Vesna Novaar

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Vesna Novaar (Ves-nuh Noh-varr) - At first glance one would see the poised, athletic posture of a well-trained soldier amid pretty smiles, and prettier aesthetics. The girl’s agreeable manners and pleasant personality make her easy to be around in just about all company and she is ever eager to be helpful, obsessively doting on one singular person. An adventurer by trade, she spends her time conditioning for the next fight be it for leve or true adventure.

But there is an emptiness to her eyes the moment she looks away from interaction, when she is left to her own devices to wander thought and circumstance. Waiting. Patiently waiting for input. And when the heat of battle rises, pushing her beyond strained limits, there is a truth that blooms on those pretty features, a grimace where a smile once was, that tells you… someone discovered something very unique. Something that has never been done and only whispered about in half translated tomes and fantastic theories. Something that ought not be, yet defiantly does...

This wiki is still very much a WIP. Check back soon!


soldier . bodyguard . waifu


» NAME// Vesna Novaar

» ALIAS// Spiral

» RACE// Miqo'te

» GENDER// Female

» AGE// Twenty-Five

» NAMEDAY// 26th Sun of the Fifth Astral Moon (guestimate)

» ORIENTATION// Unconfirmed

» MARITAL STATUS// Unbonded; In a love


» NATIONALITY// Unconfirmed

» CLAN// Seeker of the Sun

» RESIDENCE// Inn, under a tree, rooftop... wherever is necessary

» OCCUPATION// Adventurer, bodyguard, servant

» HEIGHT & WEIGHT// 5 fulms, 6 ilms. Dense, ~155 ponze.

» ALIGNMENT// Chaotic Leo; Neutral Good

» COMBAT EFFECT AREA// Close Range; melee

» WEAPON TYPE// Axe, dagger, sword, unarmed, firearms


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Capable. Focused. Helpful. Blunt. Honest. Gullible.

On the surface, it’s easy to see that Vesna is happy and that she carries herself with a sense of formality and capability. Eager with sweet smiles and polite bows, she seems all manners and presentability, eager to offer her assistance to ease the burden carried by others. This generosity has managed to get her into trouble on more than a few occasions, as the need to be of use nearly supersedes all other self-fulfilling functions. Easily influenced, she has learned to ask a few more questions before taking the answers of others at face value, but she still has a lot to learn.

There is a peculiar thing about her personality that one might be able to acknowledge right off the bat: Vesna is awkward. Her humor is budding, she takes things quite literally, as is learning how to relax when the threat of violence seems so far away. She does try, though, and it’s easy to see she means well, even if the way she expresses herself may seem so wildly inappropriate that borderlines blunt honesty. She will likely warn you before hugging you, however.

Within her expert and militaristic poise lies a certain amount of focus and concentration, as if trying very hard to be careful with each movement, each touch of hand to another, and the replay of things to remember.

Over time, she has learned to take it a tad easier on herself, allowing the glow of friendship to ease her constant focus, allowing her to discover all the fun and beautiful things the world has to offer that have nothing to do with combat, survival, or servitude. Now, she makes the effort to enjoy the sweeter things in life, like the first time she discovered the taste of chocolate, or bubbly champagne… and especially the tenderness of a true love between a special person.


Leo. Self-Discovery. Exploration. Conditioning. Ralamano.

Her agenda is mostly simple: Keep Leo alive. Keep Leo happy.

If left to her own devices, she does pry into the occasional rumor that leads to the hazy corridor of her history, but if it strays her too far from Leo, she gives up and goes back to the only life she knows, which is with him and all their friends. Her goals beyond that are to maintain expert control over her unique set of skills, and doting on her friends and family.

The only other person who seems to have any real influence over her is one Ralamano Nulumano, and the two have not been seen near one another for quite some time.


Frustration. Trapped. Afraid. Content. Hopeful.
At the core of Vesna’s personality is a frustration with the uncontrollable impulses that rule her life. Sometimes she says something without it checking in with her brain before leaving her mouth, or she’ll react reflexively before realizing what she is trying to do, controlled by some muscle memory and instinctual need to survive. She wishes she was not a slave to this impulse, but has accepted and acknowledged it exists, and does her best to push through it without causing harm to situation, body, or property. Due to her history only being just over a turn old, the emptiness that greets her when she goes looking for more makes her very afraid. Not for herself, but for those around her. She truly believes herself a danger to others. At her core, she wants freedom, true freedom to act and be, and lies to herself that the influence Leo has on her gives her some taste of that freedom.

Somewhere deep down, she knows it could be worse.

Somewhere deep down, something tells her that the life she has now is the best thing and to just accept it.


What she can’t remember - Truly her greatest fear is what she doesn’t know about herself. There is a distinct lack of history that comes along with the girl; a blank slate found wandering the port of Limsa Lominsa some turn and a half ago. As facets of her history reveal themselves in the most inopportune ways, Vesna has developed a very real fear of what she can’t remember and how that can pose a danger to her comrades. What affiliations or attachments she had before meeting her companions concerns her on a daily basis, leaving her with little warning or planning on how how to best protect her only friends from anything else that happens to find her present state of life.

Beds - Since the first fall of sun and rise of moon, and being pulled off the streets of Limsa and the roof of one very particular house in the Mists, Vesna has avoided all contact with laying down, back first, on a bed of any sort. Remove the padded mattress and fitted sheets, replacing that with the hard cold surface of metal, and it will drive her into a panic not unlike the thought of seeing her own Leo dead in her arms.

Confined Spaces - Cold metal once again dominates another fear, this time burned into her memory from an experience that scarred her for the rest of her days, and that which nearly killed her in a most brutal, inhumane fashion that she still cannot comprehend the act of cruelty. While capable of keeping her cool adventuring in the close quarters of a cave, or walls around her, the touch of metal closing in and around her face scares the color right out of her cheeks. This, too, will insight panic in an otherwise easy-going girl.


She's trying so hard to be real when everything about her is just a pleasantly packaged lie.



♦ Leo (See: making Leo happy)

♦ Dancing

♦ Being helpful

♦ Training and challenging herself (physically)

♦ Helping people find and achieve their greatest potential

♦ Drinking


♦ Leo being out of her sight (in battle)

♦ Harming an ally

♦ Downtime due to wounds

♦ Having to be so careful (physically)

♦ Unable to control her mouth

♦ The brutality of Garleans


♦ Food - La Noscean Toast

♦ Drink - Hard liquor

♦ Color - Dalamud Red

♦ Place - High up, windy places

♦ Sound - Leo's breathing, training

♦ Smell - Leo, gunpowder, exhaust


♦ Stronger than average

♦ Faster than average

♦ High Agility & flexibility

♦ Able to pilot just about anything

♦ Teamwork

♦ Only sleeps 4 hours a night

♦ Obedient


♦ Leo

♦ Laying (on her back) on beds

♦ Gullible & naive

♦ Cannot cook to save her life

♦ That one spot on her back...

♦ Can seriously injure herself

♦ Majority of her healing is with potions


♦ Tactical Expertise (Intermittent)

♦ Magitek and Allagan Tech (Intermittent)

♦ Language: Allagan, Garlean (Intermittent)

♦ Training others (Combat)

♦ Firearms



Like a twilight sky on the edge of midnight, dusky violet makes up the prime majority of the miqo’te’s full tress. Left to its own devices and unbound, it falls to her shoulder blades fairly straight till it starts to form lazy spirals at its edges. A kiss of fuchsia rose --a highlight-- races along wispy locks at their end, with a victory lap just above her forehead like the finishing touch of an artist’s portrait.

While her story started her with short, shaggy, unkempt locks-- hastily and crudely cut-- it can often be found nowadays pulled up high into a practical ponytail, fastened by a thin, neutral colored string. A few stubborn wisps, too short to conform, often fall lose to tickle her cheeks and fall in feathered layers till just below her chin. Some days, the miqo’te will wear it unbound and mostly free, half a layer in loose, lazy plaits in a half-hearted attempt to keep most of it in line.


A healthy, warm glow practically radiates off of Vesna’s smooth, sun-kissed skin. Toasted almond dominates with the undertone of dusty rose where the shadows hit, but when the sun hits her just right, or a compliment blooms a full blush on the height of her cheeks, one could swear that gold glitters just above the rosey pink. Blemish-free, and despite her near excessive conditioning and life of combat, scars do not mar a single spot on her face and limbs, except for the hint of one marking, it's origin just beneath the collar of her shirt...


Vesna’s face has a pleasant roundness to it, tapered gently down by her chin to complete an overall oval shape of her face. Her cheekbones are set moderately high, with a soft curve, and she has a small nose, slightly flat against her face, with a gentle swoop at it’s bridge. Rich caramel-colored markings arc across her cheeks and forehead, typical of most patterns found on most miqo’te, and two cherry-pink tattoos sweep decoratively across her cheeks like the finishing touches of an artisan's painting.

Wide eyes of bright aqua blue--the kind one might experience on a sunny day by the coast-- pierce the darker tones of her skin and hair, contained by darkly lined, feathery soft lashes, with lids brushed bold of fuchsia and iridescent pearl. Her brows are perfectly shaped, thin, To complete the look, thin, petal-soft lips remain forever perfectly glossed in pink berry, maintaining their kissable look after every sip of drink... or week-long leve excursions.

In fact, come to think of it… the rest of her make-up maintains its pristine application no matter what she puts herself through… and it never changes.

BUILD (Balanced Light Middleweight)

Standing a fair bit taller than most miqo’te (even most female miqo’te), the violet-haired girl is built like a brick house. If you can catch her conditioning and training, short sleeves and form fitted shorts expose a ripped soldier’s physique that makes itself known with each flex of arm or swing of axe or sword. While she does not show it off often in the clothing she wears, there is no doubt of the solid frame that lies beneath simple cloth and leathers.

She is not so ripped, however, that she has lost the graceful swoop of neck to shoulders, or curve of back to posterior. Even her pleasantly perky bosom has not been lost to an overabundance of muscle, making her athletic figure pleasant to look at… if one happens to enjoy defined curvature and a challenge.


Often much like the miqo’te’s voice, her general expression remains just as flat, blank, and single-toned. Some would call it a pretty fair case of RBF, but the lack of positive or negative emotion within the flat of her brows or the simple roundness of her eyes as if waiting for input or direction might leave one more perceptive to believe she is just so focused on waiting, that there is little room for anything else.

Should she be more present in conversation or interaction, Vesna’s expression is one of genuine agreeability, delicately lifting her features into pleasant smiles, delightfully arched brows, and perked ears. Her smiles are easy and rarely open-mouthed, often refraining from the exposure of pearly whites or the parting of lips if not used for conversation.


Vesna’s posture is nothing if not rigid and perfect, carrying herself with the demeanor of one very used to military life; straight-backed, standing at attention, with her hands folded over the small of her back. Her gait is just as rigid, with solid footsteps to carry her forward in an situation that is not combat related. That is, she does not go stomping around, but often rather lacks any of the sway or delightful wiggle and bounce to her steps that most ladies of her age and build posses.

Which is, to say, that the rare occasion when she looks less concerned about how accurate her walk is, is far and few between. But every so often, the rigidity fades, and her elbows can rest on her knees as she sits, or she can lean back in her chair and cross leg over knee and just… relax. Sometimes, she’s not so uptight. Sometimes, she even acts like a lady.


Allagan Necklace - Encircling the girl’s neck is a most curious trinket, and one she is never seen without. To those who have been exposed to enough adventuring, the parallel and zig-zagged lines of the curiosity that give off a golden aural glow, make it quite clear that this is of some Allagan make. Rarely is anything from that influence just for show, so it is possible that it serves some kind of function...

Lion emblazoned ring - On the middle finger of Vesna’s left hand resides a very simple, silver ring, emblazoned with the visage of a lion mid-roar. This, too, she is never seen without when her fingers are outside the confines of gloves or gauntlets, and it’s value appears to be entirely sentimental.

Silver hoop (mini) earrings - Vesna wears a pair of simple, silver hooped earrings at at either edge of her fluffy, violet ears. They seem to serve no other purpose than she prefers to wear them, and having a preference is a very big deal to her.


★ If your character specializes in medicine or science as it pertains to anatomy, send me a PM for some special details they will notice.

Tattoo - There exists a tattoo somewhere on Vesna’s body, and one could catch a full look at it were she to wear proper summer swimware. Or nothing at all. One of those.

It could be a horrific scar - The ends of what looks like a horrific scar, made up of multiple tendrils fanning out from it’s source beneath her clothing, snake upwards from her chest to the base of her neck, and appear to be curiously tattooed over in pure, metallic gold.

Luminous skin glow (*) - Vesna’s skin is unusually luminous in sun or candlelight, maintaining some kind of charming golden undertone, with a hint of iridescence capture when the light hits certain facets of exposed skin just right...

VOICE (Ref: Christina Aguilera)

Raspy, mezzo-soprano, Vesna’s voice is always clear and always heard when she chooses to speak. She can project very well when addressing a group, exhibiting clear and concise vocal range with zero tolerance for mumbling. She does not often speak with a lot of emotional range, and seems to be comfortable with the monotone in her voice to carry on conversation or express her thoughts. As she is not incapable of impassioned speech, it is on the rare occasion that her monotone will break into something more lively.

While she does not speak with a lot of confidence most times(get her on training grounds and you’ll find someone different standing there), you can count on her to deliver orders on the frontline, or on the field training. Her inside voice is appropriate and well mannered.

By no means of bardic quality, Vesna is capable of carrying on on a basic melody if ever she does decide to use her voice to hum or sing, with a bit of a soulful heart just beneath the surface.

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Hazy… foggy…

Vesna awoke on the cusp of a day ceding to twilight, balanced on two feet, standing beneath the arches of Limsa Lominsa with nothing but the high-quality armor she wore, the simple-yet-sturdy axe on her back, and a small sum of coin in her purse.

How she got there? She doesn’t know. What was she doing? She forgot. Had she been traveling with someone? She cannot quite recall.

Roiling beneath her psyche, down into the depths of her core as answers slipped just out of her grasp, was an overpowering impulse to follow orders: Fight only to defend, help others, be kind, try not to drink too much and find… find...

The subsequent misdemeanors, near-deaths, successful missions, celebratory banquets and dances, wakes, heartbreaks, adventures, and friendships to follow once that first step was taken have done much to alter and richly fill the blank slate she had awoken to, some turn and a half ago.

Clues have surfaced along the way, disturbing and dangerous as they may be, to set her on the side-path of self-discovery. Why might this not be her first priority? Perhaps something more important gets the full sum of her very persistent attention… and that something is most certainly adventuring at the side of her friends and her beloved, who is someone so much more to her beyond that.

What still lingers at the edge of her memory yet to be discovered? What mystery may be kept locked away just out of her grasp? Whatever it is does not sway the confidence she maintains to accept responsibility for them, and most importantly, that she is not alone to do so.

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Romance  Attraction  Platonic Love  Business  ♦✔✓✔✓ Positive  Neutral  Negative  Uncertain 


Jessica Bacon ( ) - Perky Tattoo Artist
Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description


Leo Arkwright ( ) - Tenacious Master Swordsman[1]
Tethered in so many ways.

Khoba Lhyr ( ) - Carefree Companion [2]
Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description

Emilienoix Bellegarde ( ) - Alluring Master Thief[3]
Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description

Kodaro Ba'rococo ( ) - Streetwise Hercules[4]
Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description

Kikira Kira ( ) - Opulent Heiress[5]
Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description

Ralamano Nulumano ( ) - Enigmatic Librarian[6]
Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description

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Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

Description — Who.
Description — Who.
Description — Who.

Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

Description — Who.
Description — Who.
Description — Who.

Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Ask before using.

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Description — Who.



Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Ask before using!

Description — Who.
Description — Who.
Description — Who.

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CREDITS: Layout template loosely based on a culmination of work by: Bancroft Gairn & Xheja Rajhera (vanilla layout and colored headers), Unnamed Mercenary (tabs), D'lyhhia Lhuil (header table), and Tsaganarii Dhoro (coding: sidebar images) with adaptions, and pain-staking troubleshooting by Odette Saoirse (feature-blurb code, some headers, dashed line text break, this credits text).

Continuing that, extensive formatting edits for proper code functionality for edits within the ffxiv-roleplayers wiki format, color coding, custom images, descriptor text, adding and conforming the informational tabs to the same table as the header information, and troubleshooting broken code from other sources by Vesna Novaar. This was by no means a copy-paste and clipart endeavor, but if you want to use this particular page as a template, feel free to, just make sure to give credit to the people mentioned above.

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