Elliot Cadieux

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Elliot Cadieux
Title... the Certain
Nickname... None
Age... 19
Gender... Male
Race... Elezen
Clan... Wildwood
Orientation... Homosexual
Marital... Single
Deity... Thaliak
Nationality... Ishgardian
Occupation... Organist
Birthday... 8/12

For as long as Elliot can remember, he has lived within the holy halls of Saint Reymanaud’s Cathedral. His adoptive father, a priest named Josseloux Cadieux, rescued him from the Brume and raised him as a son. The boy swiftly flourished in the Scholasticate -- a veritable genius of theology, medicine, and music.

He balances his duties between assisting in mass and in infirmaries. When Elliot was 18, he was permitted to perform the organ and lead hymns in the Cathedral. His knowledge of healing allows him to interact with knights of the crusade. In both positions, he is well known for being a relaxed and kind authority. The young man was once offered a position in the army for his burgeoning skill in white and black magics, but he firmly refused: he would serve Halone by teaching her song to other pious, not singing it in battle.

He openly seeks information and gossip by acquainting himself with everyone he can. Primarily, he deals with nobles and elders so he is accustomed to flattering. His speech can seem insincere in this way to the more astute. His own childhood was consumed by his studies in the Scholasticate, so he does not talk much of his uneventful past. Presently, he involves himself in various hijinks across the city throughout the Pillars and Foundation.

Elliot is interested in discovering the malignance of the church -- he feels that being aware of it can keep him out of the problem but also know how to exploit it. He considers himself incorruptible, but has been driven to bend the truth to get what he wants. Elliot has a high distaste for hypocrisy and occasionally feels limited by the rules of propriety.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec varius est. Nunc at est imperdiet, venenatis risus id, lacinia lacus. Donec vel magna eget odio varius venenatis eget eu leo. Suspendisse vel vehicula nibh. Integer condimentum justo id placerat tristique. Donec a pretium magna. Nulla volutpat viverra metus, at imperdiet sem vulputate non. Donec auctor, est sit amet mollis condimentum, arcu justo tincidunt lectus, quis convallis purus ante a est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas non suscipit magna. Proin laoreet dolor eget commodo mattis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec varius est. Nunc at est imperdiet, venenatis risus id, lacinia lacus. Donec vel magna eget odio varius venenatis eget eu leo. Suspendisse vel vehicula nibh. Integer condimentum justo id placerat tristique. Donec a pretium magna. Nulla volutpat viverra metus, at imperdiet sem vulputate non. Donec auctor, est sit amet mollis condimentum, arcu justo tincidunt lectus, quis convallis purus ante a est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas non suscipit magna. Proin laoreet dolor eget commodo mattis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec varius est. Nunc at est imperdiet, venenatis risus id, lacinia lacus. Donec vel magna eget odio varius venenatis eget eu leo. Suspendisse vel vehicula nibh. Integer condimentum justo id placerat tristique. Donec a pretium magna. Nulla volutpat viverra metus, at imperdiet sem vulputate non. Donec auctor, est sit amet mollis condimentum, arcu justo tincidunt lectus, quis convallis purus ante a est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas non suscipit magna. Proin laoreet dolor eget commodo mattis.


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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec varius est. Nunc at est imperdiet, venenatis risus id, lacinia lacus. Donec vel magna eget odio varius venenatis eget eu leo.
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Basic: Vain, uppity, caring, curious, indulgent, perceptive, self-loathing, loving.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec varius est. Nunc at est imperdiet, venenatis risus id, lacinia lacus. Donec vel magna eget odio varius venenatis eget eu leo. Suspendisse vel vehicula nibh. Integer condimentum justo id placerat tristique. Donec a pretium magna. Nulla volutpat viverra metus, at imperdiet sem vulputate non. Donec auctor, est sit amet mollis condimentum, arcu justo tincidunt lectus, quis convallis purus ante a est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas non suscipit magna. Proin laoreet dolor eget commodo mattis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec varius est. Nunc at est imperdiet, venenatis risus id, lacinia lacus. Donec vel magna eget odio varius venenatis eget eu leo. Suspendisse vel vehicula nibh. Integer condimentum justo id placerat tristique. Donec a pretium magna. Nulla volutpat viverra metus, at imperdiet sem vulputate non. Donec auctor, est sit amet mollis condimentum, arcu justo tincidunt lectus, quis convallis purus ante a est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas non suscipit magna. Proin laoreet dolor eget commodo mattis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec varius est. Nunc at est imperdiet, venenatis risus id, lacinia lacus. Donec vel magna eget odio varius venenatis eget eu leo. Suspendisse vel vehicula nibh. Integer condimentum justo id placerat tristique. Donec a pretium magna. Nulla volutpat viverra metus, at imperdiet sem vulputate non. Donec auctor, est sit amet mollis condimentum, arcu justo tincidunt lectus, quis convallis purus ante a est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas non suscipit magna. Proin laoreet dolor eget commodo mattis.

Skills & Abilities

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec varius est. Nunc at est imperdiet, venenatis risus id, lacinia lacus. Donec vel magna eget odio varius venenatis eget eu leo. Suspendisse vel vehicula nibh. Integer condimentum justo id placerat tristique. Donec a pretium magna. Nulla volutpat viverra metus, at imperdiet sem vulputate non. Donec auctor, est sit amet mollis condimentum, arcu justo tincidunt lectus, quis convallis purus ante a est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas non suscipit magna. Proin laoreet dolor eget commodo mattis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec varius est. Nunc at est imperdiet, venenatis risus id, lacinia lacus. Donec vel magna eget odio varius venenatis eget eu leo. Suspendisse vel vehicula nibh. Integer condimentum justo id placerat tristique. Donec a pretium magna. Nulla volutpat viverra metus, at imperdiet sem vulputate non. Donec auctor, est sit amet mollis condimentum, arcu justo tincidunt lectus, quis convallis purus ante a est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas non suscipit magna. Proin laoreet dolor eget commodo mattis.

♥♥ Romantic Relationship
Romantic Interest
Sexual Interest



Josseloux Cadieux ( ) - Adoptive Father

Josseloux is the third son of the minor noble. Unsure of his path in life, he took the to field as a common soldier. His service did not last long, and he never saw much combat. He participated in several skirmishes, fighting and killing a few heretics but never a dragon. Despite his focus within those battles, he had a wandering mind that kept him away from his occupation. He was uninspired to seek conflict or find glory, and once he was lose from duty he often did as he pleased. He would meander around, make empty friendships, occasionally and negligibly womanize, and essentially live without direction.

By accident, he once fell into a gorge. Josseloux snatched onto the side of the cliff to stop his fall, ripping up his hands in the process. Otherwise unscathed, he hit the bottom with a revolution: if he continued on this path, he'd end up falling in Witchdrop instead. His fingers still bear the scars, although they are mostly unnoticeable.

He withdrew from the knights, joining the church. His father urged him to join the Scholasticate for the prestige. Until then, Josseloux's natural intelligence was untested; to the surprise of his peers, he flourished. While competing for a spot in the Trinity, he became overconfident and began to revert to his pointless socializing from years passed. He swiftly was outdone.

Some good came of it, however. Josseloux ended up courting a vibrant and complementing noblewoman -- don't ask for her name. They were engaged and everything was merry for a time. Eventually, she felt as though Josseloux was not giving her due attention because of his studies. She made this argument when she severed their relationship, but in actuality she fell in love with another man. He remains insecure about this.

Once again, Josseloux's life was overturned by his association with pleasantries. He reformed himself again, this time making enough vows to place him on track to becoming a true man of faith. He balanced his lifestyle over time to allow himself happiness beyond the church, and is very content with his current standing. Of course, one of these allowances was Elliot, who he ardently raised as his son. He's definitely aware that many of his lessons weren't properly instilled in Elliot, hence the boy's arrogance and occasional profligacy.


Nolanel Feran

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec varius est. Nunc at est imperdiet, venenatis risus id, lacinia lacus. Donec vel magna eget odio varius venenatis eget eu leo.
Common rumours & quotes

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Rare rumours & quotes

  • "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec varius est. Nunc at est imperdiet, venenatis risus id, lacinia lacus." -- Caelum.
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Players rumours & quotes

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OOC Information

I am new to RP so please keep this in mind. I am open to constructive criticism as I need all the help I can get! I have fairly severe anxiety when it comes to RPing, so please be patient with me. Thank you!!

Player Info: US player, EST (GMT-5). Balmung server.

I will: RP whenever I can and am comfortable to. I am fine with violence, but please ask about injuries.

I will not: participate in ERP. Elliot is not open for death, maiming, or romantic shipping.

Links: Tumblr | Pictures | Misc. Info

This page is still being tweaked.

Wiki Templates:

My template is inspired and adapted from Suen Shyu and D'lyhhia Lhuil's pages.

Thank you so much!