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: <center><font style="color:#F02311;" size="3">♥</font> Romantic Interest&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font style="color:#1B9BB2;" size="3">♥</font> Sexual Desire&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font style="color:#FA70BC;" size="3">♥</font> Platonic Love  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><font style="color:#708C3B;" size="3">●</font> Good Standing&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  <font style="color:#D3D3D3;" size="3">●</font> Neutral Standing&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font style="color:#C24640;" size="3">●</font> Poor Standing&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font style="color:#000000;" size="3"><b>!</b></font> Recent Standing Change</center>
: <center><font style="color:#F02311;" size="3">♥</font> Romantic Interest&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font style="color:#1B9BB2;" size="3">♥</font> Sexual Desire&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font style="color:#FA70BC;" size="3">♥</font> Platonic Love  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><font style="color:#708C3B;" size="3">●</font> Good Standing&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  <font style="color:#D3D3D3;" size="3">●</font> Neutral Standing&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font style="color:#C24640;" size="3">●</font> Poor Standing&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font style="color:#000000;" size="3"><b>!</b></font> Recent Standing Change</center>
: <font style="color:#F02311;" size="3">♥</font>  : <font style="color:#d3d3d3;">Sondriaux Fournier</font> - Ah young and foolish love! Though it has been a full eight years since she had her heart broken by this Wildwood, unbeknownst to him of course, Iona still has a few lingering thoughts of him. There is little doubt that should he prove to be alive (and single) she'd fall back into her old ways of wistfully daydreaming about the stable hand.  
: <font style="color:#FA70BC;" size="3">♥</font>  : <font style="color:#d3d3d3;"><u>Clivont Dreutuet</u></font> - Duskwight from The Shroud, childhood friend presumed dead. Fun fact: Clivont had been about to propose to Ionette until he heard her sister talking about her mother setting her up with Terrefort. He didn't realize it was an arranged marriage nor did he follow up to find out she didn't marry Terrefort and by the time he realized he still had a shot, she had left The Shroud.  
: <font style="color:#F02311;" size="3">♥</font>  :
: <font style="color:#FA70BC;" size="3">♥</font>  :  
: <font style="color:#1B9BB2;" size="3">♥</font>  :  
: <font style="color:#1B9BB2;" size="3">♥</font>  :  
: <font style="color:#708C3B;" size="3">●</font>  :  
: <font style="color:#708C3B;" size="3">●</font>  :  

Revision as of 19:49, 8 March 2015

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Iona Wolfe
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Duskwight
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 25
Height 5'9"
Weight 185 lbs
Eye Color Green
Hair Color White
Alignment Neutral Good

Basic Info

Given Name : Ionette Loup
Aliases : Iona Wolfe
Namesday : 32th Day, 1st Astral Moon, year 1553
Occupation : Student of the Arcanist Guild


Complexion : Dusky Gray
Notable Markings : Sage green 'ivy' tattoo covering above and below right eye
Voice : Deep-toned while remaining feminine, given to riding the line between a tad folksy and sultry
Clothing Style : Comfortable, often in layers of various lengths
Preferred Weapon(s) : A book of spells and her own mind. If need be she can wield a pair of daggers with a fair amount of skill and grace as well.


Motivations : Learning; living her own life; exploring.
Disposition : Standoffish, shy, an introvert.
Outlook : Realistic; slightly pessimistic in certain situations.
Intelligence : Thinks things through prior to acting on most occasions, sharp wit when she pays attention to things around her.
Religion/Philosophy : The Twelve; Nophica

Sexuality : Heterosexual
Strengths : Skilled with spells and thinks quickly on her feet.
Flaws : Distrusting of others at times to a fault. Not as skilled in hand-to-hand combat as others of her race.
Fears: Being alone.
Misc. Quirks :


Meaningful conversation
Men with strong personas
Dimwitted people
Unmotivated people
Being alone
Fair singing voice; rarely utilizes it though
Throwing & fighting with daggers
Dabbles in crafting jewelry
Scent: Spices; Oranges
Color: Sage Green
Place: Areas surrounding Camp Bronze Lake, Upper La Noscea
Festival: All Saints' Day & Valentione's Day



Regardless of race, age, or background it seemed that if you were different you were inherently not good. Not worthy. You were a lesser being somehow simply because you were not the same as others. This was the single lesson that Ionette Loup seemed to come across every day of her life as a youth. Fourth born of five to a duskwight couple in The Shroud, Ionette was different from birth thanks to the darker hue of her flesh and the odd white birthmark beneath her right eye. While her family was fairly accepting of her differences the other clans in The Shroud were not as forgiving in their dealings with her. Dusky they called her - which was strange and slightly more insulting considering that such a term was normally what wildwood would call duskwight as an insult. Hyur others would mutter to poke fun at the fact she was not quite as tall and lithe as most other duskwight folk.

Most of the time the discrimination was fairly subtle, though she never felt totally at ease around other clans she managed. And to say her entire youth was spent being a social pariah would be misleading as she did indeed have a few very good friends. The Gafanc Clan nearby her own abode had children a plenty, and not too far away from their dwelling the smaller family-clan of Dreautuet had a few children. From both of these clans she had those she could call friends. In her youth Ionette was privileged to call Oselle, Ashaux, and Clivont her friends and they were the most important people to her for quite some time.

Time has a way of changing things though and as one by one the family-clans began to merge through marriage, Ionette felt pressure from her family to find a man to marry her. Any man really, as they didn't have lofty goals in mind for her like they did her sister or her brothers. After all she was different and they would be pleased to just see her wed at all. However as her mother tried to arrange a marriage between her and Terrefort of Clan Sorel, Ionette spent more and more time away from her subterranean home - she felt more at ease among the forests of The Shroud and even in Gridania (despite the open disdain some wildwood showed). Refusing to go through with the marriage her mother had arranged, Ionette joined with the Botanist Guild in Gridania. A year into her studies to be a botanist her father showed up in Gridania with a friend of his in tow - Mertheaux Poisson. The duskwight was ten years her senior and her father gave her an ultimatum: join with Mertheaux in the bonding ceremony or be cast from the family-clan. Despite being disgusted she pretended to accept her father's proposal, when in reality she was trying to buy some time to get out of it. Oberyn Norris was the Midlander's name who brought forth such an opportunity, as he ordered an exorbitant amount of a specialized herb from the botanist's guild the very next day. He claimed the herb was needed for some new healing potion the alchemist guild had cooked up and so high was his demand for this herb that it could not be filled in a timely manner. Oberyn insisted instead on seeds so he could sow his own crop of the herb - but those unskilled in the craft of botany were not likely to be able to do so. On a time crunch Oberyn approached Ionette unbeknownst to her guildmaster and offered her a way out of Gridania and The Shroud if she agreed to come along with him to grow the herbs he needed. His destination was Limsa Lominsa. With nothing truly holding her there she naively jumped at the chance and gathered all her belongings in a short time, joining him in a port off the Rothylyt Sound within a sevenday.

Once upon the large ship which flew no real colors atop the mast, Oberyn dropped his act of being from the alchemist guild and it was then Ionette learned she had joined a group of pirates. Nay, not pirates but privateers - while the crew of The Wailer was not entirely pleased by the Admiral's orders they did follow them in order to make port at Limsa Lominsa. He had been truthful about their destination though the reason he needed the herbs was not as he had said though the story he fed her in its stead was equally innocent sounding and so she set about her work of growing the herbs on ship's deck in barrels he had brought for such a cause as they journeyed across the seas. The journey itself was a long one as they made port in a few smaller towns on their way to Limsa Lominsa, though Ionette was never privvy to what the stops were for. It was during this journey and on the decks of The Wailer that she forged new bonds and eventually cast off those from her old life, taking on the name Iona Wolfe and discarding her given name. It was on the decks of The Wailer that she met a privateer who had studied in the arcanist guild for some time and Iona felt her true calling.

It was fortunate for the crew of The Wailer that they were at sea when Dalamud broke open to reveal Bahamut, who would in turn rain chaos and destruction upon many parts of the realm. Word travels slow at sea and it was not until they made port at Limsa Lominsa that Iona learned of what had befallen her home. Hearing many names among those known to be dead when an Envoy from Gridania arrived a few days later, Iona assumed the worst and wrote off those she knew to all have been lost. Despite the tragedy she pressed on with her plans to join the arcanist guild, passing for an adventurer rather than a lost soul.

Time has a way of bringing those lost back where they need to be...

Five years passed with Iona calling Limsa Lominsa her home, few people knew of where she truly came from. She had few friends - mostly acquaintances. She was welcome upon The Wailer anytime she wished to set to sea again but she stayed landlocked for her own reasons. Over the years she learned that not everyone she had known in The Shroud had perished in the Calamity; at least one of her brothers was alive, though she was certain that the rest of her family was gone. A few from each of the other family-clans she was familiar with had survived as well, though she had learned her childhood friend Oselle had passed - either during childbirth or of an illness, the accounts she'd been given of her passing never seemed to match. She'd heard Ashaux was still alive, taking up after his family's trade. No word had met her ears of Clivont though, and she counted him among the dead.

Through her studies with the arcanist guild she had proven herself a worthy opponent to most in the area and because of her skill she was given a mission to help one of the other city-states. It took a few days for her to tie up loose ends in Limsa Lominsa but then she stood before the counter with fingers worrying over the ticket in her hand. With a voice that keen ears might have noted was trembling the elezen woman spoke her destination, "Gridania". She was going home.

Character Relations

Characters with names struck out are deceased - those who died during the Calamity will be red.

Characters whose status is unknown will be shaded out - these characters are presumed deceased by Iona.

Characters with names underlined are available for others to play - please /tell me in-game if interested in playing one!

Loup Clan
Mother - Isaulie Loup
Father - Brunairant Loup
Sister - Valerine Gafanc (m. Breoroux)
Brother - Stephanant Loup
Brother - Freneaux Loup
Brother - Brucemont Loup
Valiterre Clan
Mother - Trishianne Valiterre
Father - Proffort Valiterre
Daughter - Daiyone Loup (m. Stephanant)
Daughter - Ilsie Gafanc (m. Ashaux)
Son - Sheilaut Valiterre
Gafanc Clan
Mother - Gubelle Gafanc
Father - Brutaut Gafanc
Son - Breoroux Gafanc
Daughter - Ofrelle Loup (m. Freneaux)
Son - Ashaux Gafanc
Son - Greopeaux Gafanc
Daughter - Cluzette Valiterre (m. Sheilaut)
Daughter - Oldette Gafanc
Dreautuet Clan
Mother - Tassione Dreautuet
Father - Aullant Dreautuet
Daughter - Oselle Loup (m. Brucemont)
Daughter - Aunie Gafanc (m. Greopeaux)
Son - Clivont Dreutuet
Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love     
Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing    ! Recent Standing Change
 : Clivont Dreutuet - Duskwight from The Shroud, childhood friend presumed dead. Fun fact: Clivont had been about to propose to Ionette until he heard her sister talking about her mother setting her up with Terrefort. He didn't realize it was an arranged marriage nor did he follow up to find out she didn't marry Terrefort and by the time he realized he still had a shot, she had left The Shroud.

Rumor: Noun: a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth.

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"I ain't ne'r heard an Elezen wit' such a name as 'er's. Wolfe. Ya be thinkin' that 'er real name?"
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)



Template credit goes to Kaine Merloup, visit his wiki for further credits