Kasi Nebuko

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Gridania-transparent.png Kasi Nebuko
Commission1 kasi nebuko.png
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridania
Age 32
Height/Weight 5 fulm / 126 ponze
Occupation Retired soldier, mercenary, trader
Weaknesses Wheat allergy, illiterate
Alignment Lawful neutral
Affiliations Twin Adders, Shroudwolf Clan


Like most Miqo'te, Kasi has an extremely keen sense of smell and hearing, as well as a significantly above-average sense of balance for her kind. Unlike most of her kind, she also has a staggering amount of pure, brute strength. However, Kasi has a severe allergy to wheat which borders on life-threatening. Eating any kind of wheat product can cause her to have difficulty breathing for several hours depending on the amount she consumes, which is potentially also accompanied by rash, vomiting, moderate itching, and a runny nose. Kasi also lacks the capability to read, despite being fairly intelligent.

Note: A rating of 5 is considered average for a Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon. Attributes range from 1 to a maximum of 10, with all points combined not exceeding 30. These ratings are purely relative rather than absolute values.

Attribute Rating (=30)
Strength ★★★★★|★★★★☆
Dexterity ★★☆☆☆|☆☆☆☆☆
Constitution ★★★★★|★★☆☆☆
Intelligence ★★★★☆|☆☆☆☆☆
Wisdom ★★☆☆☆|☆☆☆☆☆
Charisma ★★★★★|★☆☆☆☆

Physical Description


"Little thing looks like she could rip the arms offa some poor fella if she tried."

Although fairly short and petite by Eorzean standards, this adult dark-skinned Miqo’te manages to look at least a little imposing thanks to her black and silver heavy plate armor. She also regularly carries with her a sharp steel lance and a large steel zweihander strapped to her backside. While her top half is nearly completely covered in sturdy steel, her lower half places a bit more emphasis on movement with a simple skirt and leather boots. What little skin she shows is impressively muscular- a result, no doubt, of extensive combat training in plate with heavy weapons. Her intense, red eyes peek out from under a rat’s nest of black unkempt hair, which is broken up by streaks of deep red amidst the short locks. Her face has a fair bit of grime and dirt to it, but is otherwise free of obvious injury or blemish, save for a streak of white warpaint that runs horizontally across her nose and halfway over her cheeks. Her lips are a lighter shade of black compared to her hair, and almost always formed into a relaxed smile. She's always chewing on something, which is occasionally replenished by the contents of a small satchel at her belt. She appears to be carrying most- if not all- of her personal possessions with her on her back, which most notably features a cast-iron skillet.


"I've lived most of my life by the sword- I plan to die by the sword too, and there'll be no hard feelings for it."

Despite being fairly independent and self-driven, Kasi values kinship very highly and has an almost fanatical devotion to those whom she calls friend and family. What's more is that, regardless of their clan or origin, Kasi considers all Miqo'te to be kin. She goes as far as to proclaim herself something of a racial nationalist, as well as a meat supremacist. Personable, friendly, laid back, perhaps even a bit charismatic, but also blunt, Kasi can get along with just about anyone in just about any situation- even with, and especially, her enemies. Slow to anger or taunt, her military training has yielded a cool-under-pressure persona that seeks to observe, analyze, and deconstruct a person or situation before acting. Kasi generally eschews violence whenever possible, preferring to manipulate or turn a situation to her advantage as subtly as possible. When that fails and she is faced with immediate danger for herself or those in her charge, she shows no fear in the face of battle, even to the point one might think she had a death wish. She revels in every opportunity to bring her full strength to bear, and is thankful for even half a reason to do so. In spite of all that she’s gone through and what hardships she has endured in the past, she manages to harbor an optimistic outlook on life and a warm, friendly smile moored in the bay.


"What doesn't kill you..."

Kasi's history is not a terribly storied one, though the account of it may be more interesting in the details if one were to ask her directly. As far as public knowledge goes, Kasi grew up in the South Shroud with a tribe of Miqo'te poachers who, at least at the time, were raising the children as a community family rather than father-mother-child units. As a result, she never really knew her parents short of a single encounter with a woman who claimed to be her mother. Kasi left the tribe as soon as she came of age, adopted her own surname, and joined the Twin Adders both as a means to get formal combat training as well as scrub her poaching record clean. Kasi took to the social challenges of being an outcast just as strongly as she did to the physical ones of being in the military, and looks back on the experience fondly as one of the defining moments of her entire life. She served 5 years in the Gridanian military before being honorably discharged.


Since her discharge from the Twin Adders about 12 years prior, Kasi has been self-employed as a contractor doing a fairly wide array of jobs, ranging from delivery to guard escort to bounty hunting. As long as the job has her traveling, there’s not much her fairly loose morals will bar her from doing if hired- the gil is just an added bonus. Even then, she does have her own personal code of ethics that she will not compromise even for a hefty weight in gil. She prides herself on her word, and won’t break her oath to anyone if she makes a promise. She also outright refuses to take any jobs that involve a Miqo’te target, as she intensely detests seriously fighting against her own kin. More than anything else, Kasi thirsts for challenge and competition when it comes to her work, and it drives her forward passionately even in the face of failure.


As a former Twin Adder as well as tribal Keeper, Kasi is well-versed in wilderness survival and revels in the opportunity to travel the world and live off the land, along with the sense of freedom that brings. She even enjoys the chance to sleep wherever she can find solace, whether it be in a tent, a cave, or simply under the stars against a tree. Kasi is something of a grilling enthusiast and it would be a challenge to find her without her trusty cast-iron skillet close at hand. She also has a particular love of arm-wrestling, as well as any other strength-oriented games. She has a bit of a passing interest in cards, but doesn’t play competitively. Kasi spends a fair amount of time staying in shape by practicing with her lance while taking odd jobs as a mercenary, which helps to sate her appetite for travel at the same time. Lately, she has taken to extensive training with a greatsword as well, finding a much greater strength challenge than with her lance previously.

Notable Relationships

Name Relationship Kasi's Remarks
Rhela Moshroca Sister, younger "My dear sister. Although just recently united, I see a lot of myself reflected in her- silent tendencies aside. She just takes a little bit of time to open up. She's determined to get as strong as she can- just like I am."
Y'nora Rhaz Complicated "So much- if not all- of Nora's life has been under a slaver's yoke. I aim to make what's left of it the best it can possibly be."
Nauta "Red" Lyehga Friend, rival "A kindred warrior, but she has a lot of guilt from her past that holds her back. We all change- her most of all. I would have never thought to find the poacher outlaw 'Ol Red Eyes as a mother. I look forward to sparring with Red."
Tyll'a Starr Friend "Quiet fellow, and rarely has more than a few words to speak at a time, but he's helped me out more times than I can count. He's always enthusiastic when put to a task. He's helped me with Nora more than a few times now- can't earn respect higher than that."
Delkan "Gramps" Lenoxx Friend "Gramps has his secrets- but I'll keep them until he's ready to tell them to others. He was invaluable in helping me with Nora- he might be Hyur, but he's kin, far as I'm concerned."
Ally Southway Friend "My old C.O. in the Twin Adders. She was the one point of solace and rest during my five years of service, and I make sure to keep up with her still. It was her advice that led me to the Shroudwolves. Even lone wolves need a pack to run with on occasion. She probably knows best of all."
Gehr'ir Ett Friend "Can't find a better trader or friend in the wilds, even if he is a little paranoid and eccentric. I always look forward to seeing what new traps I can find of his when I visit his camp, much less whatever meats and nuts he has to trade."
Deahfel Pharasma Friend "She introduced me to apple cider, and she loves my homemade jerky- practically makes her a best friend right away. She and I help each other out as much as we can with whatever jobs there are- tails have to stick together, no matter where we roam."
Django Sullivan Friend "Bailed him out of some bounty trouble, since I don't beat up kids. He got lucky it wasn't someone else that found him first. Hyur has some honor in him, though- didn't expect him to try to repay the debt. He's got some potential as a good mercenary himself, if he sticks with it."
Yvenalise "Tachi" Tachibana Business associate "Nearly took my head off once on account of Nora, but she's been really supportive since. I'll trade with her every chance I'm given."



Profile artwork provided by http://lunie-junk.tumblr.com/.