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<div align=center><div style="font-size:55px;letter-spacing:0.2em;color:#83878f;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px silver">MINYA TSUNHE</div></div>
<div align=center><div style="font-size:55px;letter-spacing:0.2em;color:#83878f;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px silver">editing this stuff its annoying wow most of that stuff isnt mine im removing it</div></div>
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Latest revision as of 23:45, 23 February 2015

editing this stuff its annoying wow most of that stuff isnt mine im removing it

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picc- - -PICTURE- - -picccccccs?

insert cool here



CURRENT ALIAS... Minya Tsunhe. ( Pronounced MIN-yah SOON-ey-ah. )

RACE & CLAN... Miqo'te. Keeper of the Moon.


GENDER... Female.

AGE... 23

ORIENTATION... Heterosexual.




TRIBE...  ???



PATRON DEITY... Thaliak, the Scholar.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... Stands at 5'3". Typically weighs between 125-130 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Neutral.

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Charming. Intelligent. Calculating. Manipulator. These were just a few quick and easy ways to describe what had become of the Keeper's personality. Not long ago, Xheja was a friendly, mild-mannered scholar whose curiosity and desire to learn about the cause of her unique condition drove her to constantly seek out knowledge of the aetheric and arcane. Yet after finally coming face to face with the answers she sought, her personality has undergone a night-and-day change. Gone was the well-meaning woman, replaced with something rather more sinister.
There was something undeniably predatory about the woman now, from her honeyed words to the way each minute movement seemed to have some calculated purpose. She could easily lie to one's face and act most any part that best suits the situation or her purpose. One could often find her quietly watching crowds of people such as those that gather at the Quicksand, often wearing some little smirk as if sharing in her own private joke. When someone or something does catch her eye, she's very intent on getting whatever it is she wants out of the encounter, finding whatever means necessary to manipulate the situation to the desired outcome. Whether that's a promise of gil, knowledge, or even something a little more base, all are tools Xheja uses freely to wrap others around her fingers. Life and business are games to her, and she considers everyone a pawn to be played.
However, one could find - in more recent times - another type of trend to show up in the woman's behaviorisms. Occasional flashes of the woman before the corruption flicker through the cracks of the calm and calculating mask from time to time, particularly in situations when the Collector's aetherial hold on her grows weaker. Such episodes tend to be brief and fleeting. Yet if one pays close enough attention, they can most certainly be distinctly noted.


Challenges. Those who give in without having to put forth effort make the game far too easy.
Money. Money is the lifeblood of Ul'dah, giving her power and entertainment. She can't get enough of it.
Cleverness. She has a certain fondness for wittiness and intelligence, particularly in her co-conspirators.


Shortsightedness. Those without forethought and whom act impulsively tend to draw her ire.
Altruism. Such is the antithesis of her more hedonistic lifestyle, and is often more of a hindrance in others.
Law. As with any shady businesswoman, she doesn't care for any type of legality or law enforcement.


Aether. She is forced to absorb aether from external sources to appease the Voidsent whom corrupted her.
Hedonism. Xheja is very much driven by the good things in life, and will do anything to obtain them.
Influence. More power brings more freedom to do as she pleases. As such, Xheja seeks to expand her influence.


Alchemy. She is a brilliant alchemist, able to brew nigh anything from simple potions to complex poisons.
Business. Xheja is very business-minded and after some time, has developed a firm understanding of the games played.
Manipulation. With her ability to charm, calculate, and act, Xheja is very good at manipulating others.


Weakness. Her strength lies in her mind, leaving her physical body extremely weak and vulnerable.
Public Image. Unlike other criminals that operate from the shadows, Xheja must go to great lengths to keep her public image spotless.
Aetheric Instability. Given her condition, she can be very susceptible to anything that majorly affects one's aether.


Flirting. Honeyed words and suggestion are common with her, given how easily such can be used to manipulate others.
Appearance. While her physical appearance itself never changes, she's a user of her own cosmetics on occasion.
Vagueness. She would make a stellar politician, as she excels in saying a lot while saying nothing at all until some degree of trust is established.


Xheja is a petite Keeper of the Moon, standing at only about five-fulm-two-ilm in height. Her figure was likewise small, though did not lack for obvious feminine curvature. Her skin is soft and a dusky, gray-tinted cinnamon color along with a few lighter, silvery stripe markings around her face. Her hair is long and naturally black, though she often takes to the use of dyes of her own making to add a splash of color. Her hair frames a face with rounded cheekbones and a softly pointed chin, home to two large, bright silver eyes, a delicate nose, and plush lips that were almost always curled into either a clever smirk or a bored scowl, depending on the situation. Yet there was one imperfection that she scarcely ever allowed anyone to see: a gruesome, ragged scar at the top of her waist and mirrored on the opposite side of her torso, the remnant of the sword wound that had killed her on the fields of Carteneau all those years ago.
Her wardrobe was yet another notable aspect of her appearance, given the rather stylish and luxurious manner of it. With the success of her business ventures, Xheja dresses the part of the upper class merchant, firmly believing in the power of appearance in a city as shallow and self-absorbed as Ul'dah. Therefore, she doesn't bother any longer to try and conceal her success. If anything, she now uses them as a way to draw in would-be unsuspecting victims. Designer, custom-tailored clothing and jewelry are the norm for her, as well as cosmetics of her own making. Particularly, when she is out and about, she will rarely be found without a choker necklace of some sort, even if it happens to be hidden. This crystalline jewelry is special in that the gem is possessed of purifying properties. By wearing it, she can cover up the taint of the Void that permeates her aether, giving her a much lower profile in a day and age where there are many others around her that are sensitive to such things. The downside, however, is that the jewelry essentially cuts off the power and ability she draws directly from the Collector, making her magic much less potent and blocking her ability to siphon aether until it is removed.


Xheja, as some who are especially sensitive to aether and aetheric anomalies might note, is not exactly 'normal'. Since falling on the fields of Carteneau, she has been afflicted with a unique condition that more or less has bound her aether permanently to the physical realm, exactly as it is. For many years, the Keeper did not know the source of the affliction or how it worked in any great detail. However, in more recent times, she has finally discovered the root of the anomaly and has emerged a changed, corrupted person because of it. Still, the condition results in a few unique traits and needs.
OOC Note: I tried to cut this down to as little as possible and to make it a much less significant aspect of her character, and I actively try to ensure nothing about Xheja's condition lends itself to intentional or unintentional powerplay. Of course, as always, if you ever have a concern about the legitimacy or fairness of something that occurs during the course of RP, kindly send me a /tell and I'll gladly compromise! ♥


Simply put, Xheja's aether and form are currently constant and unchanging due to a link with the Void. Her body does not age in the same fashion that others do, nor does she undergo other physical changes like scarring. Curiously, this also means in the event that she suffers grievous wounds, her aether temporarily leaves her body and retreats to the Void until her body mends and her aether gathers enough strength to return. The amount of time the process takes is determined by type and extent of her injuries.


Xheja relies on the absorption of external sources of aether to thrive and maintain a stable hold on her physical form. This can come from sources such as elemental crystals. However, the Collector bears a marked preference for aether from living creatures - be they beasts or man. In order for Xheja to do this, the creature must be either very significantly weakened (and OOCly permitting, of course) or willing to part with their aether. It is also worth noting that she very, very rarely takes a lethal quantity of aether from one person, especially if they're willing victims. Usually she takes only so little at a time that the source would barely feel any sort of temporary weakness. She would much rather have a regenerating source to keep coming back to, naturally.


Those who are particularly keen to others' aether may sense that there is something particularly off about Xheja. However, given the way in which the Void blatantly taints her aether now, she has taken to wearing a crystalline jewelry with purifying properties to maintain a low profile. When it is worn, it thoroughly masks the Void taint itself, though would not stop others from feeling that there is something strange - and perhaps even unsettling - about her. However, wearing such jewelry also significantly cuts back on the power she draws from her connection to the Collector and likewise leaves her unable to siphon aether from other sources.


Xheja has become a rather successful Ul'dahn businesswoman in recent years, establishing and running a cosmetics business for high-end, premier clientele called Rajhera's Radiants. This is a business that started only a short time after she immigrated to Ul'dah from the Black Shroud, starting out as an obscure business in a bland merchant stall in the Market Wards that eventually blossomed into a highly sought after, well-known brand under Xheja's dedicated care and determination. The business currently operates in a small boutique shop within the inner parts of Ul'dah with other similarly high-end business. However, she is actively looking for the investments and connections she needs to move to both move her Ul'dahn base of operations to its own facility and to expand exporting and production operations into Limsa Lominsa and Gridania as well.
In addition to her legitimate business, Xheja also is in the more discrete and illicit business of black market poison-making. She is known by several pseudonyms, the most prominent of which being 'Crimson' or the 'Crimson Lady' - street names ascribed to her by customers and contacts in the black market due to her trademark red robes. She takes efforts to conceal her identity as much as possible with said robe and golden half-mask, as well as cosmetics to cover up distinguishing marks - such as her beauty mark and other facial markings - and her scent. She works via proxy, a few select "trusted" contacts in the black market alchemy game - who are also not privy to her actual identity - putting her in contact with customers seeking her services in creating custom poisons for all purposes. The only ones who perhaps know of her identity and her role in this business would be fellow members of Tylwyth Narah, to whom she offers these services freely. Given the blatant illegality of this business, she takes great pains to keep it completely separate from her public image.


Goods... Xheja offers a line of high quality cosmetic products of her own unique design via this business. Such products include, but are not limited to, various types of make-up, dyes for hair and skin, lotions and cremes, and even a small selection of perfumes. While this business caters mostly to women, there is also a smaller range of products for men, as well as a high degree of discretion. Currently, these products are only available directly from the Rajhera's Radiants boutique in Ul'dah. However, plans to expand facilities and pick up exports and perhaps even production outside of the desert are currently underway.
Services... Xheja also offers completely custom orders for those who have specific tastes or needs that she currently does not carry in regular supply, or those who want something exclusive to themselves. These custom orders are generally by appointment only, and cost a great deal of extra gil. One last service she offers is "catering" to certain other businesses with which she establishes partnerships. High-end brothel, performance troupe, or some other group in need of a large amount of high quality cosmetics? Rajhera's Radiants is happy to deliver and provide consultation for a premium price.
Contact... Feel free to approach me for RP relating to Rajhera's Radiants or to NPC / handwave purchases, whichever is more convenient! If you choose the NPC / handwave route, note that the (NPC) employee overseeing most day-to-day business affairs, consults, and sales in the boutique is a Wildwood Elezen woman by the name of Audrielle Rochefort. Contact me if you have any questions!


Goods... Xheja generally keeps a stash of the more commonly requested poisons and brews on-hand, stored away securely and secretively. Likewise, she tends to carry just as many antidotes for such poisons. She also keeps a store of hard-to-find reagents used in these brews on-hand; However, convincing her to part with them can be costly.
Services... If a customer seeks out a specialized poison, potion, or antidote, Xheja is also more than willing to put her creativity to use and create custom orders to varying effects. As one can expect, however, this can be very expensive.
Contact... If your character wishes to seek out Xheja for these services, feel free to go through the NPC contact route. Obviously, they will not be given Xheja's real identity or be able to, say, pick her out as 'Lady Crimson' in her normal, everyday get-up. Once you contact me OOCly, we can figure out details and a meeting place.
Please note, however.. I don't like to cop-out and use private chat channels for crime RP. Xheja will generally pick a very discreet location out of the city to meet clients, and RP will be conducted in Say and Emotes. So if other characters happen by or are tipped off to what's going on ICly, be prepared for potential IC consequences. Likewise, if such a dealing comes under the scrutiny of law enforcement later, be prepared in the event your character is implicated and/or investigated. Please do not agree to RP this type of interaction with Xheja if you do not consent to this kind of accountability for IC actions.


Xheja typically tries to avoid getting herself stuck in combative situations if she can at all help it. She possesses little to no physical strength, and that makes her an easy target if an enemy is allowed to get up close and personal with her. She would much rather try to charm her way out of any fighting, or to manipulate someone else into doing the sword-swinging for her. However, when combat is inevitable, she does have a few select tricks up her sleeve.
OOC Note: When it comes to unavoidable combat RP, I can operate under both Freeform and Dice Roll systems of combat. I try to moderate Xheja's combative ability and keep it as realistic as possible. But if something she does seems unreasonable to you, I am very much willing to hear you out OOC and compromise! Likewise, as far as combat RP consent goes, Xheja is up for temporary death and disfigurement, given her aetheric condition. However, I ask that you bring this up OOC with me first before it comes down to that. Chances are, I'll be good with it as long as it doesn't conflict with any other plans I may currently have OOC. I just like the courtesy of a heads up, which I will give in return! Communication is key to enjoyable and successful conflict RP, after all!


Xheja possesses a notable aptitude for the manipulation of her own aether, making her quite the capable thaumaturge. In even more recent times, she's acquired and burgeoning grasp on black magic, making her spells even more destructive. Add to this a working knowledge of Void rituals and the Keeper makes for a formidable mage when her back is against the wall.


Xheja requires a focus to channel her magical ability. As such, her magical weapon of choice is one of the many original Stardust Rods, which she carries with her any time she anticipates its use. Taken from her late mentor - the retired Ishgardian mage captain, Lavellian Thieroux - the staff itself seems to react to Xheja's corruption, the coloration warping in response. She's grown quite protective of the staff in the short time it's been in her possession.


This is Xheja's last resort weapon, a sharp but thin-bladed dagger that she conceals under her skirt, strapped to her outer thigh. Intended to pierce the weak points in armor, the Keeper only draws this weapon if absolutely necessary or to dispatch an opponent stealthily when their back is turned. Often, the blade is coated with some paralytic poison, just in case.


Finally, when all else fails, Xheja's background as an alchemist has afforded her a knowledge of all manners of poisons, both traditional and exotic. She also delights in formulating her own unique blends for varying effects. She tends to keep a few discreet vials on her, whether she needs to coat her dagger in them or slip them into an unsuspecting individual's drink when they look away.


Xheja tends to speak very little on her past in any real details. Though she may provide broken bits and pieces, such as the fact that she once served the Twin Adders or was born in the Shroud, it is highly unlikely that she will casually reveal aspects of her past such as her death at Carteneau and her subsequent revival and definitely not her intimate connection with the Void. Typically, details are only released when relevant and when there is something to gain from her having done so. As such, all of the details given here are provided as an OOC courtesy for plotting / interest sake, and shouldn't be used ICly without my permission!


Born and raised in the Jaded Boughs Keeper of the Moon tribe deep within the Black Shroud, eldest daughter of matriarch Xhali Rajhera and a wandering male Keeper named Kehj'a Lihzeh.
Showed high level of aptitude for conjuration magic very early on, leading to expectations that she would eventually become the next Jaded Boughs matriarch.
As the Garlean presence in the Black Shroud grew and Dalamud became more menacing, Xheja decided to enlist with Twin Adders, much to the current matriarch's dismay.
Her unit mostly held areas of interest, oversaw supply lines, and assisted locals in fortifying their settlements in case of attack and more general tasks.
Grew close with a thaumaturge also serving in their unit. Once she learned of his more concerning interests in black magic and the Void, she convinced him to renounce them.

The Battle of Carteneau
Though their unit had seen very little combat up to that point, they were eventually given orders to consolidate with the main host at Carteneau as support.
Their unit was overrun in the midst of the battle, and Xheja fell in combat when an Imperial swordsman broke their line and thrust his sword up through her chest.
The thaumaturge she befriended saw her fall, and pulled her from the midst of the fighting. There, he broke his promise and hastily performed a ritual, calling Xheja's aether back to the living realm and binding it back to her body.
When she awoke some time later, the man was gone along with her memories of his identity, leading her to conclude later that he was one of those sent forward in time by Louisoix Leveilleur.


She was found weakened on the battlefield afterwards, and was treated and returned to Gridania with the other survivors.
Once she regained her strength, she resigned from the Twin Adders to return home to help rebuild her tribe, telling no one of what happened.
Eventually noticed that her ability to conjure was fading until, about a year after the Calamity, she lost the ability entirely.
Was exiled from her tribe under the superstitious pretense that the loss of her magic was a sign of anger by the Elementals.

Coming to Ul'dah
Reluctantly came to Ul'dah with a passing merchant caravan, with little to nothing to her name, no connections, and even less understanding of Ul'dahn culture.
As with most refugees, Xheja was unable to find any sort of employment. She took to begging and thievery for a time, though she was rather terrible at it. Eventually, she was forced to take odd jobs that no one else wanted.
Grew weaker and weaker as time wore on, unaware of the fact that her body required additional aether to be absorbed to function properly.
Managed to secure a job transporting a small shipment of crystals to the Alchemists' Guild, wherein she incidentally discovered her ability to absorb aether. In lieu of payment, she convinced them to take her on as an apprentice.
Discovered her talent for alchemy, devoting herself wholly to its study.
Wanting to learn more about what happened to her, she decided to seek out the Thaumaturge's Guild, using her profits from alchemy to come to an agreement with an instructor there to teach her the art.
Came to excel at Thaumaturgy, reveling in being able to use magic once again.
As the cost of her lessons at the Arrzaneth Ossuary rose, she decided to establish her own cosmetics business - Rajhera's Radiants - with a peer from the Alchemists' Guild, Emory Grey, in order to break into Ul'dahn business and make further profit.
As Rajhera's Radiants grew in success, she used the funds to not only further her study of thaumaturgy, but also to seek out answers to the question of what had happened to her.
Some years after the Calamity, during a research expedition studying the lingering aetheric presence of those who stood trial at Witchdrop, Xheja lost her footing on a treacherous patch of ice and fell - only to awaken almost a week later, weakened but alive.
Growing demand from Ul'dah's fashionable elite sees an increase in business coming her way. As such, with only three people to run operations - herself, Emory, and her saleswoman, Audrielle - the business begins to eat up most of Xheja's time for research, travel, and thaumaturgy.


Recent Times
An encounter with Lren Rendarren reveals to her that the anomalous nature of her aether is attributed to some sort of Void taint. This news shakes Xheja deeply, to the point at which she leaves Rajhera's Radiants in Emory and Audrielle's hands and withdraws entirely from society - and even from Lren, who had offered his aid - for two months.
The Collector : During these two months, she travels to Coerthas under the advice of her mentor at the Arrzaneth Ossuary to seek out Lavellian Thieroux, a skilled mage as well as a renowned researcher and slayer of Voidsent. Xheja crosses the barrier into the Void and makes contact with the Collector, the Voidsent to whom the unknown mage from Carteneau offered Xheja's aether up to in exchange for her continued life. However, the experience ends sourly, with the Collector thoroughly corrupting her and forcing her to kill Thieroux. She emerges from the experience an entirely different person - cold and calculating, more monster than mortal. -- ( Short Story: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four forthcoming. )
Revenge and Other Things Best Served Cold: With Xheja's return to Ul'dah and to her business, she found her status as a top provider of high-quality cosmetics to Ul'dahn elites in a precarious position, with a supplier leaking her reagents to a competitor whose own business was beginning to siphon her customers away. Putting a plan into action, Xheja sought out the help of C'kayah Tia to procure a small list of highly regulated toxins necessary for what she had in mind. After an interesting, insightful discussion between them, Xheja was offered a gift as well as a tentative place in Tylwyth Narah, the criminal organization which the man leads. Not to mention, only a few days and one glass of chilled tea later, she was free of her pesky competition and deceitful supplier. -- ( Short Story: In-progress. )