Naoh'ra Ohndai

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Loud frowning.jpg
Naoh'ra Ohndai
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 31
Name Day 17th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Guardian Menphina
Occupation Priest of the Order of Nald'thal / Thaumaturgy Teacher
Free Company The Gullwings <Spira>
Sexuality Panromantic


Name: Naoh'ra Ohndai (Now-rah On-dye)

Age: 31

Home: The Black Shroud

Current Residence: In the Free Company Home.

Occupation: Previously a minstrel, has studied and is now a priest for the Order of Nald'thal.

Income: Fluctuates. Averages about middle class income.

Talents/Skills: He is a great hunter and is very creative when it comes to music and song. He has become quite skilled with Thaumaturgy as well, but rarely uses it for combat.

Romantic Relationships: None.

Theme song: Talking to the Moon


Height: 5'8"

Race: Miqo'te -- Keeper of the Moon

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Grey

Hair Style: Short and choppy.

Skin color: A very dark black, much like asphalt.

Distinguishing features: The first thing you'd most likely notice is the missing leg. He also wears blue face paints that mimic shooting stars in an attempt to connect spiritually with Menphina. He has a lot of piercings to emulate the night sky for her to 'feel more at home with him', as shown in the photos in the artwork section below.

How he dresses: Most often he wears thick fabrics and robes or cowls. He wears gloves much of the time out of habit and almost always has a staff of some sort with him.

Mannerisms: He wiggles his fingers when he's thinking or has a word on the tip of his tongue as he helps him to concentrate. He has also made it a habit of shrugging and rolling his eyes, or outright frowning to show his displeasure.

Hobbies: Music and song writing, as well as singing. He does not do this often.

Speech patterns: In an attempt to emulate Menphina he tries to speak in a slow and gentle tone, or simply take on a quiet listener attitude and not say much at all. More often when he speaks he can come off as irritated and rude, but he has been trying to change that. He always has a raspy voice regardless of his mood as he is subjected to inscents and smoke most of the day.


Educational Background: He has no formal schooling, and has recently learned how to write. Has studied Thaumaturgy a long while, and has been reading the tomes now that he has learned to read.

Intelligence Level: Average

How does he see himself?: He sees himself as being unworthy of a lot of things, and can feel guilt just for taking up space. He also feels that he is better than a lot of people and will express his distaste toward them often.

How does Character believe he is perceived by others?: He knows people don't particularly like him, but he does worry what some people think of him. He feels like a burden, and thinks that's what others view him as.

How self-confident is the character?: He is fairly confident as a whole, but can slip into bouts of the opposite.


Positive traits:

  • Clever
  • Decisive
  • Hardworking
  • Objective
  • Passionate
  • Reliable
  • Romantic


  • Private
  • Proud
  • self-conscious
  • Serious


  • Sarcastic
  • Argumentative
  • Blunt
  • Self-critical
  • Stubborn
  • Impulsive


Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert, he gets near all of his energy from socializing and when alone too long can become really drained.

How does the character deal with strong emotion?: He seeks out Menphina and speaks to her.

What does the character want out of life?: To raise good, strong and clever children.

What frightens this character?: Losing everything he's worked for, and dying without love.

What makes this character happy?: Quiet nights with the moon and stars, and romance.

Is the character judgmental of others?: He can be with good reason

Is the character generally polite or rude?: He is balanced, though when he is being either polite or rude he can either be extremely polite, or extremely rude. He has a hard time finding a middle ground.


Naoh'ra one of the numerous priests of the Order of Nald'thal. He has only recently finished his studies and often teaches those just starting out the basics of Thaumaturgy and it's history, as well as how to properly treat the dead. He even teaches those students how to give the funeral rites so as to ease the souls journey into Thal's realm.

You can near always find him either in Ul'dah or in Camp Drybone's church, though he also travels around to more secluded area's so he may give the rites to the dead who can not be transported to the church itself. He lives in the Shroud with the rest of the Gullwings, however he travels so often that is not the best place to find him.

He dreams of having a large family and many children one day, but has been so engulfed in his work that he hasn't really tried to find mates who share those ideals.

In the past, he used to be a minstrel, often singing in the Quicksand and coming up with limericks for handfuls of gil. He enjoyed it greatly and to this day still loves to sing, and will often sing the sun to sleep and greet the moon with slow, calm music. He continues to write and sing to this day and does not plan on stopping.


Naoh'ra struggled for a while to find his connection to Menphina, and for a long time doubted she heard him or even loved him. He would sit in the shroud in the dead of night and scream to her, cry, holler, sing and climb to the tippy tops of trees in an attempt to touch the moon. He eventually started to paint himself more, or ritualistically dot his skin like stars with piercings to give her a home with him if he looked like the night sky.

Recently he went to stay at her stone in the snowy highlands. He sat there for ten days with only a few jackets and other warm clothes. He is unsure if it was a hallucination or if she had really come to see him, but he swears on his life she came to him. She touched his cheeks, kissed the top of his head and told him she loved him. He found complete joy in this and believes he's very special to her, and loves her very very dearly. He promptly returned home to pray in warmth to her, and is making an effort to emulate her and how she had treated him that brief time in the snowy night.

For the complete RP/drabble of this event, please hit the following link to read it on my blog! XX

Naoh'ra believes 100% that the face paints are a form of communication to Menphina, and paints what he wants from her on his face. Whether that be a blessing of protection when wandering the night, of new beginnings, fertility, luck in the hunt, or even just to show his love for her. He often paints shooting stars, in hopes she will give him what he wishes for.


Naoh Ohndai was a wonderfully kind and sincere Thaumaturge, who focused her study in the line of mortician work. She often treated the dead with respect, and comforted those whom had recently lost.

She held wonderful funeral services, and was an all around amazing lady.

Outside of her work, she wanted to have a lot of children, and had actually had been pregnant with (hopefully) her next son. She was hoping so dearly for another little boy but she passed away in the calamity before the child could be born. She had always felt lucky to have mothered so many boys, only one of her children born female.

She always surrounded herself with life and love, and was very gentle and caring toward her family and even strangers. When hearing of her passing, Naoh'ra felt an incredibly deep sadness, and decided that no one else had set better footsteps but her, and he took up the same path of thaumaturgy and mortician work as she had.


Naoh'ra has been and still studies thaumaturgy after Naoh's passions. He wanted to carry on her legacy as best he could, and even worked with the Order of Nald'thal in Ul'dah for a time. He primarily focuses on preparing the dead for funerals through embalming, but now is one of the trusted priests to preform the funeral rites to allow passing into Thal's realm to be smoother.

He currently works in both Ul'dah and in Drybone, however as work calls him around he will often travel to other city states to tend to the dead there.

Surprisingly, he has found an odd comfort with those he works on and purifies, and enjoys learning and teaching Thaumaturgy to those who will pay and listen. He tends to be a little picky about his students however, and will often judge them at a first glance and test their core morals before he will accept them as a student. He teaches those peaceful Thaumaturges the very root of the art and does not typically teach others how to use it for it's more modern use in combat. He leaves that to Cocobuki in Ul'dah, and focus' on teaching his students how to preserve and tend to a body, not destroy it.

"A raging fire to cleanse the corpse, a freezing blizzard to halt corruption, a jolt of lightning to expel the sins of mortal life."

Some small Thaumaturgical facts below:

  • Aether pools within ones self swell in times of intense fear and duress.
  • There are 307 verses of funerary rites for the virtuous fallen.
  • Thaumaturgy: The Yawning Abyss was written by Zozomaya.
  • Priestess Mamane is strict about noise in the THM guild.
  • "Honour is for knights, and dead mages."
  • A wise Thaumaturge does not engage in battle with those he can not best.
  • Thaumaturges under the Order only accept laws from those with enough gil to 'pay a sultana's ransom', therefore they typically deal with the wealthy in ul'dah regarding the laws of the city.
  • Should a Thaumaturge not have an appropriate amount of aether reserves within their body to work with, they are likely to end up killing themselves if they try to force more than a small flicker of flame of spark of lightning. Straining to get more aether from your reserves than you have can potentially ignite your very life blood, and in the worst case burn you alive from the inside out. (this is shown with black magic moreso than Thaumaturgy, however the principle is the same: too little aether you can safely work with coupled with trying to use too much to manipulate a spell = disaster for the caster, and a painful death.


While Naoh'ra typically uses magic, he is also proficient with a bow and arrow.

He has a superb sense of hearing and scent, and pretty touch and go balance. He only has good vision in the pitch darkness of night, however, and any bright lights at all, even when exposed for long periods of time hurts his eyes and he can't see a thing.

He is pitiful in hand to hand combat and can be easily overtaken should anyone come after him, and he's quite easy to catch off guard when he is not actively engaged with something that calls for alertness, such as hunting. When working/studying, he can be easily startled.



  • Mhastoum Greingohtsyn: Naoh'ra had started off very very nervous about Mhastoum, but overtime the Roegadyn unintentionally helped him to put his trust back in the race as a whole. He holds a great deal of respect and love for Mhastoum, and regularly visits his room to bathe and chat with him whenever he can. He enjoys his company a lot and wants nothing more than to see him be happy. Recently Mhastoum opened a door into Naoh'ras face, but even though it hurt his forehead, it hasn't hurt their friendship. They have bonded chocobos, after all.
  • Aran'sae Dia: Naoh'ra had once had very strong romantic feelings for Aran'sae, but over time they have changed into platonic. He loves him very much and views him as a close friend or even family. He loves being in his company, and feels incredibly safe around him. The keeper had really helped him to find his passions, and he finds a wonderful amount of support from him. His recent leave to the Shroud has left Naoh'ra both happy and sad. Happy in the fact that Aran'sae may find something incredible through his meditations, and sad he will not see his friend for some time.
  • Rhuya'to Viqqoh: He met this keeper not long ago when he got himself stuck in a leg trap in the Shroud. Rhuya'to allowed him to his living space where Naoh'ra was allowed to meet his children and they have been friends since. Naoh'ra grew out his hair for the kids to braid and play with, as it brings him great happiness to be a part of a child's life again.
  • Mipije Papije: Recently they have began to speak more and Naoh'ra quite enjoys the Lalafells company. He likes how bubbly he is, and how assertive. Mip gave him the ice box to carry food in instead of the ratty old pouch he had been using before and Naoh'ra is very grateful. He wishes to spend more time with him, and will perhaps help him in the kitchen more often.


  • C'sanhsa Tia: He used to not like C'sanhsa that much but he hardly knows him or sees him around so he's fairly neutral about him as a whole. Serious, he hardly knows anything about him, so he has taken a more relaxed approach to him. He wishes to mend their friendship, and wants to be some significant part of his life despite how he had treated him before.
  • Pimrhi Dia: No longer uncomfortable around her, he has found an odd peace in her presence. He wishes to see her more often, and give her the care that she obviously needs.
  • Sven Volkorus: Bumped into him and got talking and hunting in the shroud with him. He gets along with him fairly well for the fact they are both dads. That's about it for now, but he does hope they can talk more.


  • K'ovu Tia: Dude literally stole his leg and blew it up with a firework, calls him names and kicks his crutches out from under him, then stabbed him. Naoh'ra dislikes him greatly.
  • S'imba Tia: He doesn't like him. On his way to the markets he bumped into him and Sven who were apparently high on something and he almost got stabbed! Why?!?!
  • Abeodan Silverbrand: This hyur demanded Naoh'ra get him teeth, and after a while Naoh'ra got fed up with his demands and incinerated the teeth he got for him. A fight broke out. They aren't on good terms.


Naoh'ra lost his left leg from the mid thigh down due to a run in with a cannibal. Since the incident, he had a metal prosthetic he would wear and hide under loose clothing, however K'ovu Tia had stolen it and blown it up so currently he has no replacement. He used to hide it under loose clothing, but now instead simply ties off the end of his pant leg and walks with a cane. It's very obvious he is missing a leg, and it embarrasses him but he is taking it in stride and adjusting.


  • Light hurts his eyes and he finds it very difficult to see.
  • He has a few body piercings, it now becoming a hobby to dot his skin with stars and hoping he'll find connection with Menphina through that.
  • At the end of the day he's crankier than in the early times he's awake. He gets angry when in pain.
  • He is very easily flustered when others take an interest in his life.
  • He stares a lot; he just doesn't blink as often as others might.
  • He collects moonstones and rocks that look like the moon and puts them around Menphina's stone when he goes to visit.
  • Naoh'ra really likes ice and the cold. It makes him feel one with Menphina and from time to time he'll sleep with ice in his bed.
  • He had recently tried to create weapons that could bring thaumaturgy to other combat classes, but ultimately failed.
  • Naoh'ra has a very hard time walking without his prosthetic, and mostly resorts to an odd hopping with the help of a cane.
  • He often gathers rocks and puts them at the bottom of Menphina's stone where they soak up Her moonbeams. He believes this grants them the power of protection to those who carry the stone, especially to those who travel at night. The rocks themselves are fairly ordinary, but he feels that the act of soaking them in Menphina's light charges them in a way, and bestows a blessing onto something physical to carry and give to those he loves.
  • He suffers from mild to severe depression, and typically reacts with anger and irritability toward others. Especially so when he is continuously pushed to do something he's said no to already.
  • It has become habit to not make a lot of noise due to working often in the THM guild.
  • Naoh'ra sometimes has the tendency to 'burst into flame' when he's startled, the fright often sparking his fingers and on reflex he often either goes to throw fire or actually does, having once burnt off someones eyebrows.


Naoh'ra is panromantic, and is romantically attracted to others regardless of sex, gender, and race. He strives for many romantic relationships with many others and wishes to form strong bonds with his partners.

He does not experience sexual attraction to others outside of breeding and child making, and will typically only have sex with someone for the purpose of reproduction. It is a new concept to him to have sex recreationally, and he does not seek this out. He does seek out mates of his own race, and will be sexually attracted to potential mates simply because he thinks they're the best fit for making a strong and healthy child.

Relationship wise, he is polyamourous and wishes to have many romantic partners.


This photo was drawn by my good friend Cammy, her blog at the following link tumblr And the following link here is a post she made that is a complete art break down for the Fayth picture here! Fayth breakdown

Tumblr nnls124Rk21rk8mg9o3 540.png

The following pictures I drew of this nerd

Tumblr npziinyhR11tefln4o1 1280.jpg


another NSFW XXX


The Lover


Common Rumours:

  • "He has a very raspy voice, must be around smoke a lot."
  • "I hear he teaches for the Ossuary."
  • "He needs to stop staring so much."

Moderate Rumours:

  • "He smells like perfume and smoke, it's a little overpowering."

Rare Rumours:

  • "I heard him sing once. He's very passionate in it."
  • "He spends too much time around the dead, boy needs some company."
  • "He is surprisingly kind."

PC Rumours (Feel free to add!):

  • "He's got a stick so far up his rear he could legitimately be called a miq'abob." -C'sanhsa Tia
  • "The guy burned my shirt attached his prosthetic to a fire work and blew it to pieces in the heavens." - K'ovu Tia
  • "He's quite the quick reader, from what I've seen. I wonder if he could teach me that skill." - Lolohala Memehala
  • "... His voice, it is familiar. I wish I remembered who he was." - Aran'sae Dia
  • "Naoh'ra is...irritable. Deep inside him, however, is someone whom I can call 'friend'." -Mhastoum Greingohtsyn
  • "He seems nice. He was the one who gave me the news my father, X'vett, passed away... And then he hit on me..." - X'vhana Vett
  • "Handsome man who lies. He speaks and causes pain and grief that taste like Galago Mint and Honey across my lips. Ooo... How sweet his lies are... I can still taste them." - Pimrhi Dia