Arylisse Dayhelm

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Ishgard.jpg Arylisse Dayhelm
Owner of The Wild Cards
"I break rocks with my fists."
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s): • White Mage
• Monk
• Dark Knight
Main Tradeskill: • Goldsmith
Preferred Role: Healer
Server: Balmung
Alignment: Neutral Good
Reputation: Known for trade around Ul'dah and Ishgard, as well as her business with The Third Sin Casino in the Goblet.
Occupation: Owner of The Wild Cards
Education: Self-taught
Marital Status: Unsure
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Guardian: N/A
Free Company
The Wild Cards
Items Carried
Small satchel in which she carried minor medical supplies, spare weaponry, and various oddities.
Race: Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)
Clan: N/A
Age: 21
Height: 5 fulm 1 ilm.
Weight: 123 ponze.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Copper Orange
Complexion: Warm Medium
Physical Build: Gentle Hourglass
Notable Features: Light freckles, various small scars on her face
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Arylisse is usually found in major cities for work but usually she can be found at the headquarters of Verge Enterprises located in the Goblet or right in the heart of Ul'dah and Ishgard. She's usually pretty easy to get along with because she can see from pretty much any point of view. Despite what may be bothering her, she always walks around with a smile on her face. She may have long claws at the end of her fingers but it's mostly because no matter how many times she's tried to cut them off, they just grow back longer and stronger so she pretty much gave up trying to get rid of them. She always willing to have a friendly chat with anyone. Sometimes you will see her with a small mammet following her. She's still uneasy around it but is slowly beginning to warm up to the idea of mammetry.

Basic Info


Naps in high up places.
Gentle head scratches


Black Mages
Scalekin (Dragons of any type.)


Alignment: Neutral Good
Favorite Food: Any kind of pastry
Favorite Drink: Dravanian Black Tea
Favorite Color: Light hues of green

Appearance & Personality

Her first notable feature, aside from the obvious Raen, is her warm toned hair. It's a vibrant hue of warm colors with the most prominent color being orange. Her eyes are a contrast to her bright hair, settling in a more royal colored green. She has a light dusting of freckles across her cheeks that only grow more prominent with either sunlight or whenever she blushes. She a small patch of scales on her face where scars had once been. The end of her tail is notched a bit, cocking off to the side at the last few joints. Her horns are flat along the side of her head. She's always got pointed claws because for some reason, every time she tries to cut them down they just grow back stronger so she gave up trying to keep them down. Instead, she either keeps them out natural or covers them with gloves on. Around her right shoulder is a perfect crescent-shaped scar, which goes around the entire joint front and back. It's more prominent that others in thickness but the closest to her natural skin tone. This was a scar caused by a wyvern picking her up in its mouth. On the back of her neck, which is usually covered by her hair is a three inch thick scar in the shape of a triangle.
Arylisse is usually very approachable and friendly. She tries to maintain either a neutral or positive outward in life. Incredibly determined and stubborn, almost to the point of idiocy at times. She tries to think of things from a logical stand point but sometimes, if provoked, will have her emotions dictate her rash decisions.



Not much is known about her childhood from memory. She remembers being a Xaela and that's it. Taken from her mother as a practically newborn age and raised in a compound of slave traders. The only 'family' she's ever known has been Madame and Father Isaac in a small compound called The Church. In this compound, she was not allowed any contact with anyone of the male gender unless it was Father Isaac himself, which usually meant trouble. Always a curious child, she was usually getting in trouble as she kept asking everyone about things she wasn't suppose to. Her 'sisters' and her were not allowed any form of education or income for any of the labor they were doing and were simply taught lessons that a housewife would need to provide her for children. Still, Arylisse found fascination in the stars and skies, creating fictional constellations in her head to pass the dull hours of the night. She spends hours every night making up new constellations.
As a young girl, she shown a promising talent in aetherical manipulation. She seemed to be more attuned to the natural aether that seemed to be attracted to her in particular. She hadn't any idea why but Madame had told her she was to practice the art of conjury and that only. She hadn't a real teacher and basically had to learn everything in her own time. She failed many times and would be punished for every failure she had done until she perfected each spell to Madame's liking. Arylisse still has some of the scars from the attacks against her whenever she failed but doesn't like to talk about them.


In her later years, her punishment grew more severe until she followed Madame's every rule to the tee. She continued to take the abuse until she became a mindless drone for Madame to mold how she saw fit. When the day came Madame saw her true skill, she handed Arylisse a white stone. It fought against her aether and made her feel like she was being torn apart but still, the spirit within the stone melded with her despite it's retorts and disagreeing. That was the day everything went downhill. She began to hear things, people talking about slavery. She didn't know what the word meant but she did find it odd that once her sisters reached a certain age, they suddenly disappeared. Usually if they were found their beaus, Arylisse would get a chance to say goodbye. She'd caught a couple of times in the night where she's hear her older sisters screaming and yelling as they were taken away to where ever they went. It terrified her and forced her to maintain complete loyalty to the cause of the Church.
Along with all that, she was recruited to guard duty. She hadn't a clue what it meant but if it meant she was allowed outside the compound then she was more than willing to take up the duty. Little did she know, she was basically set out on suicide missions with other of her fellow sisters and brothers. She was forced to use her potent healing magic to keep her fellow teenaged friends and family's limbs reconnected. She had even been forced to heal wounds giving to captured victims so they they could continue torturing them until the information they wanted got out. After the first few weeks of these missions, it became her new goal to escape this place before she became expended like the many people she's seen perish at the hands of the Adders, whom were pursuing their efforts to free the children from the compound.


After fleeing the Church, she ran into someone from Heartwood Trading Company, Nyscera Nara. She offered the young Au Ra, at the time, respite at their small trading company in exchange for various odd jobs around. Arylisse found solace taking and mending the never-ending wounds that seemed to come about their company. Over time, she began to care and love for these people like the family she never got to have, even creating a strong bond with the leader, Archemides Fontaine. Four people in particular, she grew rather found of and that was Senjin Sye, Sa Kura, Flight Tune, and Xero Aizngown. Senjin and Sa had their difference but they both still appreciated Ary. Xero was good for a cheer-up, always there to offer a smile and kind word to Ary. Flight was always there for a chat and soon, he and Sa were engaged to be married. Senjin and Arylisse had bonded quite well, Arylisse even sharing and understanding some of Senjin's past memories. This were going well until the unfortunate wedding incident.
At Sa and Flight's wedding, there was an assassin. He had shot and poisoned Sa Kura as she was walking back down the aisle. Arylisse tried to save her but to no avail. She died, carrying a child right before Arylisse. When the assassin was found, poor Xero had been poisoned, all memories wiped of his job. She plead for his innocence, to which nobody believed. So she fled with Xero in tow and close friend, Bel, nearby at the ready to help. During their time together, hiding from those who wanted the pocket-sized assassin dead, she grew closer to the two boys she fled with and distanced herself from those who every doubted her. Once he was found not guilty, she returned to Heartwood but the growing, stifling distrust still lingered between them and the others. The only one who seemed to still reach out for her was her friend Zarilin and Archemides. She had tried to reach out a few times but after being denied so many times, she gave up and went her own way.
Over time, Zarilin, Bel, and her became something better than the family she claimed to have. They became partners and friends. All was well until the day in which Bel had disappeared. The man who had stuck around with her despite any hardships, the one she looked to when she was upset or sad, and the one she claimed her love for was now gone. She had broken, pushing away any attempt at anyone trying to get near her. She only kept close Zarilin, whom she now claimed was like a brother to her, and Archemides who even despite the rumors, always treated her as an equal and never once looked down his nose at her. Both were there to console her in the trying times, various friends from Heartwood there to soothe the wailing kitten while she mourned what she had presumed was the loss of her Au Ra lover. She had tried to find other means of happiness but nothing ever felt the same and soon, she had left her once safe home at Heartwood once Archemides too had left. She fled to Ul'dah with Zarilin, both severely injured from trying to fight for Bel's life. She continued living out there, working for herself and her brother until the burial ceremony. When that day came, the man who had claimed to kill her lover had shown and she fended him off only to have Bel show up again before her eyes. It was then where she vowed to stay with him, devote her life to his and work to make something of herself with the help of her closest friends, soon creating Verge Enterprises. All was going well for them, with Bel proposing to her for a new future.
That is until Zarilin had gone to find his old tribe, only to be run through by a blade. It instantly killed him. His share of the company was divided up between the five others whom signed the contract, leaving Zarilin's long time friend from way back when, Aeris, in charge. She felt it only appropriate to mourn for a short while since she now had more responsibilities to attend to. She wanted a better life for everyone so she threw herself into her trade and crafts, creating a small, thriving business from Ul'dah to Ishgard. It's there where she is now, scribbling away at various paperwork and making sure personally that each shipment makes it out to it's destination at any cost.
After losing her home once to a miscommunication with the authorities, Arylisse took up residence as a larger plot, running out of her home a casino amidst the Goblet.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Ya know, I've heard she only made the casino to evade taxes."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I hear she used to practice illegal magicks, using them to bring back someone from the dead."
"Note to self, do /not/ piss her off..."
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Conflicted Good Standing Poor Standing Deceased
The Wild Cards
Kenoni Eien'no : Commonly nicknamed to her as 'Good Bel' after a night where Zarilin had been drugged, she finds him around here and there in Ul'dah and will have idle conversation with him. He's pretty fun to be around and despite his first impression, is very friendly. He's now been a loyal guard to her, vowing his life for hers.

Chip Wayman : The Hero of Ul'dah, has come to her rescue one to many times both physically and mentally. Something about the way he speaks to her, the way he acts around her. It comforts her and makes her feel safe. He is currently a part-time worker for Verge Enterprises.

Samia Morgan : A tracker she'd hired back when Verge opened their doors for recruitment. At first, Arylisse was uneasy about the newcomers but quickly warmed up to Samia as they bonded in combat.

Creaux Swygwyb : The female Roegadyn in which she shares the company with. She's quiet, as she had recently reacquired her voice back from decades of being silenced. Creaux has proven to be a sweetheart despite everything and is very protective of Arylisse much like a mother would be her child.

Bloodied Steel : A bounty hunter working with Bel, he's proven himself both loyal to the business and as an asset to the company. She is sympathetic to him when he'd lost his arm. Still, she has an undeniable sense of trust towards him.

Heartwood Ventures
Bennett Cooper : A close friend of Xero, he always was around whenever Arylisse needed a kind word. A damn quick learner too, which is both highly impressive and admirable to her. He'd a good figher and will always be there to protect.

Kaiya Ailbhe : When Arylisse started to feel estranged form Heartwood, Kaiya was the one to reach out and talk to her. Other than her close friends and former love, Kaiya seemed to the be only other one genuinely voicing concern for her during her trying times.

Snowy Sol : After having her memories wiped, she was hesitant of the Raen at first but soon warmed up when she realized that Snowy was willing to lay herself down on the line to keep Zarilin alive, which to Arylisse was a big deal with she felt everyone had given up on them. She is currently working in Verge Enterprises with Arylisse.

Vektis Sol : Obviously, the bestest. She had no ill qualms with him, though his tendency to exclaim and announce himself loudly with a bit of force to the poor doors of Eorzea tends to startle her from time to time. Still, she enjoys being around his carefree attitude as it's a nice contrast to her daily life.

Other Means
Deceased (Presumed) Bel Taren : Still engaged t a man she isn't entirely certain if he's alive, her interest towards this Xaela is very conflicted, bouncing between a belief on whether or not he is still alive. She still has the engagement ring to her former fiance but isn't sure what it stands for.

Zarilin Feathermoon : Been her closest friend since his arrival at Heartwood months ago. Although an idiot at times, he's extremely loyal and has proven time and time again that he would do anything to keep her safe despite their differences.

Sakeru Wakeru : One of her first companions when she was at Heartwood, his child-like demeanor always cheered her up. Adopted him with Bel Taren to avoid the Adders taking him away after a crime he committed. She treats him as an equal now after the countless times he'd proven his independence to her.

Archemides Fontaine : Former boss at Heartwood Trading Company, she grew fond of him once he shown her compassion. She is glad to have found him again, even after they both left Heartwood and hopes he sticks around for another drink or maybe a spar.

Enkhjargal Dalamiq : An Au Ra she's met over at Heartwood, his methods of concern were a bit cold at first which turned her away from him. After he'd assisted in banishing a voidsent from her body, she respects him on a whole new level.
