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Revision as of 21:40, 5 June 2017

Shaƶiya Aɍgaƚi
Lorekeeper of the Wilds

Roz wideshot3.png
Name... Shaziya
Alias... Shazi or Zi
Age... 30
Race... Au Ra
Clan... Xaela
Orientation... Pansexual
Marital... Single
Deity... None
Nationality... Othardian
Occupation... Artifact Hunter
Alignment... Chaotic Neutral
Shazi 2.png

Born into a tribe bearing unrivaled passion for both nature and history, Shaziya has a deep attachment to the wilderness and the various flora and fauna she coexists with. She is the proud leader of the Argali, a diverse group of nomads who are bound beneath a banner of myth and age-old fidelity.

For years, the machinations of the Argali have gone undisturbed thanks to careful planning and a degree of secrecy. But all things in life must shift, ebb, and flow. The Argali can no longer live in peaceful seclusion, only dealing with traders. They must come to Eorzea and seek out that which they are sworn to protect... somewhat to Shaziya's dismay, due to her disinterest with the realm.


Early Childhood (1564-1569 AE)
After many tries, Captain Qarasarnai Orben of the Alvachir (Crimson Thunderbolt) finally gave birth on a warm and sunny afternoon in 1564. Her husband, Urgamal Mierqid, proclaimed that he could see the very same fire burning brightly in his newborn daughter’s eyes that burned in her mother’s. They chose the name Qajira, which means “to burn”, containing the word for “seek” and “love”.

While passing through a familiar port town to restock, Qarasarnai and Urgamal meet an Orben family whose baby daughter is sick with fever. The couple offer up the best medicine they have on hand to their fellow tribesmen -- an herbal blend received from the Hoshikawa family, who are made up of well-known traveling Raen merchants. The girl recovers, though her vocal cords are damaged in the process. Thankful for the generosity, the family accepts Qarasarnai’s offer to join her crew. Qajira ends up becoming fast friends with their daughter, Cota.

Prior to Qajira’s fifth nameday, her mother’s ship was accosted by pirates one night. Not wanting to take chances by engaging in battle with unfavorable weather conditions, Qarasarnai chose to flee. Unfortunately, the Alvachir found itself caught against a pile of rocks close to shore. Urgamal and a handful of crew members managed to clear a path for the ship. Buying his wife time, he ordered everyone back onto the ship before heading off on his own in a small sailboat to draw attention away from his family and crew. After gaining considerable distance… an explosion was seen and heard. Deep down, even before that moment, Qajira knew she’d probably never see her father again.

Moving Forward (7-9 UE)
Her first year in Eorzea was spent mostly alone. Qajira had gone from having just about everything to absolutely nothing, and for a while, this depressed her. She managed to feed herself in the beginning by working various odd jobs or selling materials she’d come across, but she was homeless for months.

Finally, after tireless searching, Qajira came across Rosalyn Blackfeather -- a mysterious trapper and explorer hailing from Ala Mhigo. The woman offered her a job after being exposed to her cooking, recognizing the girl’s talent. Ever since, Qajira’s life and mood have improved. She now has a roof over her head (also provided by Miss Blackfeather), money in her pocket, and plenty of free time to pursue her personal interests -- exploring, studying various forms of aether, and learning all sorts of new recipes and culinary techniques!

Beneath a stalwart exterior lies a quiet and reflective soul, whose inherent gentleness is betrayed by a fiery temperament. Shaziya takes responsibility to the extreme, placing duty to her people and upholding their traditions above all else. This results in Shaziya shouldering most of the blame whenever a scenario takes a turn for the worst. Not one for dense cityscapes, her heart is truly at peace whilst roaming about in the wilds. What she fails to express in words and actions is easily communicated through story, dance, and illustration.


  • Hunting.
  • Storytelling.
  • Beast Tribes.
  • Terrible Jokes.
  • Nature, animals, and sunlight.


  • Frogs.
  • Garleans.
  • Wastefulness.
  • Large, noisy cities.
  • Disrespect of nature, culture, and/or the dead.


  • Disappointing loved ones.
  • Helplessness.
  • Inadequacy.


  • Favorite Foods: Curried goat, coconut milk, black beans.
  • Favorite Drinks: Iced coffee/tea and hot cocoa.
  • Favorite Colors: Red, Green, Black, Gold

Shazi 3.png

Shaziya sports dusky skin, dirty blonde hair, and pale eyes -- all of which are typical features of the founding Xaela of her tribe. She has moderately sized "pincer" horns and a very thick, elongated tail. She often wears her hair braided and/or tied back in some manner out of personal preference.


The majority of Shaziya's wardrobe leans towards lightweight and comfortable, but this doesn't mean she shies away from making a fashion statement. Many of her outfits follow a tribal Othardian or Thavnairian aesthetic, making use of her tribe's masterful goldsmithing for adornments.


All Argali tribe members share a mark of affiliation. Shaziya's mark resides within one of the arcane rune tattoos located on her arms, of which there are four in total. These extend from her shoulders down to just above her wrists. It is unknown if they are merely decorative or serve a functional purpose. There is also an extensive scrawl laid out across her back that depicts either a scene or figure from an Argali legend.

Here are some easy reasons your character could approach and/or contact mine. (These are just examples, not limitations!)

■ Fellow Othardian/Xaela/Au Ra.
■ They follow a tribal and/or nomadic lifestyle.
■ They possess significant tattoos and/or scarring.
■ They hunt treasure or recover artifacts for a living.
■ They are a bard, storyteller, or some other type of artist.
■ They engage in one of the following: botany, goldsmithing, fur trading, leatherworking.

The songs used set a mood. Lyrics may or may not reflect the views of my character. The following links will take you to Youtube.

RP Limitations
■ I am a lore stickler, but I am okay with some headcanon that is within reason and/or not too far of a stretch.
■ I enjoy RP that focuses on character development and meaningful, creative plots.
■ I am open to family/tribal ties, as well as friendships. Just speak with me about it!
■ This character is not currently in a romantic relationship.
Combat & Injuries
■ Light injury and temporary captivity are completely fine.
■ Anything that involves disfigurement, extreme injury, or long-term captivity must be discussed with me in advance.
Server & Timezone
EST - My availability is late evenings!
Other Characters I Play

Thank you everyone for letting me use and/or alter your codes!

Tabs by Suen Shyu.
Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
Layout combination and inspiration by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
All other edits made outside the above mentioned done by me.