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==[[File:serpentleft.png|left|]] <div style="padding:10px 15px;  background:#2C3539;  font-size:20px;  color:#ffffff">'''Combat'''</div> ==
==[[File:serpentleft.png|left|]] <div style="padding:10px 15px;  background:#2C3539;  font-size:20px;  color:#ffffff">'''Combat'''</div> ==
Bennett is almost always wearing his robes because they conceal two very large daggers. He uses them to surprise someone rather than draw his sword.
*The Daggers: These knives are large enough to be considered smallswords, and are made out of steel. Bennett is proficient in fighting with two knives, and was even trained in how to use Mudras. Despite his training, Bennett is only as good as an average ninja. He will, however, use unorthodox tricks to hopefully bamboozle his foes.
*Longsword: [[Roni Oni]], one of Bennett's older friends, once made Bennett a longsword made of Titanium.The blade was enhanced with a materia that drastically improved it's durability, as well as improving it's user's ability to strike at foes. The sword hangs at Bennett's side, as a reminder of what an old friend did for him.
*Longsword: [[Roni Oni]], one of Bennett's older friends, once made Bennett a longsword made of Titanium.The blade was enhanced with a materia that drastically improved it's durability, as well as improving it's user's ability to strike at foes. The sword hangs at Bennett's side, as a reminder of what an old friend did for him.
*Healing Stick: To help him complete his duties as a medic, Bennett must carry around this staff. It aids him in healing anyone who managed to get themselves hurt. He has become more used to using the healing stick, and can now use it as a spell focus for casting any spell he knows.
*Healing Stick: To help him complete his duties as a medic, Bennett must carry around this staff. It aids him in healing anyone who managed to get themselves hurt. He has become more used to using the healing stick, and can now use it as a spell focus for casting any spell he knows.

Revision as of 12:35, 21 April 2017

 Bennett Cooper
Ffxiv 01222017 045633.png
"What's your story?" -Bennett Cooper
Gender Male
Race Lalafell
Clan Plainsfolk
Citizenship Radz-at-Han
Age 15
Guardian Rhalgr
Namesday 27th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Nicknames Little Red, Red, Coops, Stupid Kid.
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity


♦ General

Born Benagori Gamagori, Bennett left home with his little brother in Thavnair to become an adventurer in Eorzea. In an effort to prevent his loved ones from tracking him down out of worry, he took on the name of Bennett Cooper while he's in Eorzea. Whenever he's not working in the clinic for Heartwood Ventures, Bennett's out looking for treasures or ruins to mess around in.

♦ Appearance

Bennett stands at a puny 2 fulms and 7 ilms, weighing only about 28 ponz. He has rather long black hair and red highlights, and is usually smiling.
Bennett wears a Dalamud Red set of silk robes, trimmed with gold. Sakeru Wakeru made it for him as a birthday present, saying he should probably stop wearing his old coat.
No matter what, Bennett is always wearing his red headband. He believes it brings him good luck.

♦ Behaviour

Bennett is extremely immature and is prone to pull pranks.
Due to his age and lack of knowledge on Eorzea, Bennett is rather naïve.
Bennett can be heedless of danger, and will try to save people that he thinks are in trouble. This has been both good and bad, as he has unwittingly caused disasters doing this.
Most of the pranks that Bennett pulls will blow up in his face. Figuratively and literally.


  • Longsword: Roni Oni, one of Bennett's older friends, once made Bennett a longsword made of Titanium.The blade was enhanced with a materia that drastically improved it's durability, as well as improving it's user's ability to strike at foes. The sword hangs at Bennett's side, as a reminder of what an old friend did for him.
  • Healing Stick: To help him complete his duties as a medic, Bennett must carry around this staff. It aids him in healing anyone who managed to get themselves hurt. He has become more used to using the healing stick, and can now use it as a spell focus for casting any spell he knows.
  • Fireworks: Bennett loves fireworks. In fights, he might throw a few to disorient his opponent.

Aside from that, Bennett carries around several bags, which hold fireworks, teleport crystals, and random potpourri from his adventures.

Magic Powers

Bennett's family have always been naturally gifted with the use of aether. Before coming to Eorzea, Bennett had never bothered with it. Now, he uses it almost every day to help him get by.

  • Bennett is able to cast first and second-level spells with his healing stick.

★ Recent RP events ★

Recently, Heartwood has had a series of odd events transpire. Starting with a new recruit, L'nela Varya losing her mind and thinking that she's a coeurl for about a month, meeting a mute Xaela with an axe named Kachiaru Seimei, and then with Vektis nearly driving Mordry to suicide. Bennett's been doing his best to keep himself and his friends sane throughout these turbulent times. All the same, he's built many new mammets, and is now practicing on learning fencing.

RP Hooks

Your character may know Bennett if they...

Have been involved with the following free companies:
Heartwood Ventures
Athenaeum of Dreams
The Eldritch Collective
Verge Enterprises(Defunct)
They have seen him at the Grindstone.
They are in the Gladiator's Guild.
They are in the Conjurer's Guild.
They saw the Mega Mammet fight in the Umporium.
They would have ordered something from the Heartwood Ventures.


  • Bennett will flinch if he is flustered or something doesn't seem right.
  • Bennett will stammer if afraid or guilty.
  • Bennett will try to talk someone out of fighting, even during a fight.
  • Bennett will never kill someone. He will only knock them out.


■ Pranks
■ Swordfighting
■ Exploration
■ Wrestling
■ Mammets


■ Nixes
■ Voidsent
■ Large Dragons
■ Cold water
■ Being picked up
■ Pirates


■ Adventuring
■ Building Mammets
■ Sneaking around


Favourite Food/Drink: Chocolate Cake
Favourite Place: Fools Falls
Favorite Color: Red

♦ Related Images


*Icons best seen in IE or Firefox(Google Chrome doesn't like them)*

💘 Crush 💗 Sexual Desire In love with 💑 In a relationship Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing


Dandri Cooper – Bennett's younger brother. Originally, the two were going to explore Eorzea together, but Dandri was taken home to Thavnair before joining the Conjurer's guild fully. Now that he's a part of the Alarone family, he has returned to his lessons in the Conjurer's guild, and he opts to stay there in Gridannia. Bennett goes to visit him at least once a week.
Sakeru Wakeru – Bennett's best friend. Despite his odd past, Sakeru has calmed down a lot. He makes many morbid jokes to cope for what he'd done in the past. Bennett thinks that Sakeru's jokes are both funny and scary at the same time.
Kaiya Ailbhe – The head doctor at Heartwood. She has taught Bennett most of what he knows about healing people, as well as all he knows about fixing wounds without use of aether. Bennett regards her as one of the smartest people in Heartwood.
Vektis Sol – One of the Executives of Heartwood. Bennett sees Vektis like an older brother, and believes that what he sees in Vektis is what Dandri sees in him as an older brother. Regardless, Vektis is one of the coolest guys Bennett has met in Eorzea, and is undoubtedly the bestest.
Tynos Riller – One of Heartwood's more serious executives. Bennett's first encounter with Tynos was during a sparring match against him. He was defeated in an instant. Bennett regards Tynos as one of the most powerful members of Heartwood, and is usually called on by him to pull pranks on others.
Nyscera Alarone – One of Heartwood's executives, and Bennett's teacher in the ways of the ninja. Bennett sees Nyscera as one of Heartwood's nicest members, as well as an extremely patient teacher. Nyscera was also the first Heartwood member that Bennett ever met.
E'kari Sol – Vektis' wife, and a good friend of Bennett. The two trained under Nyscera to learn how to fight more effectively, and her ability to mix conjury with pugilism is extremely formidable. During a prank gone awry, Bennett found himself in E'kari's body. Needless to say, the two became one of soul.
Arylisse Dayhelm – Sakeru's adoptive mother. Arylisse used to work at Heartwood as a doctor of sorts, and was one of the first White Mages that he'd met in Eorzea. At the time, he didn't know that White Magic was forbidden. Regardless of rule-breaking, Bennett see's Ary as one of the kindest people he'd ever met, and still tries to visit her often at her new job.
Conrad Godsbane – Possibly one of the strongest people Bennett has ever met, next to Tynos. Conrad is a huge guy who did a lot of fighting in his time, and Bennett sees him as a hero of the past. Knowing how strong Conrad is, Bennett finds it to be a good idea to practice sneaking around him. After all, if he can hide from the Ala Mhigan meat mountain, he can hide from anyone!
Zana Amaro – A thief turned mechanic who works at Heartwood. Kaiya brought her into the company, seems to have taught her a lot as well. Zana's also really fun to be around, and teaches Bennett about the thieves' code. While Bennett has no intention of becoming a true thief, he finds the code honorable, and sticks by it.
Cioccolato Stella -About a year ago, Bennett ran into Cioccolato on a beach. As he was unable to pronounce her first name, he mostly just called her "Stella". Cio was a good friend to him and a fantastic nurse for the rest of Heartwood. While she may be a little bit pervy, she's a fantastic person to be around, and Bennett finds it hard to imagine life without her.
E'yami Amane -E'kari's twin sister. She's super protective about anything she cares about, and will definitely throw dark-looking aether blasts at things that mess with her. Bennett sees E'yami as a kind of older sister. Fun to pull pranks on and with, and really dependable in a pinch.
Xihvi'ir Valathri -The harp guy. While Bennett was spending most of his time training under Nyscera and Rath, Xih joined Heartwood. Xih gets along well with Heartwood's members, and has been nicknamed "Firefly" by E'yami. Bennett really enjoys the music that Firefly plays on his harp.
Mordry Relen - The crazy one. Mordry is one of the more interesting people Bennett's met, and she drives him crazy to no end. As Mordry is two people in one body, Bennett was highly confused by the inconsistency in her actions. In one moment she could be as carefree as a young girl, but in the next be as cold-hearted as an upset Conrad. The carefree half is known as Moralee, and the coldhearted half is known as Mora. Bennett respects both halves, even though the Moralee half never stops picking him up.


Saruna Verselo – This guy had intervened to help Kett get her books back, and threatened to cut off Bennett's hand for them. However, he's also helped Bennett escape Jebei Dotharl once. Bennett doesn't really know what to think about this odd man.
Tyo'li Tayuun – The Collective guy. Bennett was first hired by Enkhjargal Dalamiq to protect Tyo from harm, but no harm came to him during that time. Bennett held on to the special linkpearl he was given, and eventually wound up delivering things to the Black Vault. Tyo was one of the only members of the Eldritch collective who have not either tried to eat him or outright kill him whenever he sneaks into the Vault. Ever since he left the Collective, Bennett has never seen him again.

Enkhjargal Dalamiq – The serious guy. Along with Nyscera Alarone, Enkh was one of the first Heartwood members that Bennett had ever met. Enkh used to work for Heartwood, but eventually left to join with Camille Everardi. While Enkh was still in Heartwood, Bennett didn't get to speak with him much. However, Enkh did offer Bennett a job once to protect Tyo'li Tayuun. At some point, Bennett intends to revisit Enkh and show him some of the cool stuff he finds on adventures.
Narumi Kotokaze – The Scalper. She can't really tell how old a lalafell is, but she sure can kick hard. As far as Bennett knows, this Au Ra is Captain Aergankawyn's girlfriend. She's called a bounty hunter, so that's pretty cool.

Enemies & Rivals

C'tadhara Kett - The crazy slasher. Bennett first learned of Kett while investigating slashings that occured in Pearl Lane in Ul'dah. To prevent her from hurting more people, Bennett resolved to steal her summoning books. Kett still wants them back.
Skyfwyb Aergankawyn - The worst pirate. Skyf is responsible for the death of most of Bennett's family, and killed his mother directly in front of him. Bennett has sworn to get Skyf back for what was done, and trains to one day claim this vengeance.


  • "With all the crap that kid gets into, it's a miracle he's even alive." -A Brass Blade
  • "Pretty sure he's the Mega Mammet." -Fight Enthusiast
  • "He's that kid that won a Bloodsands match against Mylla, right? I guess it's a win even if he did use magic in the ring." -Wealthy Bloodsands Spectator

Player Character Rumours

Feel free to add your own Rumors!

• "Bennett? Yeah, I think that headband makes him lucky...or just steals the luck from everyone else.." -Sakeru Wakeru
• "Cooper? Awh, I love that guy! He's pretty much my little brother!" -Vektis Sol
• "Bennett? Keep your things hidden from that thief! He likes to steal what you cherish the most!" - C'tadhara Kett
• "Hmm... Bennett? He's a cute little muffin. Kinda stupid sometimes though..." - Cioccolato Stella
• "Oh, you wish to know of the young master? Goodness, he certainly is the energetic sort! Someday I just know he'll be a great hero." - E'kari Sol
• "Maybe if I fought harder his mum might still be around...." - Narumi Kotokaze

♦ Footnotes

Alignment: Neutral Good

Battle Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ_H-_NI4SU Dummy!(Undertale)
Theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7xai5u_tnk Monody by TheFatRat