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*When he cannot sleep, he wanders into the shroud, and rests on a soft patch of grass -- generally near flowers and/or running water.
*When he cannot sleep, he wanders into the shroud, and rests on a soft patch of grass -- generally near flowers and/or running water.
*Aran'sae wears a bell on his staff - when he walks, the bell makes a pleasant sound that tends to announce his presence.
*He often bares his torso after returning from his meditations, wanting to feel the warmth of the sun and the breeze of the forest against him. It also OOC symbolizes his opening up, as opposed to when he completely covered himself.

Revision as of 19:01, 22 March 2016

Gridania-transparent.png Aran'sae Dia
Aransae dia.png
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridania
Nameday 17th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Guardian Nophica
Free Company The Gullwings
Occupation Hearer


  • Name: Aran'sae Dia (ah-rahn-say-dee-uh)
  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 5 fulms, 3 ilms.
  • Weight: Fit
  • Romantic Status: Single
  • Place of Birth: North Shroud
  • Current Residence: Gridania
  • Skills: Weaving, Conjury, Medicine, Gardening.


Aran'sae has slate-colored dark skin that contrasts with his bright white and blue hair. He has very soft features, especially his eyes, which are heterochromatic. His tail is long and thin, a trait he shares with his mother. His time spent in meditation has roughed up his appearance a tad; he has long tufts of hair sticking out from the tips of his ears. Like both of his parents, he is fairly short.


Aran'sae was born with the latent capability to hear the elementals. As he grew, his parents oft spoke of their youngest son's hearing of strange voices and sounds to passing Gridanians in the Shroud. Word gradually traveled to Stillglade Fane, and a conjurer was sent to investigate. His family, with heavy hearts, allowed him to be taken back to Gridania to train among the nature worshipers. He felt welcomed; oddly at ease with the other conjurers, and worked hard for his new kin. He eventually earned the title of Hearer a few years before the Seventh Umbral Era.


Aran'sae tends to take everything seriously. Mayhap a bit too seriously. To the point of hilarity, often.

Personal Quotes

  • "My father used to tell me a story... Every star is the tip of one of Menphina's beautiful locks of hair. They spread across the entire sky, and she puts her hair up when she goes back to sleep."
  • "I felt like Menphina had forsook me -- love was hard to find. I found solace in Nophica's embrace, that nature may comfort me in ways people never could."
  • “… Nature teaches us that we may hoe the soil, sow the seeds, and nurture with all our love and attention, but ultimately it is not up to us whether the flowers grow.”

General Relations


Aran Dia -- His mother, he was never particularly close to her, but they bonded over a few things in his youth.

Etni'a Spihran -- His father, whom he bonded with very closely. He thinks highly of his father, as he taught the hearer much of what he knows when he was younger. His father is a very skilled weaver, having taught Aran'sae how to hold a needle and work a loom.

Pimrhi Dia -- His sister, whom he assumed to be dead after the Calamity. He recently reunited with her, and having seen her broken mind, wants nothing more than to protect her and make sure she remains safe.

Free Company

  • Mhastoum Greingohtsyn - Dear friend. Aran'sae has found no one more reliable than Mhastoum. This is a fact that both pleases and disappoints him.
  • Yuyuni Yuni - Dear friend. A dependable little lalafellin lady, Yuyuni acts as Commander at the behest of Aran'sae quite often. He holds a high respect for her sense of duty, and loyalty.
  • Ivetta Greysteele - Dear friend. Aran'sae holds Ivetta in particularly high regard, due to her being his first, true friend.
  • Mipije Papije - Dear friend. A wonderful little researcher that he is proud to call a comrade. He regards Mipije's thirst for knowledge very highly. He notes that Mipije is often very guided by his emotions, and likes to be a strong supportive figure for him.
  • Naoh'ra Ohndai - Dear Friend. Aran'sae has a very deep connection with Naoh'ra, he desires very strongly to see the other keeper grow and be strong. He seems to support all of the mortician's endeavors very highly.
  • A'zurima Runha - Acquaintance. The two aren't very well acquainted, but he has confidence that she means well.
  • Gogonegi Momonegi - Friend. Aran'sae delights in Gogo's passion, and hopes to help him someday achieve his dreams. He could not ask for a better engineer.

Other Relations

  • Ziv'ir Ashal - Acquaintance. Aran'sae wishes he could do more for the poor merchant.
  • C'sanhsa Tia - Acquaintance. Aran'sae does not care for someone who does not take everything seriously.
  • Shadowy Blossom - Acquaintance. A physicker signed on to assist the Gullwings with whatever medical endeavors may come. Their relationship is strictly professional.
  • Nathaniel Rhys (L'tehz Tia) - Acquaintance. Aran'sae used to know Nathaniel well, but he barely remembers his face anymore.
  • Baithin Alberona - Acquaintance. Aran'sae has not seen Baithin in some time. He thinks about him occasionally.


  • Aran'sae's heterochromia is from his mother having green eyes, and his father having blue.
  • He is the youngest son in his family.
  • He has trouble saying no to someone in need.
  • When he cannot sleep, he wanders into the shroud, and rests on a soft patch of grass -- generally near flowers and/or running water.


  • "Why are his lips so shiny? Does he sweat a lot?"
  • "So stern -- but he heals pretty good. Saved my daughter from a disease, he did."
  • "Brother Aran'sae isn't the most patient of folk. I wonder who shoved that stick up his arse."
  • "Sir, I'd never speak poorly of a hearer."

PC Rumors(Feel free to add your own!)

  • "Aran’sae? He’s a lovely leading leader made of loving leadership who leads with love. Actually, his authority all adheres to an admirable assurance and allowing advice to alter his academic achievement ambitions! Not by unreliable lucky luckiness that lends him lucking luck, luckily." - Mipije Papije
  • "...I think he's keeping his feelings locked up inside, and it's taking its toll on him. He needs to talk to someone, but he won't. ... I worry about him. But don't tell him I said that, he'll kill me." -C'sanhsa Tia
  • "Though he might seem cold at first, he is very sweet. I treasure our friendship deeply, and I owe him my life." -Mhastoum Greingohtsyn
  • "He's got moonbeams stuck in his hair but I don't think he believes me." -X'vett Nunh
  • "I-I know others may view him as, ah, rather c-cold, b-but I think Ser Aran'sae is a very kind man. I can only hope he doesn't see me as a b-burden..." -T'kehe Tia
  • "Hearer who hears, ...but cannot speak truths. Speak feelings... All those little secrets pitter pattering all around his head. I can feeeeeeel them like drums in my skull. Such pretty muuuusic... Brother only dances alone. Him and all his secrets. Shhh! Leave him be, pet." - Pimrhi Dia
  • "I hope he doesn't mind all the rocks." - Naoh'ra Ohndai
  • "He understands me without my having to say anything. I can't tell you how important that is. I feel so comfortable when he's around. I feel like I can actually rest." - Wyra'li Polaali