Jancis Milburga

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 Jancis Milburga
Ffxiv 05032014 021437.png
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Gridania Limsa (Nomad)
Age Between 24-27 (Unknown)
Occupation Conjurer/Healer
Height/Weight 5 fulms, 2 ilms / 115 ponz
Guardian Thaliak, the Scholar
Other Given Names
  • Milly
  • Solkeim "Blessed Violet"
  • Kindheart
  • Jan, Janjan
  • Janny, Janni
  • Jan Pie-Bane
  • Orator

Jancis Milburga, a midlander hyur, is a merchant's daughter orphaned in the Twelveswood and forced to come into her own.


Jancis is overall quite plain in her manner of attire and appearance; though she keeps herself kept she does not follow the fashion or trends of higher classes or wear makeup. Her hands are soft and she'll typically wear gloves to protect them. [Album of References] [Tumblr References]

Jancis has an alto voice range and no vocal training.

Beyond what the character actually wears:

  • Has a plain handkerchief of cotton (not always the same one she constantly gives it away).
  • Typically has a small book-sized satchel containing basic medical supplies, a map, and a waterskin.
  • There is a wand or other natural-wood on her person or in her satchel.

Scars: Part of Jancis' fearless nature tends to leave her scarred. Her body has a myriad of soft tones of well-healed scars, but not all of them vanish as well as others. Show text

General Demeanor

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Jancis is awkward socially, ranging from blunt questions to over elaborate sentences as if talking in a storybook. She calls nearly everyone by some kind of title and will avoid saying the name of people she does not care about.

Having a kind heart, Jancis is very patient and forgiving with others. She's happiest when she is feeling useful and is a good follower. Has a soft spot for children and young animals, but in general she's very 'hands on' touching people on their arms or shoulders and taking their hands to make connection.

Fearless and willing to speak up to bring about understanding and clarification on matters she finds to be wrong, particularly if it is hurting someone. Defensive of friends and allies, or those she deems in duress, she will stand up in protection and literally block words or physical attempts of harm.

Combat - Views/Behavior

  • Skills
  • Fearless While not very smart in battle, Jancis does not fear it. She will go in and try to support everyone she's an ally with regardless of her own safety.
  • Combat Healing As a conjurer, Jancis is sensitive to the elements and through training has become more sensitive to the aether and magicks around people she's close to, giving her an edge on healing serious conditions at crucial times.
  • Agile She's light of foot and quick to find a place she thinks will not hinder her allies.
  • Toxin Resistant She is trained in poisons and venoms, taking them herself in small doses to build up an immunity. She will use it as a rudimentary attack by throwing and misting as a distraction.
  • Weapons Trained with basics of a shield and staff. Usually does not have both at once and will two-hand whichever she has. Carries a wand and has natural items on her person at all times to form conjuration.
  • Weaknesses
  • Distraction Prone Jancis is typically too preoccupied watching her allies she fails to watch out for herself and would be an easy target.
  • Strength Her strength in a fight is not too keen and she would easily fall in one-on-one battle.
  • Aether Sensitivity Her ability to "read" aether is a novice level, so things that are unnatural or done by an arcanist she cannot undo by the same means. She can do little more than sense the presence of aether.
  • Vocal Being a conjurer, she relies on her voice to call out to the elements to assist her. Anything that would hinder that or interrupt her would leave her to rely on physical abilities alone.


  • Hermit Upbringing Jancis grew up mostly on her own out in the wild of the Shroud. Her habits and words do not follow current culture 100%; she will use odd terms and not understand idioms.
  • Clothing Wearing pants her entire childhood, she compensates for typical 'style' by wearing leggings.
  • Kind Apologizes constantly. Thinks the best of people and is optimistic.
  • "Touchy" Tends to be hands-on with people, touching their arm or shoulder, and does not understand the concept of personal space.
  • Respecting Gives everyone a title, typically using their first name along with it. Lord, Lady, Master, Sir [Resource]


  • Honest Jancis is honest to a fault. She will not lie or tell a half-truth. The best she can do is not bring up a topic unless asked. She also complains and isn't cooperative if someone wants her to lie or is lying, calling them out and then correcting their words.
  • Trusting While someone have to give trust to earn trust, it makes her a pushover when given to the wrong people. Unless it's overly clear she thinks the best of everyone and their intentions, believing them to be the victims of misfortune or simply their good attempts failed. In very few cases has she deemed someone beyond mortal abilities to save from corruption.
  • Currency Concept Not growing up with gil, and seeing it as the useless material it is made out of doesn't really give it any value beyond what people tell her. She can't haggle and always overpays.
  • Fearless She is fearless and will come forward to defend someone, run up to help someone, reach out and touch things that could be dangerous. It's without a second thought.
  • Pain Hypersensitivity Being sensitive to others have made her overly-sensitive. Her hands are kept soft and able to feel problems, but that also leaves them prone to wounds and blisters that are not allowed to callus over so it happens over and over. Hot food is hot. Bitter things are bitter. Spicy foods are spicy! She will cry out when wounded and the only hardened part of her is her mind which endures it.
  • Children and young animals.
  • Feeling useful & following others.
  • Natural trinkets:flowers, sea shells, rocks, etc.
  • Being called by a nickname.
  • Fruit, by itself or in other things like drinks.
  • Mistrust and dishonesty.
  • The unnatural/voidsent.
  • Loud noises.
  • Corrupted people, power grabbing, misconduct.
  • Being called "Child" or childish.
  • Reading/Writing
  • Healing Arts/Conjuring
  • Poisons,Venoms, mithridatism and basic Herbal uses
  • Basic Cooking
  • Flower Pressing/Paper Making


Jancis has no known family.

PC Friends

 | = Romantic Interest | = Platonic Care | ♥ = Close Kin | ♣ = Deceased | ♠ = Grindstone | ♦ = Coralite/Harbinger | § = Clandestine | ♪ = Bard/Speaker | ■ = NPC | = Intimate | = Erstwhile Love |

Armont De'bayle - The eldest brother of the De'bayle family, Jancis sees the man who she was initially given a very savage and pained account of to be level-headed and a strong paternal figure in regards to his entire family. With the many related features of his younger brother, Denz, the conjurer holds the knight in high regard and fond importance. "Sir Armont"Show text

Aya Foxheart - Barmaid and fighter."Lady Aya"Show text

Barengar Armsbreaker - A mercenary who is good with an axe and has a habit of expression emotion and thoughts through a series of grunts. Though the two met by outside influence and both hold the more disagreeable aspects outfront to one another, the two manage to get along and see more through the outer shell to the more caring and deep part of the man. Jancis looks forward to his inquiries on her status and finds her thoughts going back to them often. Her trust in his words is without question and will always step up for when he's lacking for words. She struggles to not apologize to the man; standing quiet instead. While not committed to him in a romantic sense, Jancis still harbors a lot of care for the Ala Mhigan and holds him highly over others. "Sir Armsbreaker" "Barengar"Show text

Berrod Armstrong - Fist fighter and leader of the Agents. Jancis admires the strength and compassion she sees in the man. His gruff demeanor throwing people into realizing the potential they hold, despite the quite and reserved manner he treats her in with their brief meetings. She thinks quite a lot of the man and his company; relying on their hospitality when she passes through the desert. "Sir Armstrong" "Berry"Show text

Carina Hlaiwa - Mate of Ilwe'ran. Polite curious lady of natural clan mindset mixed with city-childhood. Jancis views the woman as the ideal mother and something of the example of a living Nophica for her generous and nuturing nature. "Lady Carina"Show text

Carina Roussos - A lady that Jancis has some to relate to and empathize with. A master of animals and potions, Jancis finds herself as comforted by the woman's presence and is a link through the very different culture from the Ishgardian De'bayle family. Eager to learn more about the woman's memories, she does her best to bring into perspective of her scars."Lady Carina" Show text

Chachanji Gegenji - Knight, smith, and the ideal model for the future Jancis hopes to support and help. Two have grown closer upon hearing more about his family and all of the trials he has endured on her behalf making Jancis think highly of the young man. Finds it encouraging and also endearing how he looks to "halp" people. "Sir Gegenji"Show text

Ciel Grayve - The eloquent and beautiful bard. "Lady Ciel"Show text

Cliodhna Eoghan - Mechanic and part of the Red Wings, Jancis continues to run into the woman to share feelings about family and other lifestyle concerns. She sees Clio as the background and sanity of her company to keep them together and working as a team. "Lady Cliodhna"Show text

Coatleque Crofte: A strong-willed knight, Jancis met her through guild masters to tutor and teach in the basics of conjuration. Becoming trusted friends, the two travel together often and share studies. Cici is like family to Jancis and is her first source of comfort and will typically try to follow her around despite the city politics and protocol. Though Jancis fails to understand much of the subtle work Cici does, she still will speak up about the shadow sides of it. Is usually left in the dark on her "sister's" real activities, but trusts the intention and meaning behind the secrets. To others Jancis will refer to her as "Lady Crofte" but personally will call her "CiCi". [Gallery] Show text

Denz De'bayle - Knight-errant of Ishgard. Met in Jancis' first time in the Foundation, she continues to find him as the warm spring in the otherwise endless winter. Comforted by a smile and humbled by his knight-like demeanor, Jancis has grown a strong attachment to the man and willing pursues his goals of self discovery and rebuilding his family, amazed to be included in them. "Sir Denz" "Denz"Show text

Engelbert Deadeye - A very curious man that has held a whole spectrum of feelings for Jancis from loathed and untrusted to concerned and very cared for. Light of foot and only found when desired, she tries to send him food and notes in random ways hoping to keep in touch with the man. "Engelbert" "Windshadow"Show text

Franz Renatus - Axe fighter with powerful arcane abilities.Show text

Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa - Soft-spoken hunter from an distant tribe."Master Ilwe'ran"Show text

Iskierka Stormspeaker - A reserved seer that Jancis saw as a sister for her spirit."Iskierka" "Iski"Show text

Jana Ridah - An interesting lady who is strong as much as caring.Show text

Kurt Steel - Axeman, cook, and troubled man. Jancis met him in a curious way that has made their initial contact awkward from her own actions despite his kind, protective, and attentive mannerism. From courting, to a female confidant, to male reborn friend, Jancis keeps a tentative relationship with and still cares for promise unbroken. "Lord Kurt" "Kurt"Show text

Leanne Delphium - Bardess and adventuring archer. Jancis met while healing at the Grindstone, impressed by her ability to deal with pain while Jancis tended to others with more serious wounds. The lady appears now and again to sing at pilgrimages and around Jancis, always sharing more about herself especially in love to be a kindred spirit. A comforting presence. "Champion Leanne" "Lady Leanne"Show text

Locke Fairwind - Harbinger in the Support Branch met during the Pilgrimages to the Twelve Stones. Calls Jancis 'Silly Milly' and teases her about following him around. Always falls for his taunts. Otherwise is he pleasant company with a touch and go acquaintance that she respects. "Lord Locke"Show text

Nathan Telluride - Garish and happy-go-lucky bard, this man has a dashing smile and advice for any occasion. Jancis shares a polite and happy relationship, giving him patronage and following his work. "Master Telluride"Show text

Osric Melkire - A Sergeant of the Immortal Flames.Show text

Otto Vann - An eccentric artist from Ul'dah.Show text

Reginald Ozrik - A two-faced swordsman.Show text

Roen Deneith - A quiet awkward lady, Jancis tries to see all of the good and pain that she's been told about in the woman. She treats her kindly and is curious about her. "Lady Deneith"Show text

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn - Sailor in Coral Sea with a jovial soul and a knack for cooking, Jancis revers the man for his manly expression of compassion and his ways of dealing with bad situations under pressure. One of the leaders Jancis will take seriously. Considering all that has happened, Jancis tries to do whatever will make him comfortable, but is fairly sure his heart and spirit went to sea with his dead wife. "Tausen"Show text

§ Tiergan Vashir - A swordsman, caring, yet tormented man.Show text

Val Nunh - A uncooth fighter, Jancis met Val while she was being evaluated to study under the Harbingers. Catching her attention with the nickname "Milly", Jancis has built up a respect for the miqo'te for his realistic and kind-hearted views as well as his honestly in all matters. She tries to keep in touch with the man and support his feelings of usefulness and wanted. Sends him random items with cards, particular naming the item. "Val".Show text

Vaughn Antain - A benevolent man who helps recovering slaves and the downtrodden of Ul'dah that Jancis is growing to know better and revere. It is always a delight to run into the tall elezen and his other half Jaques. She tries to listen to his ideas and is always delighted to eat any of the food he's prepared. "Vaughn"Show text

Virara Wakuwa - Fist-fighter lalafel. Close to Lady Meli and Sir Gegenji. Jancis feels a closeness to Virara for her blunt survivalist and emotional-less tone which she really responds to. The two share a similiar background save for the past few years. She feels a deep desire to help the woman break free of her servitude mindset and see her prosper. "Lady Virara"Show text

Zachary Evans - Fighter in the arena of Ul'dah.Show text

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Departed & Old Friends

A'rho Tia - A humorous and giving aether user and something of an artist to Jancis. Believed to have returned to his clan.Show text

A'randr Tia - Shy smiling man, Jancis has a strange fondness for the quiet and stoic figure. Has returned to his clan.Show text

Ameline Valtin - A well-trained lady and what Jancis believes is an Elezen from a prominent family. Overall the time the conjurer spends with the lady is pleasant and inspiring. "Lady Ameline"Show text

Alveo Soulseeker - Jancis met Alveo while working as a support in the same Free Company and ended up having feelings for the sailor.Show text

Ashmira Honzen - Star reader and Astrologian from the Far East.Show text

Bartolomeo Filangieri - A well respected knight, Jancis met Sir Filangieri her first night with the Harbingers. Whereabouts unknown.Show text

§ Caen Jabari - A very warmhearted man known for his sunshine-bright garb.Show text

Chaska Dakwhil - A mute miqo'te who has a strong negative opinion on life. Show text

Chuchukepa Hohokepa - Thaumaturge of the Coral Sea with a nervous demeanor. Show text

Daghbheri Himalspyr - Captain in the Maelstrom and a tough salt. Believed dead.Show text

Dhemgeim Shyrdoenwyn - Fallen First Mate of the Coral Sea.Show text

Edda Eglantine - A mysterious daughter of a rich land owner in La Noscea. "Lady Edda"Show text

Eruantien Valandiel - A knight of Ishgard with a dark background strikingly similar to Tiergan Vashir's. "Eruantien"Show text

Finecia Hawke - Lady knight that assisted in dealing with voidsent in the company.Show text

Flickering Ember - A young honest hunter, Jancis has meet off and one in associate with other company members and kin.Show text

§ Faolan Woodlock - A curious wild man.Show text

Gareth Evershield - Knight-in-training from the Red Wings. Believed dead or missing. "Sir Gareth"Show text

J'azhar Tia - A kind seeker with a love of his culture as much as his acceptance of others.Show text

Ja'ren A'lenthin - A reserved arcanist with a lot of experience with voidsent. "Master Ja'ren" Show text

Jeris Guillford - A humor-filled, boisterous gladiator and man of many talents. "Sir Ironblood" "Sir Jeris".Show text

Jezune Garinthe - Orphaned lancer from Gridania. "Jezune"Show text

Kale Aideron - Once Knight of Ul'dah's Sindicate now Bloodsworn of the Immortal Flames. "Kale"Show text

 L'aenoh Tia - Trained and rustic swordsman with few wits about him beyond his heart.Show text

Lan Darklyn - Knight figure from the desert.Show text

Memeli Meli - Semi-crazy lalafel arcanist. "Lady Meli"Show text

Obsidian Hornet - An exotic sellsword.Show text

Ojune Wajune - Archaeologist, arcanist, and cartographer. "Master Ojune" Show text

 Oscare Iono - A garish huntsman turned tragic figure."Oscare"Show text

R'lexia Thras - A sweet and fearless swords woman, Jancis trusts and feels close to the woman for her pure heart and selfless nature. "Lady Lexia"Show text

Renaud Becquerel - Captain of the Coral Sea."Captain Renaud".Show text

Reinette Sompt - Alchemist and the former Practitioner of the Coral Sea "Lady Reinette"Show text

Sigurd Rainecourt - Thaumaturge of the Coral Sea, Jancis views the man with regard for his intelligence and natural ability to reason with just about anyone.Show text

Staelufre Lysmerl - The wild lady.Show text

Syl Souther - Something of a black sheep, but still a skilled healer. "Lady Sylian" Show text

Tasa Rhyzul - The hardened warrior with a subtle softer side, Jancis met Tasa while preparing with the company to save their leader.Show text

X'Kohu Tia - A warm and affectionate man, Jancis has known him for most of her time outside of her isolated past. She considers him a generous and social friend. "Master Kohu" "Kohu".Show text

Xenedra Ambreaus - Lady bard and leader of the Solioquy group. Jancis is very grateful to the efforts from the woman and inviting her to partake in discussions of art and performance. "Lady Xenedra"Show text

Xydane Vale - Lone swordsman with knightly intentions.Show text

Z'enath Vashyr - A Free Paladin of Ul'dah and accomplished swordsman. The lost love of Jancis.Show text

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Other Acquaintances

A'malria Khage - Reginald's love. Helped to save Sigurd from the corruption inside and ended up being a carrier of the voidsent curse. Was freed from the creature with the help of Reginald, I'tsu, Shinjo, and Jancis. "Lady A'malria"
Aaron Frostheart - Swordsman. Jancis met at the Grindstone particular when the man tried to refuse aid to his wounds. The two continue to meet up at random times and she tries to talk to the otherwise quiet and conflicted man. Hugged her after returning his sword in a surprise display. "Champion Frostblood" "Sir Frostblood"
Adalhaid Rask - Highlander who shared words and gave inspirational blessings at Rhalgr's stone during the pilgrimages to the Twelves' stones. "Lady Adalhaid"
Adun Blackblade - Monk from the Mythril Blades. Name unknown
Aekira Swyfte - Archer that competed and won at the Grindstone from the bridge, overseer Berrod. "Champion Aekira"
Aerostein Epitaph - Elegant model at the Pumpkin Cafe. Alveo refused to speak to someone 'without clothes on'. Has vivid memory. "Master Aerostein"
Aidan Khontus - Quiet child-like au'ra man. Introduced at Black & White Ball by Ashmira. Name unknown
Aiouxdaux Beaumont - Elegant elezen man that can host a feral sinister grin. Friend of Lady Staelufre and participated in the End of Winter Games. Took great delight in utterly exploding an ice sculpture of late and beloved First Mate Dhemgeim. Close to J'azhar and a skilled healer assisting with after effects from the Red Lotus and helping Jancis with toxin tolerance. "Lord Aiouxdaux"
Aiswynd Drakareus - Displaced au ra refugee. Spoke at Azeyma's stone for the pilgrimage to the Twelves' stones. Healed his eyes from being lost completely, but failed to recover all of his vision. "Master Aiswynd"
Alaric Whiteseer - Older sage that taught Gareth and knows of his past. Posed as a beggar when first seen. "Master Alaric"
Alexander Gomez - Free Paladin from Ul'dah. Following in his father's footsteps. Met on pilgrimage to Halone. Kind. "Sir Alexander"
Alexaria Whiteraven - Blue-haired highlander lady. Burlesque dancer which the most amazing stories. Gave Jancis a massage that made her doze off.[Scene] "Lady Whiteraven"
Alexei Volkov - Met when Cici was collared, painted a symbol with his blood on the wall of the Drybone Inn. Alchemist/Medic - Healed Oscric after collar event. Name not known, only face.
Alexis Sutherland - Friend of Jayne Avery; helped after he got shot. Name Unknown
Annaliese Sellecerre - Quiet elezen usually seen mumuring to Giselle.
§ Angora Khilo - Lady and caster from the Phoenix Rose. Fought side-by-side in one of the cold ruins in Coerthas looking for Dravian metal with Jaques. Jancis spoke at the funeral for her friends, Lyria and Ser'ai. Wears a mask for battle. Sister to Eruantien. Helped with the rescue of Caen. One of the Branded. Assisted Aeon deal with a tortured spirit bound to a mask. "Lady Angora"
Anstarra Silverain - Old acquaintance from HoD. Lancer. "Lady Anstarra"
Arblis Ellhis - Attended Flora & Ghalleon’s Bonding. Name unknown
Arcian Martell - One of the Branded in Aeon. Assisted in going through the ruins in Northern La Noscea to find a mask linked to one of the spirits that destroyed the weapon that all Branded carry a piece of. "Lady Arcian"
Arialys Xhau - Arcanist from Astral Agents. Met at their fundraiser auction. Likes books and learned to summon egi for assistance. Ate sandwiches at the Runestone. Grew up in a secluded Keeper clan in the Shroud. Not good with a bow. Use to being in the way and breaking things. Gave Jancis a blue clematis flower - good for perfumes. Lover of A'mauro. "Lady Arialys"
Arielia Ryella - Vain elezen woman seen with Eva and at pilgrimage. Talks of herself as "the huntress". Name unknown.
Armel Winterson - Hyur and one of the Branded of Aeon. Met briefly while repairing the mask for the lost soul. Said “Then stay alive, you are the bearer of their Remembrance. You can do no such thing as a marionette of the Void.” Name unknown
Arrelaine Fashonti - Part of the Martial Branch for the Harbingers. Performed at the pilgrimage to Menphina. "Lady Arrelaine"
Arthurioux Lisieux - Coral Sea. Frail elezen. "Master Athurioux"
Ashravi Honzen - Tall brother of Ashmira. Skilled in thaumaturgy and protective of his sister. Always wears shiny glasses and red accents. Took down the large exotic buffalo in Summerford. "Master Ashravi"
Asher Rukoth - Plate-wearing mercenary met at the Mythril Blades during a cultist attack. Name unknown.
Ashur Decius - Healed at the Grindstone.
Askier Mergrey - Seen when removing Osric's collar. Crazy man from the grenade and blown up warehouse in Moraby Bay. Name unknown.
Asmodean Gaidin - Axeman Jancis met at Llymlaen's pilgrimage, then he spoke at Oschon's and stayed reciting lore and books at Camp Bronze Lake. Quiet humble man who is duty-focused. Met up with time to time in Ishgard. Has a small fawn unicorn. Has a journal from his mother who died at a young age."Sir Gaidin"
Augustine Frost - Chaotic Warrior of the Coral Sea. Companion of Threed. Led the slavery troupe to find Chuch's mother. Believed dead. "Frost"
Avelyn Firestone - Aquaintance of Barengar and Franz. Met at the Bacchus Shots competition. Firey personality which is quick to enjoy adult content and taunting humor. Fist, seen around the Grindstone. Watermelon crusher. Mercenary for the Mythril Blades. "Lady Avelyn"
§ Avenio Naemig - Axe-man warrior that's quiet and stoic with caring eyes. Reminds Jancis of Barengar with his mannerism. Close to Faolan. Helped rescue Caen from slavers. Part of one of his dreams of a destroyed city plagued by magics and vengeful illusions. Named Jancis' unicolt 'Muffin' from Little Ladies Day. "Lord Avenio"
Baelyn Teken'ghym - Duskwight elezen dancer. Has fancy clothing. Love of Gwannes. Shared some of her pain of losing her family and home during the Cataclysm after the 'date' bait hunt with Gwannes happens to be on the grave of her homeland. Spoke at Thal's Respite for some time about loss and pain. "Lady Baelyn"
Bahldur Kahkol - Helper at Chachanji's surprise party. Name unknown
Baileywick Thibault - Older elezen. Very confident and full of advice. "My dear girl, has your heart so been plagued by age that you have lost sight of the magic in this world? You are young yet, I promise you, your views have yet much changing to do." Name unknown
Barbarccia Valadis - Former Harbinger. Woman of business and tactics.
Basile Feurieux - Acquaintance of House De'bayle witha history of not agreeing with them entirely. Met when his wounds were tended, the only survivor of his group taking on a rogue dragon. Jerace's bodyguard before taking up work with the house. Helped with Jancis' job to find a special flower, where she got to see how much bloodlust the swordsman has. "Sir Basile"
Batu Qalli - Attended Flora & Ghalleon’s Bonding. Name unknown
Bevereau Beauregard - One of the Branded of Aeon. Part of the mask team with the lost soul. Name unknown
Bizaza Biza - Mage of the Coral Sea. Writes books about voidsent. "Lady Biza"
Bravaden Warder - Retired Soldier from the Maelstrom. Part of the Coral Sea. Noticed Jancis and Syl as victims of Memeli's love prank. Friend of Syl; tracked parts of items for Meli's condition with the ghost that cursed her. "Lord Bravaden"
Brave Horizon - One of the Branded of Aeon. Assisted in finding the mask of a tortured spirit from one of the people who destroyed the weapon the branded carry a piece of. "Lady Horizon"
Brianna Dunham - Fighter. Met as Overseer at Grindstone. Gruff. Moved in with armored lancer Matthrian Gothmyr. "Lady Bri"
Brynhilde Wulf - Fighter and leader of the Aeons. Friend of Sir Vashir. Met when tracking the woman through Coerthas then on a crazy chase back through Eorzea to the Goblet. Enjoyed cake with at Coralhaus. Met up with escorted by Captain Dogberry at Berry's bonding ceremony. Learning more of her as a Branded, assisted in helping ease a tortured spirit bound to a mask with her group the Aeon. Spoke and shared the story of some of Ala Mhigo's history at the pilgrimage to Rhalgr's stone. "Lady Wulf"
C'kayah Polaali - Man of the Underground. Helped Jancis get sonmus for L'aenoh's addiction. Devote follower of Menphina. A shadow knight. "Sir C'kayah"
Caleb Agron - Agent. Seen around the Grindstone and always glares at Berrod. Has a kind smile that he shoots at Jancis. Attended his bonding to Berrod. [Portrait] "Lord Caleb"
Camille Everardi - Talented arcanist. Friend of Barengar who healed his legs and assisted learning more about the red runestone. Always dresses classy. Attended her bonding to Enkh [Scene]. "Lady Camille"
Cardre'a Dfhey - Storm Captain. Sent sweets during the Hatching celebrations to subordinates. [Letter] "Captain Dfhey"
Carth Chambers - Corporal of the Red Wings. Met with Kurt when the man had been training. "Sir Chambers"
Castus Allard - Loud bolisterous man. Husband to Xenedra. "Lord Castus"
Ceonix De'bayle - Cousin of Denz and Armont. Smith and knight of Ishgard.
Certia Soteru - Quiet chef in Coral. Loves to cook for others; very shy and reserved. [Picnic] "Lady Certia"
Chuta Allfriend - Elderly bard who performed at the pilgrimage for Nald'thal, Nophica, Halone, Menphina, and Thaliak.
Ciceroix Pellicier - Elezen from up North. "Master Pellicier"
Ciciru Ciru - Sang at the Festival of the Flames about Jancis' pie-eating abilities. Participates in Nathan's Celebrations. "Lady Ciciru"
Clalaris Sil’laris - Attended Flora & Ghalleon’s Bonding. Name unknown
Clayton Ambercrombie - Leon's friend. Suggested to Jancis during the Agent fundraiser. Haven't met in person. Has a daughter - overheard. "Lord Clayton"
Coraliza Velia - Bard who performed at the pilgrimage for Nophica.
D’ranmaia Shenn - Attended Flora & Ghalleon’s Bonding. Name unknown
Delial Grimsong - Unknown assailant. Attacked Jancis at Moraby Bay. Met at Osric's bonding receiption; enjoyed light bubbly wine.
Devereau Beauregard - Acquaintance from Ul'dah. Visited at pilgrimages and has a grand house. Loves shades of lavender. Gifted Jancis with a beautiful set of warm barding for Aven. "Lord Devereau"
Diana Barlow - Avery's Lady. Something of a healer. Jancis only knows her in the depressed state of dealing with Avery's bad wound. "Lady Diana"
Doctor Ozerov - Healer met at the Grindstone. Harbinger. Spoke and got taken offstage at the Grand Company Alliance Rally in Ishgard. "Master Doctor"
Dren Ghonne - Quiet unsure man that follows Memeli and Virara around.
Eaubront Shopont - Healed at the Grindstone.
Ehla Selhah - Coral Sea. Arcanist. Widow. Met in house with Sigurd. Got injured looking for children for Derrick Darke on her leg; blamed Jancis for it. Was the strong figure dealing with the fact that Gwendoline had taken over Jancis. Shows a lot of tender care to Reginald. Quick to be a happy-go-lucky drunk. "Lady Ehla"
Elear Morierea - Attended her bonding to Reiner.
Emmette Stringers - Strongwilled and assertive woman that employes Avery. Has the same blood type. "Lady Emmette"
Erik Mynhier - Paladin and 'boss' in the Red Wings. Priest of Halone. Took Cici through the Sworn Trials. Gave opening and blessings at the pilgrimage for Halone. Attended his bonding to Cliodhna. Gave Jancis a calio cat for winning a pie-eating contest. "Sir Mynhier"
Estellise Levesque A generous herbalist and kind-hearted conjurer, Jancis met Estellise after watching a dare-drinking contest. The elezen is a compassionate soul that Jancis loves to listen to and hopes to learn more about the landscape with. "Lady Estellise" "Estellise".
Eva Zelorius - Priestess who performed a parable at the pilgrimage for Nophica and Nymeia.
Evangeline Primrose - Citizen of Ul'dah. Hears about from Cici time to time. Thought Deceased
Faezbhar Rysswilf - Healer in Coral Sea. Boisterous and funny. Helped on the trip to find a aether-friendly fungus up in Coerthas. "Master Rysswilf"
Faye Covington - Saint of the Harbingers. Learned more about healing and body/mind wounds under her branch. Beloved of Val. "Lady Covington"
Febriel De'drine - Known from previous FC. Never spoke. Recognized by face only.
Felix Cyprus Former gladiator and meditative duskwight. Carina's trainer. Met meditating on the coast of La Noscea. "Felix"
Finnia Aurifort - Arcanist in Coral Sea. One of the company's best healers. Has a glass eye. Had a dream 'image' of her mother. "Lady Finnia"
Fio Arasgain - Met at Grindstone. Beautiful Face. Arrow Joke. He assists Cici with dangerous mission that Jancis is appreciative for. Owes dinner. Jancis is very confused after Fio's behavior to another miqo'te she does not know the name of, particular when she tried to move in and support Fio against the creepy man. Deceased "Fio"
Flora Valerian - Kin of Barengar. Child of Ala Mhigans. Sweet and stuttering nature. Likes tea. Jancis has a trading card of her hostess persona 'Eden'[Card]. Escorted Jancis to Little Ala Mhigo to buffer the reception with the locals. Attended her bonding pilgrimage to Ghalleon and gave her a handmade set of clay dishes. "Lady Valerian"
Flynt Reddard - Overseer at the Grindstone.
G'lahs Tia - Sailor in the Coral Sea. Does a lot of manufacturing and trading. "Master G'lahs"
Garryson Shipkeeper - Spoke at the pilgrimage to Nald'thal. Large group of friends. "Lord Garryson"
Gelfradus Greywolfe - NPC. Lost Soul from Aeon storyline that was set free after a broken mask was brought together.
Ghalleon Helseth - Husband of Flora Valerian. Wears robes. Long blonde hair with glasses. Very awkward in an approachable way. Nervous around other Ala Mhigans other than his wife. Has an elezen sister that's close to him. Reveres the Traders. "Lord Ghalleon"
Gharen Wolfsong - Met at Grindstone with Hornet. Was fiance of Hornet. Older brother of Roen. "Sir Wolfsong"
Giselle Friloux - Archer in the Coral Sea.
Guillaume Rigolant - Former Coral Sea. Warrior with questionable mental capacity. Blunt and crude. Very nice to Jancis. Does not take care of wounds or bathe regularly. Gave her a yellow stone (that he stole from Annie). [Guil and Jancis together at home.]"Sir Rigolant"
Guillemont De'bayle - Swordsman, knight, and middle brother to Armont and Denz. Has a quiet awkward demeanor and is somewhat removed. At Carina's beach party in Denz's honor, the knight finally smiles and enjoys himself which makes Jancis call him a happy fish. “I am happy to have met you, Sir Guillemont. This is the happiest I have seen you in our few times together. Are like a fish, yes?” Told a semi-campfire story at Steaks and Tales. Gave pointers on how to use a sword and attack, showing a commanding voice for the first time in Jancis' presence. "Sir Guillemont"
Gunduin Banedriver - Brother of Y'zhara. Alchemist, archeologist, and therapist. Has many heartaches and very at ease with physical contact. Offered to assist with Jancis' wounds. At Chachanji's Nameday surprise party. "Lord Gunduin"
Gus Pumpkinweed - Cafe Properitier.No Name.
Gwannes Oskwell - Friend of Nathaniel. Likes green. Lancer and woodsy. Has freckles and is awkward. Has pet cat Bully rare calico male. Got to kiss Baeyl's nose to fix it after he elbowed her. Bid and won the chance at a auction (Jancis will call it fundraiser) to hunt with. Ended up having a picnic to lure the Albino Date Auction Cactaur along with Baeyl and Denz. Likes omelettes. "Lord Gwannes"
Gwayne Highwind - Associate of Jayne Avery; there the night he got shot. Name Unknown
Gwendoline - Voidsent succubus that has marked Jancis. Hops from host to host. Plaguing the Coral Sea with marking others and caught up with a cult that killed people for their aether.
Ha'uruh Nunh - Friend of Sir Castille. Fighter at Grindstone. Refuses proper healing. "Sir Howl"
Harper Brightwind - Arcanist in Coral Sea. Obsessed with carbuncles. "Lady Brightwind"
Hnaba Jinjahl - Former Coral Sea. Deranged mage that kidnapped L'aenoh and nearly killed him. Only tells lies. Will not say name. Slain by L'aenoh for crimes. Deceased.
I'tsu Fhuz - Lady of the Coral Sea. Part of the slave setup for Chuch's mother. Wears a lot of pink. Speaks well and is a powerful healer. Assisted in saving Memeli from the Phoenix. Helped save A'malria from the voidsent corruption. "Lady I'tsu"
Ikuri Aratani - Archer in the Coral Sea. Has odd eating habits. [Dinner in his quarters] "Lord Ikuri"
Integra Coiter - Curious sun zealot. Ala Mhigan from a cultist monastery with a flair for selling properties and serving Ul'dahn business. Loves gold. Loves the sun. Has a powerful aether ability. Enjoys philosophical discussions [Scene]. Asks about Jancis' devotion to Barengar nearly every time they meet up. "Lady Integra"
J'maaira Tuhl - Harbinger and part of the Martial Branch. Met while trying to help with Lynx.
J'nangho Jhimei - Fortune Teller in the Coral Sea. Noticed odd behavior at Leanne's party from Oscare. "Lady J'nangho"
Jajara Jara - Coral. Part of slave setup for Chuch's mother. Protective over. "Lady Jajara"
Jaques Guillaume - Tall elezen who guarded the pilgrimage. Kind face towards Lord Vaughn. Met up with at random weddings and was given a tour of the Phoenix Rose training hall. Man helps liberate and rehabilitate slaves found within the Jewel. Went to Coerthas with to gather supplies and injured shoulder in Keep ruins. Aged Rumor "Guarded at one of her pilgrimages. Overfond of titles. Don't know much about her." "Lord Jaques"
Jayne Avery - Bastard child of a noble house in Ul'dah; product of rape noble mother. Shadow knight that rough houses and helps out the poverty. Usually has a bruised face. Helped out Jancis with fighting. Fighting a questionable stepfather for the family title and also for the welfare of his mother and sister[Scene]. Shot at a masquerade party and clinging to life. Said “Having a hard life isn’t an excuse to treat people poorly.” "Sir Jayne" "Avery"
Jhur Banecruth - Quiet fighter in Coral. Has a habit of widdling wood into figurines. The two talk time-to-time, Jancis finding his shy and quiet nature something humorous and easy to relate to. Has a wooden squirrel made by the man after their talk when they first met. Deceased [Jancis and Jhur]
John Waterstrike - Arcanist. Jancis met off and on at her volunteering at the Grindstone. Has the ability to see visions and travel into another's mind with his touch. Very shy and reserved becasue of it. Assisted in healing Chachanji's team after recovering Gogenji. "Master John"
Jonathan Grayve - Husband to Ciel. Attended bonding ceremony. Known for his humorous comments at pilgrimages when accompanying the lady.
Jubal Satele - Lancer, previously in Coral. Lost his parents and is tracking their murder. Quiet, kind, collected man. Came to help deal with the buffalo loose in Summerford. "Sir Jubal"
Judge Jredthys - Overseer at the Grindstone. Has a booming voice.
Kage Kiryuu - Fighter. Close to Ilwe'ran. "Sir Kage"
Kaguya Nightsong - Close friend of Barengar and Sen. Lost part of her horn to an infection that Jancis cleaned out in the Sea of Clouds. Thought to have been Barengar's lover, but no longer; got drunk and asked Jancis to promise to take care of him. Oversees at the Grindstone. Real name unknown. "Lady Flower"
Kahn'a Ohditra - Archer. Met on zombie invasion of Ul'dah. Capable fighter that fended off zombies that came at her. "Sir Kahn'a"
Kanaria Galanodel - Lady of the Dauntless. Bonded to Osric Melkire. "Lady Kanaria"
Kaito Nagano - Met and danced with in company at the Bell Charity Ball. Name unknown
Katalie Mindena - Helper at Chachanji's surprise party. Name unknown
Kaylie Epocan - A swordswoman formerly Coral Sea, Jancis met along with others particularly when the miqo'te was furious at Alveo. Noticing her quick remarks and defensive mannerism as well as the tender and soft-spoken attachment Kaylie has to the other members of the company, Jancis has taken a liking to the woman. Gave Jancis a stuffed bear in a blue robe "Jannybear". She's always polite to her and tries to say "Kaylie" to her face (otherwise she's "Lady Kaylie").
Kayllen Stormbringer - Agent. Attended his wedding to Sojiana. Knightly figure in blue armor.
Keroa Mosuke - Masked miqo'te that makes Jancis feel comfortable to be around. Met through Ilwe'ran and Carina after her hospitality to them. Had dinner with at Ilwe'ran's house. "Lady Keroa"
Kestlona Guhtgeiswyn - Redwing, seen on pilgrimages. Has a little chocobo. "Lady Kestlona"
Khaisan Tumet - Quiet au ra. Met at Agent's Hall as Jancis told a story. Spoke of training with his father, the difficulty, and the strength of surviving in the wild. "Lord Khaisan"
Khenbish Mol - Shaman of the Mol. Elderly man who works with herbs and other medicines. Has sad eyes and an amulet he'll often touch. "Shaman Khenbish"
Khira Lhizahla - Attended Flora & Ghalleon’s Bonding. Name unknown
Kida Dhano - Attended Flora & Ghalleon’s Bonding. Name unknown
Kiera Hawkeye - Hostess of the summer Melon Crushing contest. [Scene] Name unknown
Kiht Jakkya - Matron of Keepers in the Twelveswood. Met at the eclipse miqo'te event for Z'enath. Close to Roen. Met up with briefly at Thaliak's stone talking about the burdens of leadership and letting go of past pains.[Scene] Attended Flora & Ghalleon’s Bonding. "Matron Kiht"
Klynestyn Ketteram - At Flora & Ghalleon's bonding. Name unknown.
Koporo Aporo - Spoke at Althyk Ceremony. Threw sword away at Sworn test. Yelled at Memeli.
Kyuu'sae Yuusatu - Healed at the Grindstone.
L'vi Lyrre - Former Coral Sea. Knows Sylas. Use to be in a cult. "Lady Lyrre"
'Lynx' - Lady that helps guard the pilgrimages for Althyk and Halone. Goes by the name "Lynx". Very mysterious but generous. Has foreign aether the woman refuses to remove. Was briefly in the care of Jancis from the Harbingers, but left when ideals clashed and did not contact the conjurer back. Can play the piano [Scene]
Leilani Leilai - Member of the Coral Sea with a bright and happy nature. Great cook. Might be related to a certain Goblin King. Held a pie swap event where Jancis got paired up with Ja'ren. Shared Wish Cake and other special blessing treats for her nameday celebration. [Scene] "Lady Leilai"
Leodaire Beltardois - Friend of Tiergan. Assisted in the raid and recovery of Caen from the slavers. Has a sassy mouth and a real flair for clothing. Name unknown
Leon Valerion - Mage with an affinity for controlling the void. Uses gems and crystals regularly. Met at the Grindstone while healing together. Escorted Jancis at the Agent fundraiser auction suggesting who to bid on. Helped make a counterspell crystal. Obsessed with the Magi War and exploring the covered ruins from it. Has an easy way of lying that makes Jancis uncomfortable. "Lord Leon"
Lidhja Zhwan - Miqo'te that knows R'lexia and Finecia. Green hair. "Lady Lidhja"
Lilithium Rinannis - Hyur lady and mother. Former Coral. Spoke at the pilgrimage to Menphina. "Lady Lilithium"
Lorentz Rivers - Swordsman from Ul'dah. Has a small place in the Goblet. Met Jancis while she was doing the canary ruse promotion to find Caen. Very kind and showed interest in Jancis, discouraged after Shinjo approached. "Lorentz" "Sir Rivers"
Loronus Deatro - Bartender. Friend of Reginald. Met at the induction ceremony. Invited to his bonding ceremony. Knows X'kohu."Lord Loronus"
Lottie Forsaidh - Bard and Agent. Performed at the Thaliak, Llymlaen, and Oschon pilgrimage. Friend of Nathan and Oscare. Wants to have a picnic together. "Lady Lottie"
Lucaell Townsend - Bard. Was Tareth'eian. Met at the watermelon crushing contest. Knows Barengar and about Deadeye and the aetheric garnet. Called Barengar "Lady Killer, Literally" Sang at the Celebration of Autumn Stars. Complimented Jancis on wearing pink. Rumored to be daft and usually looks blank. Invited to the Forgotten Stage, where she sang many songs and got drunk. "Lady Lucaell"
Lucky Mewrilah - Attended Flora & Ghalleon’s Bonding. Name unknown
Lurial Vashir - Kin of Tiergan. "Lady Lurial"
Magma Dancer - Charismatic roegadyn baretender and performer. "Lady Magma"
Makyn Loneseeker - Swordsman. Met during the tour of Upper La Noscea and at the Grindstone. Walked home with injuries to the Kinship Hall [Scene]. Ended up walking to the inn in Gridania after the Bacchus Shots Competition. [Scene] "Sir Makyn"
Martel Zero - Brother of Fin. Something of an gentleman and refinement. "Lord Martel"
Matthrian Gothmyr - Lancer. Seen at the Grindstone. Connected to Brianna. Healed nasty chest wounds from axe cleave.
Melfice Vainchelon - Known only by name and former company association. Unknown that he was the assailant that nearly slew her in La Noscea outside of Mist. "Master Melfice"
Menelwen Veara Scout master. Fought along side with Captain Dogberry on some of his primal control crusades. "Lady Menelwen"
Mikh'a Korofi - Leader and healer of the Dauntless. Jancis met the man formally while he assisted to guard the pilgrimage to Thaliak's stone. Likes cookies a lot. Very thoughtful and sweet look. Likes books and compliments Jancis' eloquent nature. "Sir Mikh'a"
Mikha Sunthistle - Vibrant young archer. Met around the Mist then again at Agents in the Goblet. Gave a compress for his shoulder after a keeper landed on him. Talkative and quick to help. "Lord Mikha"
Mimiko Miyuki - Bard. Known from former company. S'honji's sister. Warm and friendly, but easy to scare. "Lady Mimiko"
Montresoix Baudelaire - Coral Sea. Elderly elezen gentleman. "Lord Baudelaire"
Mylene Wharf - Limsa local. Known through random encounter Alveo set up. Polite shy woman. Name not remembered.
Naja Aliapoh - Gunduin's love. Met at Chachanji's nameday surprise party. "Lady Naja"
Nako'li Chalahko - Merchant and caster of the Red Wings. Has a fake eye. Gets annoyed at Jancis' use of titles. "Lord Nako'li"
Nananomi Nomi - Attended Flora & Ghalleon’s Bonding. Name unknown
Natalie Mcbeef - Late colleague of Cici. Takes a lot of damage at the Grindstone. Sassy and speaks freely. Met in person in Limsa. Had run in with at a warehouse in Moraby Bay where an assault occured under her command leading to the destruction of the building and her own death. "Lady Mcbeef"
Nathaniel Salem - Priest of Nald'thal and Alchemist. Knowns Barengar and hires him for work off and on. Calls people "love" often. Ran into Jancis while she was seeking out a cure to a volatile concoction Chachanji had taken. Purged her of chaotic aether before it could do serious damage [Scene]. Gathers herbs and reagents for him, particular from the Twelveswood. Dislikes the people in Gridania and their culture. Has a tattoo on left shoulder. Danced with at the Bell Charity Ball. Asked for other favors with other chaotic aether she's come across. Has curious devices for aether manipulation. "Lord Nathaniel"
Niklas Gran - Deceased Knight. Dressed corpse for burial.
Nixa Shaana - Fighter in Coral Sea.
Nonika Noki - Fighter in Coral Sea. Smarter than average lalafel and not easily drawn by snacks. "Lady Nonika"
Nonope Nope - Attended Flora & Ghalleon’s Bonding. Name unknown
O'jirho Tia - Harbinger, Martial Branch. Met at Nymeia's pilgrimage, where he was disappointed how peaceful it was. Blind. "Sir O'jirho"
Odette Saoirse - Bard. Sang a song about Jancis from the Flame Festival naming her Pie-Bane. Sang at the Celebration of Autumn Stars. Sang at the Grand Company Alliance Rally in Ishgard. "Lady Odette"
Odile Delacroix - Hostess and organizer of the Sea Breeze Bazaar. Captain in the Mythril Blades for mercenary assignments. Assisted her in cleansing cultist corpses of corrupted Dalamud aether. Has a bum leg from an aevis attack. "Lady Odile"
Oki Qualli - Flirty au ra. Met in the Quicksand with Val while she was trying to gain his affection. "Lady Oki"
Osmund Garrett - A horrendous man who tortures victims mindless and makes them into thralls controled by garnet runes. Ambushed Barengar and also Jancis believes the man to cause years of turmoil to Engelbert (whom Jancis believes is Bertram). Too disgusted with the man to call on by name.
Oyun Ilydena - Chef and hostess of Saika. Hosted Chachanji's surprise party. "Lady Oyun"
P'kohta Tia - Tribal Seeker and fist figher. Hates clothing. Helpful and listens. "Lord P'kohta"
Percelle Charlemend - Lady Elezen and friend of Guillemont. Met on many occassions with the De'bayle family. Went swimming in the Shroud at Carina's bonding celebration party. "Lady Percelle"
Pflaume Wein - Lady of Coral Sea. Goes by the nickname "Plum". Loves anything purple.
Popolan Lililan - Daggerman of Coral Sea. Mischievious and quiet. Likes snacks. Name unknown.
Popomi Pomi - Memeli's younger sister. Shy and quiet, very reserved compared. Gets pushed into doing things by Memeli.
Q'nagali Yehn - Fist Fighter in Coral Sea. Helped saved L'aenoh. Friend of Guil. Former tribal miqo'te. Promised to go cliff climbing with. "Lady Naga"
Qhora Bajihri - Quiet and curious lady. Gave a great scare at the Hallows Eve party. Friends with the former Grindstone overseer. "Lady Qhora"
Quentin Roseaux - Coral Sea. Tall elezen man with a opo.
Raging Behemoth - Sir Evan's mentor and trainer. Took him in for his debt with Gridania. Strong tall older man full of pride and wisdom. Jancis met at the Coliseum while Zachary was missing in the void. [Post][Scene] "Master Behemoth"
R'ostam Tia - Quiet Seeker of Coral. Enjoys books about ships and the ocean.
R'sass Thras - Lancer of Coral.
R'tashana Hhaig - Protege of Vaughn. Pilgrim at Althyk. Name unknown.
Raik Samil - Champion of the Grindstone. Leanne's friend. [Raik at Grindstone] "Champion Raik"
Raisan Arcmantle - Saint of the Harbingers that handles the bar night and entertainment as well as crafting. "Raisan"
Reiner Dorn - High Standing citizen from Ala Mhigo. Known through the Grindstone. Attended his bonding to Elear. [Album]
Remioux Beauvais - Elegant elezen man. Sat next to and met at the Show of Sugar & Spice. Attended his bonding to Tieve.[Scene] "Lord Remioux"
Rhea Zaheela - Business woman in the Goblet. Met briefly at Meli Day talking about her associates and house damages. "Lady Rhea"
Rikoh Zhys - Competitor at the Grindstone. Carried to the rock by Berrod from the bridge. Associated with Jadoth and friends. "Lady Rikoh"
Rinhilda Stonebreaker - Colleague of Coral Sea. Straight forward and asks questions. Dressed by Otto Vann once, "Shipbreaker" "Lady Rinhilda"
Roysia Stone - Bounty hunter in Ul'dah. Was close to Leanne, causing the bard a lot of pain. No name spoken.
Rurutekki Okoktekki - Lalafel in the Coral Sea. Met on Story Night, clung to Jancis' leg while she made him a snack and got him a place to sleep. "Rory"
Ryanti Veanysus - Half-Hyur Half-Keeper. Knows Sounsyy and Barengar. Met at Rhalgr Event. Knee injury revealed a curious magic inside his body where the memories and actions of ancient folk use him as a host. Called Jancis "precious". Barengar doesn't like him - another pluck. "Sir Ryanti"
S'honji "Hayakawa" Nunh - Former Saint of Harbingers. Acquaintance rogue. "Sir S'honji"
S'imba Tia - Seen around Quicksand frequently. Part of the group that confronted Tausen with Fabala. Name unknown.
Saelsria Grumble - Polite Hell Guard with a stutter. Met at the Agent Hall. Runestone meetup on his outing from the fundraiser. Listened to Jancis tell a story. "Lord Grumble"
Sairen Collier - Lady of Coral Sea. Made a pie for Leilai.
Samael Bernon - Knight of House De'bayle. Met on patrol.
Sasasori Kokosori - Coral Sea. Brother of Jajara.
Sasha Rochester - Researcher of Coral Sea. "Lady Sasha"
Scott Parker - One of the high ranking members of the Ruby Shadow and one of the wielders of an aetheric lifestream blade. Cut Jancis after ambushing her. Met with Barengar and barely escaped from his own trap with the Ala Mhigan. Vicious and uses people for power and wealth. Name unsaid.
Set Kattalakis - Keeper from Ul'dah. Has a fake arm. Healed at the Grindstone. Let nose set crooked and had to reset.
Shas Tarry - Sultansworn. Older wiser woman. "Lady Tarry"
Shinjo Dawnedge - Knight in Coral. Older wiser man that will quote books and other scripture which Jancis is very impressed by. Hates being called Lord. Very strict in the conduct he allows himself. Entrusted a portrait to Jancis of the Sultana. Helped save A'malria from a voidsent trying to possess her."Sir Shinjo"
Siha Xinkei - Keeper that is Erik's 'sister'. Dauntless. Zachary's interest based from Erik's words. Met at the eclipse event for miqo'tes. "Lady Siha"
Sounsyy Mirke - Stoic fighter. Met at Nald'thal pilgrimage. Spoke at Llymlaen's pilgrimage sharing a story from history. At Grand Tournament of the Fury "I were given this as a token to give to one in the crowd. In the past ye’ve supported meh, I figured that yeh should keep it." Spoke at the Grand Company Alliance Rally on behalf of the Maelstrom. "Lady Mirke"
Solis Claritas - Swordsman. Friend of Aaron. Met and danced with Jancis a couple times at the Starlight Ball. Name means "Bright Sun". "Sol"
Stefan Delumiere - Swordsman of the Coral Sea. Led the quest to find Chuch's mother. "Sir Stefan"
Suiren Waterflower - Rambunctious lady met on pilgrimage. Has a habit of hugging and giggling. "Lady Oka"
Sylas Peregrine - Swordsman met at Coral Sea. Strong confident and level-headed highlander who is a close friend of Tausen. Has a habit for eating bugs or trying bizarre pleasure techniques. "Sir Sylas"
Syrress Detilderan - Healer and lady of the Phoenix Rose. Pulled the lightning crystal shards out of Jancis' shoulder after being wounded while assisting Jaques. Continue to meet off and on. "Lady Syrress"
T'ahl Tia - Shy man with tabir pet. Met at Nald'thal pilgrimage. Dressed up like a woman for Saint's Wake. "Lord T'ahl"
Telos - Mysterious 'man' that is tied to Teld're and Faolan. Little is known about him beyond the point he can only be reached in dreams.
Teld're Eska'aldren - A curious man of arcane power that has interesting mood swings. Very vain about his appearance. Fixed his ear during a scuffle outside of the Agent's headquarters. Connected by a link to Staelufre and Faolan. Knows a mysterious man named 'Talos'. Knows a lot about metals and their properties, magical and non.
Tellah Fortemps - Erik's father figure. Loves tea and telling stories about his ward. "Lord Tellah"
Terretha Nightsong - Healer at the Grindstone.
Thaarus Vithala - Highly educated elezen met via the Coral Sea. Nothing whack about it. Deceased
Therron Basque - Cursed knight of Ishgard. Met through Carina who has been trying to help him with his aevis blood. Started to turn into one after a duel with Armont. Likes seagulls. Denz calls him "Basket". "Sir Therron"
Threed Crowley - Kindly and giving healer of the Coral Sea. Companion of Frost. Knows a lot about tea and birds. Gets upset easily. Deceased
Tieve Cadalelle - Lady of business. Met at the Show of Sugar & Spice. Attended her bonding to Remioux[Scene]. "Lady Tieve"
Tiroro Roro - A musical bard and adventurer from a well-to-do family in Ul'dah. Good friend of Chachanji. Uses paint arrows at the Grindstone. Met at the Show of Sugar and Spice. Performed at Nathan's shows: Mad Love, Fortune. Attempted to heal burns on her back and shoulder when the woman's paperwork was not found by the Support Branch of Harbingers bringing much dismay to Jancis. "Lady Tiroro"
Titor Jaraba - Doctor. Associated with the Red Wings. Met with Jezune's wounds. Weak ill man.
Togy Brandmakt - Overseer at the Grindstone. Wears a mask.
Tristram Greythorne - Elder Ala Mhigan that works with the Mythril Blades with a curious aether affinity; something of a shaman. Tends his own wounds. Got badly wounded after an attack from some aether-swollen cultists from a shard of Dalamud. Good with herbs. "Master Tristram"
Tsubasa Ryunosuke - Midlander in the Coral Sea. Worked for Otto Vann. Deceased
Tsun Kha - Poor aura magi. Common Tongue is difficult for her; struggles with language. Met at the Agent house looking for work in rags and had honey. ► Tuli Qualli - Energetic au ra who likes fighting. Met in the Quicksand with Val. "Lady Tuli"
Tyo'li Tayum - Eccentric Keeper. Met at the Agents Hall. Likes to wink. Curious about having a mask created as the Wailers use. "Lord Tyo'li" "Tyo"
Una'sae Viqqoh - Reserved Keeper of Coral Sea. Studies under Harper. Loves food. "Lord Una'sae"
Una Poki - Lady of Coral Sea.
Uyraies Sonnen - Swordwoman. Stutters. Met at Grindstone through Guillemont. Wears a flower in her hair. "Lady Uyraies"
Vaerimont Lectoroix - Harbinger. Acquaintance with from pilgrimage guarding and Ladies Day. Name unknown.
Valenor Ashmoon - Recruiting officer of Coral Sea. Old, confusing, and a womanizer. "Lord Valenor"
Valentinoix Thibault - Quiet man in the Coral Sea. Helped deal with cultists in the Twelveswood with Jancis. [Scene] Good hearing and wise. "Master Thibault"
Valeriaux Marquaile - Steward and main Patron of Lower Spangledance Boarding House. Warm helpful and charismatic. Assisted in a Dalamud cultist problem by cleansing some of their corpses of the corrupted aether. "Lord Valeriaux"
Valirelia Ferox - Good-hearted swordswoman and adventurer. Connection from knowing Lady Tasa and other former Harbingers. "Lady Ferox"
Vallois Villeneuve - Guard mercenary employed with the Agents. "Lord Vallois"
Vanya Caladhiel - Long lost daughter of Erik that he didn't trust at first to be true. Lover of Gareth. Smart intelligent lady who has a quiet presence. "Lady Vanya"
Verad Bellveil - Peculiar elezen. Shot someone with a bow at the Grindstone. Sells questionable goods. Met at the trial for Hawk over Tane's murder; shared nuts. "Master Bellveil"
Vilsewaen Steinhoh - Odd older miqo'te grown up in roegadyn tradition. Comes by Still Shore with advice time to time.
Von’ni Sayomi - Attended Flora & Ghalleon’s Bonding. Name unknown
Whran'a Mhakaracca - Nervous pilgrim at Althyk. Name unknown.
Warren Castille - Free Paladin of Ul'dah. Champion of the Grindstone. Was the love of Cici. Humble and grateful. Usually found in a state of disrepair. Frostbite problem after searching through Coerthas alone. Poor standing after having a change of heart. "Sir Castille"
West O'hteco - Stylish lady who is seen at many of the social events. Charismatic and always asks patrons to pose for pictures. Commissioned Jancis to create a stationary kit for her friend. "Lady West"
Wyra Panipahr - Twin sister of Torora. Never apart. "Lady Wyra and Torora"
Xehn’a Hmyr - At Flora & Ghalleon's bonding. Name unknown
Xidh'a Zhorali - Coral. Arcanist. Got wounded looking for children for Derrick Darke. Name unknown
Y'rhen Tia - Coral. Quiet Keeper that follows Memeli around and pays for things.
Y'zhara Zekial - Chachanji's love interest. Met when she was poisoned with slow acting lethal venom from a dart. Held surprise nameday party for Chachanji. Shared a conversation on how to deal with meeting Chachanji's racist father for Starlight. Hosted Heavensturn Eve party where announced engagement to Chachanji [Log] "Lady Zhara"
Yangh Linh - Free-roaming Keeper. Priestess. Strong accent. Met at Grindstone with Lady Leanne. Name unknown.
Yishusen Mol - Company mate, quiet but approachable. Friend of Flower and Barengar that introduced Jancis to the couple. "Lord Sen"
Zaius Rhal'seer - Fighter berserker in Coral Sea. Very close to Sir Vashir. Met the man the first time being outbid for Tiergan on an auction for a hefty fee. Refused healing from and likes to fight. [Zaius in Goblet]. Went ahead to help free Caen from slavers. "Sir Zaius"
Zalina Chauntese - Sir Ceonix's lady. Has pink hair. Met at the Bell Charity Ball. "Lady Zalina"
Zaphir Zurlac - Attended Flora & Ghalleon’s Bonding. Name unknown
Zhen Malraj - Lady of the Coral Sea. Very shy and hides her face. Loves muffins. "Lady Zhen"
Zularti Vensar - Figurehead of Harbingers. Jancis use to serve for him. Childish crazy manner. Believed to be cursed. Deceased


NPC Rumors

  • (Gridania local only) "I use to see her around running errands and cleaning. Real quiet and kept to herself. She wore a mask, too."
  • "A real talent with conjuring. Didn't she only join a few years ago? Doesn't look the type to have a tutor."
  • "I saw her running about with a child's toy. I think it was hers."
  • (La Noscea area) "She comes 'round th' farm 'n checks in with everyone. Got 'er Cherries on. Pleasant."
  • "I see her out by th' cliffside, all throwin' 'er rocks and lots of wicked stuff. Always bloody trainin' after 'er shift. Then she just sits there!"
  • "Don't be daft! She's the Orator! I got ta see the Destroyer's stone thanks to everyone travellin' togeth'r. Made me feel not so abandoned by 'Em, ya know?"
  • "Okay I didn't say this, but sometimes I see her sitting and moving around like she's talking, but she doesn't say anything. Just moving her hands and face around in some inner conversation. I think she talks to herself."
  • "Short girl with the dark hair? Yeah, she likes to check the job boards. If there's something 'Sir Armsbreaker' be interested in."
  • "That midlander. Indeed, she has been about. Who could miss her throwing titles without any regard to their purpose. Hopefully the De'bayle lad will be quick to teach her some manners."

PC Rumors

  • "The best thing that's happened to me. I'll do my best to keep her strong." - Oscare Iono
  • "My friends kept telling me that I had to meet her, and now that I have I can tell why! She's fun and sweet; I hope she comes around the Quick Sand more often!" - Aya Foxheart
  • "Haven't seen that babyface guy around her lately. Too bad I'm otherwise engaged. The nice ones are always a lot of fun." - Augustine Frost
  • "Jancis? Returned a letter to her once and she has some amazing talent when it comes to cooking! Send the lovely girl my regards." - Xydane Vale
  • "My dear friend Jancis, she is like a sister to me. Would that I had more time to spend with her..." - Coatleque Crofte
  • "Ah! The pretty woman who hosted the pilgrimage. Yes, she seems a kind sort. Definitely someone worth knowing." - Vaughn Antain
  • "She fixed my arm up, didn't deserve it but she did. . . I owe her. She and Otto watch out for me a lot." - Aaron Frostheart
  • "There's no one kinder, or more welcoming. I imagine her friends hold her close and dear." - Aya Foxheart
  • "There's nothing I can tell you about her that you haven't heard thousands of times before. She -is- kind, the very picture of generosity. There's definitely a special place for her in the Heavens when her time comes...but, well, I think something from her past is haunting her. Something we have in common..." - Zachary Evans
  • "Miss Milburga is a very kind woman, I noticed it the first time I saw her. I regret not getting to know her better in the past. If she needs me, she has but to ask." - Lan Darklyn
  • "At a celebration full of Moon-keepers and Sun-seekers, that Hyur woman appeared out of nowhere. She was as friendly as she was mysterious. I would not mind meeting her again one dusk." -Kiht Jakkya
  • "She was very friendly and very helpful, even, prior to the pilgrimage of Halone! I wonder if I'll ever meet her again so as to get to know her more..." - Alexander Gomez
  • "Beautiful, charming and from what I hear, quite influential. I do admire her in that fashion; she would make a good servant leader, should she so choose." - Berrod Armstrong
  • "Solkeim, to mean the Blessed Violet. Gentle and adoring, so soft beneath within the canopy of the woodlands. She is graceful and elegant, as all flowers are. Yet she is blessed. Gifted. By the Twelve, she hales against any storm weathered and any grievance given. There is strength within such a rare flower that can grow against contention. She is one of them." - Staelufre Lysmerl
  • "Milly's prolly one'f th'kindest girls I know. Idunno how else t'describe 'er. She's all proper an' stuff, too--always offerin' t'help me learn things what I ain' learned an' all that. F'there was anyone in this world good things should be happenin' to, s'her." - Val Nunh
  • "She recently stepped up to assist us in an endeavor at the Rose and in the process was injured. However she gave no complaint and stayed until the task was completed. I have nothing but respect for her." - Jaques Guillaume
  • Brightens up instantly at the mention of her name. "Ah! Yes. Lady Jancis is.. Beautiful and kind. And very generous with her time, skills and knowledge. I hope she is taking care of herself and that she'll ask if she every needs -anything.-" - Ojune Wajune
  • "Should Lady Jancis need help, she only has to ask, for her grace is a rare one. The kind worth protecting." - Kahn'a Od'hilkas
  • "Gentle woman of faith, and surely one of the sweetest people one could ever meet. I am ever grateful for her presence and the light she brings." - Ciel Wulfe
  • "Outta all th' folkses in Coralhaus, I think she's th' one that gets me th' most. If'n I have a pro'lem, I know I can always go ta Ms. Jancis fer halp. 'n I know I'd do th' same fer her." - Chachanji Gegenji
  • "There is a gentle soul behind those eyes when they look into you. She has in her the greatest capacity for good I have ever seen. With strong ties to the Twelve, she does not allow it to rule her. She places the well being of all before herself. Truly remarkable." - Erik Mynhier
  • "As true a friend as I've ever had. Not that I've had many." - Iskierka Stormspeaker
  • "... She calls me Lady. No one calls me Lady. And when she turns away from me, I feel nostalgic... Why, I wonder?" Virara Wakuwa
  • "I have only encountered her a few times, but each time I was met with kindness and generosity. Most recently she helped a woman she did not even know and tended to her as one would a close friend. I suspect she is a rare breed of unselfishness and humility that is too lacking in this world." - Roen Deneith
  • "Mayhap were I to host some sort of party, I might ask of that raven-haired girl. A friend of Roen's, I think...? Whatever was her name? Excellent taste in drink, regardless. Most excellent." - Delial Grimsong
  • "Miss Jancis, now well I've only met her twice, once in a shots competition and another when she had indirectly bought me. Let's see, she seems like quite the kind and understanding person, manifested when I tried to cut the jargon out of whatever the seven hells I was saying but she tried to understand anyway. Also she strikes me as a helpful person or at least very knowledgeable. I do hope she gets her money's worth out of me." - Kurt Steel
  • "The Priestess. She offers healing services to those in need and occasionally goes above and beyond in her assistance. She is altruistic and prepares delicious treats to those who assist her. " - Lynx
  • "Jancis is one of the kindest, sweetest women I've ever had the pleasure to know. But it feels like there are times where she doesn't see her own worth, or the fact she's not a tool to be used, but a person with hopes and dreams. I hope I can help her see these things, in time." Zachary Evans
  • "Jan is always give love. She is happy with other people. She want them be safe and happy. It is very many feeling she give to other. She take care other people. But...who take care of Jan?" - Flickering Ember
  • "Jancis... A kind-hearted woman who can bring the side one might think long dead back to the surface. Also respectful and caring even to those she has only just met, Eorzea would be a far better place if the lot of us could follow her example. - Asmodean Gaidin
  • "She is that Hyur woman who oft appears like a spirit sent by the Twelve to show me that this land and its people are not so bad." -Kiht Jakkya
  • "While I might deny it to her face, she helped me through many of my troubles. I should think it is my turn to return the favor in any way that I can." - Franz Renatus
  • "Lady Jancis! She's so pretty always, plus, she knows all 'bout th'Twelve! You think she had lunch wiv'em too? That's alot o'lunches!" - Caen Jabari
  • "Lady Jancis? There's so much I could say. She is truly a shining light in Eorzea, a beacon of hope for the lost, and those who've gone astray. I respect and admire her greatly, and urge any who've not had the pleasure of making her aquaintance to do so!"-Syrress Detilderan
  • "Ain't got proper words fer it, but there's somethin' ta her. Quiet, attentive woman like her doesn't wind up servin' as a subtle pillar ta so many without harborin' somethin' different inside. Foolish as I think it, there ain't any denyin' it." - Barengar Armsbreaker
  • "Forgiveness doesn't come easily to me, which is why I think I owe her such a debt. I've given her hundreds of thousands in gil and literally taken an arrow for her, and still feel this way... Honestly, it's beginning to bother me." - Jana Ridah
  • "She is unique, in her grace. That she is patient with even me… Woe betide anyone that seeks to take advantage of her gentle heart." - Edda Eglantine
  • "I've seen that man following after her recently. That mercenary. He'd better watch his hands if he wants to keep them. I'll not let her be hurt again." - Coatleque Crofte
  • "I've only had t'pleasure of meetin' Lady Jancis on a few short occasions... well, in addition t'heraldin' her fortitude fer pie inhalation... but rest assured each an' every one of them were as much of a delight as she is." - Odette Saoirse
  • "The more I hear of Miss Milburga's kindness, and the more I witness it, the more I wonder. Was it always like that? It feels that the woman, at times, has no will of her own, and truly is a perfect creature of the Gods. Sent only to do good--and nothing else. Eorzea might need characters such as her, but knowing if we deserve her is another matter. I pray she does what she loves, and loves what she does." - Nathaniel of Salem
  • "Jancis is like the morning sky when the sun rises: warm, kind and unforgettable. Something that always makes ones heart sore to see once more." - Carina Roussos
  • "She's one of the most... socially awkward Hyurs I've ever encountered? Nonetheless, she has a great heart to her and I feel she keeps my brother in line well enough..? Halone that must be a feat keeping him in line..." - Armont De'bayle
Open for outside participation; feel free to add to.



Jancis Milburga was born as Lleuedwyn Fishcot, daughter of a middle-class merchant family. The Fishcots were known for their ability to export fish and were a successful travelling merchants. Misfortune came upon them on a trade route in the northern part of the Twelveswood; their caravan was overrun by scouting soldiers looking for monks from Ala Mhigo.

The Rest of the family murdered in the heretic hunt, the toddler Lleuedwyn was left to die in the woods. The soldiers had not been far off, refugees from Ala Mhigo as supporters of the monks escaped before persecution had been near the caravan. Coming to salvage what was left, they found Lleuedwyn and kept her as an asset to survive. Hiding out in the dawn of war, they found a secluded cavern deep in the Shroud protected by the Elements and the Woodswrath because they were caring for a child of the woods.

The highlanders were known as "Guardian" and "Shaman Milburga". Lleuedwyn was referred to strictly as "Child" and taught basics of survival, given books, and even taken into close villages with a mask and large clothing. She was mostly secluded from interacting with others and learned most of what she knew in the world from books or overhearing her two "protectors". As she grew into adolescence Shaman Milburga began to teach the child how to feel and understand the elements; partly to continue their protected place in the woods but also as a means for the girl to take care of herself later on in life.

From one of the many books Jancis picked out her own name and became more restless with the lack of interaction that she had so often read about. Over time she became more aware of her situation, the fate of her parents, and a limited recollection that she was an orphan. She became more adventurous and gathered items from her 'secret outings'. Caught on several outings, Guardian decided their time was up in the seclusion and the war had left more refugees around Gridania.

Giving her some supplies, Jancis was left out on the road with instructions to find the city and appeal to the generosity of the Conjurer's Guild. For about five years she worked for room and board while studying the art of conjuring and is now at the point to explore the world and build her future.

Connections / Achievements

Jobs, Groups, and Companies

Milly Red by Antain.jpg
  • Daily Routine and Company Connections
  • Jancis is a private in the Maelstrom, working as a medic. Her primary role is to travel around the island and assist the local settled pirates and families with ailments and other basic needs. She will typically be talked into helping out with manual labor chores.
  • Outside of working, she will practice her conjury and meditation on the sea cliffs of the Mist, the streams of Lavender Beds, or another quiet area where she is travelling.
  • Sits around the Admiral's Waterspire and waits. [Collage] [Bench Moments]
  • Part of the Branded Clandestine.
  • A former member of the Harbingers of Dawn.
  • Former member of The Coral Sea.
  • Orator to the Twelve.
  • Odd Jobs
  • [Grindstone]: Works some nights as a healer for the competitors. [Scene]
  • Jancis has basic cooking skills and specializes in skillet/campfire. She avoids baking after a traumatic experience and deceit that made L'aenoh swear off baked goods.
  • While studying with the Conjurer's Guild in Gridania, Jancis paid for her studies by working the kitchen at the inn, cleaning dishes and taking out food.
  • Presses flowers into books and makes potpourri and paper with them. Usually binds the paper into books and journals.
  • Basic botany and alchemy for items like extracts, tinctures, teas, and blood-specific plasma like antitoxins.
  • Singing at shows and friend's events: [Celebration of the Greatest Gift]
  • Speaking at formal ceremonies and events for blessings, funerals, bondings, and reflections.
  • Tutoring on reading and writing.
  • Pilgrimages: Making trips across Eorzea to become closer to the Twelve and the values they represent.


Jancis Milburga 16-bits - by Ilweran zpsregqfop1.gif
  • The Coral Sea: Furthering her career as a medic with the Maelstrom, this branch off free company assisted with un-official naval tasks and took on work commissions.Show text

  • Harbingers of Dawn: Jancis' first free company after being granted leave from the Conjurer's Guild. Based in the Mist at the time, the group worked on benevolent mercenary duties in a military structured ranking. Also commissioned to provide guards and escorts to pilgrims to the stones fo the Twelve. Show text

Milly Red

Milly Red is another of Jancis' name, but particularly a stage name for performances and songs that calls out to ideas and feelings that revolt the conjurer.

Born out of a need to contact a 'famous' former slave by means of winning an audition to perform next to the woman. Rumor spread about the outfit through the bard community until Jancis was asked by Nathan Telluride to put the costume back on and sing at his gatherings and shows time to time.

Jancis' persona was built from one of her favorite nicknames, Milly as Val Nunh calls her, and the color red she had been wearing. Adorned in a red and silver wig, including bright choker, large dangling earrings, a pants suit and bold sleeves are typically the attire.

There's no difference in Jancis' mind between the 'alter-ego' and herself. She'll always refer to the idea as something she read in a book; that in art it helps to sing about either "something you love or something you hate" to truly give a sincere performance.

In this case, Milly Red will typically sing about exploring something uncomfortable or taboo.


Lower Spangledance

Overlooking one of the many streams of the Lavender Beds, this Boarding House hosts a permament room free of rent for Jancis, Barengar, Chachanji, and Virara in their roles of breaking the Ruby Shadows' grip on the heirarchy of Gridania. Once a den for the sinister rogue group, the building was reclaimed by the city-state and funded by patrons and benefactors to clean the house of traps and information, creating a boarding house for the independent adventurers.

Organized as the Babbling Brook Bour under the house's steward Valeriaux Marqualie, Jancis takes a responsibility in the house's daily maintenance and tending for the animals and plants mostly around the house. Other patrons include Leanne Delphium particularly for the seasonal additions and library collection.

Lower Spangledance includes an open kitchen, library, study hall, lounge, and chapel, and garden. Rent includes room and board, due at the first of the Moon. Chapel and theme is always kept up to date to celebrate the Twelve associated and other Eorzean observances.

  • Inhabitants
  • Ms. Magpie: Elezen lady with a no-nonsense attitude that keeps the household tidy.
  • "Ivory": A chatterbox mi'qote that takes care of much of the workings of the house; a regular handy man. Friendly and loves to talk, he can be relied on to have spare building materials in the house storage and will sell it at cost.
  • Autumn Wind: Main hostess of the residents of the boarding house, this roegadyn helps out the renters with gear, food, and other basic needs.
  • Bun: A small bun mushroom seedkin that lives under the raised foundation of the house. Mainly feeds off of the rodents and moss that tries to grow under the house. Can be spotted bathing in the fountain.

[Images of Lower Spangledance]

Notable Items

  • Animals
Jancis by tohoru 12-d8wl8es.png
Jancis by Gharen.png

From the nuturing nature, people have gifted Jancis with animals she calls "Little Ones" like children. With the help of others, relying on Tausenadel in particular, she tries to provide them a safe haven while also challenging them.

  • Kuchen: A calico cat with an endless appetite. Given to Jancis as the prize for the Flame Festival from Erik for eating the most pie. Because of the reason, the feline's name means just that, pie. Rumored to have eaten that actual prize, therefore becoming it and wanting to go home with Jancis. She spends most of her time around the infirmary looking cute and tricking people out of their food, keeping up her marshmallow-like body despite Jancis' walking trips.
  • Pumpcoblyn: A small runty coblyn with a whining habit. He will keen in a pitch when concerned, scared, or hungry. Given to Jancis by Tausenadel after he had a clutch of the critters; happy with the story she shared at one of his gatherings. Enjoys sitting in potted plants or under shelves. Earned his name by hiding under a hallowed-out pumpkin during All Saint's Wake causing mass chaos in the Coral hall.
  • Muffin: A unicolt with a timid yet maternal attitude. A prize from Little Ladies Day celebration from Sen. The colt was named by Avenio and Faolan, though Faolan promptly argued about the absurdity of naming an animal after food.
  • Unnamed Critters she tends to: Tortoise, Tadpole, Fawn
  • Belongings
  • Moonstone Linkpearl: A small round sphere that glows softly like moonlight. A gift from Engelbert he claims to have been made by the evil genius Garrett, this linkpearl is one of two that link their owners' aether signatures together, giving the capability to speak to, know the general direction of, and general condition of the other's owner. Barengar gifted Jancis a clasp to hold the pearl like a pendant on a necklace, made of rhodium and shaped like two wings folding over the stone.
  • Mammet Bird: A small mechanical bird made of a metal skeleton and false feathers. Runs off of wind shards and can take vocal commands for hopping about or flying in circles. A gift, once commission, from Cliodhna Eoghan to assist in teaching abandoned birds to fly.
  • Twelve Watch: A locket of polished silver with filigree covering the piece and hidden latch. Opening the watch, the face of the piece is a continuation of the filigree to depict the symbols and representations of the Twelve for Bells as well as Moons. After opening the watch, the current honored of the Twelve appears briefly within the locket. Treasured gift from Aya Foxheart symbolizing Jancis' work for orating pilgrimages to the Twelves' stones. [Screenshots]
  • Water Talisman: The item is slung upon a slender but sturdy chain. A pendant of sorts… a talisman. It thrums to the touch, vigor pulsing, igniting nerves with the cool sensation of a dip in a lake on a hot day, of gentle rain. Looking upon it, it is a vivid blue stone in the shape of a wide pitcher, spilling metal water from it to form a frame about the stone, intricately carved to show off each ripple of bubbling spring pouring forth from the vessel. The symbol of Thaliak lies boldly carved in the center of the stone, within the vessel, shimmering faintly. When clutched, when a bit of one’s personal aether touches it, a presence is nearly felt, a strong sense of ‘being’, of the Scholar and the word ‘Ewer’, chiming in one’s head with the came cooling, refreshing sensation. Serenity, peace, a deep well of understanding. Gifted to Jancis from Ashmira to help the conjurer overcome the hardships she endured after losing love and keeping up with the pilgrimages. Jancis can tap into its power every so often to ease pain and bolster her energy. [Reference]
  • Desert Rose: Magical purifying plant that belongs to Gareth Evershield. Retrieved from the abandoned and cursed estate where the man grew up, Jancis tends to it in a pot in her quarters keeping it where it can get a lot of sunlight and takes it out regular in fair weather. The plant is always in bloom and petals regrow, plucked only rarely for the worse of corrupted flesh and materials. [Reference Post]
  • Spade: A small blackened iron garden spade. The item itself has a curious handle that's not a design for digging tool. The spade was originally a dagger which was held by Jancis' captain in case her and Ja'ren's possession by the powerful voidsent, Gwendoline, became permament and the company failed to save them. Throwing the dagger to the sand, Jancis retrieved it and brought it to a close friend, Sir Gegenji, who melted down the metal and reforged it into something more fitting. The original hilt was reused.
  • Herb Satchel: A small cloth bag, no bigger than Jancis' palm. It is tied with a bow faded in color and filled with sweet smelling roots. Embroidered with an initial "M" on the front, the satchel is plain otherwise. Given to her by Lady Edda; a goodluck charm the lady made when she was young. "A small herb satchel made by her brother for her 16th nameday, with Edda's middle initial sewn on it. Worthless, but high sentimental value." [Source]
  • Flower Scroll: Parchment with a simple arcanima spell, with instructions written for novice casters or those unfamiliar to arcanima. When cast, it would create an image of a beautiful field of flowers, according to the season and month. The scroll itself is hand-drawn with care, to ensure that the spell would be usable for repeated uses.
  • Red Scarf: A regular-sized square scarf of shimmering red silk which no other decoration to it. The silk it is made of, however, has fire aether within it from a very delicate process of some of the adapted creatures among the crystals around the land and picking up the elemental aspect. The scarf itself always gives off a subtle warmth.
  • Wooden Fawn: A fairly large wooden carving, about the length of her forearm, depicts a gentle and observant fawn from the Twelveswood. The wood itself has been scented with oils to have an aroma of violets.
  • Red Lotus Stone: Kept wrapped in handkerchief, a small crimson gemstone, flat and palm-sized with the symbol of a Crane is somehow carved within it. The gem has subtle aether trace that connects this stone to its many others and a device called "The Lotus".
  • Feather Hair Clip: A silver hair clip adorned with a aquamarine gem and the feathers of a rare bird found on La Noscea. A gift from Oscare, who found the bird and got some of its magnificent feathers, had the clip made for her as an apology gift and a token for the Starlight Ball.
  • Birch Squirrel: This squirrel seems to be perched on part of a log, one of the common animals of the Shroud she grew up. The carving has a very organic feel where knots and twists in the wood were used in the design.
  • Rosewood Crane: A small hand-sized crane carved from a rich rosewood. The bird has been polished many times and has very simple deeply-scored details of wings to give it a glossy and smooth appearance.
  • Cushioned Rug Bed: A leather and fleece rug built with extra padding in it. A gift from Otto that he made personal when she continued to refuse one of the beds he had crafted. The man delivered the rug himself. While most of her furniture belongings were made by Otto, this one is by far the most endearing.
  • Lapis Ring: A simple silver ring with a small lapis lazuli set. The blue stone in this ring once belonged to the mask Jancis would wear while travelling. Promising her first love to not wear the mask anymore by giving it to him, the mask was shattered and all that remained was the stone. Later on, it was set to be her engagement ring. The item is kept on a chain now instead.
  • Painting: A hand-painted map of Eorzea done in more artistic brush strokes than one for locating and serious use. In particular on this painting are key points highlighted: the city states and everywhere of note that pertained to what Z'enath and Jancis knew of together at the time.
  • Seashell Charm Bracelet: A small scalloped-shaped silver charm had the engraving "L.F." upon it. The bracelet itself was also silver and meant for a toddler's wrist. The item was given to Jancis' first love and lost somewhere, possibly in the snowy mountains of Coerthas.
  • Map of the Black Shroud: Now just disassembled pieces of paper from the amount of times it's been folded and re-folded, this old map is outdated and written over, erased, and written over again. A random assortment of 'landmarks' and notes are on it to determine where Jancis was raised.
  • Coverless Book: Her favorite book, the binding is worn out and it's carefully kept in a handkerchief to keep from losing pages. It's where she chose her name from and inspired her to fight for freedom which brought her to where she is today. It's basically based off of The Renegades of Pern if she references it with dragons and nomads and discovering what life could be.


Misc Fun Stuff

  • [Way to the Future - Theme Song for Jancis from Dhemgeim]
    • ♪The way that you love dear, the fate of the world you leave behind ♪ A way to the future, making a moment built to last ♪ You want to love, well now's your chance ♪ "To me, Jancis is someone full of opposites. She is strong, and gentle. She is withdrawn, but extroverted. There is so much honesty within her, but she's mysterious in her quiet nature. The clearest thing I've ever seen about Jancis is how she loves. She loves everyone, good and bad, because they are people and to her that is the most important of all the things. Jancis is someone who wears her heart on her sleeve, and is strong enough not to let it get broken by the world. The slow but up-beat tune of this song suits her to me. I love the way it goes up and down, because I feel Jancis must have had a lot of hardships in her life. But overall, this song is full of hope."
  • [Legend of Mana - Music for Jancis from Edda]
  • [Fountain of Life - Theme Music for Jancis from Barengar]
  • [Aerith's Theme w/ Erutan Lyrics from Barengar]
  • Art:
  • RPC Post References: