Ahjier Urumet

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Ahjier Urumet Banner 01.png


For twelve long years, he'd sauntered through the wastelands unbeknownst to bourgeois travelers. Forsaken, vexed, and aghast. For twelve long years, he'd been accompanied by nothing but an unfathomable recollection of hysteria and bloodshed. For twelve long years, he'd succumb to his own pusillanimity and the perpetual reminder of the frailty within himself. Having only recently ventured to Eorzea, Ahjier longs to surmount his fears and his haunting memories in hope that he may rest peacefully for the first time in the last twelve, long years.


Aspects That Stand Out:
■ • His eyes, which seem to carry a great pain, but also a great love.
■ • His smile, only shown to those he calls Family.
■ • His body mass. He is a towering Au Ra, but despite this, is often gentle.



Warmth – For being a Xaelan, Ahjier has a deep love for anything warm. Fire, people, food, it doesn’t matter. If it’s warm, he’s likely to love it.
The Wild – He’s spent most of his life sleeping under the stars. Nothing is better than resting against a tree with a lit fire, and listening to the wind.


Lying/Liars – Saying something when you meant something else is nothing short of lying to Ahjier. Even from people he doesn’t know, lying angers him, as he believes one’s words are a gift from the Dusk Mother and should not be sullied.
The Cold – Even at room temperature, this is sometimes too cold for him. He’s not completely happy with the temperature unless it’s overbearing and sweat inducing to most people. Desert life does that.


Hunting – He spends a lot of his time wandering many places, looking for strong beasts. As trophies hold proof of one’s conquest over something, they hold proof to him that he is not weak, both physically and mentally.
Sleeping – It’s not often one catches Ahjier asleep, and it can often be believed he never does at times. Contrary to this belief, however, Ahjier naps quite often during the day and still sleeps a near 10 hours at night.


Clever – Despite his childish actions, Ahjier is quite clever, often finding a solution to something that is amicable for everyone involved. Yet this cleverness seems to be almost random. ( See Emotionally Unstable under weaknesses.)
Uncanny Strength – Years of physical training and steroid-laced brews from his childhood have given Ahjier a physical strength that lets him stand toe to toe with the toughest of beasts, yet this strength is not infallible. (See Weak Willed under Weaknesses.)


Emotionally Unstable – He’s often overwhelmed with emotion, whether it is sadness, anger or fear, and it quite often dictates his choices, causing sporadic and often confused decisions behind him, as he stumbles about.
Weak Willed – Despite his great physical strength, a great mental scar is left upon him. When met against one with true resolve, Ahjier often backs down, or hides, even if he is in the right.


A New Family – He's recently come upon the Songbird, and its tribe ; and with this place, he has found a new family. He takes his a day by day stride, doing his best to protect this family, and not make the same mistake twice.
His Mind – Ahjier is plagued by night terrors, fears, and breakdowns, and is spurred onward with the desire to one day move past these things, and eventually be able to look upon them without having his mind clouded.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Irjha Urumet, Mother
Character's Thoughts: " I never knew my mother or father very well. My siblings told me they'd passed away in a Grand Hunt, shortly after I was born. I wish I could of met them, at least"
Baqeir Urumet, Father
Character's Thoughts: " I never knew my mother or father very well. My Siblings told me they'd passed away in a Grand Hunt, shortly after I was born. I wish I could of met them, at least."
Rak’sha Urumet, Brother
Character's Thoughts: " My brother wasn't especially strong, physically. But his will and his resolve were like no other. He would stand against the tides of hell itself if it meant defending something as simple as ones word. I miss him..."
Ahjier looked up to his brother as his main role model for moral idealogies and decisions. With his Brother's death during the political tribe war when he was only 14, Ahjier mentally broke.
Cira Urumet, Sister ✝??
Character's Thoughts: " My sister was mean...Never proud of what I'd accomplished, never happy for what I'd done. She constantly told me I was weak, and unfit for life. But she was my sister...She was..family.."
Ahjier's sister turned on him in a fit of psychoticism after the Inner Tribe Political War, attempting to murder her own brother. Ahjier luckily escaped, but at the cost of his voice, as a blade from her grasped a shallow cut to his throat.
Khashin Urumet, Bondmate - TITLE
Character's Thoughts: " At a young age we were set to be mates by our guardians. Luckily, we both actually liked each other...and were fine with the agreement. I grew to love her..."
Khashin was Ahjier's intended Bondmate, and would be with her after his Trial of Maturity in later years, had the Political Tribe war not erupted. In the end, Ahjier was forced to watch Khashin die in front of him, as his own cowardice prevented him from saving her.
B’rhysal Valdemont, Honorary Tribe Sister
Character's Thoughts: " Rhys? She’s a Xaelan…What do you mean she’s not? Are you insulting my family…?"
Ahjier met B'rhysla when he stumbled upon her bar a multitude of months ago, and quickly became her friend. Despite her being Miqo'te and not related to Au Ra in any way, he views her as a Xaela. A fuzzy Xaela.
Juliasra Daros, Tribe Sister
Character's Thoughts: " Juliasra has always been a bit...distant, when it came to our tribe. She always thinks she doesn't belong, and that she walks alone. I wish she'd get it through her head that shes family, and will always BE family..."
Ahjier looks to Juliasra like every other Sister in his family, wishing to protect and coddle her just like the others. Ahjier also views her as one of the only few people he's ever met to be able to be able to stand against his physical strength in a spar.
Khantyer Qalli, Tribe Sister - Khatagtai
Character's Thoughts: " Khantyer is different. She's unlike anyone I've met. She's kind...yet strict...strong, yet soft. I'm drawn to her…in every way..."
Khantyer was the first person Ahjier met when he arrived on Eorzea. She'd found him stumbling about in the Thanalan deserts alone, and took him with her. Ahjier's been by her side since.
Khorchi Qalli, Tribe Sister
Character's Thoughts: " Khorchi isn't around much. But shes the "Little Sister" of the tribe. Shes small, energetic, and spazzy. Much like a Miqo'te..."
Ahjier met Khorchi a while back, when he first met Khantyer. His first impression of her was that she was too care-free about things,but soon learned shes dead serious under the charade of glee she often portrays.
Mila Naganse, Friend >
Character's Thoughts: " Mila's a sexual deviant. Plain and simple. She's crude, perverse, and immodest. But she's also a good hearted person, who truly cares for people. Don't tell her I said that first bit..."
Ahjier met Mila a multitude of months ago, and quickly became a rather awkward friend. Constantly caught hearing her perverted jokes, or seeing her lewd behaviour, he'd kept his distance, but trusts her none the less.
Niraan Buduga, Tribe Brother
Character's Thoughts: " NIraan is zany. Short and simple. A true Xaelan. He reminds me of my brother in so many ways...Along with his own ways. I can truly count on no other, when I cannot do something myself..."
Ahjier initially met Niraan a few months ago, yet quickly become attached to him as his only "True" Brother. He looks to Niraan as a new role model, trying his best to walk in his brothers shadow, while trying to be himself. Despite arguments and head butting, they've always settled their differences with a good punch...
Odgerel Dazkar, Tribe Sister - Rite Master
Character's Thoughts: " Odgerel...is just like Sora, in the idea she is unique. She holds to many old traditions and rites that not many know any more. And she is often a strict hand that rivals even Khantyer when she is upset.."
Ahjier met Odgerel while he was readying for a hunt in the Shroud. Many questions and a night later, she was recognized as a Sister of the tribe, and Ahjier came to immediately love her as he does all his Family.
Sora Kihoshi, Tribe Sister
Character's Thoughts: " Sora is...unique? She is a Raen, that acts quite similiar to Xaela. She cares for our tribe, and is family to me. The color of her scales do not matter. As far as I am concerned, Xaela blood runs through her."
Ahjier met Sora only recently, yet has grown a deep affection for his newest sister. He often calls upon her in times of doubt or uncertainty in relationships, as he’s often too dense to see these things himself.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Him? He gets bounty's done quite often. Keeps most of the more open criminals from sticking their heads out and about. And the beasts too. Have had less dead livestock with him muckin' about."
"I don't like that one. Always wearing blackened armor, carrying that big sword, always covered in blood. Up to no good. No good! What does he even do? Run around scaring folk? Kill our chocobos? Steal from the supply caravans? No good that one. Stay away from him."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"What? You're talking about The Beast, right? He comes in, drops the head of the beast he was hired to hunt for, takes his gil and leaves. What of him? Huh? Don't mind the old lady. She spouts that about everybody not from around here. Point is, he kills things. Big things. Nasty things...Bad..things.."
"Did you call him "The Beast"? Really? Hes a bloody coward. He runs in, fully plated, with a sword the size of a door archway, and flails at the beast like hes a first timer with a blade. Beast my arse. I could slay those bounty's if I wasnt stuck at home with the missus like a trapped aldgoat."
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"You mean Ahjier? The big Au Ra? Yeah I've seen him a few times. Talked to him once about a Coeurl pack harassing me farmstead. He took off after we talked, came back later that night with a bag of Coeurl heads. Didn't say much though."
"Ain't got much to say about the big fella. He don't talk much, he don't charge much. If anything he takes more gil from the bones and skin of the beast, than the actual reward. Hes real weird. Not in a bad way though. But..just weird."


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.

Ahjier Urumet 01.png
SERVER – Mateus
NAME – Ahjier Urumet
RACE – Au’ra
CLAN - Xaela
TRIBE – (Formerly Urumet)
NAMEDAY – 20th Sun of the First Astral Moon
DEITY – Dusk Mother

OCCUPATION – Currently: None (Experience with hunting, enforcement, and bounty hunting)
ALIGNMENT – Neutral Good

HAIR COLOR – Natural Black (Bleached White)
EYE COLOR – Dark Crimson with Light White Limbal Rings
COMPLEXION – Fair, light skin
MARKS/TATTOOS – A Slaver’s burn mark on the back of his head, under his hair

KEY ITEMS – His Claymore and the trophies on his belt
FAVORITE FOOD – Raw Meat of any kind
FAVORITE DRINK – Water, and occasionally an alcohol home-brewed by his own tribe