Ferathir Dawnbreaker

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Ferathir Dawnbreaker
Leader of the Oathsworn Vigil
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Birthplace: Ishgard
Age: 28
Religion: Halone, the Fury
Grand Company: The Immortal Flames
Free Company: The Oathsworn Vigil
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Ferathir Dawnbreaker is a Mid-lander Hyur whom was born in Ishgard. Much remains unknown about his life, possibly due to the fact that he seldom speaks of it. Seeking wealth, fame, power and just a different life all-together, Ferathir left his homeland to pursue becoming a Gladiator in the pits of Ul'dah. However, before arriving to the city, he had a sudden change of heart as he continued to hear about the amazing tales many travelers had about adventurers. Driven by a new cause and goal, Ferathir aimed to become a member of the Adventurer's guild instead of fighting in the pits. But he would not forsake the idea of being a Gladiator, as he already specialized in using a sword and shield as weapons of choice. He would often train with the gladiators of Ul'dah to further his skill. Eventually, upon reaching enough notoriety in the city, he was given the opportunity to become a free Paladin. The power to protect those he cared for and the childhood dream of becoming a knight now close to becoming fulfilled, he gladly accepted. It was not long before he was adorned with the armor of the sultansworn, but with the freedom of an adventurer.




Height: 5 fulms, 10 ilms

Weight: 159 ponz

Body Features: Ferathir's body is larger than the average midlander's. His body is covered in well-toned, healthy muscles. There are no scars of any sort or blemishes anywhere across his body, which in this day and age is incredibly rare. It could be due to the constant protection of the heavy armor he usually wears.

Facial Features: Ferathir has a very soft face with sometimes intense eyebrows. His head is adorned by two jade-green eyes which compliment his hair color very well.

Hair & Style: Ferathir has golden blonde hair which is often fairly unkept. Were it not for his Gallant Coronet he usually dons, it would likely fall over his face and cover his eyes, hindering his sight.

Complexion: Ferathir's complexion is light, despite the fact that he spends a lot of his time adventuring and roaming the land. This may be due to the fact that his body, including his face, is usually covered from head to toe in plated armor.

Attire & Fashion: Ferathir is not known to wear casual clothes very often. But he is rather fond of his adventuring attire that he owns and sometimes wears that instead of the usual heavy armor. Although that is a rare sight, to be sure.

Psychology & Personality

General Demeanor: Ferathir is incredibly passionate about pretty much everything that he does. He pours his heart and soul into everything that he is involved with. Whether it be his job as a Paladin, any of the crafts he may pick up, a job, his friends, love life and family. Everything he does he does at full capacity with fervent resolve. Unfortunately, it is also his great passions which provide for his weakness. Sometimes the fires of passion can burn too brightly and change a person for the worse...

Habits: Ferathir is known to cross his arms when he is upset. He also does a very poor job at masking his emotions with his facial expressions, often giving away what it is he is feeling with them-- like an open book.

Intellect: Ferathir is incredibly intelligent, despite the fact he can often be oblivious to many a thing. His speech is an example of this, for he does not often use abbreviations, slurs, accents or certain dialects that would otherwise be difficult or challenging to understand. His mannerisms are no different. He carries himself the way he wants to be perceived-- Respectfully.


Ferathir is an expert at fighting with a sword and shield. He is swift with his strikes, and even quicker at shielding others from harm. While he won't admit it, he fights better when he has someone to protect. He is currently striving on mastering other disciplines of combat so that he may become a master of war against the forces that he opposes.

Currently versed in the arts of:

  • Sword and Shield - (PLD, GLD) - Master
  • Greatsword - (DRK) - Apprentice
  • Greatstaff and Wands - (CNJ) - Apprentice

Soul Crystals

Ferathir has a certain talent (or curse) which amplifies his emotions and characteristics according to the Soul Crystal he is currently tapping in to. This is primarily why he aims to keep his Paladin's Soul or no Soul alone in his person. However, he understands the usefulness of other Souls in combat and, depending on the situation, may willingly swap Souls so that he may have an edge-- usually for the greater good. He has avoided his Dark Knight's Soul for some time, but recently he has been seen making use of it in desperate situations...

There is darkness in every heart...
  • No Soul: Normal - An alternative to his Paladin's Soul. He retains a balance of all of his qualities. Thankfully, there is a lot of goodness in his heart.
  • Paladin's Soul: Righteousness, Hope, Kindness - This is Ferathir's soul crystal of choice. It amplifies all of his better qualities and traits and keeps him the most level-headed and sane.
  • Dark Knight's Soul: Insanity, Rage, Sorrow - This is Ferathir's least favorite soul crystal. It amplifies all of his worst qualities and traits, embracing all of the negative energies that lurk within.
  • Ninja's Soul: Cunning, Sly, Devious - Pending.
  • White Mage's Soul: Purity, Charity, Compassion - Pending.



  • Swords
  • Eating
  • Adventures
  • Treasure Hunting
  • Hunts


  • Primals
  • Ascians
  • Dishonesty
  • Selfishness


  • Sword-play - He is an excellent swordsman and his proficiency with a shield makes him an excellent knight.
  • Mining - He enjoys the thrill of discovery through mining. Whether it be gems, precious ores or even hidden treasures!
  • Crafts - While he is by no means an expert, Ferathir enjoys creating all manner of objects through synthesis.

The Oathsworn Vigil

The First Oath

"I promise thee my unwavering loyalty, that you might not experience solitude anymore. I promise thee my wrath to those who would harm you. I swear on to thee an Oath that transcends all bonds; an eternal Vigil so that none may overtake you. I will be your friend... your brother... your father... your son... your husband. I will be your sword and your shield. Now and always." - Ferathir Dawnbreaker

By reciting the first Oath, Ferathir Dawnbreaker unknowingly began a group that would soon become a free company of sorts. Calling themselves "The Oathsworn Vigil", these sworn brothers and sisters live for one another. Helping each other overcome any hardship any one of them may face. Fame, Glory and Fortune are all well and good... But to the Oathsworn Vigil all of these things mean nothing next to the well being of their sworn brothers and sisters.



Ferathir has living family members. But he does not speak about them.


Ferathir has a keen eye when it comes to discerning the nature of others. He'll help and even befriend complete strangers based on the impressions he attains from them.

V'ieh Vhessi - Oathsworn

Ferathir met V'ieh in his earlier adventuring days. He found her in one of the many deserts of Thanalan battered and beaten. Without any hesitation he took her in to his care, providing for her and nursing her so that she may once again be able to stand on her own two feet. It wasn't long before they developed a special bond and formed an oath to each other; to protect and care for one another no matter the cost. And thus, the Oathsworn Vigil was born. V'ieh is perhaps one (if not the only) of the few people that Ferathir would entrust his life to fully... And there is no skull he would not crack open for her sake. It is safe to say that if it weren't for meeting V'ieh, Ferathir would be a completely different man.

Fleeting Dawn - Nonsworn

An awkward meeting that soon blossomed into a solid friendship, and perhaps even a bit of a romantic interest. This character is such a polar opposite of Ferathir, that often times Ferathir secretly finds himself a bit upset or annoyed with Fleeting Dawn (although he will always deny it.) Nevertheless, he has grown to care for her very much in their short friendship and is ever so concerned with her well-being. While he doesn't know much about her past personally, he is keen enough to perceive that there is much more than meets the eye to this Roegadyn who would laugh away at life's hardships.

Minako Obinata - Oathsworn



Ferathir is not known to have enemies of his own. However, many individuals consider him an enemy for his constant good-doing.



- Not much is known about Ferathir's history during this time.


- Ferathir leaves Ishgard to become a gladiator pit fighter. Upon arriving to Ul'dah he becomes an adventuring gladiator, instead.

- Met his first love, Alathariel, as he registered to become an adventurer.

- Begrudgingly, at the time, he and his new companion traveled across all of Thanalan assisting those in needs and doing guild leves for Gil.

- Ferathir eventually falls in love with Alathariel. Their adventures together continued.

- Ferathir and Alathariel are assigned a big job to do on behalf of the Adventurer's Guild. They are paired up with two unknown strangers. During their assignment, the two other adventurers trigger a trap. They flee in fear, Alathariel is caught off guard by fiends and falls. Ferathir watches helplessly as his love dies.

- Spent several months utterly depressed. He begins an aimless walk across the vast deserts of Thanalan.

- Ferathir encounters a battered and beaten V'ieh Vhessi during his mindless travels across Thanalan.

- Spent several months nursing and caring for V'ieh and teaching her self-defense. He regained a sense of hope and new outlook of life at this point.

- Near the end of their time together after their first meeting, Ferathir and V'ieh swear an oath to each other. V'ieh embarks on her own adventures.

- The Oathsworn Vigil is formed.

- Ferathir travels Eorzea, acquiring more skill, knowledge and strength. He becomes versed in several crafts as well as other forms of combat.

- Becomes a Paladin initiate.

- Joins the Conjurer's guild so that he may better grasp the role he will play as a Paladin in the future.

- After many moons of hard work, Ferathir becomes a notable Paladin, earning his first Soul.

- (More 2.0 history bits pending.)


- Ferathir arrives at Ishgard, the land of his birth.

- Meets an enigmatic Knight who introduces a Dark Knight's Soul to him.

- Ferathir becomes wary of the Dark Knight's Soul after his first time using it but feels a strange connection to it.

- Becomes a hunter for the Clan Centurio and quickly rises in their ranks through great success.

- Begins to experience nightmares of his past.

- Meets Minako Obinata, an Au Ra female who is the second person to swear the oath.

- Ferathir summons V'ieh and Minako to the Lavender Beds in the Black Shroud. The two sworn sisters are introduced.

- The trio make plans to buy a home for themselves, unfortunately all homes are currently occupied. (BLAST YOU ALL!)

- Becomes increasingly concerned about V'ieh's current lifestyle.



This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea