Kersch Schwarzer

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Gridania-transparent.png Kersch Schwarzer
Biographical Information
Birth Name Kersch Schwarzer
Nickname(s) Kerschy, Kirk
Guardian Oschon Icon.png Oschon, the Wanderer
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Physical Attributes
Hair Silver
Eyes Teal - Limbals: Ice Blue
Primary Weapon His own body (Martial arts)
Secondary Weapon Steel claws or hooks (To close distance)
Career Information
Occupation Well Travelled Monk, Mercenary
Out-of-Character Information
Free Company [[Remnant]]
Server Balmung
Job Monk

Kersch Schwarzer - A wandering monk at a crossroads (CURRENTLY A WORK IN PROGRESS PAGE, NOT WORD OF GOD, ETC. - STOP STALKING ME. YES YOU)

Appearance & Personality


Sparring or a good brawl
Travelling and Exploring
Feeling accepted for how/what he is


Organized religions
Using his strength to seriously harm others
His connections to the darker side of Ul'dah

Random Facts

Will occasionally scrape or rub his horns against nearby walls, pillars, etc. - usually to cope with agitation or frustration
Has been known to slip into speaking a foreign tongue of undetermined origin
He has a penchant for Rums and Whiskeys- i.e. Qiqirn Firewater, Limsan Rum
Favorite Colors: Rhotano Blue, Reds, Whites, Blacks




Romantic Interest      Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

The Remnant

 ???? Sephirah Eruafnor - Kersch's closest friend and companion since his youth. The bond these two share runs unfathomably deep, and it is for this very reason that Kersch is doing all in his power to curb Seph's current violent and unstable psychological state. If prompted, he will insist that Sephirah is a much different person at heart. That being said, he also has no qualms about taking the Raen to task for his behavior...usually with his fists.
Orin Kai - An alluring and exotic Raen that Kersch met shortly after joining The Remnant. What began as a curious fascination between the two free spirits has ignited into something much more, and as of now Kersch finds himself with complex feelings for the other Au Ra that he still can't quite put into words. Regardless, he has been doing his best to assist Orin in trying to maintain a modicum of order and peace amongst the company members- a task that is often easier said than done.
Carina Roussos - A flustery alchemist whom was the first to offer Kersch and Seph a home away from home with the ragtag group of refugees known as The Remnant. After witnessing Kersch drag Sephirah into the back alley of The Quicksand during one of the Raen's violent episodes, the woman reached out to the pair with sincere concern. Kersch feels both responsible and somewhat guilty for the endless amount of strife and torment Seph seems fixated to inflict on the hyur lately.
Ayushiridara Khatagin - A crafty succubus of a Xaela, Kersch tolerates and even responds her giggly, wiggly antics when she's being relatively harmless. Beneath this exterior though, he's come to realize the Auri woman relishes in causing discord and mayhem for her own amusement. Kersch experienced this first hand after foolishly letting her take Seph on dungeon crawl that had the pair returning a blood-drenched massacre. He is currently wary of Ayu, but she has now been absent for some time.
Ieyasu Ryushin - The self-styled 'leader' of The Remnant. Ryushin seems to be a man of few words, but the interactions Kersch has had with the Raen have been mainly pleasant and respectful. Certain unfolding events have caused he and other members of the household to question the properties of the massive stylized blade Ryu carries on his back, but the eastern warriors's aura of authority has kept these murmurings fairly low key.
Aoi Obinata - A quirky and energetic Raen who joined the company more recently, Aoi went through some surprising changes of her own while struggling with her past. She is very friendly to Kersch and always eager go travelling or spar with the Xaela. Kersch finds this aspect of the petite Au Ra to be endearing and cares for her in the way one would a little sister.
Kaiz Kha - A young , enthusiastic and curious Xaela, Kersch can't help but see a bit of his younger self in the boy. Kaiz's blunt speech and way of taking almost any phrase completely literally borders on comical at times, but Kersch knows he means well. The Kha is often puzzled by Kersch's tribeless ways, but the two get on well enough when they do cross paths.
Evey Vorai - A kind and bright-spirited midlander woman who recently returned to the company after a long absence. Kersch hasn't had many chances to speak with Evey, but she has earned his deep gratitude by using her conjury skills to completely heal a very severe and scarring injury he received a while back. He also isn't complaining about the culinary masterpieces she regular whips up in the villa's kitchen.
Quyntin Highspyre - If Kersch had to pick three ways to describe Quyn - Haughty, prideful, and laced with scarcasm. This miqo'te seems to come and go as he pleases, but he never misses a chance to trade barbs with the Xaela when he does bother to show himself. It's all good natured though, and Kersch likes to think Quyn is a good guy when it comes down to it.. despite the cat's grumpy protests otherwise.
Serick Burwani -


Amedee Delacroix
Jetei Kha
Liah Liohto
Nasam Himaa


◢ NPC Rumors
"Kersch? Ain't that the big scaley beast that won the Grindstone usin' nothin but fancy acrobatics and a bit o' metal on his fists?"
"Everytime I see Kersch around The Quicksand these days, he's dressed in something that'd put a Sunsilk Original to shame and flanked by at least one blonde-headed Raen....a shame they all seem to be boys. -sigh-"
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the characters of other players - Feel free to add!)
"What can I say about Kersch... He likes Spicy things, just like his partner Sephirah." ~Aoi Obinata
"Sir Kersch is a gentle man...usually. Though I am concerned for his well-being among certain others..." -Carina Roussos



Tropes: Gentle Giant, Tranquil Fury, Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
Themes: The Farthest Land
(This page was created using the Templates of Bancroft Gairn and IndustryThirteen)