Ylari Shailcirc

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Gridania-transparent.png Ylari Shailcirc
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Gridania
Birthplace The East Shroud
Nameday 15th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Age 23
Marital Status Single
Occupation Healer, wandering cleric.
Guardian Deity Nymeia, the Spinner
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Ylari Shailcirc (ih-lAH-ree SHALE-kirk) is a Midlander Hyur hailing from the Black Shroud. A deeply devout individual, Ylari offers prayers to all the Twelve, and considers herself one of their voices despite refusing point-blank to enter the official clergy.

Having lived in near-isolation for almost her entire life, Ylari knows little of the world beyond her forest save that told in books. After the death of her mother during the Calamity, she became tired of seclusion and began to wander the Twelveswood, offering her services as both healer and spiritual guide in exchange for food and shelter.

She is rarely to be seen without her companion chocobo, Owain.

Personal Information


Being short for a Midlander, Ylari stands at roughly 160cm tall, and is of average build - not muscular in the slightest, but solid with pronounced hips and rather broad shoulders. Her skin is fair, some might say too pale for someone who spends most of her life outdoors, but it matches her hair, which is pale blonde with traces of red at the roots. More often than not, said hair is pulled back into a high ponytail, as it is easier to maintain. Her eyes are somewhat overlarge, more pupil than iris, and icy blue in colour - overall, Ylari's colouring makes her look a little washed out in bright sunlight.

The strong jaw prevalent in the Shailcirc family presents strongly in its youngest daughter, though offset by the fullness of her lips and the shallow arch of her cheekbones. Her face is actually quite broad, but the careful framing of it with strategically-placed locks of hair serves to hide the fact well. The aforementioned large eyes are set above a nose slightly too long for her face, sloping sharply downwards.

She has very few blemishes, her skin almost entirely unmarked apart from a set of scars, very similar to a burn, in the shape of fingers clasped around her left wrist. However she usually keeps these covered.


Reserved, almost to a fault, Ylari finds it very difficult to open up to people. She has a tendency to be overly formal upon first meeting someone, frequently referring to people as "sir" or "miss" until she's known them for a little while. Due to having spent little time around humans she wasn't related to growing up, she is lacking somewhat in social skills and frequently misses cues or signs from others. However she prides herself on being polite and well-spoken, following the mantra "treat others as you would wish them to treat you".

  • Chocobos
  • Sweets
  • Books
  • Windy weather
  • Violence
  • Rudeness
  • Bad cooking
  • Beastkin
  • People-watching
  • Gardening
  • Reading alchemical texts
  • Looking after chocobos
  • Sylphs
  • War
  • Not belonging
  • Large machines


Early Life

Ylari was born on a stormy night, in her father's concealed cottage deep within the Nine Ivies. And until she was seven years old, she never left the area immediately surrounding that ramshackle building.

The youngest child of Caradoc and Ellera Shailcirc (the former a skilled, if eccentric, alchemist, the latter a powerful conjurer and Hearer), it was almost a given that Ylari would grow up able to hear the elementals that surrounded her woodland birthplace. From this ability stemmed her great affinity for curative magics, a natural talent that combined with Elleras prodigious knowledge of the art enabled her to master conjury at a very young age.

Caradoc never let his children wander far from their home; he knew the dangers present in the Twelveswood, and was determined to keep them safe during their mother's frequent absences due to her position as Hearer. Sadly, his overzealous protection turned out to be the catalyst for Shara, the eldest, to plot rebellion and to rope her siblings into her plan - on a quiet night not long after Ylari turned seven, once their father had fallen asleep at his desk (as was his wont) the three children snuck out of the house and into the wood. They thought it a great adventure until they were set upon, far from home, by tempered Sylphs angry at their territory being invaded. Upon seeing Shara receive a gash on her leg, Ylari instinctively reached out to the elementals she had heard whispering from earliest childhood, but the only one to come at her call was a rogue, who drove the Sylphs away on a whim. Capricious as ever, the elemental grasped Ylari's wrist as she reached out for it, enthralled, and it began to drag her away. Only the timely arrival of Ellera, backed up by the Wood Wailers who had heard the children's screams, saved Ylari from whatever fate the corrupted spirit had in mind, leaving her with a set of scars around her left wrist that have never faded.

It was shortly after this incident that Ellera was making her way home during a storm, and found a tiny chicobo wandering aimlessly. The chick had obviously escaped from Bentbranch and gotten lost, so she took him home to keep him safe before she returned him the next morning. The tiny creature took one look at Ylari, chirped one tiny kweh, and that was that - they were bonded almost instantly. They slept together, girl and tiny bird, in her father's chair. The next morning, the chicobo cried pitifully when Ellera tried to take him away, and eventually she took her daughter to Bentbranch as it was the only way to get the chick, named Owain by Ylari, to go anywhere. The Elezen in charge took one look at the pair of them and refused to take Owain back – he had imprinted on Ylari. He said it had to be fate, since Owain hadn't even looked twice at Ellera despite seeing her first, and he could never separate two beings with such a strong bond as it would be cruel. Owain became a central part of Ylari's early life, being her constant companion.


As Ylari grew into her teens, she was allowed more freedom, and began to wander the area near her home on Owain's back. Upon spending time in the nearby villages, and later Gridania itself, it became obvious that she was a very typical awkward teen - clumsy, cripplingly self-conscious and prone to falling in love with every pretty boy she encountered. However very little of note occurred during this period of her life, besides her rapid rise through the ranks of the Conjurer's guild. The guildmaster wished for her to become a Hearer, being one of the few with the innate skills to do so, and partially out of respect Ylari took the title - however she discarded it upon turning eighteen, simultaneously renouncing her ties with the guild in an attempt to break away from being "Ellera Shailcirc's daughter".

The Calamity

Like many families, the Shailcircs lost a member to the great disaster that befell Eorzea - Ellera, who had gone to the front lines as a healer, lost her life in the course of saving others. Shortly before the war had begun, Ellera sent her entire family into hiding. Deciding that their already hard-to-find cottage wasn't secure enough, she forced her three children and her husband to take refuge in the very heart of the Twelveswood, along with all of their livestock. This made Ylari deeply nervous, as their only communication with the outside world was via the Sylphs, who she was rightly a little afraid of. But, trusting her mother, she believed that everything would turn out fine.

The Calamity itself rocked the Shroud, and the family decided as one to travel to Gridania to find out what had happened. It was then that they were told of Ellera's death.

Upon returning to their cottage in the Nine Ivies, the previously close family unit began to shatter - it was only six months before Shara, who had spent the entire time seething with rage, exploded and left the family home for good, never to be seen again. Caradoc had fallen into a profound melancholy that neither of his younger children could lift. The tension became too much for good-natured Donnel, who followed his elder sister into the world to make his way as a sellsword. Ylari herself was struggling with a spiritual crisis, not understanding why her goddess had sent her mother to die.

It took a year, but eventually Ylari realised that her confusion stemmed from her grief, and she put it aside to return to as normal a life as she could. But her father's moping was unbearable, so she too made the decision to leave, to do exactly what she had sworn never to do and follow in her mother's footsteps as a healer. She has wandered ever since, dispensing medicine made by her father, her own healing abilities and occasional pearls of wisdom to any who ask.



Caradoc Shailcirc - Father, aged 42.

Lives in the South Shroud, in isolation. He is a solid, sensible man, though lately prone to introspection and self-reflection. His usual vigour and easy laughter have waned somewhat since Ellera's death. Ylari loves him dearly, and visits him frequently, though mostly to keep an eye on him.

Ellera Shailcirc (nee. Lathurna) - Mother, deceased.

She died aged 35, as a result of the Calamity five years ago, as she had been a physician in the army. She was kind, but a daydreamer and very detached from reality. Ylari was deeply attached to her mother, and is still not entirely over her loss.

Shara Shailcirc - Sister, aged 27.

Current whereabouts remain unknown. Shara disowned her family after the death of her mother and went out into the world in a whirlwind of rage and despair. Years of searching have turned up little by way of positive leads on her whereabouts, despite her contentious personality and fondness for wine and song.

Donnel Shailcirc - Brother, aged 25.

Currently an adventurer living in Limsa Lominsa. Donny doesn't let his impulsiveness or thoughtlessness get in the way of trying to become a better swordsman, and he frequently sends little packets of treats to his father and sister in the Shroud.