User:Unnamed Mercenary

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Garlemald Flag.jpg Unnamed Mercenary
Franz renatus 08142014.png
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Garlemald
Server Balmung


Perhaps his most notable feature, he stands tall with ruddy-colored hair, usually kept styled in Ala Mhigan-styled braids. Roughly the same height as many other Highlanders, he stands out from their usually tanned skin. His notably Garlean third eye is normally kept hidden from sight with a glamour, to avoid confrontation.

While he takes pride in his tall, well-built appearance, it is only due to the large amount of he spends on maintaining his image. He spends every morning and evening without fail to fit in a small workout, lest he fall into a slump and begin binge-eating and drinking. He has a tendency to snack, and without the effort expended, would surely put on extra weight. Despite all time he places into looking strong and intimidating, working out to build muscle, and having nice clothes, he does not like showing off his efforts. He would rather keep his shirt and pants on than to take them off and show his body.

Most of the time, he can be seen in either casual clothing such as an open shift with shorts, various shirts with pants or light armor, or suits. There have been times he's worn heavier armor, but he values mobility above protection.

If reading, he may don glasses to read smaller text.


NOTE: Many of the things here are considered OOC Knowledge. Freebies are in the RP Hooks/Public Info and Rumors.

A Garlean through and though, he knows he was born and raised in Garlemald, but is unable ot remember much of his childhood and later live. The memories of battle have been etched into his mind, unable to be forgotten. He is very aware he previously fought for the Garlean Empire, and does not necessarily feel wrong in doing so. Why wouldn't he be loyal to one's own home? After sustaining an injury that prevented him from being active in the military, he assumed he went back to living a quieter life in the country, with his wife and daughter who are of utmost importance to him.

He doesn't remember much about his past, but at some point, he found himself in the desert, with no knowledge of who he was, left to die. Managing to survive, he established a life as a mercenary around Ul'dah, and mainly survived off of jobs deemed unfit for the levemete. There was a period of time after where he appeared to have settled down and lived a more normal life. After some events that happened in Ul'dah, he left the city and joined The Coral Sea, based in Limsa Lominsa's Mist. He had taken residence there for a while, coming to enjoy the more laid-back culture, assisting them with their jobs. More recent issues have caused a distance, and the man has returned to Ul'dah once again to resume mercenary work. He sees himself as unfit for social contact with many those he may hold dear.

Despite being Garlean and having no formal knowledge or training with magic, he has found himself in a situation where he is able to use it, only knowing it is somehow linked to his past.


Generally quieter in current days, he has become more anitsocial than before. He is known to have had anger issues in the past, and actively makes the effort to be calmer around people he is family with. He found it simply easier to not speak his mind as often.

Often, he will attend public events, but will not socialize with others, instead, taking more time to reflect on his past and other thoughts.

When he thinks he has an advantange compared to others, he usually becomes more talkative and a streak of pride and arrogance may come out, being it physical strength or knowledge. He is aware of how to conduct himself in public, but finds it a hassle.

What's On Franz's Mind

Here are some things Franz thinks about from time to time. They are IC-perspective, for some OOC fun

  • "I'm beginning to think that all Eorzeans are actually insane. For a country so invested in 'keeping its peace', the people look for trouble, seek danger, and nearly find ways to cause problems for others."
  • "I miss Garlemald..."
  • "I'm beginning to think miqo'te are much more insane than any other race."
  • "Can't speak now. Busy. There is something that needs to be handled."
  • "When did I let myself go?"


Ask him about them sometime. He doesn't mind sharing what he can remember.

Acquaintences (active contacts)


Jancis Milburga
Quote from Franz: "Kind and caring, she does have a certain curiosity about her."
Quote from Franz: "She has seemed to be more tired these days. I would like to change that if I can."
Rumor about Franz: "Lord Franz? He is the Hero of Ul'dah! Ah, he has such a soft expression, should you see it just right. It is there just under the pain."
Franz first encountered Jancis during the Perils of Pudding. The overly polite girl had simply asked for the rat back, so he complied. Her generally cheerful attitude and abundance of politeness can make him feel uneasy at times, as if he needs to be the person she thinks he is. He won't tell anyone this, but he kept the drawing the children made in his desk. Hearing Jancis talk about a bunch of children brought up painful memories of his own negligence as a husband and father, which caused him to get a mixed reaction of feelings. Since joining Coral Sea, he's spent more time with her, and she's learned more of his secrets. He worries her curiosity about him may get her harmed unintentionally, which has been a point of worry. In recent meetings, she's been more distant, likely due to the way he has spoken to her. He would like to make things up to her, but isn't sure how.
Lho'a Garanjy
Quote from Franz: "To think I was wary of him once. Lho'a is nothing more than a child seeking attention. He can be interesting to watch at times."
:Rumor about Franz"I hate the way he looks at me like I'm nothing...He knew to fear me once, and he will again. That said, He is far too valuable for me to let go, or fall to anyone else."
Franz had the ever-so-happy experience of meeting Lho'a while he was not only intoxicated, but having an overall painful experience with life in general. The aether-sensitive miqo'te jumped on the opportunity and had caused some initial concern. At times, the miqo'te seems to follow Franz around, nearly begging for attention.
Kage Kiryuu
Quote from Franz: "We've been talking again, occasionally."
Rumor about Franz: ""I thought I hated him. I thought the worst of him. Yet now, now I don't know. I might even actually have some affection for him. I would... miss him if he were to die. I'm struggling with this"
The first person to put up a fight against Unnamed Mercenary and survive. Unnamed Mercenary had taken an odd liking to Kage. While he previously enjoyed attacking him as a Lalafell, the mercenary has had conflicting feelings after pretty much helping to ruin Kage's life. He currently wants to improve the relationship, which has been a source of internal conflict. He had taken residence in Kage's house, which had been interesting to say the least. He's seen Kage go through multiple hardships, some of which were his own fault. He often held Kage to higher standards and would become disappointed when the man couldn't live up to them. While dealing with his own feelings, he's since moved out of the home that Kage has since abandoned. There was a period of time where they did not encounter each other, but recently, he's been seeing Kage around and they've remained civil, almost pleasant, experiences. Franz is unsure what exactly is going through the Lalafell's mind.
Tengri Geneq
Quote from Franz: "How do I know Tengri? We've talked many times."
Rumor about Franz: "The sum of that man is greater than his parts. Born of two worlds, he has since made peace with himself, found his balance. He is an ideal to aspire to."
Knowing him first as Rotunda Crow, later learning he was a a previous master of Jin'li Epinoch as Adin Adonis, Franz enjoys their conversations here and there as he's watched the man change time and time again. Now Tengri, Franz is quick to act follow along with 'casual' conversations in public to keep him out of the public eye. He is aware Tengri has plans for something, but some secrets are best kept that way.
Sarangerel Geneq
Quote from Franz: "Tengri's sister, right? She's friendly."
Franz doesn't have much to say about the Auri girl. He is aware that she was likely an important figure in the past, but who she is now is not of much concern. He plans to see if they can break in to the Sacrarium in Ul'dah to find books on Black Magic and the Void. She seemed rather interested.
Miette Pellicier
Quote from Franz: "She has given me every reason I need to hate her. I can't wait for our next encounter."
Rumor about Franz: "Franz is a monster...a horrible man who pretends to be something he is not. He gives with one hand, and terribly takes with the other. A friend, and a demon with the same smile."
He has nothing to say about this person.
Warren Castille
Quote from Franz: "The Arbiter of the Grindstone? What about him? I'm afraid I do not know him well."
Franz doesn't know much about the paladin. Only that he and Ser Crofte had once been in a relationship, which had ended rather abruptly. Married to Sei Castille. Is the Arbiter of the Grindstone tournament.
Jin'li Epinoch
Quote from Franz: "I shall end his existence. A little kindness for how he last presented himself to me."
*shudders* Something had felt strange from the first time he met this odd miqo'te. After working for him once, he vowed never to do the same again. And yet, he still decided to talk with Jin'li. The Unnamed Mercenary enjoyed their conversations, enough to feel a little sad to have watched the man die. He learned that Atrium's soul was composed partly by Jin'li. This had led to some interesting conversation about what makes up a person. But Atrium is dead, and the souls split. Franz received an off letter from a Mr. Oul, later finding out it was Jin'li, having somehow reacquired his body from the depths of the hells. When Franz refused his offer to join his cause, he was stabbed and shot repeatedly until the "chains of life" as Jin'li put it, released his soul. Through sheer force of will (and nearly all the aether he had), Franz managed to reconstruct a body through unknown measures. He vows to return the favor.
Iex Moks
Quote from Franz: ""Iex? He's a nice fellow. Can't imagine why people would feel otherwise."
Previously known as "Lynx" while glamoured to resemble a Highlander male. Franz feels at ease chatting with the man. They'd previously met while healing at the Grindstone and at least to Franz, have developed something of a friendship. When Lynx disappeared, Franz had simply though the wandering man to have moved onto a new place to live. He was pleasantly surprised to find that Lynx was well, although his glamour had been dispelled. He later learned that the man's true name was Iex, which he has made an effort to switch to using. Despite being from Othard and knowing Franz is Garlean, Iex seems to hold no grudge towards Franz, which has made the Garlean rather happy.
Cliodhna Eoghan
Quote from Franz: "Is that how you say her name? We've enjoyed a good drink and a good talk from time to time."
Franz knows her as the organizer of the Bacchus tournament and as a vendor at the Grindstone. They've had some casual conversation a few times. Recently, he slipped up and lost his patience with another person, muttering some Garlean profanity around her. The evening was full of surprises.
John Waterstrike
Quote from Franz: "He seems to be a kind individual. I'm afriad I don't know much more."
A fellow healer at the Grindstone. Franz doesn't know much else about him, other that he is a studying Arcanist and seems to have had a bad encounter with something void-related once.
Edda Eglantine
Quote from Franz: "I feel determined to break off that porcelain mask of hers, regardless of what may be beneath. She owese it to herself to acknowledge such."
Rumor about Franz: "Why must I speak about him? If there is anything you would like to know, ask him yourself."
Franz met Edda through Iron Sea. She was kind, well-mannered, and seemed an overall nice person. They would chat occasionally and had both expressed worry during the time Iron had gone missing, briefly. One could say that Franz trusted Edda a lot more than he showed. When she learned that he was Garlean, it completely shattered their relationship. While he regrets how she feels, he doesn't regret his reasons for revealing it to her. The events that had followed had been rather strained for a while, but he believes they've since figured things out. He still holds onto the family ring she threw at him, treating it like a prized possession.
Sounsyy Mirke
Player quote: "Holds her drink, can fight, and provides good conversation? Mirke makes a life more lively.."
Franz generally sees her at the Grindstone, but they've ran into each other in Ul'dah and Limsa Lominsa as well. Normally casual conversation is had. He knows she has some connection with fighting in the past by the way she carries herself, but wonders what her reaction would be like if she knew his origins.
Leanne Delphium
Player quote: "I haven't seen her around lately. I hope she's found her smile again."
Rumor: "Mr. Franz? He's a very nice person! Sweet and caring, not afraid of banter or jokes! I just wish he accepted outside help more readily...maybe some sun."
Franz first encountered Leanne during his first Grindstone, and later learned she won. She would appear to be good friends with Yangh and another miqo'te he hasn't really met. They've always been friendly to each other and she is one of the people that knows where he's from. Perhaps the first person to ask about Garlemald though. Franz has found a unique friendship with Leanne. After a series of events have injured her positive outlook on life, they've talked less. He misses the cheerful girl.
Oscare Iono
Player quote: "Who? He seems to avoid me. A pity."
Possibly the only person he's ever seen be more of a grouch than himself. There's something about the half-Garlean that makes Franz want to poke fun at him, getting into fights, or otherwise hang around. Maybe it's the funny noises. Franz isn't sure what his personal life is like. Franz may be planning to drag the Highlander out of his antisocial behaviors, if he manages to find Oscare.
Raelisanne Banurein
Player quote: "I may be a monstrosity, but she is a the true monster. she is a woman more cold than the winters of Ishgard. I suppose the cold stones suite her well. It was her hometown after all..."
Rumor: "[If you'd like to leave a rumor, it goes here. You don't need quotes, they've been coded in]"
She's the reason he is the man he is today. Previously cold and unattached, she seems to have taken an interest in him after he received Frhanz's echo. She was responsible for Project Renatus and for his "disposal". Despite that, she's his closest link with Garlemald and his family. Talk with the scientist makes him uneasy. He is unsure which of her words can be trusted, but at the same time, would dare not think of going against them for fear of her connections.
Roen Deneith
Player quote: "Not even sure what the girl is up to or where she is anymore. Suppose it isn't my problem."
Rumor: "He is ... a complicated man. I am not sure what to make of him, only that he has told me he would try to be worthy of the name he chose for himself. I hope it holds true."
Perhaps the only relationship just as complicated as the one with Kage. What had been two different people's perspectives have become one, and while there may not be conflict, sorting through what he thinks of Roen is complicated. On one side, she is the closest thing to Garlemald he has, even if she would never return. On the other side, he wants nothing more than to be someone she could trust, and to form a friendship. When he finally did approach her, their initial meeting was quite complicated. He wants to prove to her than Frhanz's death wasn't in vain.

Old Entries/Inactive

Show text

((If your character has seen him around, feel free to add common rumors))

Common Rumors (easily overheard)

  • "He used to come to the Quicksand pretty often. Looked a little scary to approach, but I heard he was friendly enough. Heard he sometimes frequents the Drowning Wench in Limsa Lominsa as well."
  • "His accent's funny. It's like he's trying to hide where he's from by being extra nice"
  • "You wouldn't think it by looking at him, but I hear he's educated. Imagine that."
  • "Isn't he one of the healers at the Grindstone?"

Moderate Rumors (not obvious)

  • "Didn't he used to wear a mask?"
  • "I used to think he had a really bad temper, but he's seemed more approachable lately." - Ul'Dahn cityfolk
  • "I heard he used to live with some Sultansworn back in Ul'dah. Whatever happened to them?"
  • "He mumbles a lot to himself. I wonder if he knows it's sometimes audible."
  • "I think I overheard him say he's Garlean. Why hasn't anyone questioned him yet?" - Silently Concerned Patron
  • "I used to think he was really scary and mean, but he's rather sweet. Have you ever seen him cook?"
  • "I overheard him talking to some girl saying he'd been stabbed and shot, then died. Man seems a little weird."

Rare Rumors (discuss OOCly first)

  • "You know that smile he wears sometimes? It's fake. You can see it in those dead eyes of his. I don't think I could trust him."
  • "Well, this one didn't die, but he is much too unstable. We had to dispose of him." - Garlean Science Labs
  • "He is an idiot for leaving, but he is mine. When I find him, he shall wish he had died." - Lydia
  • "Tried to read his aether once, I did. All I saw was a tangled mess of a man and something frightening at the core of him. It's as if there's something hiding within him. His aether's unnatural!" - Very observant mage
  • "How is he even ALIVE? I swear! I was walking through the forest one eve and he was just sitting on the ground, ripping out arrows as if they were nothing. Must have counted at least a few fatal shots. The blood loss alone should have killed him." - Drunken Wood Wailer

PC Rumors

NOTE: PC Rumors are handled in the Relationships section SIDE NOTE: If I haven't made an entry for you, and you aren't sure how to add to the table, you can leave one here, and I'll move it around :)

  • "I -might- have some affection for that insufferable man but he's utterly useless and infuriating! He's not here to talk to the Kirche's and he didn't bring me Shiron. He's up to something and I don't trust him much as is. What's he up to?" - Kage Kiryuu
  • "The thing about a perfect smile is that one who is practiced in it learns to recognize it and see it for what it is. He wears it well, that man. He wears it too well." - Delial Grimsong
  • "Something, feels familiar about the Acting One. This One will be watching the Acting One with interest." - Nameless Warrior
  • "How close to perfection his soul, yet bound still." - Jin'li Epinoch
  • "He confuses me. Wanted t' kick him into th' sands when we first met, but somehow we ended up drinkin' instead." - Avelyn Firestone
  • "I consider that one a friend, he is a good man and I will do what I can to help him." - Sarangerel Geneq

Planned/In the Future/Motivations

Recent Events

[most likely to be expanded upon]

After encountering an attack on his life, Franz has recently left the Coral Sea for what he believes if "for their safety". He's been keeping to himself mostly between a small cottage in the Black Shroud he "inherited" and a long-term-stay inn room in Ul'dah. He's found himself unable to go near Limsa Lominsa as a city.

Recent events have left him in a state of constant soreness. While he'll try to downplay it as much as possible, he is rather sensitive to touch and will react accordingly. While he previously looked tired and unrested, he has been sleeping better in recent days. He is aware he needs to do something about the extra weight he is adding on, as he has self-image issues with being labeled as "chubby".

He has gotten into a number of arguments with [Edda Eglantine|Edda] and [Jancis Milburga|Jancis] that he knows he needs to corect, but cannot find the words. He has also met [nowhere|a certain annoying miqo'te] who seems to enjoy stealing aether. He's unsure of his thoughts on that.

Most recently, he attended the Celebration of The Scholar event, standing far in the back to remain unnoticed. He regrets not being able to hear the stories.

Future Plans

  • Eat all the food
  • Look for a new home
  • Get back in shape
  • Make sure Jancis isn't endangering herself on his behalf
  • Repay Jin'li's "Kindness"
  • Find a way to sneak into Garlemald without being shot at (long-term)
  • Find Lydia and Gratia (very-long term or never happening)


Garlean Name: ??? nil Renatus (or is it?) The Unnamed Mercenary does have some backstory. However, there's a lot he doesn't know.

The Unnamed Mercenary

Saga of the Wind Swept Sands Unnamed Mercenary was hired while Askier's sister was kidnaped. It was during a skirmish in the Ceruleum Processing Plant that he first engaged in battle with Kage. While he didn't have any aether-related issues, he did have to run after the other hired hands were killed off. Angry at the price he was hired for, and the loss, he has vowed to return the favor to those against him.

Killing the Connections

After his near escape from the Cerulean Processing Plant, the Unnamed Mercenary has been staying around Ul'Dah causing problems for Kage Kiryuu. He learned that the Lalafellin Sultansworn was there after an encounter with a women he'd hoped to never see again, Raelisanne Banurein. While he couldn't remember who she was, she was one of the last people he remembers before his attempted execution from the Garlean lab. While she said she had nothing to do with the attempt on his life, he couldn't find himself to trust a single word from her mouth. Nevertheless, she did seem to give him what he wanted on their first meeting, which led him to believe she may have something planned. She had also told him to never attempt using aether for transportation ever again, after learning of his escape. The Unnamed Mercenary has made it a habit to cause Kage trouble during his patrols, usually resulting in heavy injury.

Going About it the Wrong Way

With Kage's identity and basic patrol routes confirmed, the Unnamed Mercenary has been toying with him a lot. On one particularly bad occasion, he started a fight with Kage in the Quicksand, which quickly escalated. Due to the large amount of people watching, he attempted to open an aetherial gate against his better judgement, fueled by the adrenaline rush. His attempt did somewhat work out, as he pulled himself and Kage through the gate, and ended up just south of Camp Drybone. Sickeningly enjoying the battle, Merc had a surprisingly long burst of self-control and channeled the aether he stole into a protective layer, healing any wounds he suffered nearly immediately. When Kage resorted to using magic, Merc was consciously able to shift from aether-release to aether-store, absorbing the spell and it's aether. Unknown to him, that cut off his shield and Kage used that moment to deliver a final blow, giving Merc a large slash on his back. After watching the sultansworn nearly collapse, Merc attempted to leave the battle via teleportation, against Rae's orders again. This time, due to his lack of concentration and no idea of a destination, he became stuck in the aether. Perhaps in his favor, Rae happened to be in the area and used the Drybone Aetherite to release him. He was of course, scolded for the act and told if it ever happened again, he'd be left to his own devices to get out, or to simply suffer for the rest of his existence. He was briefed on some work and told not to do anything aetherite-related. After their meeting, Merc did what he could about his injury.

Letting the Cat Out of the Bag

Forum Post Version Like most other days, the Unnamed Mercenary would find something to ruin Kage's. He'd noticed the Lalafell no longer wore his paladin gear, and had switched to something else. Probably demoted. While his route had changed, Merc knew Kage would eventually have to come in the Quicksand, and used the opportunity to bother him again. Bored at Kage's lack of reactions, Merc left and later ran into Rae. Seeing how he'd "been behaving himself", she decided to do something for him. Later that day, Merc kidnapped Kage by the Aetherite Plaza and brought him Crescent Cove. It was there that Kage became a Miqo'te. Some time later, Merc was in the Quicksand, rather bored with the day when a Miqo'te crashed into his table, apparently from jumping to hard to get onto a rail. At some point, it occurred to Merc that the clumsy Miqo'te was Kage. Perhaps it was the hair, manner of speaking, or the look in his eyes. Merc couldn't help but laugh as Kage left, knowing he'd have to confront him again.

A Mercenary Unhired

Forum Thread (closed) His day had started like any other. Wasted in the Quicksand drinking. At some point, a very chatty Miqo'te woman sat at the same table he was at. He recognized she was some type of Ul'Dahn law enforcement, but didn't really care. Things could've proceeded pecefully had she not tried to provoke him, which ended with a bar fight. He had tried to keep himself collected, but every time she called him "porkchop" and every additional question pushed him over the edge. It was like she wanted to rile him up and get something out of it. So he let her. It wasn't long before a Sultansworn in the area came in and tried to break it up, to some avail. Had he gotten his way, the Unnamed Mercenary would have succeeded in grabbing her sword and used it to knock out the person who had aggravated him so. When that failed, and the Sultansworn plowed into him, he lost the will to continue fighting and left. Merc decided that if he saw the two ever again, which was likely, he'd try to keep himself away. It wasn't in someone's plans to have him getting noticed.

What does not kill can only make you Strong

Thread The UnnameD Mercenary found himself walking through Pearl Lane checking the bulletins for some work, which never really seemed to have any. As he let out his frustration with a good yell, Kage ran into him. Much to the man's surprise, Kage hit first. There was some fighting, but the mercenary hadn't been taking it very seriously, laughing at Kage's attempts and eventually not bothering to attack back after he'd gotten a couple hits in. Instead, he went for psychological attacks, continuously pestering Kage. He wanted a reaction, and he certainly got one: a miserable Kage who was still fighting to cling on to that which he believed in, at least, that's why he took to believe. Somewhere along the way, one of Kage's hits also happened to knock off his mask. The mercenary hadn't even noticed at first. As he continued to watch Kage's suffering. The Unnamed Mercenary made it very clear that Kage's transformation was on his part, although he concealed exactly what his role in all of it was. It was apparent that the Unnamed Mercenary hadn't given any of his recent actions any thought about their consequences on the other person. But that was expected. Why should he? Kage's reactions were entertaining at the least. Probably somewhere, there was a little bit of a guilty feeling, but the Unnamed Mercenary wouldn't notice that. Some more talking happened, and eventually the mercenary passed out from the encounter, the image of something from his past. He would have to figure that out whenever and wherever he awoke. He wouldn't know immediately that Kage had brought him to an inn room.

Franz nil Renatus

Echo of the Past

Detailed here

Onsen Omake

(Will link eventually) - Only the Natalie, Kage, and Merc part is being used a canon material. All other characters involved get to decide if it actually happened for them.

Begin of Blood on the Sands Event

Blood on the Sands Event

Just Another Night at the Quicksand

Yet Another Night at the Quicksand

Love on the Sands Event

Rebuilding a Life Lost

The Perils of Pudding

Current Aetheric State (WIP)

  • Unless otherwise stated, all information in this section is strictly OOC Information. If you would like to be involved in a plot that makes use of it, please ask OOCly first, so that it can be discussed.
  • NOTE: After the Frhanz/Merc "merge", it is unclear if the artificial aether device is functioning, broken, or gone. If you have a character or scene in mind, please discuss with me first.

Stable State

While the Unnamed Mercenary has become a lot more stable in recent days, to the point that he would be on-par with an average Eorzean at an aetherical level, he is not, and should be be treated as being the same at an OOC level.

Aether Reserves

  • Currently, he seems to have a large aether reserve
  • He is not if this is from his own aether, or if it is a buildup of Frhanz'ir Kirche's aether.
  • There is a very light drain on the surrounding aether at all times, as if a very weak conjuring spell is active. Similar to what it may take for say, an egi, fairy, or carbuncle to maintain its presence. NOTE:This is something an EXTREMEMLY aether-sensitive person may notice. We're talking Padjal or Sharlayan technology here.

Aether Use

  • Typically used for Arcane magic, as opposed to thaumaturgy or conjury.
  • Lacks fine control over aether manipulation. Some of his spells may backfire, if they even work at all
  • He's been translating some tomes/grimoires into Garlean for easier concentration. It's helped a lot.


  • He enjoys being able to teleport. He is able to access the aethernet, and can travel from one aetherite to another. Mid-field teleportation is currently not possible. ((So if you see me doing that, it's out of character))
  • He actually enjoys the feeling of "Opening a gate to the aether" and walking through. While others may feel uneasy or get aether-sickness, it's almost relaxing to him.
  • Naturally, it would be detrimental to any living thing to be teleporting every which way. He tries to keep long-range teleporting as a last resort, unless say, there is something he absolutely /needs/ from a given area.


  • Strictly OOC following. Even Franz doesn't know this
  • Lore Warning: This is for story-telling, not godmoding. If you feel this is overstepping boundaries, feel free to ignore this point forward. It is set up not for abilities, but as backstory. Franz does not actively know these things, and unless it actually comes up in a plot, probbaly never will. For a man that's incredibly smart now, he can be extremely oblivious)
  • A large portion of the aether he gathered while unstable is still in him (enough to be like a walking aetherite)
  • He may be resistant to tempering (although we've really only seen Ifrit actively tempering for followers)
  • His injuries seem to heal quite fast, after a night's rest. Even things that should not happen quickly, like a deep cut or stab wound. He's yet to realize this as something important/strange though. While he hasn't lost an limbs (or ever planned to), they would probably "grow back" after a certain amount of time.
  • While he certainly eats/drinks/etc like any other hyur, he's noticed his appearance really hasn't changed much in the past 5 years after the experiements/calamity. In another person's words, "You don't look a day over 34", despite nearing 40.
  • The plan is to have his body more closely related to that of a primal's composition. As in, he doesn't /need/ to eat/drink/sleep, but does so because it generates more aether to maintain his body. Extreme damage is "fixed", because after a certain amount of aether, it can just be remade. (Please don't go chopping him to pieces or stabbing him in the face though. I don't think anyone wants to RP the results, as that would certainly end his little facade of being "normal", which I do not want to do. ((Then again, if you do, I'm sure we can work something out. Whether that means a great secret.....or he has to try ending your character's life to hide it.)


Unstable State

(for historical purposes)


  • Default state
  • In this state, Unnamed Mercenary is capable of absorbing magic damage from his foes, at the cost of physical damage.
  • Generally continuously grabbing aether from the nearby environment.
  • May make people with remarkably weak aetheric abilities feel weak, if their aether begins getting drained.
  • Possibility that Merc could learn to control this better, and either drain willingly or "act normal"


  • More like leaking aether
  • May manifest as super-conjury (physical damage is negligible) or thaumaturgy (bursts of concentrated aether that mimics spells)
  • Happens when Merc is more unstable/provoked
  • If Merc has too much aether leaking out, over-aspected crystals may begin to form around the most concentrated areas of aether.
  • Possibility that Merc could learn to control this and use it casting spells, or to stop the release of aether.

Aetherite Usage

  • Currently not possible to be used by Unnamed Mercenary, as he would probably disconnect it from the aethernet shard from the surrounding area due to draining all the aether out of it. (The blue aether crystal would probably fade to clear/grey)
  • Possibility that if Merc /did/ manage to use one, he might get stuck in the surrounding aether, as he'd have no control over where he's going.


  • Currently has mixed success. If Merc's in a clear state of mind (and not rapidly draining/releasing aether), he /should/ be able to use teleportation like a normal Eorzean.
  • With some additional focus, Merc can also bring others into his teleports, but their destination would be wherever he is (or in same cases, is not) going.
  • If stressed out/hurt, Merc's teleports will probably fail, either not working from the start, or leaving him trapped in the surrounding aether. This could also happen if he lacks a clear destination/aetherite in mind.
  • Possibility that if Merc gets this under control, he could seemingly teleport other people against their will to various locations. Also the possiblity that he might become a while aether-node as well, if he can channel the aether into a gate.

  • I'll try to keep this updated with some interesting things Franz may have, or keep in his room. More to come

Item Origins

  • Silver Ingot: Gelfradus Greywolfe pauses, the silver thrumming slightly as Franz hand came in contact with it. "Interesting." He gently pulls back, smiling at Franz. "You have interesting aether," and kneels down before the workstation again, the silver ingot placed meticulously at its center and closes his sightless eyes and he draws in a deep breath. Gelfradus Greywolfe frowns again, the silver giving off a strange blue-black aura before it goes still. He hesitates, his brow furrowing before he holds the metal out for Franz to receive.
  • Crimson Gemstone: Not much is known about this strange Starlight gift. It is currently missing from his possession.

You might know or like to know Franz if you:

  • Previously have hired the Unnamed Mercenary for anything in the past
  • Used to visit the Quicksand a lot.
  • Frequent the Drowning Wench and the Bismark
  • Stroll around the Black Shroud or Gridania
  • Traveled to Ul'dah for an extended stay in the past
  • Enjoy studying Amdapor and Nym.
  • Have taken part in many of the Askier Mergrey Events
  • Are/Were a member of <uldah> and <coral>
  • Attend the Grindstone on occasion

Franz might seem interesting to you if:

  • You're sensitive to aether, and notice him slowly sucking it up
  • Can easily read a person's aether, and notice how weird his is
  • Have a knack for noticing and dispelling glamours
  • You actually know what an ethnic Garlean looks like
  • Like Axes, Scholarly Books, or fights
  • Enjoy tea and baked goods
  • All the red he wears catches your notice (clearly, bring him to a bull fight)

Pretty Art

  • If you happen to have a picture of Franz you'd like to share, feel free to post them here!*


  • If you have any screenshots of Franz that you like, please add them here!*

Code Testing Section

If I'm testing out some new wiki code or thing, it'll end up here.

This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified for tabs by Franz Renatus.