Lily Nibelung

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Lily Nibelung

"Welcome to my apothecary shop. Do you need a tincture?"

Character Information
Full Name Lily Nibelung
Race Hyur
Gender Female
Relationship Status Single
Nameday 14th Sun of the Second Astral Moon
Age 24
Birthplace Gridania
Occupation Apothecary/Conjurer

General Information

Lily has had a fairly diverse set of experiences in her life for one who has not yet seen twenty-five summers. As a young adult, she was inducted into the Wood Wailers as a fledging member of the Fifth Spears, much to her father's delight and pressed into service keeping the forest paths of Quarrymill safe. Surprisingly adept for one so inexperienced, she found herself able to keep up with most drills and exercises performed by the Fifth Spears. Her career as a wood wailer was not meant to be, however. During a fairly routine mission to cull the annually rutting antelopes on the forest paths, she fatally skewered and killed one such antelope. As the light left the animal's eyes, Lily felt a profound sense of sadness that touched her soul. A few days later, Lily resigned her commission as a Wood Wailer, putting up her lance, still stained crimson with the blood of the beast she killed. The next few weeks saw the woman lost, wandering Gridania without purpose, until she was approached by Master E-Sumi-Yan, the conjurer guildmaster.

Sensing the turmoil in the woman's soul and recognizing her inner potential, he introduced her to the soothing ways of the elementals and the healing power of white magic. Thus, did Lily begin her first tentative steps into the path of the Conjurer. In the years following, Lily continued to progress to the point where she recently became a white mage. Though still learning to master the raw power of the healing magic, she vowed she would never again kill if it could be helped. Recently, she has opened a small apothecary shop, where she uses the woodland skills she learned as a Wood Wailer to procure the herbs and plants needed.


Lily has a somewhat average frame, very slightly trending towards the petite side. She is not very muscular, giving her the deceptive appearance of one who might be as delicate as the flowers she tends. Nevertheless, Lily has a surprising amount of resilience, perhaps as a result of the many exercises she attended as a Wood Wailer.

She stands roughly 5'2", and has long flowing blonde hair that carries way beyond her shoulders. Her soft blue eyes exude an aura of serenity, and she meets most onlooker's gaze with a hesitant, timid smile.


Personality Traits

  • Conjurer
  • Serene
  • Innocent
  • Quiet
  • Shy
  • Gullible
  • Protective
  • Unworldly
  • Botanist
  • Animal-loving
  • Apothecary


Lily is socially awkward, preferring the company of her bird Syl and her plants. Somewhat ignorant to the world at large, it is easy to take advantage of her naivety. When she is out in an unfamiliar place, she is often painfully shy and difficult to get to open up.

She is a dilligent worker, and maintains a sense of responsibility to her fellow conjurers or guildmates. The serenity and calmness she exudes is contagious, and those who spend time in her company that are prone to rash action oftentimes find themselves reconsidering. A nurturer, she finds herself fussing over the most trivial of injuries to her companions.

Philosophy & Ideals

Lily is nonviolent by nature, preferring to talk or bargain instead of resorting to blows. She is quick to see the good in people, which can bite her when these people fail to deliver on promises or expectations. She has a love of animals and those who cannot protect themselves. When pressed into service as a white mage, she throws herself into the battle with an almost reckless abandon, doing everything she can to keep her companions safe from harm. Though shy, Lily has begun to feel the urge to go out and see the world outside the doors of her apothecary shop. With the gentle insistance of a good friend's urging, she can be persuaded to go out into a social situation she otherwise would not go.


  • Behind the gentle smile and the petite frame lies a voracious appetite that puts even the largest Roegadyn to shame.
  • Innuendo is often lost on the young woman, leading to situations and jokes at the oblivious girl's expense.
  • She has a tendency to stammer when flustered or uncomfortable which can make understanding her difficult.
  • Lily's tolerance for alcohol is quite low. As she often goes out drinking with her alcohol-loving friends, she can end up quite inebriated trying to keep up.
Likes Dislikes
  • Animals - the cuddlier, the better.
  • Finding new plants she can work with.
  • People whom she can empathize with.
  • Drawing with Charcoal - she's no expert, but she does enjoy drawing.
  • Singing - though she'll never admit it.
  • Violence
  • Travelling via Aetheryte.
  • Puddings/Slimes/Oozes - Yuck!
Skills Education
  • Conjury
  • Botany
  • Alchemy
  • Proficiency with a Lance
  • Wood Wailer Basic Training
  • Conjurer's Guild Graduate
  • Botanist's Guild
Strengths Flaws
  • Healing - Between her mastery of white mana and her many tinctures, she seems to have a medicine or cure for any ill.
  • Botany - Her time spent with the Wood Wailers familiarized her with the Shroud, and she can identify most plants with ease.
  • Resilient - Deceptively resilient despite her gentle nature, Lily is not one to give up easily.
  • Naive - Lily has very little life experience, especially in matters pertaining outside of Gridania.
  • Overly-trusting - Lily is quick to assume everyone has good intentions, and generally can be pretty easily tricked or talked around.
  • Insecure - As the daughter of a high ranking Wood Wailer Commander, Lily worries that she has become a disappointment to him.
Fears Favorites
  • Lily is terrified of putting her friends in danger as a result of incompetence or inaction. She worries that one small mistake on her part could doom her adventuring companions.
  • Lily's only brother, Jeruh, has gone missing. He was mixed up with some shady Ul'dahn business and she fears he might be dead.
  • She hasn't spoken of it even to her closest friends, but Lily has begun to have vivid nightmares when she sleeps. These nightmares are a culmination of all her insecurities and fears about her life, and it is slowly beginning to affect her work due to exhaustion.
  • Syl - Lily's pet Bluebird has bonded to her and is a constant companion at her side. Often seen flitting around her shop, Syl has become one of her closest companions.
  • New foods and tastes are one of Lily's favorite things to experience. She loves to try foreign cuisine, and would probably order everything on a restaurant's menu if left to her own devices.
  • Stories captivate Lily, spurring her imagination. She loves to listen to tales from other adventurers and often forms unrealistic expectations of places from the often embellished tales she hears.

Early Life


Lily was born to the Wood Wailer Commander Kelvothan and his wife, Cecilia. She is the youngest child in the family, having an older brother - Jeruh. With her father often-times missing due to his responsibilities in the Shroud, Lily spent most her childhood as a companion to her brother's various mischievious schemes. Lily's first tragedy struck when she only seven years old, as Cecilia took ill. Despite all the ministrations of the herbalists and conjurers in Gridania, her mother passed away one night peacefully in her bed. This loss was felt particularly hard by the young girl, as her older brother also left during this time frame to begin his formal apprenticeship in the Wood Wailers. Feeling lonely and isolated, she attempted to make friends with the other Gridanian children. Perhaps in part to her shy nature, she often found herself ostracized and teased among her peers until she simply stopped trying to fit in. Instead, she spent her time on the outskirts of Gridania, playing with the various critters that would happily accept the scraps of bread she would bring them.


When Lily was 16, she formally entered the service of the Wood Wailers as a cadet in an effort to win her father's approval. Surprisingly, she was an able recruit, capable of matching up with most other Wood Wailer cadets in sparring matches and earning the respect of her trainers.

By 18, she officially became a member of the Fifth Spears of the Wood Wailers, stationed in the South Shroud near Quarrymill and tasked with keeping the roads safe for travellers. During her tenure, things were relatively quiet, and so Lily spent many a shift observing and learning more about the woodlands around her. This fascination with the natural order of the Shroud grew into a lifelong passion that she still carries with her to this day.

During one of her shifts, Lily and her squadron were sent on a mission to cull a pack of rutting antelopes that were running amok and hurting travellers in the area with their aggressive tendencies. As Lily and her companions engaged the beasts, one of the animals charged at her. Instinct taking over, she deftly struck and skewered the animal through the heart. As the beast lie writhing at her feet in its death throes, Lily felt a revulsion that shook her to her very foundation. She fell to her knees, dropping her lance and wept bitter tears as the light left the animal's eyes, cradling the antelope's head in her hands all the while. Soon after, the other animals had been driven off by the rest of her companions - but there had been a cost to her inaction. Arthro, one of her Wood Wailer companions who had been at her flank, had been gouged by a flanking animal and gravely wounded. As Lily looked up with her blurry tear-streaked eyes at her Wood Wailer companions, she saw scowls and disgust in their faces.

Lily never again raised her lance. Three days after the incident, she resigned her commission, and returned to Gridania in shame, blaming herself for Arthro's injuries. Too ashamed to return to her father, she wandered the city in a daze seeking solace for the turmoil in her heart. One evening, sitting on the outskirts of the city as she did as a child, she was found by Master E-Sumi-Yan of the conjurer's guild who had taken a short walk in the early evening hours. He noticed the young woman's rapport with nature and recognized the potential within her for channeling white mana. Soothing Lily's wounded heart, he was able to convince her to return with him to the conjurer's guild where he took her in as an apprentice conjurer.


Lily has spent several years in the employ of the conjurer's guild where she practices her conjury daily on those petitioning for aid. Recently graduating from the guild as a full-fledged white mage, Lily has only just begun to explore the power of the elements within her. These days, she owns a small apothecary shop that operates in Mist, where she uses the knowledge she learned during those long nights as a Wood Wailer to brew all sorts of elixirs. Her lance, still stained crimson with the blood of the fallen antelope, sits above her mantle as a reminder to her of that fateful day. She is often contracted out through the Conjurer's guild to aid bands of adventurers who need a white mage for their ranks. She accepts these commissions without complaint seeing them as part of her dues to the guild, but is secretly terrified that she will make a mistake much like that one day that will cost a companion their life.

Recent Times

Lily operates her apothecary shop in the subdistrict of Mist, where her potions are in high demand. With alchemy and botany not so common in the city of pirates, Lily often-times finds herself buried in work orders.

Common Uncommon
These are rumors that are easily overheard or public knowledge. Use them freely!*
  • "Did you know Commander Kelvothan has a daughter? Aye, Lily is her name, but they haven't spoken for years after she committed some sort of dishonor" - Agatha, Gridanian socialite
  • "Where did I get th' tonic? Ye sr'sly aven't heard o' the Gridanian Witch who lives in Mist? Why she'll brew ye up whatever yer little 'eart desires, at a reasonable price too!" - Morolab, Marauder-in-training
  • "Lily is one of our most promising white mage acolytes. She has proven her skill many times, and your band can rest easy, knowing she is watching your back." - Master E-Sumi-Yan, Conjurer Guildmaster

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

These rumors may take a little digging to find. Use sparingly or ask permission before use.*
  • "I saw what happened that day. Some people were not meant for the Wood Wailer life, and Lily was one of 'em. She was too gentle. A good heart beats within that woman's chest, so I can't fault her for a mistake borne of empathy." - Anonymous Wood Wailer
  • "Oh her? That wallflower is Lily Nibelung. Aye, she's cute sure, but any time I've tried to approach her, she's run off like a skittish deer. Sorry, my friend, but ye'll have to look to other lasses for your bedchamber conquests." - Well-groomed Rogue, Drowning Wench, Limsa Lominsa
  • "You didn't hear this from me, but that business with Kelvothan's wife where she took ill? I have it on good authority that wasn't no ordinary illness. All those conjurers working on her, and they couldn't help? No way, that sounds like poison to me. It's a shame too, she left behind two small children" - Oriselia, adventuring rogue.

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

Rare Player Character
These rumors are very difficult to find. Ask permission before use.*
  • "I know the Nibelung girl lives in Mist, should we go and... acquire her?" "No, she has no value to us... yet. Keep an eye on her. Should we need extra leverage beyond that of Kelvothan's son, she might be the bargaining chip we need. - Overheard in a back alley in Ul'dah
  • "I swear it's true! I was sittin' there mindin' me own business when I saw it! A flying horse with wings! And sitting atop it was a woman, clad in blue wearing a witch's hat! I'm being serious!" - Ol' Rudd, after one too many brews.
  • "Donovan took the blade straight through his ribs, and I thought he was a goner for sure... so much blood... The way Lily fell over him though, you'd have thought she was his guardian angel. I've never felt the pull of the white as hard as I did when she called him back. It was truly a miracle." - Elben, Red Mage Adventurer

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

These are rumors made by other characters. They are color coded for common, uncommon, or rare.*
  • "" - .
  • "" - .
  • "" - .

* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

Relationship Status Key

  • Loved One
  • In Love
  • Attraction
  • § Complicated
  • Friend

  • Good Standing
  • Poor Standing
  • Neutral
  • Uncertain
  • Deceased
Close Friends Family
  • Reina Cantlin

    Lily and Reina met at a bar where the two forged a friendship over -many- tankards of ale and glasses of mixed drinks. A carefree woman of sailing and adventure, Reina's stories of the places she's been and the sights she has seen have fascinated the otherwise-sheltered girl. Lily finds Reina's lifestyle to be captivating and finds herself drawn to the woman in a way she finds hard to explain to herself. Lily hopes to join Reina on her next voyage, sailing off into the horizon in search of adventure.

    [Reina's Bio:]

  • Farah Forsythe

    Lily met Farah in one of her very few excursions to a social event. Meeting at a cafe, the two quickly formed a rapport and became close friends. She is slowly helping Lily to come out of her social shell, and encourages her at every opportunity. Lily trusts Farah completely and would be at her friend's side at a moment's notice if needed.

    [Farah's Bio:]

  • Kelvothan (Father)

    Lily's father hasn't spoken to her since she fled the Wood Wailers. He is a high ranking commander of the Wood Wailers, and her incident resulted in a strained relation between the two. Although Lily loves her father dearly, she is acutely aware of the pain she has caused him and has maintained her distance. Kelvothan finds himself unable to reconcile her actions with his honor, and their relationship is icy at best.

  • Jeruh (Brother)

    Lily's Brother has gone missing for several months. Prior to his disappearance, he was involved in a number of street gangs in Ul'dah. Rumor has it that he was on a top secret mission to expose a Redbelly outpost in the Shroud, and was using their connection to Ul'dahn gangs to find their hideout. Lily feels his loss keenly, as they were quite close. She isn't sure to the nature of his disappearance, but knows that she would give up everything she has to get him back if possible.

  • Cecillia (Mother)

    Lily's mother died of a mysterious illness when she was young. Cecillia loved her children and family very much and was often though to be the "glue" that kept the family together.

Friends Acquaintances
  • Syl (Pet)

    Syl is Lily's pet bluebird. He is a constant fixture at her side, and Lily loves him dearly.

  • Meiya

    One of Lily's free company friends, Meiya is a frequent companion as the two head off on various jobs and adventures. What the lalafell lacks in stature, she more than makes up in heart.

  • Master E-Sumi-Yan

    The master of the Conjurer's guild has guided Lily after her Wood Wailer ordeal, quickly becoming a mentor to her.


Likely Locations Affiliations
  • Lily's Apothecary Shop: High Likelihood
  • Gridanian Conjurer's Guild: Medium Likelihood
  • Out and About: Low Likelihood
  • Conjurer's Guild: Entry-level White Mage.
  • Wood Wailers: Former Member.
  • Gridania: Former resident.

RP Hooks

  • Contracted White Mage

    Lily is often contracted out on various jobs for adventurers with a need for mid-level guild support. She is a competent healer, a pleasant companion if a bit quiet, and more than capable in her own right.

  • Need a potion?

    Lily is rapidly making a name for herself as a primary provider of alchemy and botany supplies in the Limsa-Lominsan region. Her prices are fair, and her goods are high quality. If you've a need of a potion, you've come to the right place!

  • Child of Gridania

    If you've grown up in Gridania, and are around Lily's age range, you might have vague memories of her as that "weird child" or the "animal girl".

  • Wood Wailer

    Lily's misadventure as a Wood Wailer is commonly known, especially to other members of the fifth. If you were a Wood Wailer in that part of the shroud, you might have even have been a part of the incident.

  • Conjurer

    Lily's is a mid-level white mage, and has graduated from the rank of Conjurer. If you are a lower-level conjurer, she might have tutored or aided you at one time. If you are a higher level white mage, you might have tutored her at one point.

  • Out and About

    With the assistance of her closest friends, Lily is taking her first tentative steps into the world outside of her potion shop. You might get lucky and see her sitting at a bar, or eating a meal alone at a restaurant she's never been to before. With the right approach and a little encouragement, you could probably open up a conversation, were you so inclined.


RP Preferences:

I'm open to roleplaying with almost anyone - Veteran or novice RPer alike! My only three real requests are:

First - that you try to keep OOC and IC interactions separate when possible. Trying to differentiate when I'm talking to your character and *you* is difficult when someone constantly switches between the two without a warning, so trying to use "(( ))" tags when possible is greatly appreciated.

Second - Lily is more likely to form soft friendships at first with those she befriends. Please try to remember that she is a terminally shy and isolated shopkeep who does not open up easily. Those who attempt to rush into trying to make a friendship into something more are likely to end up heartbroken as the oblivious and clumsy girl does not return their affections immediately. If you are really interested in forming a relationship, patience and gentleness are key, and it would need to be something built up over several roleplay sessions.

Third - Regarding character relationships, while I am okay with Lily becoming - slowly - involved with somebody romantically, I would stress that it would be strictly IC and would have it not bleed into the real world. Please respect that I prefer to keep the boundary in-game and will respond negatively if you try to make it go beyond that. Thank you! :)

Wiki Info Credits
This wiki page is updated as the character's story changes.

Last Updated: December 18, 2018

Please leave the credits section intact! Many people work very hard on their themes; please do not disrespect them!

This theme was lovingly coded by Shieke. Feel free to use this theme for your character! I have taken inspiration from the following people: