Naoh'ra Ohndai

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 Naoh'ra Ohndai
Naoh'ra Ohndai 05 28 2015 06 12 43.png
Naoh'ra Ohndai
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 28
Name Day 17th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Guardian Menphina
Occupation Mortician / Teacher
Free Company The Gullwings <YRP>
Sexuality Panromantic


Name: Naoh'ra Ohndai (Now-rah Ooh-n-dye)

Age: 28

Home: The Black Shroud

Current Residence: In the Free Company Home.

Occupation: Previously a minstrel, but now studies Thaumaturgy and is a Mortician.

Income: About mid-ranged, middle class income.

Talents/Skills: He is a great hunter and is very creative when it comes to music and song.

Romantic Relationships: None as of yet.

Theme song: Talking to the Moon

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 107 pounds

Race: Miqo'te -- Keeper of the Moon

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Grey

Hair Style: Chopped it off, it's messy and uneven, and short.

Skin color: A very dark grey, like concrete.

Distinguishing features: He wears blue face paints that mimic shooting stars in an attempt to connect spiritually with Menphina. He has a lot of piercings to emulate the night sky for her to 'feel more at home with him', as shown in the following photo

How he dresses: He often wears robes of thick fabrics, sometimes cowls depending on how he feels and if he had been working that day. He dresses up for funerals he holds and from time to time he'll put an effort in while enjoying his free time, but most often still wears robes.

Mannerisms: He squints a lot in bright area's, and makes a lot of hand motions when speaking. He often times wiggles his fingers when he's thinking or has words stuck on the tip of his tongue, it helps him concentrate.

Hobbies: Writing poetry/music, as well as playing songs and singing. He also goes fishing to relax from time to time.

Speech patterns: Usually he speaks very calmly and in a quiet, soft tone of voice. Sometimes he can come off monotonous and sarcastic to those that he doesn't particularly enjoy the company of. Most often when with someone that he does, he can speak lyrical and with a lot of allegories in his speech, stemming from how often he writes and sings. Often though he can speak with a bit of a lisp.

Disabilities: He's missing his left leg from the midthigh down.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: He has no formal schooling education, and is currently trying to learn how to read and write.

Intelligence Level: Average

How does he see himself?: He sees himself as unworthy of a lot of things, and often times feels guilt for just existing.

How does Character believe he is perceived by others?: He knows people don't particularly like him, but he does worry what some people think of him. He feels like a burden, and thinks that's what others view him as.

How self-confident is the character?: He is confident when he's comfortable and horrible unconfident when not.

What would most embarrass this character?: Eating in front of others.

Personality Traits:

Positive traits:

  • Clever
  • Decisive
  • Hardworking
  • Objective
  • Passionate
  • Reliable
  • Romantic


  • Private
  • Proud
  • self-conscious
  • Serious


  • Sarcastic
  • Argumentative
  • Blunt
  • Self-critical
  • Stubborn
  • Overly Cautious

Outside of his usual rudeness, he is actually just a big awkward baby. He is very respectful toward women and is a great deal cautious with them. He doesn't like stepping over boundaries. When he warms up to someone he is much more open, musical, affectionate and so on. He is becoming much warmer toward others, and tries to emulate Menphina by being softer spoken and kind.

Emotional Characteristics

Strengths/Weaknesses: Clever / Internalizes everything

Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert, he gets near all of his energy from socializing and when alone too long can become really drained.

How does the character deal with strong emotion?: He isolates himself and binges on food secretly.

What does the character want out of life?: To raise good, strong and clever children

What frightens this character?: Losing everything he's worked for

What makes this character happy?: Quiet nights with the moon and stars, and romance.

Is the character judgmental of others?: He can be with good reason

Is the character generally polite or rude?: He is rude, but he does try to be polite and balanced.

The Character

Naoh'ra was once a completely different person in every way imaginable. He was once a X'vett Nunh living the tribe life under Azeyma in Eastern Thanalan. He has had many children with the tribe and held the Nunh title for quite a while on and off, often being challenged and defeated and then taking his position back. However, upon learning of his mixed tribe lineage he feared for his children's well being. He would surely be cast out should the rest of his tribe learn of how he came to be (his mother accidentally getting pregnant with him while having romantic relations with a Dodo tribe Nunh, to which she covered it up by breeding with one of the Lynx Nunh soon as she found out), and he feared his children would be shunned, cast out and left for dead.

He had to think of something quickly, and upon hearing the Gullwings had uncovered an ancient bottle of Fantasia, he stole it and changed who he was completely. He took on the life of a lost child to the calamity, one who had never been born. He is still immersing himself in this new way of life, and has found that he is actually quite at peace with his new identity. The shame he feels for leaving his children with out a father still hangs heavily over his head, but knowing they are safe and will not have to grow up shunned and ridiculed because of him and instead have the protection of the tribe makes it worth it.

Now he lives his new life freely, and has found an odd peace under the night sky and in his work.

Menphina the Lover

Naoh'ra struggled for a while to find his connection to Menphina, and for a long time doubted she heard him or loved him. He would sit in the shroud in the dead of night and scream to her, cry, hollar, sing and climb to the tippy tops of trees in an attempt to touch the moon. He eventually started to paint himself more, or ritualistically dot his skin like stars with piercings to give her a home with him if he looked like the night sky.

Recently he went to stay at her stone in the snowy highlands. He sat there for ten days with only a few jackets and other warm clothes. He is unsure if it was a hallucination or if she had really come to see him, but he swears on his life she came to him. She touched his cheeks, kissed the top of his head and told him she loved him. He found complete joy in this and believes he's very special to her, and loves her very very dearly. He promptly returned home to pray in warmth to her, and is making an effort to emulate her and how she had treated him that brief time in the snowy night.

For the complete RP/drabble of this event, please hit the following link to read it on my blog! XX

Naoh Ohndai

Naoh Ohndai was a wonderfully kind and sincere Thaumaturge, who focused her study in the line of mortician work. She often treated the dead with respect, and comforted those whom had recently lost.

She held wonderful funeral services, and was an all around amazing lady.

Outside of her work, she wanted to have a lot of children, and had actually had been pregnant with (hopefully), her fifth son. She was hoping so dearly for another little boy but she passed away in the calamity before the child could be born.

Upon finding out about this, Naoh'ra both caused the fantasia to make him into her image, and chose to be the 5th son of Naoh Ohndai, that he may fulfill the wish she so dearly wanted. He had known her personally as he grew up in the shroud, her children often going out of their way to scare him in the woods when he dare venture out to which she was the first to comfort him.

She was a true mother figure to him, and it hurt him dearly to hear about her passing in the calamity. He could think of no one better to take the name of than her! He even followed in her footsteps and has started learning Thaumaturgy and is apprenticing under her previous students.


Naoh'ra has taken up the art of Thaumaturgy to prepare the dead after his mothers passions. He had been apprenticing under a hyur in drybone, but has finished his studies and now teaches.

He wanted to learn this art, but didn't want to use it as a deadly force to kill others and instead went along the older path of using the skill to prepare the dead. What he does is he massages oils into the body to cover the smell of death, and then using spell weaving he cools the body to a temperature near frozen, where decomposition stops. If the body is too stiff, he'll zap it with a quick jolt of lightning to loosen the joints, and in the case of cremation-- well, incineration and fire.

Naoh'ra is a fully fledged Thaumaturge and has taken on teaching. At Aran'saes request he took Xia'li up as his first student and has been branching out and finding more teaching work. Not many teach the very core of thaumaturgy and where its roots rest, and he typically stays away from the combat edge and only teaches it to those he trusts using such power.

He hopes to soon build his own funeral home/teaching space in the lavender beds.


While Naoh'ra typically uses magic, he is also proficient with a bow and arrow.

He has a superb sense of hearing and scent, and pretty touch and go balance. He only has good vision in the pitch darkness of night, however, and any bright lights at all, even when exposed for long periods of time hurts his eyes and he can't see a thing.

He is pitiful in hand to hand combat and can be easily overtaken should anyone come after him, and he's quite easy to catch off guard when he is not actively engaged with something that calls for alertness, such as hunting. When working/studying, he can be easily startled.



  • Mhastoum Greingohtsyn: Naoh'ra had started off very very nervous about Mhastoum, but overtime the Roegadyn unintentionally helped him to put his trust back in the race as a whole. He holds a great deal of respect and love for Mhastoum, and regularly visits his room to bathe and chat with him whenever he can. He enjoys his company a lot and wants nothing more than to see him be happy.
  • Aran'sae Dia: Naoh'ra had once had very strong romantic feelings for Aran'sae, but over time they have changed into platonic. He loves him very much and views him as a close friend or even family. He loves being in his company, and feels incredibly safe around him. The keeper had really helped him to find his passions, and he finds a wonderful amount of support from him. His recent leave to the Shroud has left Naoh'ra both happy and sad. Happy in the fact that Aran'sae may find something incredible through his meditations, and sad he will not see his friend for some time.
  • Mipije Papije: Recently they have began to speak more and Naoh'ra quite enjoys the Lalafells company. He likes how bubbly he is, and how assertive. Mip gave him the ice box to carry food in instead of the ratty old pouch he had been using before and Naoh'ra is very grateful. He wishes to spend more time with him, and will perhaps help him in the kitchen more often.


  • C'sanhsa Tia: he used to not like C'sanhsa that much but he hardly knows him or sees him around so he's fairly neutral about him as a whole. Serious, he hardly knows anything about him, so he has taken a more relaxed approach to him.
  • Pimrhi Dia: No longer uncomfortable around her, he has found an odd peace in her presence. He wishes to see her more often, and give her the care that she obviously needs.


  • K'ovu Tia: Dude literally stole his leg and blew it up with a firework, calls him names and kicks his crutches out from under him, then stabbed him. Naoh'ra dislikes him greatly.
  • S'imba Tia: He doesn't like him. On his way to the markets he bumped into him and Sven who were apparently high on something and he almost got stabbed! Why?!?!
  • Abeodan Silverbrand: This hyur demanded Naoh'ra get him teeth, and after a while Naoh'ra got fed up with his demands and incinerated the teeth he got for him. A fight broke out. They aren't on good terms.


  • X'Kanchana Aroohn: Biological mother, died shortly after the calamity due to her injuries. She was a very stubborn woman and an excellent huntress, often leaving to hunt and staying out until she had a proper kill to bring home, sometimes staying out for days.
  • D'Lhuil Nunh: Biological father, died in Naoh'ras early childhood due to tribal disputes between the Lynx and Dodo tribes. He grew up knowing nothing about him until shortly before he changed his life.
  • X'Mayuree Pricha: Older sister, left the tribe.
  • D'lyhhia Lhuil: Sister, from the Dodo tribe, is a dodo lady.
  • X'Saengdao Chet: Older sister, a practicing conjurer and healer of the tribe.
  • X'Choochai Satra: Older sister, huntress in the tribe.
  • X'Dao Tia: Younger brother, hunter of the tribe.


  • X'vhana Vett (12) Morthered by X'leelha Shokha
  • X’noha Tia (3) Mothered by X'nala Rhaz
  • X’luka Vett (2) Mothered by X'yandhi Taka
  • X’korolon Vett (near one year) Mothered by X'nala Rhaz
  • X’tandhaa Vett (less than a year) Mothered by X'oohn Niqe
  • X’zentsa Vett (less than a year) Mothered by X'zumyn Bhee
  • X’davzzi Vett (less than a year) Mothered by X'sonjha Khei
  • X'decha Tia (newborn) Mothered by X'nala Rhaz

Disability and Physical Limitations

Naoh'ra lost his left leg from the mid thigh down due to a run in with a cannibal. Since the incident, he had a metal prosthetic he would wear and hide under loose clothing, however K'ovu Tia had stolen it and blown it up so currently he has no replacement. He used to hide it under loose clothing, but now instead simply ties off the end of his pant leg and walks with a cane. It's very obvious he is missing a leg, and it embarrasses him but he is taking it in stride and adjusting.

Tiny facts

  • He can't see at all in any form of light.
  • He has a few body piercings, it now becoming a hobby to dot his skin with stars and hoping he'll find connection with Menphina through that.
  • At the end of the day he's crankier than in the early times he's awake. He gets angry when in pain.
  • He is very easily flustered when others take an interest in his life.
  • He stares a lot; he just doesn't blink as often as others might.
  • He collects moonstones and rocks that look like the moon and puts them around Menphina's stone when he goes to visit.
  • Naoh'ra really likes ice and the cold. It makes him feel one with Menphina.
  • Currently he is working on ways to bring Thaumaturgy into other classes to make it more accessible to others.

Relationships and Sexuality

Naoh'ra is panromantic, completely indifferent to gender/sex/expression and seeks out intimacy and romance with others. He does not experience sexual attraction toward others, and is more indifferent and uncomfortable with sex as a whole. It takes him a very very long time to warm up to someone enough to wish for that kind of relationship, but a lot of the time it does not happen and he just prefers to indulge himself in romance, platonic relationships and intimacy through being close to others and sharing deep connection to them emotionally.

He used to be polyamourous, but now is unsure.


I listen to a bunch to get in the mood to write him, so I made up a playlist on youtube you can listen to here! Probably going to update this a bunch too Link to youtube


Tumblr nm2ch2XLvb1tefln4o2 540.jpg



Common Rumours:

  • "He has a very raspy voice, must be around smoke a lot."
  • "I hear he teaches for the Ossuary."

Moderate Rumours:

  • "He smells like perfume, it's a little overpowering."

Rare Rumours:

  • "I heard him sing once. He's very passionate in it."
  • "He spends too much time around the dead, boy needs some company."

PC Rumours (Feel free to add!):

  • "He's got a stick so far up his rear he could legitimately be called a miq'abob." -C'sanhsa Tia
  • "The guy burned my shirt attached his prosthetic to a fire work and blew it to pieces in the heavens." - K'ovu Tia
  • "He's quite the quick reader, from what I've seen. I wonder if he could teach me that skill." - Lolohala Memehala
  • "... His voice, it is familiar. I wish I remembered who he was." - Aran'sae Dia
  • "Naoh'ra is...irritable. Deep inside him, however, is someone whom I can call 'friend'." -Mhastoum Greinsyn
  • "He seems nice. He was the one who gave me the news my father, X'vett, passed away... And then he hit on me..." - X'vhana Vett
  • "Handsome man who lies. He speaks and causes pain and grief that taste like Galago Mint and Honey across my lips. Ooo... How sweet his lies are... I can still taste them." - Pimrhi Dia