Dosi Ez'reili

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 Dosi Ez'reili
RPC Profile 2.png
"I-I just want to be left a-alone sometimes . . ."
Gender Female
Race Miqo'Te (See History)
Clan Keeper
Citizenship Dual Uldah/Gridania Citizenship, Primarily Gridania
Age 27
Height 5 Fulms 1 Ilm
Weight 103 pz
Profession All manner of Medical Practice, Various
Patron Deity Althyk, The Keeper
Server Balmung

" . . . I am not meant to be in the spotlight. I know others. They lead extravagant lives, filled with either decadence or strife. Nonstop exertion. Never-ending perils. They take sides, they fight wars, against themselves and each other, both for what they believe in, to further a cause, or for the simple thrill of adrenaline. Regardless of what they do, they lead lives worth writing stories about. Excitement, adventure, romance, all things the average being needs in their life to keep from falling into a depressive state. But I am different. I know my course is not one of those. Not one of enticing feats or unforgettably wonderful memories. I stay in the sidelines, watching. I follow behind everyone else as they blaze a trail off into the great unknown, marking their paths and positions in history. I am who picks up the pieces in the ensuing aftermath, trying to put everything that has fallen off or apart back together, be it objects, places, or the people that did not quite make it . . ." -Dosi

Unique among the Miqo'Te, this reserved, well-kept and talented little Savant has quite the underlying anxiety problem.


Since the second incident in Azys Lla, she has regained her original Miqo'Te Keeper body, regaining her pitch-black hair, deep tanned skin and freckled face, with her large bushy tail and heterochromatic White/Black eyes. She is slight, her frame thin and small, often adorned with much ornamentation and copious amounts of warm clothing no matter the weather or surrounding climate. She is very finicky, and while not necessarily vain, she will take the utmost care in her appearance and hygiene, primping herself and keeping herself clean and neat whenever possible.


Since her re-reformation at Azys Lla, her personality has more or less remained, the meek and shy High-Functioning Autist predominantly avoiding interpersonal contact unless under very specific and comfortable situations. Bouts of nervousness, panic attacks, and vocal inhibition still plague her in times of duress and when in stressful situations, and she will almost never make first contact, instead preferring to watch from afar. Large crowds of people and loud noises and places will still upset her.

Due to the melding of her personalities, she will sometimes talk of them as separate entities, her "Past" or "Present" self, or refer to herself in the third person as a new persona separate from her other two, in order to help others understand her thought processes in her constantly-changing mental state, sometimes even expressing annoyance at her "Other Two" for causing her problems by being mentally incompatible with each other in some way, shape or form.

Though her original Miqo'Te self had little anger, her melding of personalities seems to have given her one even with her reformed Miqo'Te body. Jealousy is a very real thing for her as well, especially when her friends have acquaintances she does not herself know well, though she can get over it with time.

Though a runt, she makes little effort to try and hide her relatively weak appearance. Due to her High-Functioning Autism and the peculiar wiring of her brain causing her to lack intuitive social recognition ability, she will oftentimes be writing in her journal about scientific inquiry, Aetherical Studies, or Anthropological work for great deals of time, usually in conjunction with her habit of people watching and eavesdropping, sometimes even staring at others she does not even know, in extreme cases even following others she sees, to the point that others may consider her a stalker, a spy, or at the very least unnerving. If approached, she will respond curtly or simply gesture in welcome, though she will lose interest quickly if not given a reason to keep communicating. If confronted about her strange behavior, she may become panicked and flee, though expressing any amount of interest in Tarot cards, history, Technology or any kinds of Aetheric fields will draw her attention very positively.

At her core, and though rather difficult to discern from her everyday social and communicative behavior alone, she still wishes the best for everything, and will go out of her way to help someone who is in immediate danger, using what resources and knowledge she has available to handle it, one such bit of proof being that she does most of her medical work free of charge to those in need and will always respond to emergency calls and situations. Her pack she carries with her almost always has some smaller essential medical supplies in it should he need ever arise even when off-duty, having been trained in medicine and Aetherical Healing for years and working with her abilities nearly daily. Some have said her bedside manner to be lacking, though few would fault her actual abilities.


  • Books - Her love of knowledge throughout her life has given her a great amount of respect for the written word and the potential it has for conveyance of information. Though only her Keeper life has had much a chance to study and learn, her past Xaela life was ever curious as well even if lacking proper resources to learn as much as she wanted, so her fire for knowledge burns ever bright without faltering. She will without fail have several different books or journals of various topics and subjects on her person at any particular time, though the books are mostly for others' benefit as she has memorized word-for-word any she has in her possession.
  • More Books - See Above.
  • Academic and Aetheric pursuits, studying, learning about anything mundane or complex - Though many consider themselves Scholars in very selective and specific fields, Dosi proves she is a true Savant, striving to learn about every tiny thing that could possibly have any sort of use to her in her life. Due to her bizarre mental state and mode of thinking, this could be anything from Ancient Allegan Technology or Forbidden Thaumaturgical Magics to different soil compositions and their effects on crops or the effects of Aetheric Currents on weather. Anything and everything that has scientific application falls into her realm of curiosity.
  • Divination and Tarot Card Reading - Adhering to nearly anything related to Divination, she has grown extensively use to it as a way of determining the paths of others and their effect on her life, and in the choices she herself should make concerning her daily life. She is often Set well into this mode of thinking, very few times being convinced to deviate from it.
  • Solitude - She considers Silence the ultimate virtue, one allowing her to study and learn in absolute peace and efficiency. She also expects it of others who she does not deign to talk to or who find interests opposite of her own. Though should she find someone with whom she has a great interest in, she will forsake her natural need for solitude, often at the cost of becoming irritable and moody later on.
  • Snow and cold climates - Though she spent a great deal of her life in either the Desserts of Thanalan or the Forests of Gridania, her travels to Coerthas and Ishgard in particular have given her a great appreciation of the cold, snowy regions, providing her with much joy in how cozy one is able to get there with a warm fireplace and a good book.
  • Love - As scientifically-minded as Dosi can be, her idealistic and cheerful attitudes are fully enamored with the idea of love. She refuses to analyze it in any light, either. She fully believes this is the one thing you cannot simply break down into a science, and need to have simple and pure faith in for it to be true.


  • Crowds - Growing up sheltered in this life, and away from harsh crowds and boisterous organisms as she learned the ways of Aether, she has grown use to the constant solace of quiet and lack of other annoying diversions. Even her Xaela life, as outward as they were, she found peace and quiet by herself as she practiced her Thaumaturgic magics between the battles and wars she had fought. Though Gridania generally calm and peaceful in the city, Uldah has taught her to hate the crowds even more as their boisterous, violent culture and behavior grind on her nerves incessantly at every turn.
  • Loud Noises - In conjunction with her immense hatred for large amounts of people, her hatred for them grows when presented with loud individuals or situations. As a Keeper, her large ears were ever sensitive to noises around her, amplifying her dislike for large gatherings of people.
  • Being noticed - Though something she can generally put up with, especially should the intruding party noticing her have something of immense interest or value to say, or for some reason peak her interest or curiosity with who they are, but others with their drunken banter or boisterous behavior are not welcome, and are a quick and near-surefire way to aggravate her to the point of annoyance.
  • Boisterous or Aggressive behavior - As mentioned earlier, she dislikes others who are hostile, assertive, loud or invasive, and will often react towards them in an equally aggravated, perhaps even hostile manner.
  • Anything that would give away her social ineptitude - Though often keeping a reserved and sometimes even cheerfully chipper attitude, it is mostly in order to hide her own social ineptitude. As a High-Functioning Autistic, she cannot intuitively recognize social cues and signs easily, and suffers from a great many things, among them paranoia, anxiety, and various problems with vocalization and word pronunciation as well as a quick temper and jealousy that can flare at any time. Pointing any of this out openly to her or to others will only exacerbate the issue further.
  • Invasion of Personal Space - If there is one sure-fire way to get her to distrust you, it is getting exceptionally close to her physically. Though there are a rare few she trusts enough to be comfortable around, others who have a habit of being too much of an Extrovert too soon into her company are generally abandoned almost immediately, if not rebuked violently.
  • Her Friends' Friends who she does not know - Her sense of jealousy is not limited to potential or current affectionate interests as it would be for most other normal beings. In fact, her jealousy can spread to her friends, and friends of her friends that she does not know and find herself around will be subject to scrutinizing, strange behavior and awkward staring directed at them. This will generally disappear once she gets to know them. She is very self-conscious of her jealous nature, and goes to great lengths to hide it or try and curb it.
  • A lot of other tiny, nonsensical things - Please do not make me list them all.

Schedule And Activity

  • Her times vary wildly due to the erratic nature of her work.
  • Normally active at least in the early mornings and afternoons, sometimes later at night if she does not pull an all-nighter or running her errands.
  • Her Off-Time does not always mean she is not on Duty. Medical Emergencies pop up constantly and she will respond to them in a prompt manner as they come.
  • In her off-times she may be found primarily in Ul'Dah or in The Mist at her place of Work at the Duskwater Tavern, with lesser time spent in Gridania or Ishgard. She rarely ventures to Limsa, though she will occasionally partake in the Culinarian's Guild and their delicious menu, managing to put aside her hatred of public eating to do so.
  • On either Sunday or Saturday she will sometimes head to Gridania and do her weekly baking with her Adopted Elezan Mother and her only other Elezan sister, depending on her schedule, and will sometimes carry with her a box of these various deliciously-baked treats. If you are lucky perhaps she will share them.
  • Other times, if not with people she knows or at her home in the Mist, generally she will be loitering around either the Quicksand, the Mainstreet, or the Large Fountain inside the Palace in Ul'Dah, and sometimes rarely The Roost and The Forgotten Knight in Gridania and Ishgard, respectively, generally reading or writing, but can also include people-watching, occasional drinking or brooding. Almost always accompanied by brooding. Sometimes she will posture herself near fountains, parks or overlooking grand sights or Vista's when left alone, her mind usually wandering to a stressed, brooding state, torn between her desire for meaningful companionship and her general fear and dislike of other people. She has been known to weep or cry with seemingly no outside provocation when left along for long periods of time, sometimes causing distress to others who see her. She will not always notice others who approach her in this trance-like state unless directly prompted.
  • Her mental state varies wildly from one moment to the next, so do not always expect her to be immediately hospitable towards newcomers. She will try, but not always succeed.

Areas of Expertise

  • Thaumaturgy
  • Conjuration
  • Astromancy
  • Arcanic Manipulation
  • All Manners of Medical Care


  • Anything Magical
  • History
  • Astrology
  • Biology
  • Scripture
  • Interpretation
  • Archaeology
  • Divination


  • Anything Physical
  • Social Interactions
  • High-Stress Environments
  • Cross-Species Diplomacy

Mental Capacity

Though few would know it due to her tending to stay as far away from the spotlight as possible in regards to her own abilities and talents, she actually has Asperger's, and is considered a very High-Functioning Autistic, suffering from general lack of social empathy to voice recognition and name association problems. While this seems to, for the most part, primarily affect only her social skills and cognitive socialization ability, nearly every other high-functioning part of her mind is far beyond normal as far as learning and knowledge retention. Few would ever guess on their own as well, as she is able to make up for most of her shortcomings by way of sheer intellectual capacity to overcompensate.

Her most noticeable mental characteristic is how quickly she can read, and by extension memorize, books. She can read entire full-length informational tomes in less than an hour, remembering everything nearly as quickly as she reads, down to the very last detail. Though she keeps copies of every single book she has ever read, barring extraneous circumstances preventing her from doing so, she almost never needs them, having photographic memory of nearly every single word she ever glanced over. Maps, charts, graphs, anything that can be viewed for informational purposes can be memorized nearly instantly by her. This has allowed her to become exceptionally gifted in a variety of intellectual fields and professions due to the sheer amount of information she can process, memorize, and replicate in actuality.

This ability to retain knowledge and information extends very well to her Aetherical abilities, able to pick up and process Aetheric techniques exceptionally quickly, very rarely failing something she witnesses being performed correctly, even without directly teaching or showing her how it would be performed. She is also adept at recognizing Aetheric signatures and even currents, though of course not nearly as efficiently as a properly calibrated pair of Aetheric Detection Goggles.

Her desire to constantly sate her thirst for knowledge has had minutely detrimental effects on her health. She often struggles with certain everyday mundane tasks, such as remembering to eat on time or sleep in any kind of normal schedule, something her Adopted Mother worries constantly for, though she is often very finicky about her grooming and bathing habits and so rarely ever misses those tasks.

Other Notes


Knowing her scholarly and intellectually-minded disposition, one would think her to observe Thaliak, The Scholar. However, while she believes in The Twelve just like most of the citizens of Eorzea, and does hold at least marginal respect to Thaliak, she does not observe most of them personally or formally save for Althyk, The Keeper, who she sees as the supreme Diety among them as he controls the most powerful force in the universe: Time. She considers this to be because Knowledge is something mortals can have control over, while an aspect of existence like time cannot be, hence her immense respect for Althyk over Thaliak.

Through her Astrologian teaching, she came to deeply respect and adhere to Tarot cards and star-readings, which she does whenever possible as she always carries a deck with her. Often she will Tarot read before and/or after, attempting any kind of social contact at all in order to help ascertain if they can be trusted or not or what any possible outcomes may be. She follows these readings religiously, even to the point of basing future contact off of what she reads in her tarot deck. Conversely, showing an interest in Tarot or Divination in general will cause her much joy, and can be used as a means to get her to warm up to you.


She tends to talk to herself a great deal, even out in public and around others. This may be a way for her to cope with stress from being around other people. She also has a very odd habit of eavesdropping, staring at, or physically following those she finds interesting, or sometimes even complete strangers, without their knowing, sometimes going as far as to take notes, quotations, and even entire conversations down in her journals she keeps with her. She also hates eating in public.

Due to her bizarre brain chemistry, she has many different types of obsessive and compulsive behaviors, among them her need for something to always be tightly bound around her neck, be it a scarf or a necklace or a Turtleneck shirt. She also has a very peculiar organizational habit, which would make it nearly impossible for anyone to find anything themselves in her files, books or documents.


Miqo'Te, Keeper, Current Life:

Born the 28th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon, a middle child into a litter of Miqo'Te in Southern Thanalan. Most of her early life was defined by the fact she was a runt. Being born into a boisterous, aggressive tribe of Keepers, she did only as much or as little as was necessary to get by as she sought to stay out of the way of the others. Around the age of 8, upon finding a plain, worn, abandoned book while on the outskirts of old Ala Mhigo, she sought to find out what exactly the symbols inside it meant.

She spent days and nights trying to figure out what it meant. Her tribe was little help, being that almost none of them were literate in any form at all. Her parents, though reluctantly tolerant of her weak, standoffish disposition, simply thought it foolish for a child so young to forgo hunting and physical pursuits to decipher bundles of strange signatures. They took the strange object and burned it, hoping their child's weakness would dissipate with it's physical form.

The poor child, feeling further isolated from her own kin, took off as the tribe slept, heading north. Being so young, the weight of her actions would not reach her until much later.

Braving the wilds, slipping through settlements and finding meager sleep and food where possible, she was able to eke out her existence through garbage, foraging and the kindness of a few random strangers. Though physically weak, she struggled on, making her was as far north as the Twelveswood, before her frail constitution and malnutrition began setting in in earnest.

Found washed up on the sides of a river at the bottom of a waterfall by a Woodwatcher, she was taken into the care of two kindly Elezan and their multitude of children. Though wondrous as to how such a frail creature could have survived an ordeal, they were nonetheless elated as she returned to health. They recognized her frail body and constitution and all sought to help her feel welcome in their home.

As she found more objects similar to her book back in her Tribe and inquired about them, they quickly recognized her affinity for curiosity and discerning. A very quick learner, she grew up reading and writing past even some of her older peers, and though frail of body, her Aether was robust and healthy, as she was quickly sought out by various guilds for training in Magical arts. As she traveled around with the help of her adopted parents, she became exceptionally knowledgeable of the intricate inner workings of Magic and the Aether of the world.

Though shy and independent, and quite content with the sheltered scholarly life she had been raised into with her loving Elezan parents and her adopted siblings, as well as the various intellectual and Aetheric work she had done for others, she desired to find her biological parents in Thanalan, feeling that part of her life should have some closure.

Almost immediately after arriving in Thanalan, she inadvertently bore witness to the tragic after-events that transpired leading to the exile of the Hero of Light. After the city had returned more or less to normal, she was sought out by Momodi of the Quicksands to help form a coherent band of informants to help prevent such a thing, least it have further-ranging consequences should it happen again.

Though her meek disposition and social ineptitude kept her from performing very well when it came to finding others to help Momodi's task, she sought to perform her duty as best she could, keeping her head low as instructed to prevent any potential information leaks.

Throughout her travels, she has acquired a small group of Intellectuals who she regularly exchanges information with and goes on intellectually-stimulated explorations, as well as providing her focus points in which to base her professional work off of.

Azys Lla Incident:

With her inquiry into Allegan technology spurned by necessity for information, a trip to Azys Lla, as dangerous as the floating city may be, was necessary for her. As soon as the weather cleared for passage, she went against her normally cautious nature and traveled there alone due to none of her colleagues being in contact at the time. While exploring the dangerous city, she stumbled upon an ancient Allegan prototype Re-Origination Mechanism, accidentally activating it, causing it to read her past Aether imprints and reformat her physical body to one of her Soul's past lives, that of a Xaela Au Ra.

Though the process was incomplete, allowing her to retain her current mind and Aetherical presence, memories of her past life have been slowly seeping into her mind, every passing day awakening more vivid memories and visions. As her current mind and her past memories merge together, her state of mind changes wildly from one day to the next as a new persona slowly forms itself from the combination of both personalities.

Au Ra, Xaela, Past Life:

(Ever evolving as her memories slowly resurface)

Born into a Brutal, war-driven Xaela tribe known as the Iksashi, in the snowy mountains of the eastern continent of Othard, her past life was rife with struggle, as she was a runt then as well, the males of her ever-embattled tribe treating her as a trophy, fighting viciously over her due to her beauty and delicate appearance. Though she was not possessing of a love for war as her kin did, she was not averse to it either, and though her temperament mild by Xaela standards, she was much more boisterous and aggressive, and possessed a dark, foreboding attitude, a far-cry from her normally cheerful Miqo'Te self.

As she grew older, and though smaller then most Xaela, she was not weak. Her immense Aetheric abilities became apparent very quickly, and they taught her the ways of destructive Thaumaturgic magics. Though she tended to avoid direct conflict, and took eagerly to fighting from afar, her Tribe benefiting immensely from her natural abilities, able to dominate and conquer surrounding tribes and lands with such a component added to their brutal close-combat abilities. Thousands were slaughtered at her hand in these conflicts, cementing her tribe's place in dominance in the region.

Though unable to form a proper deduction of her past life's place in history, even with her ability to cross-reference with her current life's memories, it is surmised that her tribe no longer exists in the present day, as those from the existing tribes in Othard seem to have no recollection of anything pertaining to it now or in the past.

As such, and because of her ultimate desire from this life to do what is right, she has taken it upon herself to bare the sins of her tribe from the past and atone for what she and her tribe have done in the past life she lead.

Iksashi tribe:

A Tribe of Xaela in the Northern Wastes of Othard. Abandoning Nomadic practices, they instead set up a small walled fortress-city high atop their highest mountain, their people growing exceptionally deep-hued skin both as camouflage against the dark stone and for lack of sunlight for greater parts of the year. These brutal warriors favored powerful Thaumaturgic Magic to more mundane methods of war that many other Xaela tribes employed, an advantage they would use to easily subjugate and assimilate other tribes, using their newly captured members to bolster their own through a variety of means. Massive celebrations were had after every successful battle, and even newly-acquired tribe members were encouraged to join, various sports of strength, agility and intellect taking place, as well as fighting for the favor of females, who would often be greatly ornamented with various jewelry and precious metals and stones. Though conquest-oriented, they did not kill unless the need was great, preferring instead to exile those that refused to join or submit to their law.

Though it is not know what time period in which they existed, it is surmised they have either disappeared or gone into hiding in the past hundred years, as few Xaela who had travelled from Othard to Eorzea have heard of the tribe in modern times.


  • "All we are is a collection of memories. Everything we are, and everything we will be, is just that inside all of us. Our minds are but a means to organize, categorize and utilize these memories. Tastes, sounds, feelings against our skin of various objects, emotions we have and experienced, habits we form, friendships we grow. All things born from memories we have acquired. Memories that mix and mingle together and create these thoughts and emotions and sensations that we have. As memories are added, we change to accommodate them as they mix with our current ones. When they are removed, we become less of who we were. That is why amnesia is such a terrifying thing. What takes away our memories takes away our very being."
  • "Have you ever gazed out at the endless night sky, looking up into the countless stars? Think for a moment, they are countless eons away from us. Millions of them, filling this immense void that surrounds us. Could all of them hold life as we have here on our world? Certainly we are not alone. I cannot fathom the idea that we might be the only life in this universe. Every time I look up there, I cannot help but lose myself in eternity, the beauty of it, the wonderment. Will we ever travel the stars? What is out there? What is waiting for us?"
  • "Strange when you think about it. Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, and it resulted in a collection of organisms who deign to let their lives be absorbed by their meek and simple pleasures."
  • "The more of a life you share with another, the more bonded your soul becomes with theirs. Memories created together slowly intertwine our very beings into one another. The more memories shared, the more thorough the two souls become as one, each becoming ever-so inextricably linked to the other. That is why it hurts so when you lose someone you have grown with. You are losing a part of your own soul."
  • "I think I am luckier than most. Not that I have anything more than my own inherent Aetherical and Mental abilities to help me through life, no. It is the fact that, while most beings in this world will go years searching, sometimes spending their entire lives, and not finding what it is they must do with their life. I have, and I do know mine. I am here to help others. I am to heal, to console, to mend . . . that is why I am here. Knowing what I must do does not inherently make my life any easier, nor does it solve my problems. It is difficult, it is stressful, and it is taxing, especially for one of my particular disposition. But . . . I do take solace knowing it. It helps keep me grounded, a pillar in those times when I have nothing else left to cling to in my own mind. And knowing others are better off from what I do certainly helps as well."
  • "Obsessive habits can have a greater effect on the mind and body than any physical substance ever could."
  • "There is so much we do not know about the Allag. So, so much. It was foolish of me to ever think I was prepared to go there. Prepared to face them. Prepared for what would happen to me in Azys Lla. Perhaps my greatest flaw was in thinking I knew enough about them to ever earn even the pleasure to gaze upon their technological wonders. I mean, a Re-Origination mechanism? Do you know what this means? This . . . this machine can read the inprint's of Aetheric currents from the past. Not only can we see what happened in the past with such a technology, but with it we can even recreate things that were in another time; items, artifacts, mechanisms, even living organisms, as I am proof of . . ."


The following rumours can be heard about Dosi Ez'reili, predominantly in Ul'Dah.

Common rumours

  • "Tha' weird li'l chick that sits all alone wherever she is? She's weird. Talks to 'erself n shite. I think she's crazy or som'in'."
  • "You are asking me to go and talk to that? Are you kidding me? Look at her, she's terrified of everything around her."
  • "She came outta nowhere and just started staring at me, pacin' aroun' me. Called me a 'fascinating specimen'. Said I was handsome and bought me some drinks though, so I got that going for me, which is nice."
  • "Dont like tha' poker-face she's got. Definitely dont like tha' poker-face she's got . . ."

Uncommon rumours

  • "I've seen her carrying more then a few books with her wherever she goes. No idea what they are about. Seen her in libraries and study halls too, skulking in the corner, devouring books like a damned demon. She can seriously read several of those big tomes in a single day if you leave her to do it."
  • "One time she confessed to me that she had dreamed about cheese. I was right the hell out of there after that, man. I had enough weirdness from everything else she did, it's bad enough she is constantly glaring into your soul with those giant Keeper eyes of hers."
  • "Sometimes I'll see her out of the corner of my eye. And she'll just be . . . staring at you. For minutes at a time. Sometimes longer. No words, no indications of anything, she may pull out a journal and start writing or something, but . . . Thal's Balls it is unnerving. I had to leave and she just watched me all the way to the door . . ."

Rare rumours

  • "I heard she was versed in just about every single magical field you can think of. We're talking every kind; everything from bringing someone back from the brink of death to melting the flesh from bones to telling the future with Star Magic. Was heralded as some kinda prodigy by some, but she wanted to be kept out of any spotlight. Doesn't seem like something anyone with that much talent would want, most in this city love showboating and boasting about damn near everything they got going for them. I tried talking to her once, approached her real gentle-like and calm, and she answered every single one of my questions, strangely enough, no matter how inquiring or seemingly uncomfortable it made her. Did reveal quite a few things but seemed terrified when I mentioned she could be famous, and after that refused to talk further. Real suspicious, that one."
  • "Wait, what? She use to be a Lizard? Excuse me? How is that even possible? This is too strange for me, I'm out . . ."
  • "So apparently she's, like, some doctor. Good one from what I hear. Does most of her work for charity? Emergency calls, Private Doctor, Home-Staying Doctor, what-have-you. Few buddies o'mine been' uhh, keepin' tabs on her since the war. Real neurotic, real skittish, they said she was. Seemed to get distressed real easy. Talked to herself, a lot, buddies said she was pretty damn rude sometimes too with her bedside manner at their wounds an' manner of gettin' them. But she been a doctor since well before the Calamity, even worked as a field medic and worked directly under Chief's of Staff in front line hospitals. Performed miracle surgeries more than a few times with those sorta hard-to-fathom Aether abilities. Same buddies she saved, so I guess I owe her my life as well. Tried to thank her one day, said to never mention it again. She doesn't like it being known she has these talents, seems . . . doesn't even like being recognized as a doctor sometimes, I swear. She wont say no, I mean; She'll be the first to jump to your side if you are ailing, an' she'll answer any medical questions you ask. But, unlike most docs I know, she wont correct you if you leave the Doctor title out of anything pertaining to her, either."

What Other PC's Are Saying

(If your character has an opinion about her, feel free to add it here.)