Poe Lhyzeal

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Gridania-transparent.png Poe Lhyzeal
Mender of the Eastern Shroud
Poe Lhyzeal
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridania
Guardian Menphina, the lover
Occupation Mender of the Eastern Shroud & Former Merchant
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General Information


Full Name : Poe Lhyzeal

Known as : Poe

Nameday : 23rd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon

Age : 23

Place of Birth : Western Forest in the Black Shroud

Current Residence : A small cabin in the Lavender Beds (Ward 5, plot 32).


Height : 5 fulms, 3.5 ilms

Weight : 125 ponz

Body : Amply curved, solid yet compact muscle build

Face : Fairly pale skin, bright green eyes, a handful of freckles across her nose and cheeks

Hair : Long red dreadlocks that skim her waist, they are decorated with various shells, feathers, trinkets and bells so as she walks they gently jingle. The ends form into soft curls.

Other notes: Her tail is unusually long, overall a little shaggy, the coat a chaotic burst of fur. She keeps her tail in constant motion or the tip would drag on the ground behind her. Poe has the symbol of her tribe tattooed onto the right side of her rib cage. Its a simple design of a tree. She is covered in freckles, something she often tries her best to keep covered up.



Poe was born in the forests of the Black Shroud where she resided with her mother and others of her family. While she has no full-blooded siblings, she does have one half sister, Mota. Things changed dramatically as her family were seen as poachers and conflict ensued. A resolution only occurred after several deaths of family members, leaving their numbers quite small.

Poe's family decided to join Gridania, adopting their lifestyle (or at least enough to appear so). She resided with her family a short distance from the city on a small farm. While in the city, Poe often hung around the Conjurer's Guild, eventually convincing a few to teach her some rudimentary magic skills. Poe's mother spent her time as a traveling merchant and took Poe on many of her trips. While this allowed Poe to see the world, learn the fine skill of negotiation and increase her strength as she harvested her own materials to sell to merchants, her mother also maintained the idea that they would once again return to the forests of the Black Shroud and live.

Family expectations were that Poe would fill the shoes as the next Mender of the tribe. The Mender is not only the tribe healer but also the liason for the family between the Seedseer and the touched in the Shroud where they reside. The expectations were clear, Poe was told she would continue in the traditional path of the Mender.

In time, Poe had developed into a youthful but adult Miqo'te and had no desire to disappear again amongst the trees. While assisting her mother, she had become friends with a local merchant's son. Poe was smitten with the young man, but never uttered a word as she knew her mother would disapprove. In her travels, Poe could see the family expectations were vastly different from those she had met in town. When her mother started discussing finding a proper male to continue the family bloodline, Poe bolted.

Poe spent the next few years drifting from place to place, bartering goods she has made or gathered. Using connections she forged while traveling with her mother, Poe gained the reputation of being able to find just about anything one might be looking for. She was neither proud or embarrassed by this fact, it just was.

She happened upon a group of individuals and her life changed. She became a crew member, she had a purpose. She would do anything for them and spent much of her time helping heal those who got wounded. Eventually, Poe and her mate, Dacero, left to forge a new life together, moving to the Lavender Beds. Poe set up a small shop, making connections with a group that went by the name of Roots. There she would sell her herbs, somnus and tend to wounds.

Poe was truly happy, settled into her life. However, one evening Dacero did not come home. Poe waited in agony, hearing no word and no one having seen him. Unable to find him, she quietly accepted he was gone; the reason and fate, unknown.

Since, Poe has lived a primarily solitary life. She socializes on occasion with those of Roots, has friends over for tea. She recently has had the excitement of attending several weddings and finds the Sanctum a beautiful place for such events. She also recently visited the Golden Saucer and enjoys the occasional trip with her friends. With the losses in her life, she chooses to not pursue intimate relationships; friendships feel more stable to her and she lacks the trust that if she loved again, it would work out.

Poe small.jpg

Commission done by [Tiergan]


Though she would quickly deny it, Poe is a rather sensitive soul. Naturally shy, she goes to great lengths to cover this up. She always tries to help others, known for pushing her own wishes and thoughts away to help serve those she cares about. Starting off on the wrong foot with her can make it difficult to overcome; Poe simply retreats and avoids conversation with those that have rubbed her the wrong way.

However, once a friend of Poe's, she will stop at nothing to protect and help those she holds dear. She views her friendships as her true family and wants nothing more than to make those around her happy.

Poe's inner turmoil is something she tries to keep from others. She feels inadequate most of the time, and while she believes in happiness for others, she herself does not believe happiness is something in the cards for her.



Mother : Sula Lhyzeal (Unknown if living or deceased)

Father : Unknown (Poe was not told by her family who her father was)

Half-Sister : Mota Lhyzeal (Recently tracked Poe down)

Poe realizes that there is the potential she has other half-siblings from her father's side. Unfortunately, due to not knowing who he was, she has no way to find out.

Affiliations (Player Character Standings)

Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing
Saefinn Liljasson - Poe met Saefinn shortly after departing from her tribe. Through all their many adventures, Poe has grown to understand the man and to look fondly upon him as a brother.
Mota Lhyzeal - Poe's older half sister; they have had an incredibly strained and troubled relationship since adolescence. Since Poe signed over the deed to the old tribal land, Poe and Mota have not spoken.


Other Notes

You might know Poe from...

  • (A few years ago was) often seen with her mother Sula as she accompanied her on her trade routes
  • (A few years ago) was often found at her family's home, working the gardens full of medicinal green her family used in trade.
  • Down at the docks in Limsa Lominsa, smoking cigars and green with sailors, listening to their tales and fishing.
  • Harvesting in the woods of the Black Shroud.
  • Occasional stops in inns and taverns throughout the trade routes.
  • Munching on cherries.
  • Rarely caught 'people' watching and sketching (She does her best to become a wallflower at times like these)


  • Gathering rare and unique items
  • Helping others
  • Negotiating
  • Cherries
  • Fishing
  • Smoking a fine cigar or blunt


  • Being toyed with
  • The heat
  • Being ordered around
  • Early mornings
  • Impatient Individuals


And the one time Poe went to speak with a mage about a change of perspective....and then this happened ~


Written Work

The Sacred Willow Tree (Mender Background Information)


The youthful Miqo’te perked her ear and sat up, glancing around. She heard her name called again. Her mother. Poe quickly got to her feet and headed back to the home, she had been sitting by the river lazily watching napping the afternoon away. She jumped over the small fence, snagging her tunic and part of it ripped. Sighing, Poe looked down, trying to find a quick way to mend it, but realized there wasn’t any. Sula would have her hide over this. A female’s power is always in her presentation.

Forlorn, Poe continued her walk back up to the large home, surprised to see her mother standing with the Mender on the covered porch. Sula turned, inspecting her as she approached. Poe could feel her ears wilting, what would her mother say. Poe nervously attempted to cover the area the tunic ripped. Sula’s eyes narrowed, her voice sharp, “Really? You will no longer be a child soon yet you run about ripping your garments like one.”

Poe’s tail fell limply, dragging on the ground as she made her last final steps up to the porch. Sula turned and nodded to the Miqo’te standing beside her. Poe had only met the female a few times. And the female was enchanting. At one time, her hair and fur may have been a rich mahogany, it was now streaked with a lustrous silver. Her face showed the wear of time but her eyes were still a sparkling green; the only other member of the tribe with eyes like Poe’s. The Mender smiled and bowed her head to Poe, Poe quickly offering a bow back as she felt her hand’s shaking. The Mender felt more like a myth when she listened to stories of their great deeds. She was always elusive, gone for periods of time to do Nophica’s duties deep within the Shroud. She held great power within the tribe, answering only to Poe’s mother.

Sula turned and smiled to the Mender, hope clearly in her eyes, “My daughter, Poe.” There seemed to be something more Sula wanted to add but did not. Poe glanced from her mother back to the Mender, trying to hide her confusion. Poe had sensed changes coming as her 18th year was fast approaching, she had not expected to meet the Mender.

The Mender then moved, simply taking Poe’s hand and leading her down the porch steps. “We have much to discuss,” she almost hummed. Poe glanced back to Sula, noticing her mother’s quick smile. What is going on?

The Mender led her down to the gardens, walking around the beds towards the back where the trees grew thick. Parting back a small section, the Mender motioned to Poe. Poe glanced, noticing a path that seemed to continue. She looked back to the older female.

“It is alright,” the Mender smiled. Poe hesitantly stepped through the foliage gate and started down the path, the Mender following her. Several hundred paces down the path, the shroud opened up. A single tree stood in this clearing. Poe glanced at it, confused as the tree did not look well.

Turning back to the Mender, Poe remained silent, waiting for an explanation. The Mender took her hand once more and they moved to a simple bench beneath the sickly tree. That was when the Mender started to explain.

The job of the Mender is a difficult task, one that has been with this family for generations. Members of the family with aethereal capabilities had been renowned as brilliant healers, it was known throughout the Shroud and beyond. It is said Nophica herself requested we protect this very willow tree from harm. In payment, the family could harvest one large limb every three cycles. Now, I see that confused face, young one. Why would this tree be special? A willow’s tree wood is highly sensitive to aetheric manipulation. The Padjals found it made the strongest and most powerful wands for their spells. But it was not protected, over-harvested by the locals in the city. So for the last five lifespans of the Menders, we have protected this tree.

The Miqo’te paused at this moment and Poe finally blurted out, “Why does it look so miserable then?” The elder female smiled sadly, “Inquisitive one. You are not afraid to ask questions. You should continue to do so, Never stop questioning.” The Mender’s face was intent, searching Poe’s own features. She reached up and gently touched Poe’s cheek. Poe attempted to not flinch and the Mender recognized this, smiling gently as she continued her story.

But the greed of the family has deepened. Each harvest, more of the tree is taken. It has weakened and with this greed, the tree is becoming tainted. Do not look sad, young one. There is hope still. Your mother does not yet know of the condition of the tree. I have been able to shield it from her. But she will discover it soon. Poe interrupted again, shaking her head, her eyes flashing in confusion, “Why do you share all of this with me?”

The Mender smiled again.

It is because of you, young one. I have watched you grow. It has been known since your birth you would be the next Mender. Your eyes sparkle with the green of the lush foliage this family was asked to help protect, your aetheric abilities evident to all that watch. You are almost upon your 18th year, you would typically begin your apprenticeship with me after the ritual of adulthood. But…I feel that your story will not go as such.

Poe’s ears wilted, concern on her face. Again I am not good enough? Sensing Poe’s anxiety, the Mender squeezed her hand, motioning out to the Shroud. You know Menphina has a lover? Oschon, God of the Wanderers. I see that wanderlust in your eyes. You have the heart of Menphina, her emotional strength yet the drive for travel, for freedom. There were whisperings you were a child born directly from the love of the two Gods. I wonder now myself. Which is what brings me to why I brought you here. Your mother has made her intentions clear to keep harvesting the Willow tree. My strength is fading and more of the tree is becoming tainted. It will soon end it’s existence. And when that occurs, mine will as well. Now, do not look shocked. What I choose to do, I do with an open heart, my gift.

The Mender leaned over and pulled a small ornate box out from under the bench. She handed it Poe with a nod.

Inside there you will find the heart of this very tree. After much prayer, I knew what I had to do. The tree behind us stands because of my spells. But the heart, you must take it. It is said a powerful enough Mender can replant even a shard of the heart and bring the Willow tree back to life, allowing it to grow tall and strong once more. It was the only part not yet tainted. The heart is small, weakened but there would be enough wood to create several items from it. Be thoughtful how you use the wood. I suggest you use a shard and add it to a tool to enhance your spells, a wand or staff. That will come much later though. For now, simply protect it from your family. Promise me when you find a place to call home, you will once again bring the Willow to life.

Poe nodded, her head swimming as she stared down at the box in her hands. She looked back up at the Mender, the older female smiling, “I know you have many questions. I have enclosed more writing about the tree inside the box, but my time draws near and there is none left to tell you more.” The Mender got to her feet, motioning to Poe. “Go, young one.”

Poe stood up, clutching the box to her chest. Her green eyes looked glossy. The Mender motioned to her to go back to the path. Poe walked to the edge of the clearing, turning back to look at the Mender beneath the dying Willow. That image would stay with her always, for it was the last time she saw the Mender alive.