Z'kianu Tia

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 Z'kianu Tia
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker
Citizenship Undecided
Marital Status Single
Occupation Errand Boy
Orientation Unsure
  • (Sister - Z'mayri Rha)
  • (Adopted Father - Zeean Wraithor)

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Basic Info

Z'kianu was born into one of the small Ziz tribes that was filling with corruption at the time. He was a wild young man that'd often get lashings for lashing out. His mother was one of the tribe healers, and because of this she had taught him the things he knows today about medicine and healing. Due to a certain event that had lead to Z'kianu's escape of the tribe, him and his little sister had ended up on one of the ships of Limsa. They had sailed the seas with them for several years before they were dropped off on the shores of Thanalan to start their own life.


Listening to stories
Pictures books
Mixing herbs
Helping people.
Getting in trouble


Spicy foods
Tribal Talk
Z'rha Nunh
People flirting with his little sister.
Being broke


Alignment: Lawfully Good
Vice(s): Picking at his scabs, getting in trouble, following people.
Favorite Food: Salt Cod
Favorite Drink: Mint Lassi
Favorite Color: Blues and purples.

Appearance & Personality

Z'kianu is a fairly young man who is still learning about the ways of life. He carries a large burden on his shoulder. His mind is set on protecting and helping his little sister to the best of his ability. He believes that he owes this for her for helping him escape their tribe and loosing an eye to his silly mistake on the ship of Limsa. His mind is heavy with thoughts yet he tries mask these thoughts by acting goofy and happy all the time. As if he doesn't have a care in the world. However, not everyone can hold that façade for so long.

Kianu is a somewhat tanned Miqo'te with sandy brown hair. He has golden eyes of a tiger that had seen much in his young life. His face holds scars that look like someone had taken their claws and swiped across his face. His back holds scars of many, many lashings. It could only remind someone of a butcher's block.


Z'kianu was born into one of the Ziz tribes. His tribe was fairly small with a Nunh who craved for his power of leadership. Z'rha was the Nunh of their tribe, he was strong, powerful, and very cruel. He believed that the Tias of the tribe where plotting against him to overthrow his power of leadership. However, that was not the case because most of the Tias were terrified of this man. In order for Z'rha to hold his power of leadership he'd hold the Tias had a standard that was lower than dirt. It was almost a daily ritual for most of the Tias to receive lashings for either acting out, or making the Nunh of the tribe feel threatened.

For example, one night Tia had left the tribe's current area to get a hold of herbs for medicine. Z'kianu was known for running into the forest to retrieve herbs, especially for the other males in the tribe with fresh lashings on their backs. It was during a time when supplies were low, and the Nunh had not granted permission for anyone to go out in search of supplies such as herbs. When Z'kianu came back from this simple task, most of the Tias has started to look up at him as the possible next Nunh once Z'rha had passed. Word of this meaningless rumor spread throughout the tribe and reach it's way up to Z'rha's ears. Angered and threatened, Z'rha had taken Z'kianu out in the forest and gave him one of the worst lashings he had ever received. Scars of this incident and scars of many other lashings still remain on the back of Z'kianu.

Z'kianu had tried his best to ease the mind of his Nunh, that he was not going to overthrow his power because he was young and had not had the wisdom like Z'rha or the previous Nunhs of their tribe. However, this did not ease the Nunh's mind. For a solid weak, Z'rha had tortured Z'kianu by lashings, or other means of almost medieval tortures. After awhile, Z'kianu had grown to hate his Nunh and his tribe. However, he feared his Nunh, brainwashed he knew he would always obey and bend to Z'rha's every word.

After about a month of Z'kianu wandering around the tribe as a brainwashed, scared young boy, his sister, Z'mayri had decided to take action for them. Late at night, Z'kianu and his sister fled the tribe against Z'kianu's wishes. They had spent days on the run, Z'kianu had been frightened for his life for months after. Paranoid that Z'rha would find him and give him the same torture he had received when the rumors had spread about him becoming the next Nunh of his tribe.

His sister, Z'mayri and himself joined one of Limsa's boats. At first, they just helped with meaningless jobs such as cleaning the deck, or help with the cooking on the boat. However, Z'kianu's skill for medicine and the healing arts had spread across the ship and he slowly became one of the assistant doctors. After months of trying to forget about his tribal life, Z'kianu slowly opened up to the goofy young man as he is today. He'd always joke around with the shipmates, tell wild untrue stories and pretend to fight with people.

However, this personality had struck him in the back. One day on the ship, sailing the seas between La Noscea and Thanalan, he had angered a Hyur man on the ship with his ever joking attitude. Getting in a full brawl with this man, it had started with just hand to hand combat. Yet this Hyur man had gone in a full blood rage and pulled out a dagger to try and kill Z'kianu. His little sister had eyes of a hawk, seeing as Z'kianu had not noticed the blade she had jumped out to push Z'kianu away from the man. This incident had lead to his little sister loosing her eye as the dagger stabbed her through the eye.

After a few months of healing, the Captain of the ship had decided it was best for Z'kianu and his sister to leave the ship and start their own life in Ul'dah. Dropping them off on the shores of Thanalan, they had ventured into Ul'dah with no gil, and no connections besides themselves.


Z'kianu is a natural for mixing herbs for medicine.
Knows his herbs and what helps for whatever condition might be happening.
He cannot read or write.
Is trying to teach himself how to read and write, and how to become a business man so that maybe he can support his sister.
Z'mayri and Z'kianu are actually fraternal twins.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"Z'kianu? He is a kind soul, very thoughtful and very eager. I haven't many Seeker friends but I would count him among them. He provided a salve to soothe my wheezing, and for such a thing I cannot be more grateful. There aren't enough miqo'te like him in Eorzea. He is young yet, but I hope he blooms into something grand as he gets older." -- Wyra'li Polaali


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
[Z'mayri Rha] : Coming soon!
[Zeean Wraithor] : Coming Soon!
[Wyra'li Polaali] : Coming Soon!


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