
In spite of her nerdy ability to get overexcited at the mention of new horizons, obscure lore, and technology, Suen shares the solitary nature of her kin with great zeal, often gone wandering around by herself. She can sometimes be found lost in her thoughts, or outright living in her own world. Her clear lack of realism can make her engage into incredibly risky situations that no sane person would consider even vaguely safe to do, but she has now learned through hardships to somewhat temper that tendency of hers.
Due to her awful clumsiness, she is for most people a walking danger that should be kept away, which often prevented her to make a lot of friends. In direct relation to that, she lacks of self-confidence and tries to overcompensate by acting tough, cool and rebellious with a 'No fucks given' mentality, but will turn very awkward every time her personal feelings get put on the table, or just around lewd double-entendre.
Suen tends to loath conformism and authority and is a bit of an anarchist. She is pragmatically disillusioned with any form of higher ethics and honour - concepts she finds utterly naive, hypocrite, self-deceiving and stupid. She usually puts the emphasis on her own well being, but can also show an infinite amount of devotion to her few friends.
Attributes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Strength |
P.Defense |
Dexterity |
M.Defense |
Martial Prowess |
Intelligence |
Magic Affinity |
Luck |
Suen has a serious knack for machinistry and firearms, for which she shows an innate affinity despite her clumsiness. She has elementary knowledge in botany - especially in her native land - and as the eccentric she is, somewhat well read.
Under her propensity for the worst to happen and her utterly clumsy manners, Suen hides a keen and cunning mind: she is way smarter than she lets it appear. Left alone, she remains rather resourceful and can get as crafty as foxes. Her pragmatic upbringing in the woods taught her to do with very little and simple things, and she rarely requires a lot for subsistence, used to take from nature what nature gives.
Like most of her kin, she inherited of some of their traits, like powerful legs, ears and smell, a good sense of balance, although certainly not in an order of magnitude similar to those shown by the Keeper hunters. Suen was not especially favored among her kin for her martial or hunting prowess. While not outright weak, she remains a frail individual, but her constant vagrancy on the road coupled with her miqo'te legs gives her a surprising amount of endurance.
Like for most manual labour, aetheryte travel is something that eludes her, not that because she lacks in anima or connection to aetherial powers, but simply due to her rather random ability to teleport herself everywhere but at the destination she had initially planned.
In spite of her butterfingers and a mild lack of formal knowledge and theory, as well as being a tad too eager for anything Magitek, Suen is a natural when it comes to empirically understand how devices and machines work, and can show a real spark of genius when it's about to turn the improbable into the realm of possibility. Most of her creations, while shabby-looking, pretty beaten and busted at first glance, are often if not of an oddity, then somewhat ingenious... when one doesn't take into account their instability and propensity to malfunction at the worst time.
A magitek photon-stream custom SMG that Suen uses for most short-ranged combat purposes.
A long magitek custom cutting tool using extreme heat to cut through almost anything, bare a few rare or magical alloys.
A special tomestone that Suen found near Castrum Meridianum and uses as a journal.
An metal can filled with ceruleum. Can be used as a powerful (and expensive) makeshift grenade in dire situations.
A rope made of garlean fiber. Far more lightweight and durable than its eorzean counterparts.
A toolkit of screwdrivers, hammers, precision cutters and other tools used for various engineering skills.
All kinds of scrap salvage parts and junk that Suen regularly finds on her journey.
Suen most treasured possession. It has not much left in common with the manacutter model of origin.
Suen occasionally squats the fancy gridanian apartment of her God's Quiver of a sister.
Expand Suhyi Szihu (♥ ● ) - Mother
Expand Seloh Szihu (♥ ● ) - Older sister
The Mythril Blades
Arzilia is a midlander fallen dragoon that passed for dead to her kin. Her and Suen met while traveling and the flirty Hyur stole Suen a kiss or two, leaving the Miqo'te overly confused about the whole ordeal. They continue to enjoy each other to that day.
Lise is a freeloading Xaela from clan Avagnar who used to play detective when Suen met her. She tends to be clumsy and inexperienced about everything in Eorzea, but Suen believes she just lacks a lot of self confidence and she loves her colourful imagination and happy go lucky mood as well as her crazy and over-the-top antics.
Raih is a Keeper from the Shroud. She was the first person Suen met on her arrival in Thanalan. Sharing a passion for spooky tales and rogue feats of all kinds, they immediately turned good friends, enjoying each other's company, although Suen fell completely and unflinchingly for her. Suen eventually had to confess her love.
Machina and Magitek
An engineer Seeker that convinced Suen to work for their engineering company. She swears a lot and got a strong accent, but Suen got along very well with the Seeker's personality, and their dedication about everything Magitek.
Magna Carta
A knightly white haired miqo'te Suen stumbled upon while looking for reagents. She was immediately interested in her magitek camera and discovered pretty quickly that she is loyal to Garlemald.
Winter's Wake
Looking for ceruleum supplies, Suen met Auristela at Camp Bluefog, where she learned that the Raen works for Garlond Ironworks, which immediately piqued her interest. Suen managed to make Auristela indirectly admit that she lived in Garlemald.
Order of Ouroboros
Oyuu is the one that brought Suen to work with the Order. That somewhat jaded Xaela is not very talkative and forthcoming and prefers to keep everything up to the point, but otherwise proves surprisingly considerate toward Suen.
Order of Ouroboros
J'takra is a wise-ass, snarky Seeker that seems to accompany Oyuu everywhere he goes. Suen finds his snipes often funny and pretty spot on, and appreciate his realistic, cynical views on morality, but Suen can also be seriously annoyed at his insufferable, whiny side.
Order of Ouroboros
Arthurioux is a young elezen also part of the order. Suen appreciates that he proved to be a learned man able to discuss on intellectual subjects, while staying pretty modest.
Ferus is a cold, no-nonsense Mighan bastard. He used to belittle Suen at the first occasion, but his grumpy and cynical side actually made Suen change her mind progressively. He has always been ready to help her without any questions though, and he might have accepted her as part of the group since she killed someone.
Rei'li is Leon brother. Suen met him a few times during her time at Aeon and they got along well, although his sudden shows of affection tended to freak her out.
Winter's Wake
Suen met As'elena in Limsa Lominsa, where they discussed about the Maelstrom and her work there, as well as her tribe of Seekers. She met As'elena a few times after that at meetings of the Order of Ouroboros.
Wayfarers of Eorzea
Tira and Suen met in Hawthorne's Hut, caught out in a thunderstorm. She is a gridanian orphan and turned very friendly with Suen. They wandered around in the Shroud, even flirting with the outskirts of Castrum Oriens, and promised to see each other again for a discovery trip in Ishgard.
Aurou is a sharlayan Keeper of the Moon, experienced in conjury and dating Leon. She is a quiet and nice girl that likes making everyone happy, and cares a lot for her entourage. She proved to be an unyielding compassionate confident for Suen, even if they do not agree on everything.
Leon - or 'Laid-back' Leon as a tease - hails from Ishgard and is Aurou's significant other. He is cool headed and fun, easy going with everyone. Leon is a lot into allagan technology and proved to be a weathered, insensitive to pain machine. His past probably seems to hide a darker side that Suen is unaware of.
Evenstar Institute
Sami is the cool-headed and cute daughter of Yashaix, and proved to have quite a different personality. Suen immediately got along with her easy going and tough, "shrug it off" nature. They recently saw each other again on a mission to slay a coerthan dragon.
Suen met Vayne in Lemieux' den of sky pirates. The elezen does his best to piss everyone he meets and reeks real danger in Suen's eyes, which didn't exactly prevented her to make a deal with him on possible Magitek exchanges.
Dufresne Bellworks
Brave is a laid back and considerate Hellsguard. She used to work for the Aeon company and took care of the Airship maintenance. Suen paid her a visit at her new place, Dufresne Bellwork, where she got introduced to Barev's group, some of them ex Aeon members.
Lemieux Skytrade
Tristanaud runs a privateer and trading air company, hiding yet another skypirate den. Suens immediately got along with his flair for tales and adventure but she quickly got a glimpse of how dangerous the man seemed to be under the mask.
Culann is a dashing but hung-up and polite ishgardian blacksmith that happens to work on airships and Magitek, which immediately caught Suen's attention. She hopes to work on possible projects with him with the goal to learn proper theory, or to share tricks together.
Kairen is another member of Aeon, an she is bonded to with Ferus, to Suen's uneasiness considering their race and age difference. Suen thinks she really should get to know her better.
Lute acts as a liaison for the Maelstrom and is quite versed into Arcanima. Suen mostly knows that she is very wealthy and proved to be nice enough every time they had to work together.
Khuja'sae is the son of an intricate Keeper family. He is a young boy but already lost an eye and gets into a lots of trouble constantly. Suen found him somewhat whimsical and whiny, but sweet otherwise.
That nice looking Keeper guy is an acquaintance of Raih that Suen met a few times. He also shares the same homeland and Suen liked talking about all those spooky tales on the primal Odin with him. Like with Raih, Suen felt aat ease with him.
Ki'lari is a Keeper matriarch that mistook Suen for someone else and abducted her, almost torturing the young Keeper. Albeit definitely shaken and wary, Suen learned to see how caring Ki'lari was for her group, that she is without news from since then.
Aethereal Warriors
Paul caught Suen in Uld'ah when she got the attention of the authorities by sneaking into the area around Castrum Meridianum. Fortunately not really interested in taking her to the Blades, he offered Suen that she do some investigative work for him instead, as bait.
- ■ "That?... It's a Morbol, mom." 7 year-old Suen quietly telling her mother what the 'cute animal' she drawed is.
- ■ "The Twelve know why, but the child suddenly decided not to eat meat again and live on vegetables! What got into her this time?" Suhyi Szihu, during her daughter teen whimsical crises
- ■ "My destination? How should I know??" Suen's answer to a concerned inkeeper on her pilgrimage.
- ■ "I would bet my wages that's fucking garlean tech she snatched!" An observant patriot.
- ■ "That gun? It doesn't matter what it does. What matters is that yer enemies are gonna say 'Ooooh what a sleek-ass gun', right?" Suen being nonchalant about her gun.
- ■ "Gotta adjust the bullet-to-air ratio a bit." Suen being casual about combat stories.
- ■ "When ye worship the biggest asshole of the Twelve, no wonder ye eventually turn into one yourself." Suen, about Ala-Mighans.
- ■ "How did that stupid Miqo'te scrub got near that reaper? I am not really sure how that shite did ever happen to begin with... The last thing I saw was her, sitting on the sodding reaper, and i'm not even sure she was more in control than us... Kind of embarrassing, when you think about it." An anonymous garlean evocatus
- ■ "Savages. And since you asked, no, I don't know how it self destructed." An anonymous garlean triarus speaking with the same evocatus
- ■ "Mor Dhona is a silly place." Suen to various people.
- ■ "A lot of things seem to go above her head." Leon Greymoon.
- ■ "Suen? Ah, she's a funny one. Cute, too. Kinda reminds me of my sisters a little bit, I think that's why I try to keep an eye out for her. I'm pretty sure I just end up giving her bad ideas, though." Raih Unaze.
Born near the small village of Lucky Autumn bordering Hyrstmill in the North Shroud. Suen was raised in the art of botany along her only sister so that she could take part in the family business by helping her mother. Small in size and all but wealthy, the Szihu family was nevertheless recognized and appreciated in small circles of the botanists guild in Gridania for its usually unconventional take on the trade. This made them naturally part of the Keepers integrating and meshing well with the gridanian society.
Suen was mostly known around Gridania for working as the little delivery girl sent by her mother to replace her sister that was dead set training to become part of the God's Quiver. She quickly got quite fond of scaring little gridanian children with all kinds of twisted spooky tales, and used to spend a lot of her leisure among the fishermen in the forest, developing a certain fondness for fishing or just navigating in the narrow, serpentine water streams of the forest. What people chose to remember though was her uncanny ability to mess things up at the most random times, and her rather strange obsession with the nearby Castrum Oriens and garlean things, which didn't exactly help her making many friends.
Her beloved sister departed the house to go train in the Archers' Guild, and her hyuran only true friend she used to spearfish with died in a tragedy, leaving her forlorn and stranded at home. Her mother decided to give in to Gridanian way of life and invited a new lover to live with them. Slowly drifting into an aggressive and bitter resistance against her new, unnatural step father, Suen got more and more distant from her home, neglecting her studies as a botanist, fleeing any painful responsibilities and putting her own future into jeopardy. For her coming of age at around sixteen Twelvemoons, Suen refused to play the family game with a wandering male, a last attempt from her family to bring her back to a new start. Added to the whole lot of her eccentricities, she got into heated arguments with her mother over tradition, responsibility and hypocrisy.
That proved to be the last straw for the young Keeper, which leaded her to the rash decision of enlisting into the garlean military just before the end of the 7th Umbral Era as a middle finger to everyone, but an incident involving a magitek Reaper cut everything to a closure and in a hurry, Suen left the Twelveswood on her own with the intention to lead a new, free life on a journey across Eorzea.
ExpandUld'ah |
ExpandAeon Free Company |
ExpandThe Order of Ouroboros |
ExpandMachina and Magitek |
Stances on RP: Usually 'heavy' kind of RP, with emphasis on humane character development and growth as well as gritty or light-hearted, overall mature settings. Modest tri-dimensional characters, lasting and creative plots. I'm not okay with overpowered types of characters or unrealistic characters, or mary-sues. I am not okay with breaking the lore. I will however always try to adapt to my RP partners specific styles and needs!
Hooks and relationships: Totally open to any idea that can provide potential quality RP with my character. If you feel that my character profile can provide a hook for a story you have in mind, don't hesitate to reach me out to see what can be done! I am also definitely open for family ties, or background/business connections between characters. Suen is mostly designed as a supporting character, even if she has her own story.
RP combat and injuries: Open for most systems as long as they make sense to me. I can roll random dices or settle it through a fully organic RP exchange without any other tool, or a combination of both. I am a strong supporter of dealing with the consequences of every actions our characters do (except when true death, or other very dire things have to happen, which will need my consent).
Miscellaneous: That wiki page is pure OOC knowledge unless your character specifically knows or learned about it.
Important! If anything that my character does or says unsettles you in an OOC manner, or if suddenly you are not okay with something in my RP, please let me know right away! Communication is key! I am also very embarrassed and anxious when it comes to reach people out ingame repeatedly, so.. don't hesitate to tell me if I'm being intrusive or anything.
Player Info: EU player, GMT+1. Usually available between 19:00 and 23:30 GMT in the week, or most of the day in the week end.
Server: Balmung
Wiki Templates: Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template. Thanks to the authors!
The whole layout and page design is mine, as well as the banners and images.
You can use this wiki page layout at will and I will be glad if people actually do, but please try to change the colour theme at least. However, all the image banners are off limits. Make up your own, please! Thanks.
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