Styliani Leo'ke

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Styliani Leo'ke
Styliani lens flair.jpg
Character Information
Full Name Styliani Leo'ke
Race Miqo'te
Subrace Seeker of the Sun
Gender Male
Sexual Orientation Homosexual
Relationship Status Single
Nameday 17th Day of the 6th Astral Moon
Age 21
Guardian Azeyma
Birthplace Limsa Lominsa
Tribe None
Occupation Adventurer, culinary artist
Family Iz'ya - Brother

General Information

Styliani Leo'ke grew up a pirate on the waters around Limsa Lominsa. He has always been very bright and friendly. When the Calamity happened he witnessed it from a distance, but it didn't take long for it to be far too close for comfort. The ship his family was on, his father's ship, went down. The only survivors were himself, and Sobibi- or so he thought. Six months later they found Trivont, his mentor on the ship. Much later Styliani found his brother Iz'ya once again. When he's not out adventuring, he typically enjoys cooking, dancing, and fishing.


Styliani has dark brown skin and lavender hair that falls to his shoulders with a few small braids. His eyes match his hair color, albeit are a bit brighter from the light reflecting in them. He has tattoos that adorn his arms, and one one his face. He's 5 fulms and 1 ilm tall, 5 fulms and 3 ilms tall if you include the ears. His tail is long, and very fluffy. Typically he wears black and white clothes, and a black witch hat. His style tends to be somewhat provocative, commonly showing off his stomach and legs.


Personality Traits

  • Excitable
  • Independent
  • Cuddly
  • Playful
  • Supportive
  • Energetic


Styliani is very energetic, always running from place to place. As a child he loved to dance and climb every surface possible on the ship. During the parties he would stick close to his mother, so he could be close to the source of the music. There were few other children on the ship, but it never stopped him from dancing with anyone and everyone. Often times he'd dance with half the crew before his energy ran out.

As an adult he remains very excitable, and will always chat up a storm with anyone who'll let him talk. When he gets a good evening to spend in the taverns he certainly enjoys it.

Philosophy & Ideals

He wants to help people, and will jump at the chance to help. He doesn't think much on life after death, or if karma is real. He just lives one day at a time, taking things as they come. He's not great at thinking about the future. He doesn't think much of the gods either. He's familiar with them, and commonly makes offhanded comments to them, but he's no devout worshiper of any of them.


  • Cooking: He likes to cook. As a child he was always watching the chef on the ship and helped him out as often as he could.
  • Music: He loves the concept of stringed instruments and woodwinds, but he's just never gotten the hang of stringed instruments. Much to his dismay.
  • Combat: While he's learned some physical combat, he's far more skilled in magic. As an adult that's fine, but as a child his brother always got upset because he was "cheating" when they would spar.
Likes Dislikes
  • Likes
  • Oceans
  • Sailing
  • Music
  • New foods
  • Parties
  • Caves
  • Deserts
  • Silence
  • Racism
  • Pointless death
  • Arrogance
  • Thaumaturgy
  • Culinary arts
  • Stealth
  • Sleight of Hand
  • Fishing/Dunefishing/Skyfishing
  • Swordplay: Rapier
  • Swordplay: Broadsword
  • Dancing
Strengths Flaws
  • Magic
  • Love
  • Empathy
  • Has a habit of distancing himself from others
  • He has no concept of time.
  • Dissociates.
  • Keeps moving until someone forces himself to rest or he collapses
Fears Favorites
  • Letting other get close to him
  • Losing those he cares about
  • Darkness
  • Losing his self control
  • Locations: Beaches, piers, boats
  • Foods: Seafood
  • Instruments: Flutes

Early Life


Styliani Leo'ke grew up on the seas of Limsa Lominsa. While most of his childhood friends were merchants kids, he was a pirate. He understood fairly easily that many people thought he was wrong to be a pirate, that he and his family should be arrested for criminal actions. But, he never agreed. They did what they did to survive. The idea that his family could do something else to make a living seemed ridiculous to him. Both his parents enjoyed their life, as did Iz'ya. He had no reason to doubt his way of life.


As he grew up he was eager to learn. He listened well to his father's lessons on sailing and pirating, his mother's lessons on music, and Trivont's lessons on magic. The only thing he didn't learn well was combat with weapons. Not that Iz'ya was a bad teacher, but what boy wants to listen to his elder brother? He also began to understand why those on land thought poorly of pirates. It was far from uncommon for him to kill others in the name of his own survival.


Since the Calamity he began adventuring. It's changed his outlook a bit. He refrains from killing where he can, in favor of trying to help others. He's not always going to refrain, and if someone deserves it then he's all too okay with doing it, but if someone asks him not to he will take that opinion into consideration. His main goal in traveling though, is trying to find his family. A year after the Calamity he crossed paths with Trivont again, and the hope that his family is alive was restored. It's still unlikely, but he has to hope.

Recent Times

In the recent months Styliani has joined several organizations. The Scions of the Seventh Dawn found him not long after he reached Ul'dah, although it took him some times before he joined them. Not long after he did sign on with them, the Grand Companies of each city-state came to recruit him. Minfilia highly recommended he join one, but hold his decision until after the remembrance ceremonies. As per her suggestion he waited, although from the start he was leaning towards the Maelstrom of Limsa Lominsa. Having grown up in Limsa Lominsa, to protect another city over his own just seemed... wrong. He still travels frequently, on jobs from both Scions and Maelstrom, but also just continuing his search for his family.

Common Uncommon
These are rumors that are easily overheard or public knowledge. Use them freely!*
  • "Styliani has a way of carrying himself that reminds me of a pirate. I wonder if he's got a background with those swashbucklers?" - Drowning Wench patron
  • "I've heard he'll do any job that comes his way, from cooking to killing. Is he really the hero we keep hearing about?" - Anonymous culinary guild member
  • "I've seen him playing with kids by the docks. I bet he'd make a good father." - Anonymous resident of New Gridania

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

These rumors may take a little digging to find. Use sparingly or ask permission before use.*
  • "I've heard he lost his family in the Calamity. That had to be rough, but he's so happy now. Makes ya wonder if it's true or not." - Anonymous adventurer
  • "Word has it he has fainting fits. Dun' know what the cause is, but should we really expect an adventurer that passes out to be that worth while?" - Anonymous miner
  • "He's helped a ton of people, everywhere I go I hear people singing his praises. But he seems too good to be true. Why's everyone in the city care so much about one adventurer? He's got to have some unscrupulous motive for doing so many unsavory jobs." - Anonymous resident of Ul'dah

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

Rare Player Character
These rumors are very difficult to find. Ask permission before use.*
  • "He's apparently a member of the Scions, but more than that, I've heard he keeps running off with Thancred. Is there something more than a work relationship between them?" - Vesper Bay merchant
  • "He's not from Eorzea right? What right does an immigrant- a Miqo'te immigrant none the less- have to be joining the Maelstrom?" - Anonymous Maelstrom Private
  • "Word has it his friendly personality is an act. He's a rogue and a killer. I don't think he's any better than the Garleans we're fighting." - Anonymous fisherman of Limsa Lominsa

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

These are rumors made by other characters. They are color coded for common, uncommon, or rare.*

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

Relationship Status Key

  • Loved One
  • In Love
  • Attraction
  • § Complicated
  • Friend

  • Good Standing
  • Poor Standing
  • Neutral
  • Uncertain
  • Deceased
Close Friends Family
  • Trivont

    Friend and mentor. Trivont taught Styliani as much magic as he could before his death. Styliani will always remember him fondly.

  • N/A
  • N/A
  • K'doh Leo'ke

    Father. K'doh cared very much for Iz'ya and Styliani. He raised them to his own ideals, which was a free life and doing what must be done to survive, but also be kind where one can be.

  • Cet'ly Leo'ke

    Mother. Cet'ly was a very joyful woman, always playing music and providing encouragement to those aboard the ship. As a parent she was no different. She taught Styliani to be a free spirit, go where he wants to, do what makes him happy.

  • Iz'ya Leo'ke

    Iz'ya is two years older than Styliani. As brothers do they argue and antagonize each other, but through thick and thin will stand by each other. Iz'ya biggest goal in life was always to protect Styliani.

Friends Acquaintances
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Momodi

    Barkeep for the Adventurers Guild in Ul'dah. She's very respectable, and Styliani is forever amazed by her ability to manage the guild and the bar at the same time.

  • Thancred

    Fellow Scion. When they first met Styliani wasn't too sure about him, thinking he was something of a pretentious jerk, but the more they ran into each other the more he saw himself in Thancred.

  • N/A



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Wiki Info Credits
This wiki page is updated as the character's story changes.

Last Updated: December 18, 2018

Please leave the credits section intact! Many people work very hard on their themes; please do not disrespect them!

This theme was lovingly coded by Shieke. Feel free to use this theme for your character! I have taken inspiration from the following people: