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Revision as of 09:42, 3 August 2014

 Fio Arasgain
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Lominsan, Wolf Tribe
Age 22
Height 5'4"
Weight 120 ponze
Occupation Garlean Infiltrator
Name Day 21st Day, 6th Umbral Moon
Birth Name W'Seckhi Brahz
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Short and slender, Fio is small for a Miqo'te male. He has long, blonde hair that's kept in immaculate shape with a handful of alchemically produced hair products. It's not cheap, but that's the price of beauty. His sky blue eyes often have a jovial, yet polite look to them. The pale skin of the male is rather soft to the touch, like somebody who hasn't done a day's hard labour in his life. This is especially evident when looking at his small, girlish hands. There are no callouses, despite being a swordsman. His face bears a feminine cut to it, while his lips are frequently upturned into a smile. Fio is always seen wearing a pair of black-framed glasses. If you've seen him stumble around without them, it's pretty obvious why he needs them.



Fio takes to combat like a fish to water. While he is generally careful not to mess up his appearance, a fight is one of the few places where he'd totally disregard that and go for the kill. His primary choice of weapons is a greatsword he uses to devastating effect. He's brought the weapon to local fighting tournaments before with mixed results. What he often keeps under wraps, however, is that his limited thaumaturgic abilities are being used to plumb the depths of forbidden knowledge to try and increase the devastation he can carry out with that blade. While fighting with his greatsword, Fio also wears a suit of medium or heavy armour, depending on the occasion. His helmets are modified to have lenses put in so he can actually see properly in a combat situation. Often, the man will stow things such as his glasses, a dagger, or a flask in those crafty little pockets for whenever he needs them in a pinch. In this style, Fio will attempt to cleave his opponent in two, or shear off a limb with his sword.

The Miqo'te is also competent with a pair of daggers. When he does opt for this faster, more nimble style of combat, he'll often choose armour to match. Either leathers, cloth, or what ever he happens to be wearing that day. Could be casual clothes with a loose shirt, a fully tailored suit, combat leathers, or even a pretty dress. Without the encumbrances of metal, his fighting takes on an acrobatic approach, much like dancing or gymnastics. Fio will often use his strong, Miqo'te legs, as well as tail, to devastating effect with their help in speed, jumping height, and balance. He often goes for repetitive stab wounds, or slashes across weak points like the back of the knee. He's not averse to slitting the odd throat when approaching from behind.




  • Pretty Clothing - He's got expensive tastes when it comes to clothes. A pretty dress or fine suit will grab his attention faster than most other things.
  • Garlean Empire - While he doesn't voice this for obvious reasons, he's a loyal soldier of the Garlean Empire. He sees them as Eorzea's saviours and the ones who can uplift the Miqo'te from their savage ways.
  • Men - And he's not shy about hiding it, either.


  • Mathematics, Counting - He flat out can't do basic math, and is barely able to count higher than what he needs his hands and toes for. He's grown to dislike both of these things. He'll often try to pass them off to other people.
  • Miqo'te - In the past, he could be quoted with saying they're all 'thieves, whores, and liars', but they're growing on him. Or he just sees them as a means to an end. Could go either way.
  • Nunh - These are in a class all their own. While he'll refrain from voicing outright hostility most of the time, he does slip occasionally.


  • Cooking - He loves to get behind the stove and whip up a meal that's absolutely delicious.
  • Cross Dressing - Don't judge.
  • Blade-play - There's just something about handling a blade, be it a dagger or a greatsword, that draws this man to the craft.







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