Lucient Valenteaux
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[hide]Basic Info
Appearance & Personality
Early Years
- Lucient was born in city-state of Sharlayan, a fact he never hesitates to bring up if it serves to make him appear more knowledgeable and worldly. Valenteauxs were old money, preserved by generations of coattail riding. Their children were given the best of the best, and never knew struggle or want for anything that money couldn't buy. Except a unicorn. Lucient never got a unicorn and it still serves as a chip on his shoulder.
- Unreasonably proud as he is of his heritage, he essentially grew up in the Shroud and not Sharlayan after the age of ten-- another fact he often neglects to add. Shortly after the fall of Ala Mhigo in 1557 his family moved to the North Shroud, just outside of Coerthas, so they could be closer to Luciaine's side of the family. It was a preemptive measure decided by the Sages of Thaliak, predicting a similarly grim fate for their city-state as the Garleans continued to expand their empire by force. It was also an opportunity to expand their ranks, taking on their pick of Ala Mhigan refugees fleeing their fallen city through the Shroud. Kael Copperblade was one among many.
- The sudden loss of his sister and his comrades in the Calamity absolutely destroyed Lucient's spirit and weakened his mental state. He isolated himself inside his home in Ul'dah for six years, splitting his time between studying old Sharlayan tomes and obsessively crafting designs for the Valenteaux fashion label until his fingertips felt raw.
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- Layout created by Bancroft Gairn. Thank you so much for sharing!