Artani Dazkar

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LATEST ACTIVITIES (RP HOOKS): Artani can usually be found moving between Eorzea and the Far East, though for now she's in Eorzea for safety reasons. She usually hangs around Gridania and Ul'Dah, keeping to herself or speaking with her contacts.

FULL NAME: Artani Dazkar

GENDER: Female

RACE: Au Ra, Xaela

NATIONALITY: An Au Ra from the Steppes, of the Dazkar clan.

AGE: Twenties.


HEIGHT About five foot five, arguably tall for the women of her race.

WEIGHT: Extremely slender and lanky, though not without obvious muscle tone.


OCCUPATION: Spy, Assassin, Information dealer.

STATUS: Single


AFFILIATIONS: The clans of the Steppes, Doma, whoever's currently relying on her for info

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good



With her small tribe having been razed by Garleans when she was a young girl, Artani's life has been spent holding tightly to the emotional restraint instilled in her by her mother - if not for this, the Xaela would have given in to madness long ago. Instead, she's been searching for her siblings - it just so happened that she fell into a life of subterfuge in the meantime.

Now, she hunts. For those who believe themselves to be benevolent leaders, when their actions paint them as only tyrants. For those who would slaughter and oppress, for the joy of it. For those who would send the world into chaos for their own self-centered reasons. Her targets often die; some get off with a warning - a little bit of perspective hidden in blood and betrayal. In the search for her siblings, she was able to find a position in life to feed her compassion and to temper her rage. There would be no mercy for those that considered themselves overlords, if Art had anything to say about.


THE XAELA stands just slightly taller than most females of her race, with the characteristic dark bluish-black scales covering her legs, arms and neck. In a way that would appear sickly to most, the dark scales stand out against alabaster skin, peppered with the lightest of freckles from the sunlight. A small, almost always scowling mouth appears to be a greyish color against her skin, resting under a haughty nose that curves slighty upwards.

Artani often appears to be all legs and arms attached to a skinny, almost androgynous-looking torso. Her slightly pointed face is surrounded by a collection of scales as well, extending about halfway down her nose and across her forehead. Long, flaming red hair reaches the middle of her back and falling over her shoulders, her bangs just barely hiding the plate of scales that covers her forehead.

Should one get close enough to see, the first thing they would notice is a pair of burning, piercing eyes - one stark white, the other a deep reptilian amber. Artani possesses no limbal rings to further accentuate the contrasting colors of her eyes, but more than makes up for it without much difficulty. One of the strangest things she found about Eorzea was how folk reacted to her eyes.

Her horns curve gently inwards, often decorated with a colored ribbon, or perhaps a series of bands and tiny bangles.

➤ SCARS AND MARKINGS. Artani has several scars spread randomly across her skin, some of them faded, some of them still noticeable. Some have disappeared over time with new scale growth, but she wears the ones she has with a quiet bit of pride - a reminder that however she got them, she came out the victor.

➤ CLOTHING STYLE. If it gets in the way, she doesn't want it. That said, Artani can be found wearing all manner of armor, usually anything that allows for ease of movement as well as style. She is capable of fighting in just about any kind of attire, but tends to go for plainer, more form-fitting outfits without too much dangling or hanging off, or weighing her down. She doesn't like anything too flashy or ostentatious, unless she specifically needs it to blend in.

Determined. Hot-blooded. Blunt. Fearless.

  • When plans come together.
  • Strong, intelligent individuals.
  • Horses. She turns into something resembling a small child when it comes to horses.
  • Hunts, no matter who it is she's set to find.
  • Children, though she'll rarely admit it.
  • A good fight.
  • Most Eorzean sweets.
  • Bacon.


  • Being perceived as weak.
  • Having to be the center of attention.
  • Being touched.
  • Having to talk too much in one sitting.
  • The idea of taking the time to judge someone rather than just cutting them down.
  • A failed Hunt.
  • Bananas.

Distinctive Features

  • The Garleans.
  • Dying before she's had a chance to do something useful with her life.
  • Tight. small spaces.
  • Never being able to find her siblings.


  • Favorite food: Buuz. Since you can't get Buuz in Eorzea (often), she's settled for apple tarts as her go-to treat.
  • Favorite drink: Any strong drink with a good kick to it.
  • Favorite colour: Red
  • Vices: Wrath


If first impressions are to be believed, Artani is easily seen as a stoic, cold woman with an almost militaristic air about her.

It is not in her nature to show fear or worry - this was how she and others of her tribe grew up, taught to use an excess of emotion to one's benefit rather than recklessly unleashing it. Her personality is as honed to precision as her body, built for success, with little room for failure. She does not tolerate weakness in any form, but instead of dismissing it, she tries to improve it where she can. Accepting weakness, or refusing to strive for strength, confuses and concerns her. Inconsistency, codependency, and backing down from a problem are almost foreign concepts to her. Perhaps her mother trained her children a bit too hard on this front, but for Artani, the lessons were everything. They kept her grounded when her tribe fell to the iron men, and they keep her grounded even to this day. Her wits are sharp, and she is unafraid of pointing out flaws in plans or people that she sees could be improved upon in some way. She will take what she believes to be the most logical step to resolving a situation.

That said, the Xaela is not devoid of compassion as some might believe. She does not like to see the strong prey upon the weak - attacking that which cannot protect itself is abominable, in her eyes. She has no patience for tyrants or weak leaders, and part of her reasons for becoming a spy assassin involve deposing those leaders and tyrants. Still, Artani is no strategist - she simply identifies her targets, gathers necessary information, and sets in motion the short string of events that lead to their downfall, or their death. In the vast majority of cases, Artani holds no remorse or regret for those who've fallen to her arrows or blades, as in her eyes, they deserved judgement. And if they deserve judgement, Artani is only too happy to oblige.

Despite her bloodthirsty streak, Artani is fairly pleasant to be around, if gruff and not at all concerned with manners most of the time. Having been in Eorzea for just about a year, she is still a bit of a fish out of water and tends to flub social niceties, but is quick to apologize if she realizes she has unjustly offended someone. Among those she counts as friends and comrades, she can be somewhat boisterous and teasing, as she was with the other women in her tribe. She is honest to an almost jarring extent, and values honor and responsibility. If she has very obviously offended someone (on a personal level, not just by being frank) or broken a rule, promise, or bond, she is quick to express genuine remorse and apologize. She is loyal to her clan, her friends, and her beliefs - threaten those, and you have a very dangerous enemy.

➤ PERSONALITY TYPE: ISTJ - “The Logistician”

Knight In Sour Armor
The Drifter

Jerk With A Heart of Gold
Good Is Not Nice
Inferiority Superiority Complex
Lady of War

No Social Skills
Creepy Good
The Stoic

Skills & Abilities

Artanibow.png      Artanidancingreeds.png      Arrtanimagic.png


Like any Dazkar woman of the Steppes, Artani is a master with the bow and quite rarely misses her mark. She's an excellent sniper and a force to be reckoned with when hunting - it's quite uncommon for her to lose her target in any kind of terrain. The bow she carries, named Venom, belonged to her sister, who she plans to return it to once she finds her. Quite often, her arrows are dipped in poison of some sort to keep her quarry from departing too quickly.


Artani's second best skill is with her blades - two curved daggers stolen from the body of one of the Garlean men who attacked their camp when she was a child. Her small frame is not to be underestimated - she prides herself in fighting like the wind itself. Quick, unpredictable, and harsh, ready to change at a moment's notice.


For a time, Artani attempted to teach herself some skill in magic in the event that she found herself without weapons or any resources to make them. So far, she's got a decent bit of the arcanist skill down, having found herself attracted to the potent, virulent magics directed at crippling and poisoning the enemy. It isn't her first line of attack, but she can be counted on to lend some magical assistance when the need arises.

Romantic Relationship
Physical Attraction
Blood relative
Trusted Friend
Lost contact
? Unsure


Bora Dazkar ( ) - Mother
Despite living with a debilitating leg injury from her younger days, Bora was the strongest figure in Art's life. Whether it was childbirth, a twisted leg, or three willful children, Bora never let anything slow her down for a moment. It was from her that the girls learned their abilities, and their sense of survival. Regrettably, she was one of many cut down by iron men during the raid, though she died with a sword in her hands.
Nergüi Dazkar ( ) - Father
Nergui was the calm in the storm. The mediator. The blanket, when the nights were cold, the fresh scent of rain on a dark day clouded with blood and rage. He was no warrior, but they looked forward to his hot meals and stories after a hard day hunting and training. Died with his wife, but did not die without his dignity.
Ogul Dazkar ( ) - Brother
Artani's gruff, resolute older brother served as the family armorer, moving on to become the village armorer after his skills improved. Despite his preference for solitude, he cared for his sisters even as they grew old enough to hold a bow. Artani's first pair of gauntlets came from him, as a young child. After the attack on the village, he went missing, but Artani believes him to be alive.
Chanai Dazkar ( ) - Sister
Chanai was much like their mother, determined and never willing to stop moving. She and Artani took to the bow like fish to water, finding a silent kinship and spiritual connection in hunting together. Missing as well, but left her bow behind before disappearing.



Person Here | Status here |
Explaination here

Informants: Person,

Other connections: Person,

Common rumours & quotes


Players rumours & quotes



OOC Information

Stances on RP: I'm very much open to just about any kind of plot and/or connection, within reason. Feel free to throw ideas at me, and I'll let you know how we can work 'em! There isn't much I won't say yes to, but I'll go over those in a minute. Don't be afraid to ask questions about my characters or bring up totally weird outlandish stuff - I promise you, I like to have fun, and as long as we can both agree on boundaries/common ground, we can do all the things. You don't like lots of rules in your RP, and neither do I!

What I won't RP under any circumstances:

  • Graphic sex. I prefer to keep it light/fluffy and then fade to black.
  • Anything sexual involving children or animals.
  • Darker themes, such as rape/graphic violence. Now, there is some leeway here. Depending on what the situation is, I may allow it to happen, but I won't RP it out.
  • Bullshits. I will not play with your character if you're going to godmode or metagame. Period.

RP combat and injuries: For RP combat, I tend to prefer rolls to freeform, just to keep things fair. I'll accept injuries relating to combat, but please ask me beforehand if anything is going to result in permanent injury, disfigurement, or missing body parts. No death moves either without prior OOC consent. Personally, I'd rather not let my characters be killed off until I'm ready for them to be killed off.

Other Stuff

Server and Timezone

Player Info: NA Player, EST timezone. I'm usually found online during the evenings, but on weekends (barring other activities), I can be on all day.

Server: Balmung

Wiki Templates: Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template. Thanks to the authors!

The whole layout and page design belongs to Suen, except for the banner which was edited, adjusted by me as requested by the owner of the layout.

You can use this wiki page layout at will and Suen would be glad if people actually do, but please try to change the colour theme at least. However, all the image banners are off limits. Make up your own, please! Thanks.

If you are interested in the original layout, please see here