Naoh'ra Ohndai

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 Naoh'ra Ohndai
Ffxiv 01012015 035319.png
Naoh'ra Ohndai
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 28
Name Day 17th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Guardian Menphina
Occupation Thaumaturgy student/Mortician
Free Company The Gullwings <YRP>
Sexuality Demisexual


Name: Naoh'ra Ohndai (Nay-OH-rah Ooh-n-dye)

Age: 28

Home: The Black Shroud

Current Residence: In the Free Company Home.

Occupation: Previously a minstrel, but now studies Thaumaturgy and arcanima.

Income: None

Talents/Skills: He is a great hunter

Romantic Relationships: None as of yet.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 139 pounds

Race: Miqo'te -- Keeper of the Moon

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Black

Glasses: Occasionally needs reading glasses, but mostly wears shaded spectacles because light hurts his eyes so much.

Skin color: A very dark slate gray

Distinguishing features: He has four dark tattoo's on his cheeks, and always wears face paint near his eyes. The tattoo's signify his mates, and he believes that the face paint will grant him powers straight from menphina herself.

How he dresses: He enjoys wearing long skirts and either robes or nice shirts.

Mannerisms: Eye rolling, squinting, fidgety when nervous. He makes lots of hand motions when speaking.

Habits: He picks at his skin and scratches a lot.

Hobbies: Painting, writing poetry/music, reading and playing around with magic.

Speech patterns: He is very sarcastic, and speaks in a dull, uninterested tone. When with someone he enjoys being around, he speaks a little more lyrical with a lot of allegories and genuine emotion in his tone.

Disabilities: He's missing his left leg

Style: He wears practical clothing for him, but he tries to make it look good. He doesn't show that much skin as it makes him feel uncomfortable and also because he's cold easy. He always wears sunglasses, and the majority of what he wears are robes, skirts and a few long sleeved shirts. Most of all his style says 'I'm cold'

Greatest flaw: His stubbornness. While sometimes it can get him where he needs or wants to be, it can also get him into trouble as he does not like sucking up his pride and moving in anyone's direction but his own.

Best quality: He is very loyal to those he likes the company of, and it's hard to break that loyalty.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: He is not very educated, and can't read or write, but he is trying to learn.

Intelligence Level: Average

Character's short-term goals in life: To learn

Character's long-term goals in life: To find his new place in life.

How does he see himself?: He sees himself as unworthy of a lot of things, and often times feels guilt for just existing.

How does Character believe he is perceived by others?: He knows people don't particularly like him, but he does worry what some people think of him. He feels like a burden, and thinks that's what others view him as.

How self-confident is the character?: Despite kind of hating himself, he still thinks he's better than others in some aspects.

What would most embarrass this character?: Eating in front of others.

Personality Traits:

Positive traits:

  • Clever
  • Conscientious
  • Decisive
  • Hardworking
  • Objective
  • Passionate
  • Reliable
  • Honest


  • Private
  • Proud
  • self-conscious
  • Serious


  • Stern
  • Rude
  • Sarcastic
  • Argumentative
  • Irritable
  • Blunt
  • Self-critical
  • Contradictory

Outside of his usual rudeness, he is actually just a big awkward baby. He is very respectful toward women and is a great deal cautious with them. He doesn't like stepping over boundaries. When he warms up to someone he is much more open, musical, affectionate and so on. He is very fearful of stepping on toes, and tries hard not to.

You'll know you're his friend when he bumps foreheads with you, as it shows trust, respect, love and affection.

Emotional Characteristics

Strengths/Weaknesses: Clever / Internalizes everything

Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert

How does the character deal with strong emotion?: He isolates himself more and plays around with magic

What does the character want out of life?: To make someone proud

What frightens this character?: Repeating his same mistakes

What makes this character happy?: Quiet nights with the moon and stars

Is the character judgemental of others?: He can be with good reason

Is the character generally polite or rude?: He is very rude to others

The Character

Living in complete solitude in the Shroud, Naoh'ra spends most of his time deep in study and practicing thautamurgy. He used to be a minstrel of sorts, so he says, and carries song and poetry with him always. He can sometimes be caught singing, though it isn't often.

He has no family that he lives with, and rarely brings them up, and when he does he simply says that sickness had gotten a hold of them and they just died.

Naoh'ra had lived in Thanalan with a Seeker tribe, the Lynx, for a short while. It was strange as all hell but still he welcomed the help they offered when he had gotten hurt and learned quite a deal about Seekers in general.

He is a bit of an odd Keeper of the Moon, as if he hasn't been one for long.

More recently he has taken up residence in the Gullwings Home, though sometimes he'll stay at the Thaumaturgy guild simply because he fell asleep at a book.

Menphina the Lover

Naoh'ra takes solace under Menphina's light. He used to be an avid worshiper of Azeyma, but feels that she mocks him by hurting his eyes and blinding him in the daylight he used to enjoy. So, he turned to Menphina for company and guidance in his new life. He's still learning of her and figuring out how exactly he feels about her, but he loves her like a Seeker loves the sun.


Naoh'ra recently took up the art of Thaumaturgy not for battle, but to prepare the dead. He assists in readying the dead for funerals and wakes, and it brings him an odd amount of peace. He is not by any means a great Thaumaturge, but he is learning steadily and trying to tame his skill.

Mostly he has been studying embalming, and is an apprentice under one of the head mortician's.


While Naoh'ra typically uses magic, at home he hunts with only a bow and arrow.

He has a superb sense of hearing and scent, as well as balance. He only has good vision in the pitch darkness of night, however, and any bright lights at all, even when exposed for long periods of time hurts his eyes and he can't see a thing.



  • X'tai Tia: They've spoken a few times in the Quicksand while Naoh'ra was trying to get into the Thaumaturge guild, and from time to time he'll bump into him in ul'dah. They joke around a lot and he really enjoys the seekers company, even though he doesn't really like his brother.
  • Mhastoum Greinsyn: After sucking up both his pride and embarrassment, he had shared a brief story about how he lost his leg and allowed the Roegadyn to help soothe the hurt in his leg and wrap it up after a bath. He greatly enjoyed the time, and left feeling comforted both emotionally and physically. He holds a great deal of respect for him, and hopes they can continue to take baths together to relax and just enjoy someone's company for once.
  • X'vett Nunh: Naoh'ra really enjoyed their company together for the short time they had spent together. Around the time he lost his leg, he found he couldn't hunt and having known the Lynx tribe in the Shroud before it had split, he sought their help and lived with them for a couple of moons. He formed a close friendship with Vett and misses him dearly.


  • C'sanhsa Tia: He doesn't particularly dislike or like him. He finds him strangely happy, and it bugs him but he views him as more annoying than a negative person to be around.
  • Lolohala Memehala: While they have only spent a brief time together, Naoh'ra is quite intrigued by the Lalafellen man and hopes that he'll be able to learn quite a bit from him while he studies in the Thaumaturgy guild.


  • K'ovu Tia: X'tai's brother. Dude literally stole his leg and blew it up with a firework, calls him names and kicks his crutches out from under him, then stabbed him. Naoh'ra dislikes him greatly.

Romantic or otherwise:

  • Aran'sae Dia: Naoh'ra views him romantically, even though they 'don't know each other'.

Disability and Physical Limitations

Naoh'ra lost his left leg from the mid thigh down due to a run in with a cannibal.He paid a hefty fine for a blacksmith to fashion him a new leg that was lightweight and functional, as well as easy to hide. He took some time to pretty it up to make himself feel better, figuring that if it was more ascetically pleasing it wouldn't be as depressing. He can still feel his leg there from time to time, and will often scratch and itch or try to move his toes, which brings him near to tears when he is reminded his leg isn't there.

Due to the severity of the injury Naoh'ra has a hard time running and keeping up with others, and needs to take his time when walking or simply standing up. He is pretty prone to falls if he puts too much weight on the leg, though most often it's simply because the knee either locked up or didn't straighten out before he took his step and he just falls over.

Some days are better than others pain wise. It's either a constant annoyance, or agony. It tends to hurt the most at the end of the day after he's traveled or walked around a little more than he should have, or if he took a tumble down some stairs (again.)but most often he can cover it up and carry on his day.

Tiny facts

  • He can't see very well in the day light or even indoors if it's brightly lit and often wears shaded spectacles. It physically hurts to be in bright area's and he will more often than not choose not to be there.
  • He has a happy little piglet that follows him around. Or, should I say baby behemoth? He never asked for this, it just won't leave him alone.
  • He has a couple body piercings.
  • He always wears a ribbon with a red rose on his wrist, saying it's from an old mate of his. He also wears various necklaces from children.
  • At the end of the day he's crankier than in the early times he's awake. He gets angry when in pain.

Relationships and Sexuality

Naoh'ra is demisexual, not experiencing sexual attraction to anyone until a romantic or emotional bond is formed between the two of them. Race, sex, gender expression and so on make no difference to him in his attraction to someone, as personality and just 'clicking' with someone is far more important to him.

He craves romance, but he doesn't pursue it. He's nervous to try anything anyway and isn't overly bold in his approaches. He hopes to one day have a mate find him, but won't actively look.


  • "If I hit you hard enough I could drive you into the ground like a lamp post, but you're not that bright."
  • "You'd think for a guild run by mostly Lalafell, they'd have shorter shelves."


Common Rumours:

  • "He's always giving everyone such a dirty look!"
  • "I hear there's this lone Keeper in the Shroud somewhere, odd that he doesn't have a clan."

Moderate Rumours:

  • "He smells of death, it's a little off-putting at times."

Rare Rumours:

  • "I heard him sing once. He's very passionate in it."

PC Rumours (Feel free to add!):

  • "He's got a stick so far up his rear he could legitimately be called a miq'abob." -C'sanhsa Tia
  • "The guy burned my shirt attached his prosthetic to a fire work and blew it to pieces in the heavens." - K'ovu Tia
  • "He's quite the quick reader, from what I've seen. I wonder if he could teach me that skill." - Lolohala Memehala
  • "He rarely knows peace. That bothers me." - Aran'sae Dia
  • "Naoh'ra is...irritable. Deep inside him, however, is someone whom I can call 'friend'." -Mhastoum Greinsyn