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   <li>Eorzean foods</li>
   <li>The desert</li>

Revision as of 08:48, 17 December 2016

Catha Vorenus

Name: Catha Vorenus
Age: Early 20's
Gender: Female
Race: Hyur
Orientation: Straight
Marital: Single
Nationality: Garlean
Occupation: Alchemist

<tabs plain style="width: 850px; margin-left: 0px; font-size:12px; font-family:Trebuchet MS; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.8; color:#43413d; font-size:12px; font-family:Trebuchet MS; letter-spacing:0.2em; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;">

Catha is a half-blood Garlean woman, born in Garlemald to her pureblood father and hyur mother. Raised in a wealthy house due to her father, Lucius Vorenus, being a high ranking guard. Earning the title "mal", Senior Magitek Technician/Medicus, she spent her later years stationed in Castrum Oriens on the borders of East Shroud. After several years of the Invasion of Eorzea going so poorly she decided to flee. Transferring a large sum of her money to a Gridanian bank account under a different name, she fled the castrum saying she needed to gather plants, never to return.

Catha is a fairly snobby, cold mannered woman. Her upbringing and general experiences giving her a sense of superiority over others. She views most Eorzeans as bumbling idiots and savages, refusing to speak to most of them.

She became infatuated with Allag at a young age and has spent her life up til this point pouring over any and all information she could find. This, coupled with her Garlean heritage and her trade led her to expoloring Allagan ruins and systems, gaining a deeper knowledge of their workings, and attempting to teach herself the aetherochemistry that made up most of them.


  • Allag
  • Mammets
  • Jewelry
  • Plants
  • Tomes


  • Exerting herself physically
  • Miqote
  • Insects
  • Chocobo
  • The desert


◢ Common Rumors:

    "Is she deaf or just a bitch?" Bar staff

◢ Uncommon Rumors:

    "She seems quite wealthy." Adder
    "Payed me a load of gil to take her into Qarn and move some heavy things around." - Mercenary

◢ Rare Rumors:

    "I swear thats the flower girl that used to stop by...."
    "Disappeared off a cliffside in Finders Bluff only to reappear some hours later. "


◢ Player Character Rumors: Feel free to add

    "Add rumor here." Name
    "Add rumor here." Name
    "Add rumor here." Name
    "Add rumor here." Name

Potential Hooks

  • Allagan Ruins/Artifacts
  • Crystallized aether shards or fragments
  • Magical civilization ruins(Amdapor, Qarn, Nym, etc)
  • Old tomes