Tempest Fey

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Tempest Fey
The Witch

Name... Theresa Marie Kells
Alias... The Grey Witch, Tessa
Age... 30
Gender... Female
Race... Hume, claims to be Hyur
Clan... A new clan is forming
Orientation... Straight
Marital... Unmarried, in relationship with Anagna Kenesa
Deity... She is over the Gods
Nationality... Hume (Jeuno), claims to be a Hyur from Gridania
Occupation... Witch
Alignment... Neutral Order

A striking beauty who puts up a frigid cold front. Her skin is fair and eyes deep shade of blue. Her summer sun hair is contradiction to her icy interior. She often appears to be thinking too much or looking as if the world around her is meaningless. Once one breaks past her barriers, they would find a very caring and loyal companion.

Scars & Markings: She would not mark her body or let it get scared. If such a thing were to happen, she would spend all her energy healing the defect out of exsistence.

Voice: Her speech is calm and soothing. Her vocal quality is deeper than most women, but still highly feminine and slightly flirtatious. She was raised to behave like nobility, there is a definite refinement to the way she speaks.

Clothing: Having grown up with very little, Tempest tends to enjoy more luxurious garments and has a large assortment of them. When ever she can afford to buy new clothes, she does. She collects a variety of jewelry, especially when it comes to opal and moonstone gemstones. She favors color blocking, especially with white, blues, grey and black.

A Good Witch or a Bad Witch?

  • The Hour Before Dawn
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Divination
  • A Gentle Breeze and a Terrible Storm


  • Dusk
  • Hot Climates
  • Cleaning


  • Loss
  • Herself
  • Love


  • Favorite Food: Salad, anything lemon
  • Favorite Drink: Water
  • Favorite Colors: White, Gray and Blue
  • Favorite Flowers: Rose, lavender
  • Inventory: A few pouches of generic, but useful ingredients for spell casting
  • Her deck of astrologian cards and star globe
  • An opal pendant
  • Several unaspected and elemental aspected crystals
  • Her coin purse
  • A couple of linkpearls

Color Key
In A Relationship
Romantic Attraction
Sexual Attraction

Platonic Love/Family
Friendly Acquaintance

Good Standing
Bad Standing


Family Member
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown


Raudulfr Kells ()( NPC ) - Father
Fey’s father was a Baron in Jeuno who made a fortune farming rare herbs that his wife would use in her apothecary shops. The Kells were part of an insignificant rebellion against the Duchy. The estate was raided, Raudulfr held back the guards long enough for his pregnant wife to escape.


Sephirah Eruafnor () - Her Dark Knight
What appears to be a Raen is so much more. Sephirah and Tempest have known each other since they were children in San d’Oria. She taught him some of his first spells. He left to be an adventurer before she had the nerve, years later when she joined him; he guarded her on her journeys. She affectionately calls him “her” dark knight. Though they flirted with a relationship, they have grown far beyond anything physical.
Janiel Inwudu () - The Baroness
Janiel is Tempest's mother, one of three people to ever know her real name. Janiel raised her daughter under the guise of an apothecary in San d’Oria after they fled to Jeuno. Janiel is a powerful summoner, but kept it hidden as the art was forbidden. She taught her daughter magic and accepted Sephirah in her home. Tempest ripped her mother through the Void to bring Janiel to Hydaelyn. Janiel loves this new world, her arts are embraced here and she is reunited with her only child.
Marcus Feral () - The Captain
Tempest met Feral in Gridania. She helped him with his S&S business. While friends at times, these two are all about the business and sometimes, business isn’t friendly. Nevertheless, there is a mutual respect between the witch and the cat, which has grown recently. Since coming to Raven's Nest, Marcus has been a source of comfort for her.
Dovienya Cuenn () - Money Bags
Tempest and Dovienya crossed paths when Fey was associated with S&S. They always had a mutual respect for each other. But they are strictly business. There is no friendship between these two, just courtesy. After some time in the Raven's Nest, Tempest's respect for Dovienya has grown. Dovienya has proven to be a stablizing force amongst the gathering.
Carceri Agathys () - Ordo Templi Orientis
A fierce and dedicated Roegadyn that Tempest met by chance. Drawn to his inner power, she knew that he would be a great ally. She called upon his services to bring her mother into Eorzea.
Cemi Jinfeh () - Drinking Girl
A very lovely Xaela who helped bring Tempest down when she was high on light aether. Though at first stand-offish with each other, the two seem to get along very well. New friends, they seem to be quite comfortable with letting their guards down when in each other's company.
Ahzra'li Lhomi () - Hunter
An extremely handsome Miqo'te that helped bring Tempest down, she finds his sad past and empathic nature easy to be around. He was the first stranger from the Nest to offer her a friendly ear. Respectful of his loyalty and love to another, Tempest has decided to be nothing more than a friend to him. Though she hopes their friendship continues to grow.
Anagna Kenesa () - Naga
With his gruff exterior and the fact that he help take Tempest down, these two would seem the most unlikely pair to get along. But, Tempest can't deny she has a very strong physical attraction to him and an utter comfort in his presence. After a few encounters, she seems to be drawn to him in more ways than one. Now she finds herself falling in deep with him, caring more about him than she thought possible for herself. Her feelings for him scare her more than anything she has ever faced.
L'ysion Tia () - "Grand" Inquistor
A dark and handsome Miqo'te, the two have never really gottten along. First, because he attacked Sephirah. Second, because he threatened and insulted her. Recently, he came through with saving Ahzra'li, so she decided tp show him some leniency. Very little.

In The Eyes of Others...

Tsuki Amaranth () - The Little Kitten
Tempest thought very little of Tsuki upon first meeting her. Over time, she has realized that she is more clever than she looks and more resilent than she seems. But friendship between the two is unlikely. Tempest harbors a fear that Tsuki will try and seduce Anaguma from her.
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard.

    "Sephirah and Tempest always claim to be friends, but come on, they’ve had to screwed.”

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear.

    "She’s a xenophobe, have you ever seen her face when a Lalafel walks by? Utter disgust.”

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard.

    "She covets with demons of the Void. She’s a filthy whore of the dark.”
    "If she can’t afford the finer things in life, she’ll just steal. Just ask her former roommates."


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Add rumor here." Name

The Beginning

Tempest's was born to Baron Raudulfr Kells, a wealthy farmer and known red mage from Rolanberry Fields. Her mother is Janiel Mar Heil, who was born to a mage family that had immigrated to Windurst to focus on mystic studies. Janiel's family disowned her when they discovered that she was practicing the forbidden art of Summoning. On her own, she headed towards Jeuno, where she met Raudulfr, their love for each other was instant. They were soon married, making Janiel a Baroness by marriage.

As Baron, Raudulfr began to suspect corruption from the Grand Duchy of Jeuno. He gathered like-minded individuals to form a coup. But, while the rebellion was small, Kam'lanaut eliminated all its members, personally seeing to the destruction of the Kells Estate. Raudulfr battled with Archduke to provide distraction for a very pregnant Janiel to escape. Raudulfr has not been seen since.

Fleeing as far as she could, Janiel travelled through Batallia Downs, making her way to the Kingdom of San d’Oria. She was forced to stop in the stormy Jugner Forest when she was beset with labor pains. Finding shelter in a cave, she gave birth to the only child of the Baron and Baroness Kells. She named her Theresa Marie. Afraid to stay still, Janiel forged forward until she made into the Forest of Ronfaure. Found by a patrolling knight, she was given shelter by the Longfalls Family. The matriarch of the family took pity on the mother and her newborn and bequeathed them a small shop with an apartment above it. Not wanting to draw attention by using her married name, Janiel chose to use the eldest tribal name of her ancestors, Inwudu.


Janiel realized early on that Theresa had a penchant for magic, thinking it best to carry on the tradition of never revealing one’s true name; Janiel began to call her daughter Tempest, for she was born during a storm. Janiel soon opened the store front, selling potions and herbal remedies as the local apothecary, but while business was successful, their social life was not. Tempest found it hard relating to the Elvaan children. It didn't help that Tempest was on a strict routine, school and then home for her mother's own private lessons in the arcane. But friendship soon came.

When she was seven, Tempest found herself at the torment of many a playground bullies, until the day that Sephriah Longfall stepped in and took a beating for her. She didn't ask him why, she just took him back to her mother and had him patched up. The two became the best of friends and almost inseparable. They could often be found in her room, where she would teach him some of her spells.

As the two got older, conflict came when attraction built between them. As the two found themselves feeling desire to each other, Sephriah's father disapproved of them pursuing any relationship. His father’s fear proved unnecessary. Experimentation proved that their bond was not destined to become romantic. Their friendship was put through the test when Tempest’s mother limited their time so Tempest could deepen her mystic studies. Having suffered his father enough, Sephirah had decided to leave San d'Oria for a life of adventure. Tempest was furious with him for leaving her behind. Her relationship became even more strained when he would write about his adventures while she was stuck minding her mother's shop.



Returning a letter to Sephirah, she demanded that he come home and save her from a life of boredom. In the middle of the night, she lept over the wall and into the waiting arms of her best friend. The two had many great adventures, but young Tempest was not ready to share her friend with all his adventurer allies. Tensions began to rise and Tempest withdrew from his circle and journeyed on her own, delving deeper and harder into mystic studies. She traveled all over the Vana'diel, studying all forms of magic she could get her hands on, including the arts of Divination.

While searching the skies and stars for a hint of the future, Tempest foresaw Vana'diel falling to the Void. At first, she studied all she could about the Void in order to prevent what she saw. Eventually, she came to the conclusion that Vana'diel was a lost cause. She crafted a spell that would take her to a world that was not destined to such a fate, but instead she fell into her worst nightmare. The spell opened up a vortex into the Void, pulled in by the dark, Tempest would never set foot on Vana'diel's soil again.

The Void

Tempest’s arrival in the Void was wrought with terror. The voidsent immediately tried to snuff her out, it took all the skill she possessed to survive. Being a child of an unconquered world and surviving the tirades of voidsent, Tempest grew a small reputation. She soon gained a bounty on her head, but try as they might, she would not die. Ultimately she turned the eyes of the Cloud of Darkness. The confrontation was more than Tempest could bear. The Cloud had enjoyed the Tempest’s tenacity; she offered Tempest a choice, to die by her hand or to serve it. With little options left, Tempest entered into servitude.

Tempest performed a variety of tasks for the Cloud, including personal dancer and songbird, degrading herself for all manner of unholy creatures. When a Lord of the Void became too presumptuous, Tempest killed the demon. Though the lords were in an uproar, the Cloud was intrigued that Tempest could summon such power so deep in the Void. The Cloud elevated Tempest, she had her trained by the succubi and soon Tempest was luring poor souls to their doom. Tempest took joy in her dark tasks, reveling in finally not living in terror, but inflicting it. Tempest continued to elevate herself; she eventually earned the opportunity to go on a raid into an unconquered world. She was tasked with bringing in a young girl to the Void, one with potential the Cloud wanted to corrupt.

Changed for the Worst.png

Tempest took a small contingent into a camp; they annihilated all those that opposed them and all those that didn’t. Tempest found the child, but she found something else. A divined vision, she was not possessed of the Sight, but she was struck with a sense that this was what she was looking for. Her spell that took her to the Void had come full circle. It had led her to a world that was unconquered and full of light and hope, Hydaelyn. Tempest returned to the Void and gave the child to the Cloud. She then sought out to form a plan that would ensure her freedom.

To strive in the Void and to retain her power in any world that she had to visit, the Cloud had slowly begun to alter Tempest’s body. Tempest concocted a potion that would remove the changes and allow her to roam freely again and rid herself of the Cloud’s control. But, Tempest did not have the power to open portals. That had been restricted to keep her check. Knowing that imps were notorious for slipping through small dimension tears, she seduced a small group of them until they showed her where one was to Hydaelyn.

Tempest drank her potion, voidal energy ripped from her body. For the first time in years, Tempest looked like herself. She stepped through the tear and left her life of slavery behind.


Tempest arrived with the imps in Spirithold in North Shroud. The Wood Wailers were investigating the area, led by a B’ern Fhey, a male Miqo’te. To her surprise she could understand them, a lingering effect of her time in the Void, she assumed. The imps attacked, Tempest tried to stop them, but no longer possessing her voidal powers and her own magic was out of sorts. She accidentally incinerated both imps and Wood Wailers.

Wandering and afraid, she stumbled across a town meeting in a small Hamlet in the Shroud. The people demanded answers and revenge for what happened at Spirithold. B’ern’s widow, Bianca, asked for patience and kindness, to give the Wood Wailers and the Elder Seedseer time. Tempest, looking ragged, offered Bianca her condolences. Sensing a true genuine sorrow from Tempest, Bianca took pity on her and offered Tempest shelter in her Manor. The two became close friends and Tempest found the peace and quiet needed to start to stabilize and refocus her personal magics.

Her solitude with Bianca came to end when the Cloud sent her agents after Tempest when she learned of her whereabouts. The Cloud had Bianca’s three children possessed. The Seedseers were unable to help and Tempest had not yet the fine control to perform an exorcism. Fully corrupted, the children had to be killed. Unable to do it herself, Bianca pleaded Tempest to do the job. After that, Tempest could not stay at the Manor. Bianca gave Tempest enough money to be comfortable and Tempest took Fey as a surname, an homage to the first kindness and worst horror she experienced in Hydaelyn.


Tempest travelled Eorzea, aligning herself with the magic of this new world and studying its history, lore and sorceries. It didn’t take long for her to regain her skills and confidence, but it was in battle with a dark mage that her life changed. After she dispatched him, she took a small stone from his corpse. For the first time since she came to this world, she felt the power she once possessed in Vana’diel. She would never let this Soulstone go.

In the deserts of Southern Thanalan, Tempest came across Ala Mhigan refugee, Ephiny Zora. Skilled with daggers, the young woman was fighting with a group of overzealous men. Having killed one already, the attackers were out for Ephiny’s blood. Tempest sensed something unique in the young woman, she intervened. When the men refused to listen to Tempest, Tempest killed the group. Tempest took Ephiny under her wing, teacher her magic, while Ephiny dedicated her daggers to her, becoming her Blade. The two travelled far and wide, in search of the one thing Tempest wanted more than anything else, Soulstones.

Running low on funds, Tempest returned to Gridania. Ephiny stayed with Bianca, staying close by to continue her training. Tempest came across Captain Marcus Feral, offering her sorcery to help him turn a profit. Their partnership proved lucrative and allowed her the financial stability needed to further her research.

Eventually, Tempest had decided that she needed to delve deeper into studying the Void, Soulstones and the Astrology of the North. She left Captain Feral's company, took Ephiny with her and continued her travels once more.

The Goblet


Tempest ran across Sephirah in Ul’Dah, his physical appearance changed by his own travels through the Void, but she recognized him regardless. Refusing to part with him after being separated for so many years, she decided to remain close to him, especially to monitor him after his exposure to the Void. She moved in with him to a detestable house filled with psychotics, whores and swindlers. Despite the disgusting and poorly decorated home of the Remnants, the two quickly rekindled their friendship.

Tempest’s research and collecting had finally paid off, she developed a way to open a gateway via the Void to Vana’diel. She planned to bring her mother to Hydaelyn. The spell was dangerous, she would needed aide, and Sephirah was the first to offer. The spell came at a high cost, after years of living a life of freedom, Tempest aroused the attention of the Cloud of Darkness once more. The Cloud allowed Janiel to pass through freely, in exchange of a favor from Tempest and Sephirah in the future.

Situations at the Goblet became erratic; Tempest and Janiel parted ways with Sephirah and reunited with Ephiny. They travelled east and set up in a little hamlet.

The Last Year

Refusing to fall victim to the Cloud once again, Tempest aggressively collected as many Soulstones as she could, getting ahold of six. She understood that someone could take them from her as she did from others. She placed herself under strict and often violent rituals that prepared her body for an influx of power. When she had completed all the necessary rites, Tempest consumed all six Soulstones. The act caused an explosive aetheric reaction that Janiel and Ephiny barely survived.

A year passed, Ephiny and Janiel searched the world over until they discovered that Tempest had become one with the Aether. With the help of Raven's Nest and Sephirah, Tempest was restored. She now resides with the Nest.

Commissioned Art Pieces


Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

I am complicated woman. I am powerful woman, because I am complicated.