D'zhuumi Zhwan

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D'zhuumi Zhwan

Birth Name: D'zhuumi Zhwan (Answers to Zhuumi or Zuzu)

Gender: Female

Race & Clan: Miqo'te, Keeper/Seeker half breed

Age: 20

Height 4 fulms 11 ilms

Weight: 96 pnz

Nameday: 24th Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon (Oct 24th)

Guardian deity: Llymlaen, the Navigator


Birth Place: Upper La Noscea, Fool Falls

Citizenship: Limsa Lominsa

FC and residence: Quaesitum Noctis (not common knowledge)

Marital Status: Single

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Job: Adventurer

Hobbies: Herbalism, singing (and anything music)

Alignment: Neutral Good

Latest activities (RP hooks): Zhuumi finally reunited with her long lost brother after a year of searching, though there is yet work to be done in order for him to restore his memories. Until that time comes, D'zhuumi will be lingering in Thanalan and Ul'dah (much to her chagrin), searching for any work that can be offered to an adventurer.

D'zhuumi is your run-of-the-mill adventurer, wandering the world with the purpose of finding her family guiding her steps. Of La Noscean descent, D'zhuumi is unique in that she bears the blood of both Seekers of the Sun and Keepers of the Moon in equal parts within her; her fiery red hair and equally fiery personality betray the pale skin and wide doe-eyes typically seen in the more demure and down-to-earth Keepers.

She has her heart in the right place and is kind to a fault, willing to help those that are ailing or showing signs of oppression in any way she can. Despite her kindness, however, D'zhuumi is difficult to bond with, as any attempts at a relationship beyond acquaintanceship are quickly rebuffed by her. Being able to work in a team is easy for D'zhuumi, but because of her tendency to shoulder off bonds, she treats teamwork as a professional relationship and nothing more.

(※ D'zhuumi has a Tumblr! Be sure to catch her at d-zhuumi !!)

Zhuumiv2 3.PNG

D'zhuumi is small, standing just below five fulms and weighing a mite below a hundred ponze. Despite her smaller stature, however, the woman is fully capable of impressive combat feats. Stamina is something she bears aplenty, which very clearly shows in her body: she is well-toned in her arms, legs, and belly from a near-lifetime of doing nothing but hunting and climbing the dense trees found in the La Noscean jungles.

When observing her, one would almost think her a Keeper due to her pale skin, long fluffy tail, and large gold eyes with pupils round and full. A closer look, however, will reveal D'zhuumi's skin lies on the warm side with red-toned markings decorating her face. Her hair and ears are also a dead giveaway to her Seeker heritage: her hair and fur is a bright red that shines like fire in the sunlight, and her ears are much shorter in length -- a trait that is only seen on Seekers.

• Scars & Markings: Aside from the red-toned stripes that decorate her face, D'zhuumi has no further marks on her person, nor is there a single tattoo decorating her body. There are scars aplenty, but many of them are superficial with no real story behind them -- a result from her years of hunting and adventuring, and nothing more.

• Voice: Her tone of voice is high, almost gratingly so, though there is a hint of melody to her speech that hints at an aptitude of song. Her manner of speech is very relaxed, with a faint Limsan accent that explains her tendency to omit letters in her speech-- somethin' like whatcha see here!

• Clothing: When it comes to clothes, D'zhuumi has several requirements: they must be functional for a traveling adventurer, and they must make her look good. D'zhuumi particularly has a preference for loose shirts and tight bottoms, usually shorts or smaller skirts to fit with the heat and humidity that's present in the majority of Eorzea. She tends to gravitate towards warm colors that compliment her hair, so you'll be catching her in a lot of red and golds.

Extroverted, motherly, distant, intuitive, outgoing, self-driven, cunning

  • Warm weather
  • Parties and social events
  • Rainy days (for catnaps)
  • Sweet and savory foods
  • The ocean
  • Traveling
  • Music of all kinds
  • Cloudkin (birds mainly)


  • Cold weather
  • Dry heat
  • Baseless prejudice
  • Baseless cruelty
  • Assholes in general
  • Spicy flavors
  • Scalekin
  • Sahagin

Distinctive Features

  • Loneliness
  • Losing her family
  • Ashkin/undead (oddly okay with voidsent)
  • Vomiting


  • Favorite food: Dodo-based foods, miq'abobs, carrot cake, shaved ice
  • Favorite drink: Literally. Anything. Citrus.
  • Favorite colour: Red
  • Vices: Heavy tendency to splurge, overly curious, severely nosey, relies overly on appearances (borderline narcissistic)
  • Possible alignment: Neutral Good


When one looks at D'zhuumi, first impressions give the observer a fun-loving girl who's able to balance work and play -- with a bit of priority given to play. She's a girl who loves crowds and being part of a party, and she boasts a charm that can cause people to flock to her as though she were a magnet. She makes anyone and everyone feel welcome and at ease with her presence, making her the perfect hostess at a party.

Any further than that, however, and people begin to notice that D'zhuumi is not as much of a socialite as she leads people to believe. While she enjoys parties and can get along amicably with teammates, she much prefers to work and travel alone. With how social she is, she actually boasts very few friends, if any. Trust issues have caused this miqo'te girl to 'build a wall', so to speak, and she has made it very difficult for her to build any sort of rapport with anyone outside of acquaintanceship. This is mainly due to her upbringing, where she's learned deceit and cruelty can exist in anyone, at any age, and for any reason. She's forced herself to build an impenetrable defense against such things at an unfortunately very young age; a benefit of this is that it has made her incredibly hyper-aware of anyone who seeks to take advantage of her. Any ne'er-do-wells will quickly find that she is not easy to deceive.

But even the most impenetrable defenses can be taken down with time and effort. Getting past her walls will find that D'zhuumi is very motherly and caring. She frets and will ensure anyone close to her is as comfortable and loved as she can manage. Having D'zhuumi as a friend means you have a staunch ally and confidant who will gladly defend you at your time of need, so long as you are there in her time of need. She wants to be the light in a person's life, and will often put up a front whenever she's hurting in some way ("S'no big deal!" "I'll get over it." "I'm okay, promise.") and will defend that front until it, too, crumbles into dust with enough prodding.

Skills & Abilities

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Never let it be said that this party girl didn't know how to defend herself. Since she was but a kit, D'zhuumi was well-versed with a bow and was among the best shots in her tribe and was able to fell her hunts easily with a near 10 out of 10 accuracy. She does have something of a handicap in which she cannot hunt if it's too bright (due to her sensitive Keeper eyes), but even then her shots are almost unfairly accurate.

And even if she was without a bow, the girl can still easily defend herself. All her years of hunting have given her an immense amount of upper body strength, and constantly climbing the La Noscean treetops has given her impressive agility and dexterity, making her a formidable foe in a knife or fist fight. The only thing D'zhuumi really lacks is formal training; she's not all that aware of how to defend herself aside from dodging a lot, so a few good hits will get her bloodied and bruised, though she will still fight until she passes out from overexertion.

As seen in the Magic Affinity attribute, D'zhuumi does have some latent skill in magic. Her mother was a healer in her tribe, and she managed to inherit some of the woman's affinity for restorative magic. Because of D'zhuumi's decisions in her youth, however, she never really expanded or made real use of the affinity, so she knows little to no formal magical abilities. D'zhuumi does boast a high anima, able to teleport between aetherytes without issue or side effects, and those more magically attuned will find that D'zhuumi does in fact have a hearty amount of latent aether within her. All she needs is the training.

Hallowed Chestnut Composite Bow Icon.png
Chestnut Bow
A brand new bow. The wood is still glimmering with varnish.
Dispelling Arrow Icon.png
A collection of 20-30 bone-tipped arrows made with a hodgepodge of wood and feathers.
Portable inventory
Adventuring Pack Icon.png
Adventuring bag
D'zhuumi's trusty satchel, filled with supplies, potions, and whatever else a traveling adventurer needs.
A hardy waterskin made with the stomach of a jackal.
Dodo Jerky.png
Dodo Jerky
A sack of Dodo jerky that D'zhuumi always makes sure to keep in stock. Lightly spiced.
Galago Mint Icon.png
Mint Leaves
A smaller sack of mint leaves that D'zhuumi is usually seen nibbling on.
Ezrah Knives.png
Hunting Knife
A steel knife. Always kept sharp and ready to prepare a hunt for skinning (or drive off ne'er-do-wells).
Wellworn Journal.png
Well-worn Journal
A simple journal that has seen better days. Mostly used for checklists and reminders rather than documenting events.
Chocobo Whistle Icon.png
Chocobo Whistle
A crudely carved whistle used to call Vermilion forth.
Yol Whistle.png
A well-worn, carved flute D'zhuumi often pulls out when attending a party. Skills on said flute tends to vary.
Gil Sack.png
Gil Sack
A simple leather satchel for D'zhuumi's earnings. Never holds more than a thousand gil.
Personal Room

As of right now, D'zhuumi has no 'personal room' to call her own. She lives out of inns and resides in tents, perfectly content to sleep under the stars (though she is scrounging up some cash in order for her to have an apartment in Limsa for herself).

💗 Romantic Relationship
Romantic Interest
💗 Casual Promiscuity
Sexual Desire
💘 Crush
Trusted Friend
Lost contact


Luxia'to Zhwan () - Father
While D'zhuumi's known her father since she was a kit, he had long since left the tribe to continue his trek as a wandering bard. As it stands, D'zhuumi is unsure of what to feel for her father, as she has no idea whether or not the man lives. Her opinions on him rarely delve below neutral, however. Despite his absence, she still loves her father and would love nothing more than to see him again.
D'lilah Zhobi () - Mother
The death of D'zhuumi's mother was what spurned the young girl into beginning her adventuring career one year ago in order to find the remainder of her family. Although she was well aware of her mother's weak health, D'zhuumi loved her mother with all her heart and her passing had hit the girl hard. To this day, she is still mourning her mother's passing.
D'mitri'a Zhwan/Tia () - Older brother
Like their mother, D'mitri'a was born with a weak heart and grew up sickly, leaving the much healthier D'zhuumi to be the one to care for her family. His interest in becoming nunh and leaving the tribe to train shocked Zhuumi, and the sudden loss of contact after months of letters led Zhuumi to believe the worst had happened. A year after leaving for adventure, she found her brother once more, only with heavily fragmented memories. Even now, she toils away to help the man regain his memory, so that she could have her family back once again.
Vermilion (Millie) () - Pet chocobo
An amber draught chocobo D'zhuumi cared for since she was just entering puberty. D'zhuumi happened to be in the hunting group that stumbled upon the poachers that harbored Millie's egg, which Zhuumi gladly took for a trophy. Although extremely difficult, D'zhuumi was able to successfully incubate the egg and raise Millie into a 'reliable' pack chocobo that joined her in her adventuring -- "reliable" in the sense that Millie will only let her mother — being Zhuumi — ride her and not anyone else. At least, not without a fight.


Character Name 💗
Free Company



Character Name 💗
Free Company

Common rumours & quotes

  • "Such a sweet girl, she's always looking to play with the kids or give them treats." Doting middle-aged woman
  • "Gifted with the voice of a siren, that girl! She were singin' and dancin' the night afore, and I ain't ever seen the pub so rowdy!" Half-inebriated shiphand
  • "You'll not find a more reliable adventurer than that one, I feel. S'a right shame she practically works herself to the bone." Concerned middleman
  • "Quote." Epithet

Rare rumours & quotes

  • "Saw her in the 'sand the other night. Asked if she wanted to join me crew, but she turned me down. S'surprising; never really took her fer a loner." Brawny adventurer
  • "I hear she's apparently lookin' for someone. Says it's her brother, but if I'm remembering my faces right, this 'brother' of hers is probably the same guy that dealt with void magic a while back." Suspicious merchant
  • "Quote." Epithet

Players rumours & quotes

  • "Quote." Epithet
  • "Quote." Epithet
  • "Quote." Epithet

La Noscea

The birth of her brother brought rumors and discord to her family, with great hints that an affair had occurred. It was D'zhuumi's birth two years later that confirmed those rumors.

Born to a Seeker mother and a Keeper father while in a tribal setting, D'zhuumi's childhood was filled with constant hardship. She and her brother were the results of a forbidden tryst between her parents, a healer tending to an injured traveler that happened to be nearby. Because of these action, D'zhuumi and her family were shunned by the rest of her tribe for the entirety of her life. What made the situation worse was, because of her mother and brother's poor health, any hope of moving away was made impossible. For the entirety of D'zhuumi's life, she had to put up with the scorn of her fellow tribemates... yet she never did so without a fight.

Being the healthier one of her family, D'zhuumi was the one who would fend off the more violent of the offenders. She grew up as a tomboy, getting into regular fights with the kids in her tribe, much to the displeasure of her mother. This only worsened when her father eventually left to continue his journey as a wandering bard, and it became a regular occurrence for Zhuumi to be in the healer's tent as a patient rather than the apprentice her mother wanted her to be. D'zhuumi was born with an aptitude in magic and was expected to follow in her mother's footsteps, but as she relied overmuch on her strength to scare off the tribe, D'zhuumi's progress on learning aetheric healing stunted dramatically.

Towards her teens she was able to fight off the more violent protestants for good and earn a begrudging respect from the older tribe members. With her mother's permission, she focused her efforts into learning archery so that she may join the hunting parties and earn more favor within the tribe. It was found that she had an incredibly sharp eye, and her Keeper blood made her invaluable for hunting at night or in darker areas. She joined the hunting parties once her aptitude with the bow reached a head and would continue to hunt for the tribe for some time, even gaining a trophy in the form of a chocobo egg from a poaching party that ventured a little too close to their grounds. That same chocobo egg would eventually hatch into Vermilion (or 'Millie' as he's affectionately called), D'zhuumi's trusted companion who would be her only form of company later on.

Her teen years only became more tumultuous, however, despite the favor she was gaining from being in the hunting parties. Raising an amber draught chocobo with no previous knowledge of chocobo handling was a challenge in and of itself, something she had to ask the tribe's domestic animal handler in advice for. Her brother, whose condition would often teeter between improving and worsening, decided he'd had enough of being the weak link and set out to become an adventurer, hoping to gain strength and find a way to improve his condition enough so that he could be nunh. The decision was a shock to D'zhuumi, but she supported his decision earnestly. She wrote to him regularly, and he to her, each of them updating the other on the happenings occurring wherever they were... at least until the letters stopped mysteriously.

And then came her mother's death.

D'zhuumi always knew her mother was weak. Her mother and D'mitri'a both had heart conditions that often left them bedridden. D'zhuumi knew she would outlive her mother before D'zhuumi even had her first child. All the knowledge in the world, however, could not prepare for when the time finally came, and it hit her hard. The respect she managed to gain from the tribe overrode any disdain they held towards her mother, and it was by D'zhuumi's wish that her mother was able to get a proper, traditional burial. D'zhuumi fell into a heavy depressive slump: she may have her tribe at her back, but never before had she felt so alone. Her father had long since left to continue to travel. Her brother left to train and hasn't sent any word in months. Her mother was dead. Only D'zhuumi remained in her tribe, and she could not stand the loneliness any more.

The tribe respected D'zhuumi's decision to leave the tribe (though she suspected they were more relieved that she was leaving) so that she may search for her brother. The letters may have stopped, but that didn't mean he was dead. Something could have happened to him that prevented him from sending letters, or the idiot could have simply forgotten... or he could have met the same fate as her mother. She didn't know. But she had to find out.

And so, upon her nineteenth summer, and with only Vermilion as her companion, D'zhuumi left her home as an adventurer, hoping to find peace and a place where she could truly belong without any prejudice.


The First Summer...
Player history goes here

D'Zhuumi's Journey

OOC Information

Stances on RP: I like to consider myself a very flexible roleplayer who can easily fit into a variety of scenarios and plots, and I am a firm believer of letting people play what they want, however they want to play it. That being said, considering we roleplay in a world that has an abundance of lore and history behind it, I expect anyone who roleplays with me to acknowledge that the lore exists and has a character that can easily fit into the lore provided. I'm not a hard lore follower, as I believe the lore to be more of a guideline rather than a set of rules, but I do not want to roleplay with something that sounds like it has no place in the world of FFXIV.

Hooks and relationships: While D'zhuumi herself is difficult to form a bond with, I am absolutely on board with any sort of plots or hooks that could have her form a bond. Friendship, familial, romantic, rivalry; all of these I'm on board with and more! In conjunction, if you feel D'zhuumi would be vital to a plotline you've got going on, do not hesitate to shoot me a proposal.

RP combat and injuries: I tend to be fairly flexible when it comes to combat styles — dice-based, freeform, systematic; so long as I can understand its inner workings, I am okay with it. Generally, I am okay with D'zhuumi getting roughed up; she's a fighter and is well aware of the perils that comes with adventuring (especially adventuring alone). However, D'zhuumi is still a fairly fresh character, so anything beyond cuts and bruises will need my consent, and anything beyond broken bones that can be mended to 100% with time and care is a hard 'No' for me.

Miscellaneous: Keep the IC/OOC line in mind when reading this; unless D'zhuumi's disclosed any information on this wiki to your character, any info on here is strictly OOC.

Important! If anything that my character does or says unsettles you in an OOC manner, or if suddenly you are not okay with something in my RP, please let me know right away! Communication is key! I am also very embarrassed and anxious when it comes to reach people out ingame repeatedly, so.. don't hesitate to tell me if I'm being intrusive or anything.

Server and Timezone

Player Info: Moth. NA, EST/UTC -5:00. I'm usually available during 6:00-11:00 PM (1800-2300 hrs) on weekdays and all day on weekends.

Server: Mateus (will be made irrelevant when the Crystal data center becomes a thing)

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Wiki Templates: This template is in thanks to Suen Shyu with an additional thank you to the creator of the Fancy Template for the stats sheet used in the Combat section. Everything in this layout was used and edited per the wishes of the original creator.