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When Kazha'a caught wind and signed himself with the company known as the Arbiters of Eorzea, he was unsure of his decision from the start. He shied away from most people, yet openly fought beside them during contracts with no reservations. He even grew close to another, an Elezen man by the name of Remioux, after feeling indebted when the man treated a rather nasty wound Kazha'a had acquired on one of the contracts. The man was everything Kazha'a tended to hate in a person: loud, touchy, a drunkard, and carried an air of superiority about him. But for some reason he even allowed Remioux to teach him to read and to write.
And so when Remioux came to the Arbiters with his own request for aid, Kazha'a readily stepped up to assist. Unfortunately, he was the only one to do so, and the result was the death of Remioux's close friend, and very nearly Remioux and himself as well. And so, when the Elezen parted ways soon after from the Arbiters, Kazha'a packed his things and took to wandering for several weeks.
It soon became apparent that Kazha'a missed the life he had there. He had, for once, felt settled and like he belonged, despite his constant refusal he did. It was not long until the Miqo'te sought after where his friend Remioux had gone. There was a time he even considered trying to find Beringar once more, but could not bring himself to.
'''At Present'''
Currently, Kazha'a has settled in a small room within the large house Remioux purchased, the Phoenix Aria. While he stays as far away from the business aspect of things, especially the bar and entertainment hall, he is at least content with once more having a more permanent living arrangement. The permanent arrangement also allowed Beringar to find him once more, and Kazha'a still feels an unease around his old friend for reasons he cannot understand quite yet.
When he grows bored, Kazha'a still seeks out contracts and requests for work. But he is uncertain how long this idleness will appease him.
==<div style="padding:10px 15px; background:#493434;font-size:20px;color:#ffffff;font-family:Papyrus;"><b>Relationships</b></div>==
==<div style="padding:10px 15px; background:#493434;font-size:20px;color:#ffffff;font-family:Papyrus;"><b>Relationships</b></div>==

Revision as of 16:54, 13 March 2016

PLEASE NOTE: This Wiki is constantly changing and updating. The information on this page is mostly OOC knowledge, and contains spoilers. Please, do not edit this page, thanks muchly!
Last update made: March 12th, 2016

 Kazha'a Anhsari
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship None
Religion Menphina, the Lover
Age 26
Nameday 14th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Height/Weight 5 fulms 4 ilms, 135 ponz
Occupation Blade-for-hire
Server Balmung

Kazha'a Anhsari is a broody, young Keeper of the Moon that abandoned his clan in search of independence once he came of age. Named a traitor, he can never return, but found himself more drawn to the freedom outside of his family unit as the seasons came and went.

He made a living as a blade-for-hire for most of his life, taking difficult or messy jobs that most would shy away from. Kazha'a also made quite a name for himself tomb raiding and treasure-hunting for various clients interested in trinkets of the past. Currently, he still takes the occasional job if he grows restless, but practicality as afforded him to not do so out of necessity any longer.



Given Name: Kazha'a Anhsari
Aliases/Nicknames: None that he openly allows.
Current Residence: Currently, Kazha'a keeps a room within the Phoenix Ara, Goblet 4th Ward, Plot 41.
Marital Status: Single, not interested.
Sexuality: Demisexual
Religion: Does not follow any set religion, though he was raised under the patron deity of Menphina.


Height: 5 fulms, Blank 4 - Kazha'a is fairly short even by Miqo'te standards.
Weight: 135 ponz - Kazha'a has a small, athletic form.
Body: Like most male Miqo'te, Kazha'a has a short, yet toned form. His small stature make him rather flexible and quick on his feet.
Complexion: Kazha'a has a somewhat ashen tone to his skin thanks to his Keeper heritage. But, it also carries a hint of color from the sun due to his travel and time outside the Shroud.
Face: With a slightly young face, Kazha'a's features are still somewhat soft. He has an angular nose and eyes. He would look quite a bit younger than he is if he learned not to scowl so much.
Hair: Kazha'a has naturally deep brown hair that grows in a pale blonde along his hairline. Curly hair runs in his mother's line, but he only has a slight wave which worsens when wet.
Fashion: Caring little for frivolities of fashion, Kazha'a wears things with purpose or that serve to aid him. While traveling, light armor such as leathers and coats make up most of his equipment. He is overly fond of dark colors and black.


Voice: TBA.
Demeanor: Kazha’a is a man who prefers keeping to himself. He is temperamental, anti-social, and seemingly unapproachable. He distances himself from people because he lacks the experience to freely give trust to those he does not know. But for those who do manage to earn that trust, he is fiercely loyal, protective and slightly possessive. What Kazha’a lacks in social skills, he makes up for in sheer determination, willingness to do tasks most would shy away from, and a need for independence.
Quirks: Kazha'a has a bad habit of getting angry for no reason, or running from his problems. He also has reservations being around women thanks to his open hatred of his mother, and the fear of most the females of his clan.
Intelligence: With more applicable skills in combat and survival than anything in relation to a proper education, Kazha'a was yet another illiterate citizen of Eorzea up until quite recently. After befriending Remioux, the Elezen began teaching him to read and write. He's made progress on reading more so than he has with his letters, as his failure with a quill and parchment is more tangible and easily serves to frustrate him.



Style: Kazha’a is the type of opponent that prefers to be in and out before the enemy even knows he has struck. He is far more used to short, quick bursts to fell an opponent than prolonged stamina-driven fights. Relying on his speed more than his ability to take a blow, Kazha’a’s best defense is not being hit at all. Extremely flexible, adaptive and observant, Kazha'a is a hard target to nail down.
Specialization: Kazha'a is extremely proficient with knives, stemming from years of hunting and skinning animals with his clan. His small size also allows for ease of stealth movement and the ability to stalk an enemy undetected. He has learned precision with throwing knives, able to hit marks several feet away with deadly accuracy. Though his companion, Beringar, has begun to teach him that his hands can be just as effective as a knife can. (Rogue & Monk)
Strengths: As stated, much of Kazha'a's advantage comes from being much smaller and quicker than his opponent. He is well versed in assassination, hunting, stalking and close combat techniques and can adapt to a situation under pressure.
Weaknesses: With precision and potency as his go-to methods, Kazha'a lacks the skill set to engage in long, drawn-out, stamina-based fights. If he cannot fell an enemy quickly or does not have the advantage of surprise, he is at a sore disadvantage.
Armour: He often wears lightweight leather armor and coats for ease of movement, leaving him open if an attack ever did manage to land. His arms are often the most protected, even wearing gauntlets or plated leather gloves for protection in close combat.



A warm fire
Ear scratches (secretly)
High places


Overly hot weather/deserts
Overly loud or crowded places
Alcohol and drunks
Chocobos (as they all seem to hate him too)
Physical contact
His tail being touched or tugged
Being idle, or bored
Being alone


Hunting/Tracking animals (or people)
Treasure hunting


Favourite Food/Drink: Seafood, especially grilled freshwater fish & strong coffee
Favourite Creatures: Does not really care for animals.
Least Favourite Food: Sweet things
Least Favourite Creature: Chocobos


Early Life
Kazha’a was the first born of a clan matriarch of Keepers deep within the Shroud. From a young age, he knew he was to be treated differently. Being the first male born in several years and with his mother being the respected leader of her kin, Kazha’a was a promised breeding male to several females before he could even walk. As he grew, he began to resent that fact. He had a rather troubled childhood, lashing out or running away several times before being found or crawling back himself when he grew too hungry or cold.

His adolescent years were spent more often than not hunting or sparring with others of the clan or more often with his father. Kazha’a quickly made a name for himself as a talented and skilled fighter. This only further served to strengthen his mother’s claim to use him as a strong sire for the future of the clan. There were days when Kazha’a accepted the fact of his birth, knowing it was fairly common among his kind. But when his mother made arrangements to join another small Keeper clan together with her own using Kazha’a as that bridge once he would come of age, he could no longer stand by and wait for his life to be decided for him.

One of the only things that kept Kazha’a from leaving much earlier, was his youngest sister, Saviri. The two bonded quite well, and Saviri’s kind heart and jovial nature often kept Kazha’a sane. Saviri was not a favored daughter of their mother due to her unfortunate weak immune system, and the lack of combat skill. Kazha’a began training the younger girl with daggers shortly before he left the clan for good, and while he never thought fighting suited her, Saviri showed promise. He can only assume her training was continued after he left.

On a cool summer’s night after coming of age, Kazha’a finally left his clan for good. His mother and a small group of hunters managed to track him, only for him to escape once more. Kazha’a knows if he was ever found by his clan again it would mean his death. While some Keeper families are more open to such notions, Kazha’a knows his mother too well. For the first time in his life, Kazha’a was completely alone.

Having no skills other than hunting, Kazha’a lived off the land for several months, trading skins and other such things for supplies from settlements within the Shroud. After his first winter alone, he sought work within the city of Gridania. For a time, he made a living doing odd jobs or escorting caravans. When he was hired by a small group of Duskwight researchers to explore a newly uncovered ruin in the forest, he found he was paid rather handsomely for retrieving artifacts from inside.

Kazha’a took to such jobs rather well in the following years. He made quite the name for himself raiding ruins or other forgotten places of Eorzea. He easily made enough gil to support himself, purchase supplies and weapons, as well nights in inns when the weather was less than agreeable. During his twentieth summer, Kazha’a took a job for a mining company based in Ul’dah. A newly discovered area of the Sunken Temple of Qarn had been unearthed, and Kazha’a was sent in to both deem it safe for further excavation and to bring back anything of value. After tales had surfaced in regards to ancient traps and even the undead, not many were willing to do so.

While such superstitions did not phase him, Kazha’a still entered with caution. Inside the temple, he did not find undead immediately, but instead was met with a Highlander also exploring the temple. Absolutely appalled that someone else had managed to get there before him, Kazha’a tried to pay little mind to the other man, who introduced himself as Beringar and, much to Kazha’a’s displeasure, followed him throughout the temple. But when the two triggered the ancient traps that had been indeed still active within the temple, releasing undead hordes, Kazha’a found himself gravely wounded. If it was not for Beringar, he more than likely would have died alone and unknown within the old walls. Kazha’a still has a large mangled scar on his left side near his rib cage from the experience.

Taming a Bear
After the failure at Qarn, Kazha’a took time to recover before he was back to work as before. What he did not expect, was on his first job back, another hire-on and someone his employer quite explicitly ordered him to work with, was Beringar. Reluctantly, Kazha’a was forced to agree being in need of coin after such an extended time without work. The job went off without a hitch this time, and the employer was more than happy to contact the both of them for several more. And so began several years of working together and an uneasy friendship.

Kazha’a had never met anyone like Beringar before. The man was quiet, which he definitely appreciated, but he was also a fury on the battlefield. He often had trouble understanding the reasons the other continually seemed to seek him out, even between jobs. Kazha’a had been alone for such a long time after leaving his clan, he was unsure how to react with company. He found himself easily falling asleep at night with him near, something he rarely did unless he was alone. He found himself not minding the idle conversation the other often initiated, and he was slowly growing to accept Beringar’s constant presence in his life.

But the unknown and troubling thoughts also frightened him. And so, one night while Beringar slept in their makeshift camp, Kazha’a stole away into the night with no word. He took to travelling a lot, and taking jobs that he assumed Beringar would stay away from. Over the following months he once again began to shield himself again, and closed himself off from people. It was about this time he first got wind of a small group of people making a name for themselves in aiding the misfortunate. While Kazha’a had no hopes or dreams of changing the world, for some reason he found himself intrigued. This more than likely has to do with Beringar’s influence on him.

When Kazha'a caught wind and signed himself with the company known as the Arbiters of Eorzea, he was unsure of his decision from the start. He shied away from most people, yet openly fought beside them during contracts with no reservations. He even grew close to another, an Elezen man by the name of Remioux, after feeling indebted when the man treated a rather nasty wound Kazha'a had acquired on one of the contracts. The man was everything Kazha'a tended to hate in a person: loud, touchy, a drunkard, and carried an air of superiority about him. But for some reason he even allowed Remioux to teach him to read and to write.

And so when Remioux came to the Arbiters with his own request for aid, Kazha'a readily stepped up to assist. Unfortunately, he was the only one to do so, and the result was the death of Remioux's close friend, and very nearly Remioux and himself as well. And so, when the Elezen parted ways soon after from the Arbiters, Kazha'a packed his things and took to wandering for several weeks.

It soon became apparent that Kazha'a missed the life he had there. He had, for once, felt settled and like he belonged, despite his constant refusal he did. It was not long until the Miqo'te sought after where his friend Remioux had gone. There was a time he even considered trying to find Beringar once more, but could not bring himself to.

At Present
Currently, Kazha'a has settled in a small room within the large house Remioux purchased, the Phoenix Aria. While he stays as far away from the business aspect of things, especially the bar and entertainment hall, he is at least content with once more having a more permanent living arrangement. The permanent arrangement also allowed Beringar to find him once more, and Kazha'a still feels an unease around his old friend for reasons he cannot understand quite yet.

When he grows bored, Kazha'a still seeks out contracts and requests for work. But he is uncertain how long this idleness will appease him.



Father: Name - (Alive/Deceased) - Info.
Mother: Name - (Alive/Deceased) - Info.


Please note: The below list constantly changes.
Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Good List

Bad List

Name - Info.


Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person

Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
"Quote” - Person
"Quote” - Person
Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
PC Rumors (Rumors written by other Player Characters. If you wish to write a rumor, please ask me first! And make sure it's IC!)
"Quote." - Insert Player name and remove spaces in front of and this sentence



Template credit goes to Bancroft Gairn
My alts are: Tieve Cadalelle, Idris Cathal, Leh'to Nelhani, and Alexandre Valmont
FFXIV Art and RP Blog: Tumblr