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  <div style="padding:10px 35px;background: #66cc66;border: 2px solid #FFFFFF;font-size:14px;color:#FFFFFF;border-radius:15px;"><center>Favorites</center></div></span>
  <div style="padding:10px 35px;background: #66cc66;border: 2px solid #FFFFFF;font-size:14px;color:#FFFFFF;border-radius:15px;"><center>Favorites</center></div></span>
: <font style="color:#000000;" size="2">■</font> '''Favorite Food/Drink:'''  
: <font style="color:#000000;" size="2">■</font> '''Food/Drink:'''  
: <font style="color:#000000;" size="2">■</font> '''Favorite Scent:''' Spices; Oranges
: <font style="color:#000000;" size="2">■</font> '''Scent:''' Spices; Oranges
: <font style="color:#000000;" size="2">■</font> '''Favorite Color:''' Sage Green
: <font style="color:#000000;" size="2">■</font> '''Color:''' Sage Green
: <font style="color:#000000;" size="2">■</font> '''Favorite Place:''' Areas surrounding Camp Bronze Lake, Upper La Noscea
: <font style="color:#000000;" size="2">■</font> '''Place:''' Areas surrounding Camp Bronze Lake, Upper La Noscea
: <font style="color:#000000;" size="2">■</font> '''Favorite Festival:''' All Saints' Day & Valentione's Day
: <font style="color:#000000;" size="2">■</font> '''Festival:''' All Saints' Day & Valentione's Day

Revision as of 00:38, 24 February 2015

 Iona Wolfe
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Duskwight
Citizenship None

Basic Info

Given Name : Ionette Loup
Aliases : Iona Wolfe
Namesday : 32th Day, 1st Astral Moon, year 1553
Age : 25
Marital Status : Single
Current Residence : Recently spotted in Limsa Lominsa
Occupation : Student of the Arcanist Guild


Complexion : Dusky Gray
Hair Color : White
Eyes Color : Green
Notable Markings : Sage green 'ivy' tattoo covering above and below right eye
Height : 5'9" - quite short for an Elezen
Weight : 185 lbs - considered a tad heavier set than most of the taller and lither Elezen most commonly seen
Voice : Deep-toned while remaining feminine, given to riding the line between a tad folksy and sultry
Clothing Style : Comfortable, often in layers of various lengths
Preferred Weapon(s) : A book of spells and her own mind. If need be she can wield a pair of daggers with a fair amount of skill and grace as well.


Alignment : Neutral Good (NG)
Motivations : Learning; living her own life; exploring.
Disposition : Standoffish, shy, an introvert.
Outlook : Realistic; slightly pessimistic in certain situations.
Intelligence : Thinks things through prior to acting on most occasions, sharp wit when she pays attention to things around her.
Religion/Philosophy : The Twelve; Nophica

Sexuality : Heterosexual
Strengths : Skilled with spells and thinks quickly on her feet.
Flaws : Distrusting of others at times to a fault. Not as skilled in hand-to-hand combat as others of her race.
Fears: Being alone.
Misc. Quirks :


Meaningful conversation
Men with strong personas
Dimwitted people
Unmotivated people
Being alone
Fair singing voice; rarely utilizes it though
Throwing & fighting with daggers
Dabbles in crafting jewelry
Scent: Spices; Oranges
Color: Sage Green
Place: Areas surrounding Camp Bronze Lake, Upper La Noscea
Festival: All Saints' Day & Valentione's Day


Fourth born of five to Isaulie and Brunairant Loup, Ionette was always a bit different. While her parents and even her siblings were all fairly light skinned Ionette was not. No doubt the rest of her family bore light hued skin from lack of sunlight from life in the caves, the exception being her father. As his 'business' saw him out of the caverns most often he tended to be a tad sun-touched, though never as much as Hyur were prone to being. Yet even at birth without ever having met the light of the sun, Ionette was different and dark with that soft gray hue draped over her form. In her own family-clan this difference did not cause much turmoil for the young Duskwight girl though as she aged her siblings did what siblings were wont to do and teased her, sometimes mercilessly.

However, as she aged and was led from the caverns and tunnels that made up their subterranean home in The Shroud her differences were bound to be put in the spotlight more often. Most of the other inhabitants of The Shroud were wont to scorn her simply for being Duskwight, a fact she slowly grew accustom to. It did bother her of course as it likely did most the younger generations, but she followed her family's example and put forth an air of false confidence and returned scorn despite not truly feeling either. This was how Ionette lived most of her younger years and it was not until her family-clan became joined with another clan when her eldest brother was bound to his new wife she suddenly had to deal with a new kind of discrimination from inside her own race.

When the Loup Clan and the Valiterre Clan were brought closer through Stephanant's bonding to Daiyone - Ionette was thrust into dealing with others of her race that were not her blood kin. Before the bonding Daiyone had been someone Ionette practically idolized as the woman a full five years older than her had thought to include her in planning for the bonding ceremony. Shortly afterwards though, Daiyone became cold and slightly callous towards the younger girl despite Ionette having done nothing to cause offense. It was not until weeks of such treatment that she overheard a conversation between her brother and his new wife that she began to understand, although not fully, what had changed.

"Are you certain she is of your blood, Stephanant? Sure she is a sweet girl but just... well look at her! None else in your bloodline are so dark and short - right? I refuse to bear your children if you tell me there is a chance ours might turn out to be so different."

Different. All because she was not a close to exact copy of her father, mother, brothers, or even her sister. Daiyone was not the only one who felt as such about her either, something she learned as her mother insisted she spend more time with the other children of the Valiterre Clan. Dusky they called her. Hyur joked another, due to her being shorter and a tad more heavy set. Anytime she tried to bring up such insults to her mother they fell upon deaf ears, perhaps because her mother already knew and was hoping sending the girl to ensure such insults would help her grow a thicker skin. Time went on and Ionette learned for the most part to deal with the way others would sometimes go quiet when she entered the room. She also grew accustomed to the looks she was given when she traveled with her father or one of her brothers into Gridania. It was tiresome no doubt but the girl bore the burden of being different with a grace not typical of her people.

It would be unfair to say that all people she came across outside of her family-clan were rude. It would also be quite untrue to state that Ionette grew up a lonely girl with no friends - for she did have some, albeit they were fewer in numbers than her siblings oft' boasted. The Gafanc Clan nearby her own abode had children a plenty, and not too far away from their dwelling the smaller family-clan of Dreautuet had a few children. From both of these clans she had those she could call friends, though time and peril would eventually prove too trying for such childhood friendships and they would fall to memory. In their youth though, Ionette found such friends as Oselle, Ashaux, and Clivont to be the most priceless and important part of her life.

As she blossomed from a child into a young woman she spent more and more time outside of the subterranean dwellings her people were more oft' to inhabit. Much to her mother's chagrin and directly against her father's wishes she sought solace among the trees and nature out in the sunlight. In the light she felt she was not as dark or dusky as the others claimed her to be, in the light she felt more at peace. It was in this light that she happened upon her first love and learned how harsh a sting unrequited love could have. His name was Sondriaux Fournier and he was a worker at the chocobo stables in Bentbranch Meadows. Despite the fact she knew it could never work and the centuries of distrust and separation between their two people, the moment Ionette's eyes fell upon him while running an errand for her father she was smitten. Of course Oselle tried to talk some sense into her when she confessed feeling enamored with the man to her friend, but it was all for naught. Day after day she would spend time out in Bentbranch Meadows, feigning she had errands to run or spending gil on things just to have an excuse to be around - after all her presence set the Woodwailers on edge. While the Duskwight as a whole had been prone to coming out into The Shroud more oft', a number of them had taken up thievery and some even took up being hired as assassins! So her presence caused some suspicion, to say the least. Sondriaux for his part had not a clue that she existed even as she would spend sometimes hours talking to workers nearby asking a number of questions about owning a chocobo and training one. When the young woman finally gathered the courage to tell the Wildwood how she had been admiring him, she arrived at the stables just in time to see him drop to one knee before a meek yet able bodied girl who tended the gardens behind the stables - he asked her to be bound to him and join his family-clan.

Heartbroken she withdrew from the light and the forest, becoming a shell of her former self for quite some time. While she nursed her own broken heart in her own way, she never even realized her friend Clivont was doing the same - for her near obsession with the Wildwood had left his love for her unrequited as well. Ionette never fully understood why the young man took to avoiding her at all costs. Time heals all wounds, or at least makes them easier to deal with and it was the same for the girl and her broken heart. After many months of sulking in the dark she returned to the light and forests once more - earning her the scorn of her parents when she refused to enter an arranged bonding with Terrefort of Clan Sorel and took up with the botanist's guild in Gridania.

Such a move put a great strain on her relationship with her family, so much so that after a year of her being part of the guild her father strode into Gridania with a Duskwight ten years her senior and demanded she accept his proposal and be his wife or be cast from the family-clan. Disgusted and enraged by the idea she should be bound against her will to Mertheaux Poisson she refused - severing all ties with her family. No doubt she was considered to be the 'shame' of the Loup Clan, nearing her twentieth nameday and not having joined another family-clan or taken up with any guilds outside of the botanist guild. It was within the guild and the walls of Gridania that she came to terms with who she was and who she wished to be, turning to the Twelve - namely Nophica - to help guide her in troubling times. Ionette was now an outsider in every aspect of her life - those of Gridania did not fully accept her, despite her being a member of the botanist guild. Her own family and many of the other Duskwight family-clans no longer accepted her as she had essentially turned her back on everything that they stood for and denied the wishes of her mother and father. Not to mention she had always been so different that even if she had married Mertheaux she would never truly have fit in to the Duskwight community as a whole. She was alone and while she had always been lonely to some degree, being truly alone was an entirely new feeling and one she hated. She needed a way out.

Disaster on a planetary scale seems an unlikely saving grace, but for Ionette it played such a role - to an extent. While she shared in the grief of others when people she knew, though was not close to, were among the dead; and while she felt the way that Eorzea shifted and changed from Bahumut's siege - the Calamity presented an intriguing opportunity to the young woman. Oberyn Norris was the Midlander's name who brought forth such an opportunity, as he ordered an exorbitant amount of a specialized herb from the botanist's guild. He claimed the herb was needed for some new healing potion the alchemist guild had cooked up, needed to help those who were wounded in the fighting. So high was his demand for this herb that it could not be filled in a timely manner and he insisted instead on seeds so he could sow his own crop of the herb - but those unskilled in the craft of botany were not likely to be able to do so. On a time crunch Oberyn approached Ionette unbeknownst to her guildmaster and offered her a way out of Gridania and The Shroud if she agreed to come along with him to grow the herbs he needed. His destination was Limsa Lominsa. With nothing truly holding her there she naively jumped at the chance and gathered all her belongings in a short time, joining him in a port off the Rothylyt Sound within a sevenday.

Once upon the large ship which flew no real colors atop the mast, Oberyn dropped his act of being from the alchemist guild and it was then Ionette learned she had joined a group of pirates. Nay, not pirates but privateers - while the crew of The Wailer was not entirely pleased by the Admiral's orders they did follow them in order to make port at Limsa Lominsa. He had been truthful about their destination though the reason he needed the herbs was not as he had said though the story he fed her in its stead was equally innocent sounding and so she set about her work of growing the herbs on ship's deck in barrels he had brought for such a cause as they journeyed across the seas. The journey itself was a long one and it was on the decks of The Wailer that she forged new bonds and eventually cast off those from her old life, taking on the name Iona Wolfe and discarding her given name. It was on the decks of The Wailer that she met a privateer who had studied in the arcanist guild for some time and Iona felt her true calling.

And now The Wailer has come and gone, leaving Iona behind in Limsa Lominsa with a few names of those she might call upon should she get into trouble. Though in a port-town full of pirates and privateers it is hard to truly say who exactly is trustworthy and who is not - and those months at sea left Iona a tad less innocent and naive as she was once.

Character Relations

Loup Clan
Mother - Isaulie Loup
Father - Brunairant Loup -- DECEASED
Sister - Valerine Gafanc (m. Breoroux)
Brother - Stephanant Loup
Brother - Freneaux Loup
Brother - Brucemont Loup
Valiterre Clan
Mother -
Father -
Daughter - Daiyone Loup (m. Stephanant)
Daughter -
Son -
Gafanc Clan
Mother -
Father -
Son - Breoroux Gafanc
Daughter - Ofrelle Loup (m. Freneaux)
Son -
Son -
Daughter -
Daughter -
Dreautuet Clan
Mother -
Father -
Daughter - Oselle Loup (m. Brucemont)
Daughter -
Son -
Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love     
Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing    ! Recent Standing Change

Rumor: Noun: a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth.

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)



Template credit goes to Kaine Merloup, visit his wiki for further credits