Una Ganajai

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Gridania-transparent.png Una Ganajai
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridania
Server Balmung
Age 24
Orientation Pansexual
Guardian Mephina, The Lover
Marital Status Single
Alias Kitten, Milady, Starlight


To be added later


  • Friendly Company
  • Listening to Music
  • Watching others enjoy themselves


  • The Ignorant and Deceitful
  • Those who think themselves higher then others
  • Most things bitter


Foods: Sushi, Stew, Anything Sweet
Drinks: Sweet Drinks, Tea
Colors: Purple, Blue, Black.


  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Watching those around her


Hair/Fur: White with purple tint
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Bluish-Purple
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 175 Ponz
Build: Compact, yet Slim.

Una's appearence is mostly due to her mother, almost looking like a carbon copy with the exception of hair color; While she looks fragile to a point, she is surprisingly strong for someone of her stature with the muscles under her skin more firm then others and her way of carrying herself reminiscent of of an Au-Ra.


  • Alignment

    Neutral good
  • Motivation

    Wanting to help and be there for others she considers family and friends.
  • Disposition

    Quiet, yet friendly.
  • Outlook

    Love all who come into your life, even if they hurt you.
  • Positive personality traits

  • Negative personality traits

  • Miscellaneous quirks

  • Unlike most Miqo'tes, her ears are more sensitive then her tail
  • Finds it mostly hard to make any kind of deep, emotional connection with whoever she's interested in unless she knows them beforehand.
  • Tends to talk like the Slyphs should she become extremely nervous and unable to shut down her emotions.
  • Will not hesitate to shut off her emotions in a snap of her fingers if she comes hurt to the point of self-isolation.


Una was born a mixed child of a female Miqo'te and a male Au-Ra, Both worshiped the moon above while loving one another despite the looks given. Despite this, Her mother found it mostly a blessing that Una came out as a keeper, but still feared of just how much scrutiny her child would be under due to her dirtied heritage. Sura, Una's mother, was once the matriarch of her own clan but left that life behind once meeting her mate while he was visiting from the far east.

The family moved to the Nine Ivies, away from prying eyes and into the lands of the Slyphs who, while weary of them overall, soon grew to accept the family while questioning their somewhat dysfunctional lifestyle. Because of this, Una did not have much contact with anyone from Gridania unless they were the wood wailers who occupied the nearby tower near castrum oriens, the slyphs who were not far or straggling adventures her mother would shelter for a day before they took off again.

Una would only be into a few summers shy of adulthood when she would lose the only home she grew up knowing along with her mother. Arson would be the cause of her grief, the female almost shutting herself off completely from the world since she had not only lost her mother but also had found out some time before that her father had vanished without so much as a letter or explanation. It would take the words of the elements around her and the sylphs who cared for her as one of their own to get her back onto her feet; It was there she had made the decision to take on the life of an adventurer to travel the world and learn all the secrets while hoping to find a place she could one day belong to once again.


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