Ralamano Nulumano
Ralamano seems to be a happy enough Lalafell working as the Lieutenant of the Maelstrom Foreign Levy 81st Company. His work with the Arcanists' Guild in Limsa Lominsa has been put to the side, much to his superior's despair. He displays avid interest in history books, though he does his best not to discriminate against any new texts that come into the library. This interest was a fault. Often he'd be found wandering or reading instead of doing any real work. More recently, this focus has been turned to the various issues plaguing the members of the 81st. Ironically, he's become a workaholic.
His driving goal is innocent enough: gather knowledge for the sake of later generations. After all, those who refuse to learn from past mistakes are doomed to repeat them.
Ralamano is an average height by Lalafell standards. His ears aren't particularly pointy, nor are they very long. His most defining features are his teal eyes and his hair that nearly matches. After years of practice, he has nearly perfected the art of keeping calm. The only expression acquaintances will ever see from him is cool and collected.
Like any proper scholar, Ralamano can never be caught without at least three notebooks and enough ink to pen a novel at a moment's notice. He takes notes on anything new he comes across, which is often the newest book he happens to be reading at the time. His years of constant reading by candlelight has forced him to wear a simple pair of glasses.
His favorite outfits are the robes he wears as an assessor and simple robes and shirts otherwise. Suits and formal wear are types of clothing he never became accustomed to and he is uncomfortable whenever he's forced to wear them.
Ralamano can easily come off as cold and callous, due to his "all business all the time" attitude and his need to always be working. Other times he may attempt to overcompensate for this persona with extreme politeness. He appreciates directness in interactions and generally tries to be as straightfoward as possible. Though he despises being seen as incapable or adorable due to his race, he is willing to use these misconceptions if they are particularly advantageous. Typically quiet, he loves to speak up if he can offer advice or knowledge on a particular subject. This may make him seem like a bit of a know-it-all.
His passion for learning is his most prominent trait. If he meets someone he finds interesting, Ralamano will usually begin jotting down notes immediately. Knowledge is what he lives for, and an opportunity to learn is one of the few things that will cause him to rush ahead without thinking. He is often conflicted internally at this, since he knows that unrestrained potential is a recipe for disaster. His goal is to share as much as he can with as many people as he can. A bit of an idealist, Ralamano believes that everyone has the capability to better themselves if given the opportunity.
He respects power, determination, ambition, and caution. As a scholar and arcanist he is generally willing to re-evaluate his stance on an issue when new information comes in. He looks down upon those who are afraid or unwilling to pursue greater knowledge (including himself).
In battle, Ralamano's only real weapon is his mind. And of course the aetheric energies flowing through him. He won't hesitate in making a tactical retreat should he find himself in danger of being overwhelmed. He has more recently begun to value others a little more, and has faith that his companions will be able to see battles through even against the odds.
He sees the battlefield with a critical eye. Even though he previously rarely engaged in combat, Ralamano is able to keep his cool in a heated environment. In his mind, if he loses focus he is as good as dead.
The arcane arts are the only discipline he's studied properly. He specializes in defensive and healing spells, but has begun to study more offensive uses of aetheric manipulation. Rarely does he summon his carbuncles in the field, as his training with them is limited so far. Because of his history with the Thaumaturgy guild, Rala is quite afraid of that area of study. As much as he longs to delve into the mysteries held within that field of magic, he has so far been unable to make himself search further. This lack of resolve is a point of great frustration for him. He has so far been unable to find a good opportunity to delve into conjury, though he hopes his work with the Arcanists' Guild will allow him the opportunity to travel and learn.
If the occasion calls for it, Ralamano has been known to hurl his grimiore at others. Though reluctant to do so, he knows he has the tools to recreate one if necessary. His latest one is well-bound with iron, as he's found himself in more dangerous circumstances lately.
WIP Will be updating soon.....(eventually)!
- Loloto Loto - Mother
- Momotiku Nonotiku - Uncle
- Nanalo Nalo - Younger Sister
Friends and Allies
- Trisselle Rondelet - Introduced to the company by S'aerdha, her self-assured nature was a negative note to Ralamano. Even so, he continued to be respectful of her position and accomplishments. After telling her of his true opinions, they had a falling out. His interactions were then more careful, but he quickly found himself feeling comfortable around her. This confusion culminated into a trip to visit her past, and later an admission of their feelings for one another. Afraid to feel close, Ralamano retreated into his work with the company and left Trisselle alone at the worst time. Feeling contrite, he is working his hardest to correct his wrongs, pushing himself beyond his own expectations. She is the person with whom he is most himself, despite his best efforts to stay guarded. Somehow she manages to push through every barrier he sets up, and he adores her for it. Although he truly wants to love her, he refuses to put any personal interests above his duties to the company. Even so, he showers her with gifts and adoration when he can. He is intent is to steer her away from her negativity, and only wants for her to find herself again.
- Y'lyfriel Sikah - One of Ralamano's closest confidants. Her skill with the arcane arts is something he's seen plenty of, but her creativity and level head are traits he admires. Her sympathetic view of him causes him to temper his sometimes extreme prejudice against himself. He enjoys their discussions, and holds her advice in very high regard. She is one of the members of the company he respects the most, not only because of his interest in her abilities. He also values the trust she places in him, and finds himself striving to do whatever he can to ensure it is justified. As he has now stood with her against a monster from her past, he finds that he has gotten to know her significantly better. He is glad the birth of her child has brought her such a calm mind and a surer step.
- Rhesh'ir Zhwan - A jokester, a frustration, and a friend. Ralamano doesn't entirely dislike the bard, despite their many differences in how they view the world. A leader of the group, Rhesh seems to be battle-hardened despite his air of nonchalance. After spending some time as lieutenant of the company, Ralamano is beginning to see why Rhesh'ir was chosen to lead. Ralamano is touched by the concern shown to him, and is slowly beginning to open up. He finds himself wanting to build a stronger connection in the near future. He also hopes Rhesh'ir's son will help the man find a way to better express his feelings.
- Rinha'li Dhavha - Although Rinha'li seems to be in rough shape every time they meet, Ralamano believes he has a lot of potential. He sees the Keeper as a bit of a pupil and hopes to help mold him into a proper arcanist. In doing so, he does not want to sacrificing the fresh view Rinha'li brings to subjects Ralamano had once thought well-researched. He is particularly impressed by Rin's dedication to learning, regardless of the stakes. After learning of his past, he has no doubts as to his resolve. Instead, he now stresses caution. Ralamano hopes that with his literal demon banished, Rinha'li will gain some confidence as he grows.
- Kodaro Ba'rococo - One of the first to impress Ralamano with his fighting prowess. Though his close-combat style is something the scholar would never attempt, the Lalafell can appreciate a competent fighter. He sees Kodaro as a positive force in the tribe, working hard for his friends. Ralamano admires his positive attitude in spite of the loss of his eye. Kodaro has proven himself a capable lieutenant for the company, and his enthusiasm is appreciated. Though Kodaro's big heart may conflict with Ralamano's more pragmatic approach, he values the man's thoughts on decisions in battle.
- Tahla'li Tayuun - Powerful, but wild. Ralamano sees Tahla'li has potential, but at first didn't see willingness from the young Miqo'te to hone his skills. He finds the Thaumaturge to be rash. Though Rala doesn't show it, this worries him a great deal. More recently, Tahla'li has shared some of his knowledge with the scholar, which has quickly won his good graces.
- Dawson Colwell - Ralamano sees Dawson as the definition of calm and caring. He is sociable, and manages to get the Lalafell to speak up. He is interested in pursuing further talks with the hyur, aiming to learn more about conjury and its effects. He is competent in battle and quick to aid his allies, including emotionally. Still, Ralamano knows so little about Dawson and would like to remedy this fact.
- Onuma Ahntifi - Ralamano has grown much closer to this woman over all the time they have spent together in the 81st. He believes he has found something of a kindred spirit. Ralamano is confident that any disagreements they may have can be solved amicably, though he has realized that they have much more in common than he thought at first. After a few encounters with her at his side, he has come to value her protective nature. He sees the way she always leaps ahead to protect her allies, and the way she supports them when not even fighting. Valuable traits to have in a friend, and he easily considers her one of his closest. Her blunt and honest nature is something he values about her. He hopes to support her through the losses she has suffered, even though he has yet to deal with his own.
- Lotan'to Jiub(Deceased) - One of the tribe that Ralamano had hardly spoken with. In one of his first missions with the company, Lotan'to saved his life. After hearing of the Miqo'te's past, his opinion was only slightly modified. Perhaps because Rala was a relative newcomer, he did not judge the lancer as harshly as the others. In every interaction past that point, Ralamano saw no reason to worry. Lotan'to's dedication to Onuma was a huge positive since Ralamano had begun to care for her, as well. His death at the hands of a Garlean officer struck Ralamano deeply. He dealt with Lotan'to's passing in a more healthy manner, and is beginning to be able to look back upon their interactions with more positivity.
- Rah'na Lihzeh - Though Rahn'a may still act childish at times, Ralamano knows that he has great inner fortitude. After aiding in the salvation of his tribe in the Shroud, Ralamano has come to show more respect for him. As harrowing as the ordeal was for all of them, it was likely the worst for Rahn'a. Even so, the young man continues to support his loved ones without hesitation. Rahn'a has become a very capable conjurer. Though Ralamano believes he still has much room to grow, that can only be a positive thing if he continues to improve as he has been.
- Ehrinn Thorn - A relatively new recruit, Ralamano finds her experience reassuring. What little he has seen of her has been nothing but impressive. She is calm and capable, and has lent her valuable skills to the company on every occasion she has been asked to. He wants to keep an eye on her for further developments.
- Noor Falmah - The young girl has made quite an impression on the resident lalafell. Her introduction to the group proved extremely useful when she was able to provide antidotes for a hallucinogenic the group was soon to face. He also saw her work with Rah'na's tribe, her preparedness saving the day once again. Her healing skills have aided the company members time and time again. Her interest in some of the more scholarly pursuits means that Ralamano is most interested in speaking with her much more. Recently he has become a little more concerned about how far she is willing to push her research.
- Leo Arkwright - Most of the times Leo opens his mouth, Ralamano feels like groaning. His constant attempts at wordplay and womanizing do not mesh very well with the scholar's personality. Even so, Leo's idealism is somewhat engaging when it does not blind him to the realities of the world. Ralamano feels that he has lost Leo's trust, and the scholar is suprised to discover how much that affects him. As such, Ralamano has halted his attempts to reach out to the hyur and thinks of their budding friendship as broken.
- Lynn'wo Vahnal - Ralamano's initial impression of this Keeper was not entirely positive. Only after their mission in Amdapor did he begin to see Sparrow in a more sympathetic light. Since then, Ralamano has taken Sparrow's playful attitude in stride, and appreciates that he is still young and has much to learn about the world. Since Lynn'wo has seemed so contrite about his initial actions, Ralamano's first opinion is completely overridden. He may seem like just a jokester, but there is obviously far more under the surface. The Lalafell is proud that Lynn continues to be a member of their company.
- Seda'li Tayuun - Seda's initial impression was another negative one. His lack of respect for the company's home roused Ralamano's ire. After an inappropriate reaction born out of protection for his books, Ralamano apologized to Seda'li and found a different side of him. Since then, the scholar has started to come around toward Seda'li. Ralamano's primary concern is Seda's dedication to aid and protect their fellow company members. He has shown that much already. Moreso, he has shown a tenderness to Rahn'a that Ralamano can appreciate. Even over brief interactions, Seda'li is quickly earning Ralamano's respect.
- S'aerdha Tia - The longer Ralamano knows this Magister, the more conflicted his opinions become. S'aerdha has the ability to rile Ralamano unlike anyone he has met before due to his unrelenting arrogance. At the same time, the arcanist respects S'aerdha's knowledge and ability. The fact that he shows tenderness toward Rinha'li is a fact Ralamano finds difficult to reconcile. Some of Ralamano's distaste of the man may be the fact that he sees something familiar in S'aerdha. After managing to push the Magister away with unfiltered opinions, Ralamano has come to realize that S'aerdha truly wishes to see him and his companions succeed, in his own way. As such, and because of his knowledge in subjects Ralamano is afraid to study, the Lalafell finds himself relying on S'aerdha more and more. So far, he has not begun to regret it.
- Shoshopu Shopu - A willing student and a harsh reminder. As with anyone, Ralamano appreciates her eagerness to learn. He sees her similarly to many others in that he wishes to cultivate that curiosity while ensuring it doesn't get her into trouble. He has his work cut out for him with this one. Without him even realizing it, Ralamano has come to feel very protective of the younger Lalafell. He feels that her deadly aether condition was his fault for not accounting for the proper variables. He does not want to fail to protect her again. Despite the negativity from himself, he is happy to see her growing and finding a place with the 81st.
- Fyrilsunn Fiandoensyn - A man of few words. He joined at the same time as Shoshopu, and neither of them backed down from a task that could very well have seen them both killed. Ralamano respects that tenacity, and the skill Fyril has shown with his axe. As another long-term Lominsan resident, Ralamano feels a bit of camaraderie on that front. He hopes to aid Fyril however he can with his prowess in research. They could likely do very much if they put their heads together long enough.
- Ainle Goldpaw - Ralamano has slowly begun to get to know this young Miqo'te. He is fascinated by Ainle's skill at finer craftsmanship, and is eager to become his pupil to learn what the younger man knows of magitek engineering. Ainle has thus far proven a stalwart, if very shy, companion. In battle he leaps to the fore without hesitation, earning Ralamano's respect quite easily.
- Kikira Kira - The second young Dunesfolk Ralamano has come across, he sees her in a similar light to Shoshopu. He desperately wants to ensure that she is safe and happy with the 81st. Despite her bubbly facade, Ralamano sees the hurting girl underneath. He knows the act quite well. He does not want to push her to reveal anything she does not want to, instead offering her a space where she can simply be herself. As a show of trust, he revealed his own pain to her. He can only hope that he made the right move, and that she will see him as someone she can come to without judgement.
- Orcrist Saragin - A large and unsettlingly stoic man. Ralamano almost wonders if that is how he seems to others he meets, and it has caused him to reevaluate his demeanor. He knows very little of this man, only that he is powerful, loyal, and apparently somewhat interested in history.
- Lenwei Ancalime - Even though their interactions have been very few and far between, Ralamano finds a kinship in this Ishgardian. He recognizes another scholarly sort when he sees one, and is appreciative of not only the man's similar nature, but his unflappable nature in the face of the 81st.
- Raeventiel Beaudonet - A very opinionated Ishgardian, Ralamano has seen many sides of Raeven. He can be pleasant, and he can be harshly judgemental. The surest thing about him is that he is powerful...and a bit silly. Ralamano has so far not seen any reason to distrust him, especially considering the openness he has shown to the scholar. The honesty is quite appreciated.
- Kaito Whitewind - A young boy, eager to prove himself with skills he doesn't have. Ralamano appreciates Kaito's enthusaism to be a part of the 81st, even if the hero worship is a bit much. He is hesitant to have Kaito see any sort of action until he has had some time to train. His primary goal for the Doman boy is to provide a safe place, free from the harsh treatment of refugees given elsewhere.
- U'dhash'a Nunh - Ralamano appreciates Dhash's commitment to the 81st, even if he must be away to care for his own tribe. They have not had much interaction outside of battles together, but the man has offered his aid an expertise as often as possible.
- Z'koa Rhiki - The finest cook in the 81st. Ralamano is glad that she is employed, as he was eager to help find her a place with the company upon Ainle's request. She has proven more than worth the cost, as her cooking has helped to give the estate the proper feel of a home. He worries that their involvement in dangerous affairs could lead her to some herself, but resolves to ensure that such will never occur again.
- E'liah Tia - Another young member, that perhaps needs some guidance. E'liah is absolutely brimming with positivity, even managing to make Ralamano smile when he does not wish to. Though the scholar appreciates this, he knows the boy has a penchant for getting into trouble. He is glad that he has apparently been training in self-defense.
- Zarek Earthshaker - This mysterious highlander seemed to have appeared from nowhere. He is reserved, but has aided the 81st in some very difficult battles and helps to train its members. Ralamano has nothing but appreciation for the man, but wishes to know more about him and his motivations.
- Solelle Frilaix - Though Ralamano has not had long interactions with the Ishgardian, he finds himself respecting her when they do meet. She is generally more laid-back than the arcanist, but she has proven her dedication to the company members. When she speaks seriously, Ralamano listens.
- Stahl Shepherd - Stahl has been a quiet but reliable addition to the 81st. Like many others, he had a difficult history. The fact that he shared it with them so readily, and his constant support of the decisions of the officers has earned Ralamano's good graces. The scholar and the swordsman found much in common with each other. Stahl holds a guilt as heavy as Ralamano's, and they carry it in the same way. Ralamano has been very appreciative of Stahl's conversation and support. Maybe one of them will find out how to forgive himself, and Ralamano hopes it is Stahl.
- Lahn Flaval - An Elezen arcanist with a very different attitude from Ralamano, the "book lalafell". While he prefers the quiet of a library, she enjoys the thrills of the field. Though she is often found injured by the end of battles, she and her carbuncle fight with ferocity. Regardless of their differences, Ralamano appreciates the addition of another arcanist. Their relationship surprises Ralamano. A kind smile and a listening ear somehow coaxed details from the scholar that he is usually loathe to share. Since admitting such hard truths to her, she has become someone he heavily relies on. Her departure from the company has brought great distance in their relationship, but he hopes to see her again soon.
- Sighard Albrecht - The second Ishgardian Ralamano has met paints a much different picture of the city-state than Solelle. He is often polite and proper, greeting most with a smile. Even when he is not, he obeys orders without question. Though this endears him to the scholar, his underlying aggression worries Ralamano. He has at least shown an interest in learning to read, and Ralamano is happy to help him.
- Bram Uldthyr - Ralamano has found himself with some respect for the white-haired hyur. Bram claims that he is not terribly clever, but he has managed to take down a number of necromancers. What Ralamano respects most is Bram's calm and collected demeanor even when he disagrees.
- Oriel Durand - Ralamano and Oriel met very briefly on the return trip to Limsa Lominsa when Rala had first encountered the company. Since then he has scarcely seen the man. What little Ralamano knows of him is positive thus far. He is a bit odd, but he seems kind enough.
- Oliwat Kokiwat - Rala finds Oliwat a bit odd. He appreciates a fellow compiler of knowledge, and is quite interested in the makeup of Oli's mammet companion. The arcanist simply doesn't share the same positivity. He does empathize with what it is like to be the last.
- Adalhaid Rask - To his untrained eye, Adalhaid seems just as competent as Kodaro in the stances they take while training. He senses that she eagerly wants to improve, but he feels her lack of confidence holds her back. She did cause him to take a second look at how he treats chocobos, however, and perhaps her urging to spend more time at the stables has helped him. He should return the favor.
- Oswald Wolfsbane (NPC) - This highlander could once have been considered Ralamano's best friend at the arcanists' guild while they were training. He was one of the few people to give Ralamano the time of day, and so earned some amount of loyalty. He is hardly ever serious, and finds libraries to be too stuffy for his tastes. He has advanced to a higher position than Ralamano, and covered for his friend's lack of work. Since Ralamano's joining of the 81st, Oswald has seen less of him. Even so, their interactions have been more honest than ever.
- Maerwynn Sawyer (NPC) - Ralamano's most recent love, and the wife of Oswald. She was born and raised in Limsa, and struggled to reach her goal of being successful at the Bismarck. She is very different from the scholar, thinking less and doing more. After a chance meeting with Ralamano, they began a fast friendship. She was introduced to Oswald not long after. When Ralamano began to fear her getting too close, he pushed her away and avoided her. She turned to Oswald for support, and her and Ralamano's relationship was never the same. She finally managed to corner him, and they discussed the mistakes of their past. Though they cannot correct them, they are both happy to move forward. She is not afraid to stand up to Ralamano's misguided perceptions about himself, and often does so to try to get through the arcanist's thick skull.
These are people Ralamano may have a working relationship with, but does not necessarily consider them particularly close. In some cases, they may be antagonistic but not outright hostile.
- Senelle Silverlight - One of Ainle's adopted mothers, Ralamano finds her company pleasurable. She is intelligent and polite, and all of their conversations have been quite interesting. He hopes to learn more about her work after some initial familiarity with the devices Ainle is familiar with. Perhaps he can help her find a way to improve her strange aetheric condition.
- Emilienoix Bellegarde - An unrepentant thief. Ralamano had once considered that he was too harsh on this Elezen. Emilien's playful demeanor toward taking from others, his behavior toward the scholar himself, and accusations from his past have proven Ralamano fully justified in his mind. When once, the Lalafell was willing to help Emilien learn more about himself, their arguments were too much and he was requested to stop his aid. Ralamano gladly stepped away, and all but ignored Emilien in the future. Due to a falling-out Ralamano was not involved in, Emilien left the 81st. As far as the scholar is concerned, that is for the best. Unfortunately, Ralamano is being pulled back in as a Chief Sergeant of the Twin Adders has come looking for the rogue. As much as Ralamano dislikes Emilien, he would like to find the truth above all else. Still, he will be cautious in all interactions with either party. He hopes to save the 81st from any reprecussions for holding Emilien as long as they did.
- Vesna Novaar - A mystery. Her total and unrelenting dedication to Onuma is her most defining feature, and her most puzzling. What he has heard of Vesna's history conflicts with the woman's own understanding of it. She has begun to show a curiosity about why she doesn't remember anything before coming to Limsa, or why she hangs on every word Onuma says. When Ralamano tried to discover more for his own curiosity, the resulting actions put great strain on the 81st. As such, Ralamano has resolved to have nothing to do with the mysteries surrounding the woman, and no one seems to disagree with his assessment. She acts as a reminder of his error, and so he treats her with a cold professionalism despite knowing that he must overcome these feelings himself.
- O'vitah Nunh - Ralamano has had very little contact with the man. What the scholar can figure out is that O'vitah often directs new and innocent faces in the company's direction. Whether or not this is for the best is still to be seen. He seems confident in his skills. He obviously requires further watching.
- Rhysaufort Celestaux - Rhys was another newcomer who simply barged into the company's home. After fleeing initially, Rhys and O'vitah explained that the Nunh had directed Rhysaufort toward the company because of the elezen's research. Knowing he was another scholar calmed Ralamano somewhat, and he did not object to further study. He has recently learned of his relationship with Lahn and its subsequent termination. This does not color Ralamano's opinion in any particular way.
- Raging Sun - A brute. Ralamano finds she is good for her fighting prowess, but disregards any orders or tactics. Her wildness is a liability and her stubbornness is off-putting. Thankfully, he has had little contact with her at all.
Ralamano does not currently consider any living person his enemy. Probably. (Shifty eyes at Emilien)
Common Rumors
"I hear they just keep him around because he's a good researcher." - Mealvaan's Gate Assessor
"He spends more time in the library than his apartment."
"I can't say I've ever seen his family visit. Or heard a word of them. Maybe Lalafell really do hatch."
Moderate Rumors
"There's more to him than he lets on. He has some history in Ul'dah, that much I know for sure. Probably."
Rare Rumors
"There's word that he does some dangerous things when he get curious."
PC Rumors
Please, add your own! Or PM me to add it.
- "Never have I known a man similar to the Lieutenant. Though wise and foolish at once, I could not imagine myself nearer to a worthier partner. It is a pity that he will likely never realize this for himself." - Trisselle Rondelet
- "Ralamano. He was my anchor, when I felt myself slipping away. He was my light when I treaded through the darkness that was my fears and instability. Now, it is my turn to provide that for him. I love that man, and he will always have a place in my heart." - Onuma Ahntifi
- "He's the most powerful arcanist I know, and has saved my life on many an occasion. I hope I can be half as great as he is, someday... so that if he can't save himself, I can." - Shoshopu Shopu
Tropes: The Smart Guy, Straight Man, The Stoic, Apologizes a Lot
Music: Probably has some
Alignment: Difficult to pin down
This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea