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<li style="background-color: #efdede; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #964b4b; margin: 5px;">"Found her in the woods with my own two hands on patrol.  Don't know how a girl makes it that deep into the Shroud on her own, especially at her age.  It's a mystery... though I could have sworn I heard tittering laughter all around me after I spotted her..." - ''Elbent Duritair, Wood Wailer Scout''</li>
<li style="background-color: #efdede; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #964b4b; margin: 5px;">"Found her in the woods with my own two hands on patrol.  Don't know how a girl makes it that deep into the Shroud on her own, especially at her age.  It's a mystery... though I could have sworn I heard tittering laughter all around me after I spotted her..." - ''Elbent Duritair, Wood Wailer Scout''</li>
<li style="background-color: #efdede; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #964b4b; margin: 5px;">"She's connected somehow to Kelvothan's daughter.  Yeah, that's the one.  The Nibelung woman who got kicked out of the Wailers.  If she ain't careful, she's going to sabotage her own career consorting with that one." - ''Kristin Baleforge, 'Assembler of Facts'.''</li>
<li style="background-color: #efdede; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #964b4b; margin: 5px;">"She's connected somehow to Kelvothan's daughter.  Yeah, that's the one.  The Nibelung woman who got kicked out of the Wailers.  If she ain't careful, she's going to sabotage her own career consorting with that one." - ''Kristin Baleforge, 'Assembler of Facts'.''</li>
<li style="background-color: #efdede; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #964b4b; margin: 5px;">"She doesn't speak of her early childhood much, my Elle.  She had a family... had a best friend and another life many malms away that she was suddenly yanked from.  I can't imagine how tough it must be to start over... I can only hope our help gave her the second chance she needed." - ''Shandra Nightbloom, Adoptive mother of Elle Nightbloom''</li>
<li style="background-color: #efdede; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #964b4b; margin: 5px;">"She doesn't speak of her early childhood much, my Elle.  She had a family... had a best friend and another life many malms away that she was suddenly yanked from.  I can't imagine how tough it must be to start over... I can only hope our help gave her the second chance she needed." - ''Melody Nightbloom, Adoptive mother of Elle Nightbloom''</li>
''* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.''
''* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.''

Revision as of 19:22, 29 April 2021

Elle Nightbloom

"Until we are next reunited, my beloved."

Character Information
Full Name Elle Nightbloom
Race Au Ra
Subrace Xaela
Gender Female
Relationship Status Widowed
Nameday 17th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Age 30
Guardian Nymeia, the Spinner
Birthplace Azim Steppe
Tribe Tumet
Occupation Soldier

General Information

Elle is a former Serpent Soldier of the Twin Adders who currently works as security for the Purple Orchid cabaret of Mist. Her young life has been frought with both hardship and heartache, and as a result she is beginning to bend though she is not yet broken. She does not talk much, preferring to be alone with her thoughts though she is a loyal and steadfast ally.


Elle's dark toned skin is offput by her piercing silver eyes, regarding those few who try to strike up a conversation with the reserved woman. Her ashen hair is tinged with silver streaks, though whether the result of some hereditary quirk or simply hair dye is unknown. Dark scales adorn her face, and her horns display prominently upon her visage, a trait her family was known for in the Tumet tribe. She is usually adorned in full mail armor and carried swords that would seem to be too large for the woman to swing about yet she handles with ease.


Personality Traits

  • Reserved
  • Stern
  • Polite
  • Dispassionate
  • Loyal
  • Observant
  • Protector
  • Responsible
  • Enduring
  • Detached
  • Meticulous


Elle prefers to isolate when possible, allowing others to take the lead in things while maintaining a constant vigil. When forced into a leadership role, however, she takes the responsibility seriously and is a very hard worker. She rarely inteferes in other's affairs unless asked, though is quick to do if a friend is threatened. She can stand for hours in one spot simply observing going-ons and losing herself in her thoughts. A meticulous planner by nature, Elle prefers to always have a plan and has trouble adapting when things go awry. She is a friendly and pleasant person, and has recently begun to step up to take responsibility for more security in the Purple Orchid Cabaret.

Philosophy & Ideals

Elle's short life has been filled with hardship and having good things snatched away from her. Most recently having lost her fiance in tragic circumstances, it has shattered her view of the world, particularly when it comes to justice. She no longer believes in such things as karma, believing that the gods do what they do on a whim. She takes particular pleasure in enforcing the law and bringing cruel people to justice, seeing it as her way of doing what the cosmos will not. Trying to pick up the pieces of her past, Elle takes things one day at a time.

Personality Tidbits

  • She typically wields extremely large and bulky swords, a leftover from her tribe which valued a person by the size of their weapon.
  • Elle rarely does anything spontaneously, preferring to keep a detailed schedule and sticking to it.
  • A wonderful tracker in the wild, Elle sharpened her skills after her childhood ordeal, vowing never again to lose her way.
  • She enjoys eating foods that would otherwise be unpalatable to those around her, a quirk from the steppes where she lived. Despite what others might think, Yak testicles are a delicacy.
  • Despite having no magical ability of her own, Elle is quite capable at mending wounds. Whether that is an herbal poultice, setting a broken bone, or cauterizing a wound, she knows several more practical methods to dealing with injury.
  • Elle has been captivated with the stars, a result of many nights spent staring at them while in the plain. She knows most constellations by their tribal names, and can generally use it to find her way.
  • Elle shys away from wearing clothing with no practical purpose. On the rare occasions she is forced into wearing a dress or other such formal wear, those around her are treated to a flustered and embarassed woman.
Likes Dislikes
  • Following Protocol - Elle likes to have a plan for most situations and if one doesn't exist... she will design one.
  • Fables/Myths/Tales - Ever since she was a little child, Elle has been captivated by stories told by her tribe. As a tribe that primarily kept their history alive through storytelling, Elle is captivated by stories about fantastic places, mythical beasts, and legendary people... even into her adulthood.
  • Tests of Martial Ability - Elle loves to hone her edge. Though she does not revel in killing or bloodsport, she does enjoy being tested and finding ways to improve herself.
  • Calm Comradery - Elle is at her happiest when everything is quiet amongst her friends and family. Sitting around a campfire talking, enjoying a meal together, or even simply working on a project in a communal environment. Elle is happiest when times are simple and good.
  • Cultures and Traditions - Captivated by the ways of others, Elle enjoys learning the customs of others, primarily their traditions and beliefs. Elle goes out of her way to honor other cultures, doing her best to emulate gestures, proper etiquette, etc.
  • Having Purpose - Elle likes to be striving towards something in her life. When she is idle or otherwise aimless, she tends to fall into moody depressions, feeling directionless and alone more than ever.
  • Intrigue - Elle would rather speak plainly and has an innate distrust of those who would wheel and deal behind closed doors. To her thinking, things that have to be hidden can never be for good ends.
  • Abandoning those who need help - Driven by a strong sense of morals and fair play, Elle seeks to reciprocate the kindness she was shown as an abandoned child to those in need. She willingly champions those who have none to stand up for them, and has a strong sense of justice.
  • Voidsent - Voidsent robbed Elle of her fiance, and she goes out of her way to seek and destroy Voidsent whenever she catches wind of their location.
  • Treating others differently due to prejudice - Elle is a strong believer in one's actions speaking for themselves. She does not tolerate those who allow their prejudices or racism to color their opinions of people.
  • Travelling by Ship - Daughter of the plains and wood that she is, Elle's lone trip on a ship ended with much vomiting and seasickness. She has little desire to repeat the experience.
Skills Education
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat
  • First Aid
  • Tactics
  • Weapon and Armor Construction/Maintenance
  • Tracking
  • Basic Gridanian Education
  • Twin Adder Military Corps
Strengths Flaws
  • Calm and Observant - There is little that escapes Elle's notice. Calm and level-headed even in a crisis, Elle is a wonderfully dependable person. Patient and reliable, you can always count on her to stick to a plan.
  • Warrior of Tree and Sky - Elle is proficient with most weaponry, though her weapon of choice is primarily larger swords. She could fell a steppe animal with a bow when she was seven, learned to carve a deadly spear from a tree sapling at eight, and took down her first bombfish in the water before she was nine. Her skill only sharpened in adulthood when she joined Gridania's Twin Adders.
  • Adaptive - Elle's early childhood was tough, as her younger years were spent amongst the warring tribes of the Azim Steppe. Out of necessity, her family taught her many tricks. This trait only amplified itself when the second half of Elle's childhood was spent in Gridania. She is a quick learner, and capable of coming up with materials or plans with limited resources.
  • Diplomat - Soft-spoken and belonging to two different worlds, Elle has a knack for diplomacy. Her natural charisma makes her someone who others look up to naturally, and she often is seen as an arbiter in disputes... since her friends trust her to judge every altercation with an impartial eye.
  • Nihilist - Elle has lacked stability in her life and just when she was starting to find her place in life, the rug was pulled out from under her feet. First when her tribe abandoned her, and then secondly when her fiance was killed. Behind her exterior lies a pained and bruised woman who is tired of starting over.
  • Blunt - Elle comes from a world of practicality where pointing out somebody's flaws was seen as doing them a favor. After all, those with unaddressed weaknesses did not generally last long on the Steppe. She often speaks her mind plainly which is wonderful for analyzing a tactical battle, and not so great at the Royalist ball.
  • Simplistic - While she gained a basic education and learned to read while in Gridania, Elle found herself bored with more scholastic pursuits. She knows little of the sciences, the arcane, and other esoteric knowledges, instead having focused on simpler trades like fishing, hunting, etc.
Fears Favorites
  • Being a Letdown - Elle often drives herself tirelessly into whatever task she is assigned, often to the point of obsessiveness. She would sooner endure physical injury rather than disappoint those who are important to her.
  • Failed Protection - Elle constantly fears for those she protects from harm. Should she be bested by a foe, her greatest fear is that her weakness would doom those that relied on her.
  • Claustrophobic - Elle carries a pretty intense fear of closed spaces. As most of her life has been spent under vast skies, the rare occasions where she has been trapped in small places is enough to induce panic in the usually courageous woman.
  • Camping/Stargazing - Elle would rather sleep outside where she can gaze at the stars. She loves the vastness of it all, and it makes her feel free.
  • Competition/Games - Strategy and Tactics require a sharp mind, and Elle loves engaging in wargames and other simulations to hone these unique skills.
  • Foods of the Steppe - Despite the second half of her life being spent in Gridania, Elle's tastes never quite migrated with her. She still loves traditional steppe food, and has even acquired a taste for Airag.
  • A reliable companion - Elle would rather get to know one person very well rather than be acquaintances with many people. Though she is slow to form connections, those who earn the woman's trust will find they've earned a loyal friend and ally.
  • Weaponry - Elle enjoys seeing and learning about new martial weaponry. Swords, bows, axes... it all fascinates her... just keep those weird guns and tools away from her.

Early Life


Elle was born to a pair of relatively unremarkable tribesfolk of the Azim Steppe. As a member of the Tumet tribe, one of the smaller and weaker tribes of the steppe, her practical training began almost as soon as she could walk. Constantly on the move and forced to less fertile lands by the stronger and larger tribes of the steppe, life was a constant battle for survival and she learned tasks such as milking goats, watering horses, and tending to campfires. While life was hard, it was not joyless and Elle learned to love her lot in life at a young age. At the age of seven, she learned to shoot her first bow, and even used it to kill her first rabbit. Needless to say, the skills of dressing and skinning the animal quickly followed. As she grew into preadolescence and her tribe was bullied around, she experienced the struggle of survival and felt the first pangs of learning how to protect what was close to her. Her father began to teach her the basics of swords, spears, and combat - though she thankfully never had to practically use them at her young age.


When Elle turned ten, her tribe prepared her for their tribe's most sacred rite of adulthood: The Tumet Exodus. The Tumet Exodus is a practice dating back many generations of Tumet tribesfolk, where children who have reached their tenth summer are blindfolded and tied to a sacred tree. Once they are secure, the tribe rides onto their next location while the trapped child struggles to break free and catch up. Those who are successful are brought into the tribe with a full name and considered a member of the tribe. In accordance with tradition, Elle was tied to a sacred tree along with three other children while the tribe rode away on horses. Once the sound of hoofbeats faded, the rite had begun. Brimming with confidence and sure of herself, Elle thought she was ready... only to flounder from the onset.

She struggled to free herself from the tree, blindly using her teeth to loosen the rope fibers enough to be able to wiggle free from her constraints. After what felt like hours, Elle managed to free herself from the tree and rip the blindfold from her face. The abandoned ropes of the other children lay nearby; Elle had been the last to get free. With the sun setting on the horizon, Elle desperately did her best to follow the tracks of the horses as she had been taught, following the tracks. Still, the steppe is a big place, and night fell making her going all the more difficult and slower. Slower still then, when the rains began, obscuring her vision further and muddying up the tracks of the horses. Elle soon could no longer follow the trail, the tracks becoming unfollowable in the heavy rains. Cries of monsters and other beasts of the steppes echoed all around her, and she begun to run wildly, losing her way even further.

Hopelessly lost as the wind howled all around her, Elle sought refuge underneath one of the rare trees of the steppes that she had somehow found her way to. Cold, hungry, wet, and frightened, she huddled underneath the boughs of the savannah tree. Shielded from the rain under a particularly large exposed root, Elle fell asleep. It was the last time she would see her homeland.

She awoke to the sounds of chirping birds. Not the screeches of the hawks that flew through the skies of her home, but the chirping of forest birds. Bolting to her feet in alarm, Elle looked around at an alien landscape the likes of which she had never seen before: a verdant forest. She heard the voices of men, and her heart leaped into her chest, thinking that somehow the Dusk Mother had blessed her by bringing her to her family. She ran towards the sound, only to be greeted by the startled expressions of several green-masked men and women. Confused and unable to speak the language of the Wood Wailers who found her, the overwhelmed girl fell to her knees and wept, very much alone.

The Wood Wailers brought the lost orphan back to Gridania, where she was fed, clothed, and bathed. An interpreter was sent for, who did their best to understand the little girl. Elle's story was beyond comprehension, the girl having traveled malms overnight through inhospitable territory and into the Gridanian wilderness. There was simply no explanation for it, and so without any real way to find the girl's family, Elle was reluctantly sent to a Gridanian orphanage. While the hearts of the Gridanians were full and caring enough, there was little interest in adopting Elle as most Gridanians had never seen a Xaela before and her horns frightened them. Little interest that is, until Jasper Nightbloom visited the orphanage. Jasper Nightbloom and his wife Melody saw the lonely girl, and fell in love with her. Thus would Elle become part of the Nightbloom family.

Jasper and Melody did their best to acclimate the foreign girl to their household. Fearful that her appearance and mannerisms would alienate her from the other children, the Nightblooms decided to teach their adopted child themselves. They taught her the basics that other Gridanians had mastered at her age such as simple mathematics and how to speak the Eorzean tongue. As the years drew on, Elle slowly became acclimated to her new life, though she often wondered what happened to her family on the steppe.


Thirteen years later, at the age of twenty-three, Elle enlisted with the Twin Adders. The unusual adopted daughter of the Nightblooms was well-known at that point, and the Gridanians had grown accustomed to her horns and scales. With her parents' blessing, Elle decided she wanted to protect her new home and so was welcomed into the ranks of the Adders. Her natural martial ability learned from the steppes allowed her to excel in their ranks, and Elle soon became assigned to a division in the South Shroud. There, she would continue to rise in ranks until she became the rank of Serpent Corporal. Her hardworking ethic coupled with her modest and friendly nature earned her the respect of her peers, and she was soon leading small divisions of privates on simple exercises. It was around that time that she also met the man who would capture her heart: Ardo Steelturner. A Serpent Corporal himself around her age, the two found they had much in common: Both the same age, both adoptees, and both sharing a love of the outdoors.

It was not long before Ardo and Elle would become lovers, the two confiding in each other and relying on each other in the vigorous Twin Adder lifestyle. Ever the consummate soldier, Elle always put her duty first, but Ardo was a close second. Three years into the relationship, Ardo would ask for Elle's hand in marriage. Elle accepted, and they were to be wed in the summer. Her heart blossomed in this new life, and despite having lost her first home, Elle found like she had found a new place to belong.

Elle's second life tragedy would soon come to shatter her world into a thousand pieces.

Recent Times

Elle and Ardo were soon commissioned for a special assignment together: to protect a small research team as they made their way into the Amdaporian ruins. A rather simple assignment as there had been little activity in the area, the two thought little of the request. To their surprise, they would also be escorting a special guest: Wailer Commander Kelvothan's daughter, Lily Nibelung. Again, not thinking much of this development, Elle and Ardo departed for Amdapor Keep along with several researchers and a small complement of other Wood Wailers.

Arriving at their destination, the group would begin to conduct their research, and soon uncovered a previously hidden sanctum where within lay a floating recepticle. Perhaps driven to recklessness by the magnitude of their find, or perhaps there was some other nefarious power at work. Whatever the case, the researchers recklessly triggered the mechanism from which a dark mist poured forth. From the mists, came hordes of shrieking voidsent which set to butchering the party. Despite fighting valiantly, the Serpent contingent was overrun. Elle could only watch in absolute horror as her lover was torn asunder by the jagged blades of a horrific looking voidsent. Blind with grief and rage, Elle sustained several injuries as she charged forward with reckless abandon. Elle would have died there herself, had Lily not conjured forth a powerful barrier to divide Elle from the rest of the voidsent. As the chamber began to collapse from the powerful unleashed magic, Elle only barely managed to escape with her life.

Gravely wounded with a broken leg and the sole survivor of the expedition, Elle managed to drag herself away from her lover's tomb. She forced her way south in a daze, where she collapsed in the Rootslake Swamp. She would likely have succumbed there, had she not been found by Zena Ralene, a stranger who had been sent to find Lily's whereabouts. Zena nursed Elle back to health, and Elle returned to Gridania to recuperate and report to her superiors. Elle would also meet Lily's friends, Zozola Zola, Lalamune Zazamune, and others who were desperate for word of Lily's whereabouts. Numb with grief, and her world falling away around her yet again, Elle dutifully informed the group of Lily's assumed fate. After reporting, Elle returned home where she allowed herself time to grieve. The tale was not over yet, though, as the Xaela would learn that this entire ordeal had been orchestrated by a voidsent named Lydaea, who had usurped control of Lily's corporeal body. She would later assist Zozola and the others in driving Lydaea from Lily's body, thus sparing Zozola the fate of her lover that had been so grievously inflicted upon her.

The Shroud felt empty to Elle, and she found little joy in the things she once did, seeing them as inconsequential without her lover by her side. She took little joy from the things that she once did, only remembering the times that she shared with Ardo doing them. Emotionally wounded and lost, Elle decided it was time for a change of scenery. She requested a leave of absence from the Adders, and left the Shroud, intent on starting over elsewhere. Several days and an unfortunate boat ride later, Elle found herself in La Noscea where she began looking for work. She was surprised to find that Zozola and company had established themselves in Mist and were looking for additional hands for the security of their Cabaret. She wasn't sure why, but she found herself at the front door of the Purple Orchid Cabaret where she was promptly hired by Lalamune. She remains there to this day, wiling away the hours in stoic silence while guarding the cabaret's lounge. Few are those who approach the Xaela woman, but those who do are greeted with a polite smile and a wordless nod, a smokescreen to the turmoil that lies in Elle's wounded heart. She's not sure if this new place is her new home, but for now she is content.

Common Uncommon
These are rumors that are easily overheard or public knowledge. Use them freely!*
  • "Elle is a sweet child, though she sticks out like a sore thumb around here. Ain't many Xaela in Gridania." - Marie Irontoe, Blacksmith of Gridania
  • "Heh, you're right. Nightbloom ain't a Xaelan surname. She's th' adopted daughter of ol' Jas Nightbloom. Good on him for takin' in the girl when nobody else would." - Venn Darkbow, Auctioneer
  • "You'd think some of the cadets resent her for her quick rise through the Adder ranks, but Elle won them all over with her fair and just heart. She's a natural born leader, even if she doesn't know it." - Suwex Tuidonanc, Twin Adders, Second Lieutenant
  • "She loved my boy with all of her being and her heart shattered that terrible day. She'll always be my daughter-in-law, even if they never had a chance to get wed." - Gretchen Steelturner, Mother of Ardo Steelturner

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

These rumors may take a little digging to find. Use sparingly or ask permission before use.*
  • "I saw her go down to the Amethyst Shallows river late last night. She placed a bowl into the water, lit a candle and placed some flowers... and let the little makeshift vessel sail downstream. I saw the tears flowing freely from the girl too. Broke me heart, it did." - Efraux Peaufapaut, Aspiring bard
  • "I saw it! The butcher!! A horrible manifestation of death in the Brume that cut down scores of people. I thought the silver maiden and her friends were next... but they clashed blades and drove her off. 'Twas like looking at two halves of a mirror, it was." - Neiyie Letoix, Lowborn of Ishgard
  • "The way she handles that Zweihänder with only one arm is insane. There's no way that tiny arm could wield such a thing without magical aid... right? Right?! Me masculinity's at stake 'ere!" - Brilltuck Brassbarter, Limsan Scamp
  • "I heard she was around for that business a few moons ago when the voidsent presence in the Shroud picked up. Went out of her way to volunteer for the most dangerous scouting missions. I know a voidsent took her beloved, but this seems almost personal.." - Tristan Fireeyes, Twin Adder Soldier

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

Rare Player Descriptions
These rumors are very difficult to find. Ask permission before use.*
  • "Ah, here we are. Tumet tribe. Hmm... yes... I see. How interesting! The tome says the Tumet tribe ceremonially ties their children to holy trees and forces them to find their way back to the tribe to become adults. Seems a tad unreasonable to me... but many Xaelan customs are strange. You're certain she's part of the Tumet tribe? Fascinating." - Rimrimsa Rimsa, Scholar
  • "Found her in the woods with my own two hands on patrol. Don't know how a girl makes it that deep into the Shroud on her own, especially at her age. It's a mystery... though I could have sworn I heard tittering laughter all around me after I spotted her..." - Elbent Duritair, Wood Wailer Scout
  • "She's connected somehow to Kelvothan's daughter. Yeah, that's the one. The Nibelung woman who got kicked out of the Wailers. If she ain't careful, she's going to sabotage her own career consorting with that one." - Kristin Baleforge, 'Assembler of Facts'.
  • "She doesn't speak of her early childhood much, my Elle. She had a family... had a best friend and another life many malms away that she was suddenly yanked from. I can't imagine how tough it must be to start over... I can only hope our help gave her the second chance she needed." - Melody Nightbloom, Adoptive mother of Elle Nightbloom

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

These are descriptions of Lily made by other player characters.
  • "She's got leader material written all over her, only thing really holding her back is... Well, hell if I know. She's not perfect! But none of us are! Which is why she's a damn deal better than me!" - Vavamo Vamo, Security Member, Purple Orchid
  • "My first thoughts of her were that she wasn’t much of a fighter. But seeing her in action shows that she has more potential than she lets on. I look forward to seeing her progress." - Zena Ralene, Ishgard/Dravanian Negotiator
  • "She takes her work very seriously and can appear a bit harsh but underneath is a wry sense of humor and a welcoming personality... if you're willing to work to see it." - Adren Senkora, Airship Captain
  • "Elle? Dependable. Wish I had someone like her at my side when I was serving. She has potential to be a beacon of hope in dark times, should she push through that inner turmoil that reflects in her eyes. I am in her corner, and rooting for her." - Diana Galini, Former Purple Orchid Security Director

Relationship Status Key

  • Loved One
  • In Love
  • Attraction
  • § Complicated
  • Friend

  • Good Standing
  • Poor Standing
  • Neutral
  • Uncertain
  • Deceased
Partner Friends
  • WIP


Family Acquaintances


Likely Locations Affiliations
  • WIP: High Likelihood
  • WIP: High Likelihood
  • WIP: Medium Likelihood
  • WIP: Low Likelihood
  • WIP: WIP
  • WIP: WIP
  • WIP: WIP

RP Hooks

  • WIP


  • WIP


  • WIP


  • WIP


  • WIP


  • WIP


  • WIP



RP Preferences:

I'm open to roleplaying with just about everyone - Veteran or novice RPer alike! Walkups are welcome and encouraged. My only three real requests are:

First - That you try to keep OOC and IC interactions separate when possible. I really prefer trying to keep character interactions in-character, and trying to differentiate when I'm talking to your character and *you* is difficult when someone constantly switches between the two without a warning. So trying to use "(( ))" tags when possible is greatly appreciated! :)

Second - I welcome almost all backstories and roleplays. If you'd like to do some sort of life-changing collaboration storyline involving Elle, please clear it with me first so I can think about the story a bit ahead of time and make it an awesome experience for both of us! That being said, I almost never turn down playing a role in your character's development.

Third - Regarding character relationships, while I am okay with Lily becoming - slowly - involved with somebody romantically, It would need to be something that would be built up upon many roleplaying sessions. I also want to stress that it would be strictly IC and would have it not bleed into the real world. Please respect that I prefer to keep the boundary in-game and will respond negatively if you try to make it go beyond that. Thank you! :)

Other Information Credits

Last Updated: March, 2020

This theme was lovingly coded by Shieke. Feel free to use this theme for your character! I have taken inspiration from the following people: