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  [[category:Player Character, Ul’dah, Immortal Flames, Ala Mhigan, Highlander, Hyur]]
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Revision as of 17:14, 7 March 2016


“Listen to me, Antares, there comes a time in a man’s life where he must choose what the path of Rhalgr means to him. Is it a path that leads to the destruction of all who would oppose him? Is a path of the destruction of the threats that would stand in the way of his and his own’s happiness? Nary a thought is shed by those who would walk the path for strength, but know in your chest beats the blood of Rhalgr. Don’t waste it, no matter what you make of yourself.”

-Iskander Steelfist, 1561 of the Sixth Astral Era before succumbing to Red Throat

Antares Armstrong is a mature character. The themes within his story are intended for a mature audience capable of handling extreme violence, questionable and realistic tropes, and graphic situations.

General Appearance

Carrying a dark complexion was something that set him apart from many other Hyur as prolonged exposure to the scalding sun of Thanalan often left him looking far more crisp than he would have otherwise appeared, making the broad and muscular man rather easy to spot in a crowd. Adding to this ease of noticeability, there is a level of classical Gyr Abanian handsomeness to his features that are broad, stern, and chiseled like the mountain tops that Ala Mhigo itself was built upon. Draping from the crown of the man’s head flows a healthy mass of disheveled brown and peppered locks that provide some layer of protection from the sun’s tyranny as the lack of tan lines around his face showcased a certain disdain for wearing a helmet. If his classical features were not enough to lend towards his pure Ala Mhigan heritage, his ritualistically shaved eyebrows only did more to add to it, not letting them grow bushy or painting them on as other Highlander men would do. Beneath a generous brow bone sat twin orbs of a dark brown, matching with his rather bland and typical hair color, carrying with it specks of gold to showcase that intelligence laying behind his boorish and brash facade. When the man was younger in his years, he felt his particularly pronounced nose was something to be embarrassed of, feeling it too large for his face but as his face caught up with his nose, everything seemed to fall into place leaving that centerpiece upon his features looking right at home.

Laying siege to the man’s expressionable features were a series of scars and thick facial hair that only enhanced the combatant’s tested mettle. Slashing across the expanse of his prominent nose is a straight slash caught by the tip of a blade, accompanied by another that appeared its brother having just barely slashed through his right eye, leaving a permanent off-set coloring within the sea of white. On the man’s left cheek, just above his thick beard was a thin stab wound that appeared to have come from something akin to a punch-dagger. Unlike his ritualistically shaved eyebrows, the man maintains a firm belief that his beard adds to his own masculinity and definition to his gruff features. The ever-fluctuating thickness of his beard remains tied to that of his travels, where long treks often accompany a thicker beard and extended periods of time in the bounty of Ul’dah offer something more tidy. Regardless of the shift of this beard, a day does not go by where the man does not shave his eyebrows in the morning when he first awakes.

In typical Highlander fashion, Antares earned his name by bouts of strength and proving himself in some way and while the story is surely to be saved for something akin to a tavern’s screaming braggarts, Antares’ physique tells quite the tale of how he earned the name Armstrong. Highlanders themselves are known for their incredibly powerful and strong builds, but Antares takes this a step further in the overall mountainous form of his grand arms. Where others might struggle to find their momentum with even some of the heftiest of axes, Antares’ considerable strength allows him to wield even some of the mightiest weapons with a single hand, turning what was once a greataxe into a handaxe.

Adorning the man’s robust physique, much like his face, are a swath of scars that cut and cleave their way throughout nearly every twist and turn of his figure. While the majority of the scarring lies upon the front of the man, there are more than enough puncture wounds upon his back be it from arrow or dagger. As well, there appears to be a discoloration of his skin near his left kidney, as if he were the target of a particularly nasty spell that he wasn’t quite fast enough to dodge out of the way for.